The purpose of the fools has become clear.

For most people in the remaining six countries.

Although they don't know what the heart of God actually means.

But I also understand that this must be an extremely important item.

Once the heart of God is lost, the consequences that may arise are something that no one dares to bear.

After seeing the light screen and the chat channel one after another testifying to the fool’s purpose.

The top leaders of the six countries could not help but increase their precautions against the fools.

Of course, in the chat channel, they at least maintained a semblance of friendliness.

People who were not interested in the diplomatic rhetoric between high-level officials also returned their attention to the light curtain. in video.

Seeing Funina's psychological defense gradually being broken down bit by bit.

Ying and Paimon also felt a hint of unbearability in their hearts.

But thinking that this was an important clue related to the survival of the entire Fontainebleau, their eyes became firm again.

Although Fu Nina's previous words were a little forced, they went straight to the core of the problem.

What if she wasn't the Water Goddess? So where did the real water god go?

Why didn't she show up in disguise to poke fun at Funina, but instead let her take her place?

These are still things that I cannot understand for the time being.

But she understood that their current goal was to expose Funina's disguise and obtain information about the prophecy from her.

Maybe there are clues about the real water god in it!

And if you want to prove that Funina is not a god, you don't actually need to find the real water god!

‘If there is no way to prove that she is not a god, at least there is a way to prove that she is human!’

‘If Funina were human...’

Ying thought to himself and connected this guess with the previous events.

‘The previous serial disappearance cases of young girls have proven that Fontaine people can dissolve in the water of the original womb sea! Ying put forward her idea, and the audience was immediately in an uproar.

Navia stood up in the audience. She looked at Funina in the dock and said in a deep voice:

"Since you insist on claiming that you are a god, not a human being"

"Now there is a way to at least rule out the suspicion that you are an ordinary person from Fontaine!"

As she spoke, she asked her entourage to bring up a basin of seawater exuding strange blue and purple colors.

"I brought some sea water from Baisong Town. Everyone knows the disaster that Baisong Town just suffered. Many people were dissolved in this sea water...."

"Including my closest friends..."

"So, Miss Funina, do you dare to touch the sea water in Baisong Town?"

"According to your own statement, as a god, touching such sea water should not have any impact!"

"Doing this will only win strong evidence for self-proof, but if you don’t dare, some lies will be self-defeating, right?"

As she spoke, Navia's eyes flashed with sadness, and her voice lowered.

"Oh, I think I need to remind you, no one wants to see anyone dissolving in the sea again...."

"I hope you won't be reckless. It's often easier to admit your guilt."

Now that Funina's identity has been seriously questioned, Navia's proposal has undoubtedly won the approval of many Fontaine people.

They don't know the truth, but they have seen what is happening in Fontaine now. The disaster in Baisong Town , which undoubtedly indicates that the crisis is approaching step by step.

But Funina, who is in the divine position, has done nothing about it, and even has the leisure to come to the opera house to watch performances every day.

Even just now, they also learned about Funina Na is most likely not the water god.

Instead, she is a fake who has stolen the god's position and deceived Fontaine for five hundred years!

With many factors added together, one can easily imagine their attitude.

"Navia of the Rose of Thorns...Thorn Rose will always manage Baisong Town, she does have this qualification!"

"If Lady Funina is a human being, then she is most likely from Fontaine. Will she plead guilty?"

The audience's doubts forced Funina to step down from the dock and slowly came to the water of the original fetal sea.


Although she said nothing, her somewhat rapid and nervous breathing was clearly heard by the people in the live broadcast room.

At the trial seat, Villette looked at Fu Nina's silent expression and felt a trace of unbearable emotion.

He said:"Ms. Funina, this kind of experiment is only a unilateral claim made by the prosecution. It does not belong to the regular trial process. You have the right to refuse."

Everyone understood that Villette was right.

But once Funina chooses to refuse this experiment, it is equivalent to admitting that she is not a god!

Funina's delicate body trembled slightly as she stared at the sea water in front of her, her breathing becoming heavier.

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

【Navia: Is Funina really planning to touch the water of the original womb sea?!】

【Qin: Miss Funina's identity as a god can now be falsified, so there is a high probability that she is an ordinary Fontaine!】

【Qin: That kind of primitive fetal sea water is extremely dangerous to the Fontaine people!】

【Ying: @富宁娜, can you say something? Are you really stupid enough to come into contact with tire seawater?】


The silence at this time actually showed her attitude.

【Villette: Ms. Funina, is keeping that secret more important to you than your own life?】

【Nasida: That seems to be it...Exposing his identity will probably have a huge impact on their plan to save Fontaine....】

【Schiavorei: Them? Miss Nasida, do you know something about Lady Funina's plan?】

【Nasida: Ah...No, no, I'm just guessing about it】

【Navelle: I can't understand...For five hundred years, I have been thinking about what justice is?】

【Navelle: I believe that if you are a truly innocent person, you will never give up your life casually. Nothing is more important than 'existence' itself.】

【Navia: Is this the reason why you were unwilling to stop my father from entering the duel?】


【Navilet: I don’t believe that human beings, as a certain kind of life, can resist instincts, resist the rules of biology itself, and regard certain things as more important than their own lives....】

【Navelle: This should be the right thing to do, but Ms. Funina’s behavior in the light curtain seems to be telling me that I am wrong....】

【Zhongli: I used to feel confused about this, but many people I met later taught me a truth】

【Zhongli: What you want is more than life, so don’t just try to get it.】

【Zhongli: There is nothing better than this: sacrificing one's life to achieve righteousness, sacrificing one's life for righteousness. 】

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