"As a professional film critic, I think you should have basic qualities, at least you should be polite in your behavior and conversation.

But please allow me to indulge you once today.

Submission, Director Chen, Director Chen, you are really awesome!

Okay, that’s it, back to the title. Please note that my title does not contain any exaggeration, but is based on facts.

First of all, I am very honored and grateful to be able to attend the premiere of"The Good Man from Three Gorges".

I won’t say whether this film is good or bad, I believe other film critics will say it for me.

Today I want to say something else.

Why do I say it is a unique movie that will never be seen again in the future.

The reason is that after Chen Ci became famous and had a large budget, he still retained his original intention and adopted the method of using a large number of original real scenes that he used when filming"The Blind Shaft".

On the other hand, other directors have budgets.

It started to be held upright and square.

There was no statement, but he still shot it like a new director. It is very rare and admirable.

Therefore, the reward God gave him was that vast tracts of mountains and rivers, giant exploded houses, and bridges that lit up at any time became the background images of the characters in his works.

Almost a magic trick.

This is something that would have been impossible to execute successfully any other way.

Okay, let’s talk about the movie.

Actually I couldn't help it, the opening of the film was amazing.

I'm thinking about how to describe it to everyone.

This is the effect that"Hero" spent the entire film trying to achieve - the slowly opening scroll painting of the ancient celestial dynasty.

He was too smart to make a statement. Instead of taking pictures of"landscapes", he directly took pictures of"faces"."——The faces of the working people of China are a kind of contemporary scenery!

Chen Ci is somewhat similar to the early Zhang Yimou, but different at the same time. After he was moved by something first, he started his own screenwriting process - often just a very simple"line of action", such as in"Three Gorges Good Man""Look for"

"In the process of"searching", you will encounter one obstacle after another, but if you look at it from the outside, almost all of them are as boring as a clever clever person.

But the point of the speech is not here. Apart from his observation skills, I think his most powerful work is.

He seemed to be weaving a huge web and using action figures to pull out the web.

And he was most interested in the connections in the web.

In other words, Chen Ci had something in his heart or mind. A whole picture of people interconnected.

The structure of this picture is like a network.

And as long as he shoots this network - that is, this social picture - he will win.

This is actually a very avant-garde film thinking.

No one has ever played like this. He is very courageous and confident.

It is also an advanced movie.

Maybe he has not thought about it this way, but it doesn't matter."

This review is not a film review......Fire!

"The writing is so good bro"

"I also went to see the premiere because of the reputation. I can only say that it is a very, very excellent movie."

"How are the actors' acting skills?"

"To be honest, guys upstairs, it’s really easy for you to ignore the actors in a movie directed by Chen Ci. The plot and story are more intoxicating than the acting skills."

"I agree with what was said above. The script was so good that I didn’t even pay attention to the actors’ performances. What a sin......."

"I like this movie very much. Strange sculptures flying into the air, tall buildings crashing down, UFOs flying across the sky, and the men, women, old people and children on the ground passively accepting the joys and sorrows.

This is a beautiful film that is light and heavy at the same time. We rarely have the opportunity to see such an interesting film.

After watching"Zhou Yu's Train" and coming out of the theater, I smiled bitterly and smoked a cigarette. I felt that Gong Li was so cruel that she could trick me into entering the theater for the third time.

After watching"The Good Man from Three Gorges" and coming out of the theater, I smoked a cigarette affectionately and gloomily, feeling a strong feeling of jealousy welling up in my heart - obviously we are all living Chinese people, how could someone else's speech be so awesome? What about force?"

"《I watched"The Blind Shaft" at the Xiangjiang Cinema, and I watched"The Good Man of Three Gorges" in Beijing. I can only say that I was deeply moved."

"Suddenly I remembered what I said to reporters in my closing speech at the Berlin Film Festival:"Leave the capital and walk 50 kilometers south, and you will see the true appearance of the world.""

"To be honest, this movie is not suitable for young people, and they may not be able to relate to it."

"Yes, it doesn’t have everything a popcorn movie needs. I hope the box office is a little higher. China needs such a director."...

Chen Ci slept soundly this night.

So much so that when he was woken up by the ringtone of Nokia, he almost wanted to throw the phone away.


"Boy, have you read the Tianya Forum?"

"Who are you?"

Pfft -

Zhang Yimou spit out a sip of tea. He was sitting in front of the big-ass computer browsing the Tianya Forum and his face turned green. It was this kid. If it were someone else, he would have cursed loudly.

"Lao Zhang, what's wrong?"

At that time, Chen Ci finally rubbed his eyes and sat up. He looked at the caller and said in a daze.

"It received rave reviews. I briefly browsed through it and found that the reviews for"The Good Man from Three Gorges" were not bad. You will become the darling of the world."

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"Puff puff——"Zhang Yimou spat out the broken tea leaves in his mouth,"Exaggeration? You can see for yourself whether it is an exaggeration or not. Leave it alone."

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