Not far from the Jiaolong Clan.

A fairy island called Riyue Island.

At the core of the Immortal Island, a middle-aged Taoist wearing a red robe with red hair and red eyes was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

There is a rich and indestructible black aura above the Taoist's head. Under the pull of that black aura, there is a faint gathering of thunder above his head. Even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth deliberately avoids him and does not want to be absorbed by it.

Even if the Taoist works very hard to refine, the spiritual energy absorbed is less than one-tenth of the normal Great Lotuna.

"The karma is too heavy! I just stayed for a moment, not only was I suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth, but thunder was even about to rain down on me.……"

"It seems that I have to go back!"

The red-robed Taoist stood up, and his whole body exuded an astonishing aura of the sun, the moon, and the law of time.

It was much stronger than the ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortal middle stage.

At this moment, he raised his red pair, and there seemed to be a pair of sun-like ones inside. Dazzling eyes, looking at the center of the war in the distance

"The four evils swallow the sky? What a long-lasting memory!"

"I didn’t expect that Old Jiaolong had such a foundation!"

"Moreover, even Magic Chapter and Water Monkey were bewitched by it. It seems that the luck and merit of Merit Hall is really strong, and it actually caused them to die in person."

"It's a pity that you miscalculated!"

The red-robed Taoist murmured.

The pair of red eyes looked at the tiny figure surrounded by the four ancestors, as if trapped in an endless storm.


The red-robed Taoist seemed to see something, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Extraordinary splendor, the whole world seems to be much brighter than before.

At the same time, there is no trace of the Taoist in Sun Moon Island.


"Lord Reincarnation! You should regret not letting me come!"

"After destroying this phantom of the dharma body, we can also trace back to the source, severely damage your soul, and then... kill you!"

"If you are here in person, you may still be qualified to fight with us. As for now, die for me!!"

The old dragon, the red-eyed water ape, and the magic chapter roared at the same time.

Under the full exertion of the four powerful ancestors, dozens of"five-forty" laws deduced the ultimate killing, and the power was terrifying, that is If you encounter the Hunyuan Golden Immortal in the middle stage, you will die or not!


However, in response to such ferocious killings, Lu Li's dharma body shadow just spoke indifferently.

At the same time, he raised his right hand.

His palm was not big, with clear palm prints, and a rich black treasure light flowing on it.

It was the color of the spiritual treasure.!

Then, like swatting a fly, the virtual image of the Dharma Body casually slapped the ancestor of the dragon who rushed forward first.

The moment he slapped his palm, the originally normal-sized palm suddenly increased to 90,000 feet. It was taller than the ancestor of the dragon. Three times bigger!

At the same time!

It is also blessed with the power of more than a dozen laws of size, gravity, yin and yang, life and death, etc.

And they are all 80% laws!

This has surpassed the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

And because it has more than a dozen laws Fusion and superposition, the power far exceeds that of a single law, and it is obviously no less powerful than the late Hunyuan Golden Immortal.


This slap hits the head.


The Ancestor Jiaolong's head and most of his body were blown to pieces.

Only the soul escaped, and he was extremely frightened!

"Boom boom——" at the same time.

The Lihuo Golden Eyes of the Red-Eyed Water Ape and the billions of tentacles of the Demonic Chapter Ancestor also hit the phantom of the Dharma Body.

The power of many laws exploded at the same time, and the East China Sea was almost cut in half. The torrential water waves were burned out by the flame power of Lihuo Golden Eyes, and countless smoke and dust evaporated, instantly submerging the phantom of the law body!

See this scene!

The red-eyed water ape and the ancestor of the magic chapter looked at each other, with a hint of joy on their faces.

Because at that moment, they felt that the aura of the dharma body's phantom disappeared! died?!

It’s normal to think about it.

After all, with the blessing of the Four Evils Killing Heaven Formation, the strength of the two of them is already comparable to that of the middle stage Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Another combined attack, the power is approaching the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Not to mention the phantom of Dharmakaya, even if the Taoist Lord of Samsara comes in person, it will be more bad than good.

It's a pity that that guy failed to kill the Dragon Ancestor.

Otherwise, one less person would be able to share the spoils.

Just when the two of them were thinking about it.

In the sky full of smoke and dust, that indifferent voice sounded again:

"Have you had enough?"

Hearing this, the smiles of the ancestors Chi Jing and Mo Zhang froze!

They turned their heads in disbelief and stared at the smoke and dust that slowly dispersed.

The phantom of the Dharma Body reappeared, still surrounded by the hazy light of Dao. It was exactly the same as what I saw at first.

Even the state of the phantom was no different from before.

Not only him, but also Xiao An Yuanhuang who was protected by him were unscathed.

"How can it be?!"

Chi Jing Lao Ancestor and Mo Zhang Lao are in disbelief.

"His physical body is very strong, but it is a pity that this ancestor, Tian Ke, has a powerful physical body!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from above the head of the dharma body phantom, as if coming from an extremely high place.

The next moment!

The world darkened.

But a big mouth opened, and the dharma body phantom and the Xiao An Yuanhuang, as well as all the creatures within hundreds of thousands of miles, swallowed it in.

Then, the owner of the big mouth appeared.

It was the ancestor of the golden toad!

It had a bulging white belly and was flowing all over its body. The astonishing power of the Devouring Law is fully refining the phantom of the Dharma Body that has been swallowed by it.

Seeing this, the ancestors of Chi Jing and Mo Zhang looked intently.

They knew that the ancestor of Jin Chan had a great magical power, named The golden toad swallows the moon.

It means that it can swallow the lunar star.

The golden toad has not swallowed the lunar star, but it has swallowed an injured middle-stage Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Although it was later attacked by the powerful middle-stage statue and was seriously injured, And nursed back to health for countless thousands of years.

But in the end, it was the middle-stage Hunyuan Golden Immortal who was refined and refined, and his blood essence and inheritance were obtained.

With this, he touched the threshold of the middle-stage Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

He is regarded as the four ancestors Among them, he is the only one who has half a foot in the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

Now with the blessing of the Four Fierce Heavenly Arrays, he has the devouring ability close to the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.


When he sees the Golden Toad Ancestor After swallowing the phantom of Lu Li's dharma body, the Red Eye Patriarch and the Magic Chapter Patriarch were both instinctively delighted. The Golden Toad

Moon Moon is the natal magical power of the Golden Toad Patriarch.

Once swallowed by it, it will be suppressed in the world inside its belly. Among them, he is suppressed by the rules of the world inside his belly.

Those whose cultivation is weaker than him, life and death depend on their thoughts. Only those who are stronger than him can slightly resist him.

But it is also difficult to break free from the shackles of the world inside his belly. , eventually the power is exhausted, and they will still be consumed by it and die.

However, because of the experience of being slapped in the face before, the two ancestors were not too happy, but just stared at the bulging belly of the Jin Chan ancestor.



Ancestor Jin Chan's belly bulged high somewhere, as if there were fists beating around in his belly, and there were waves of sounds like beating drums.

"It's just a desperate struggle... Poof!"

The ancestor of the Golden Toad looked disdainful. No creature swallowed by him in the world in his belly has ever come out alive!

Even if the phantom of Samsara Dao Lord's dharma body is so powerful that it is stronger than the many creatures he swallowed in the past, it will not come out alive." There will be an exception!

However, before he could finish his words, he opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"Fellow Taoist Jin Chan!!"

When Ancestor Chi Jing and Ancestor Mo Zhang saw this, their expressions changed slightly. While they shouted loudly, their bodies retreated violently!

"dong dong——"

The sound of the drums became more and more violent, and each sound was louder than the last.

Golden Toad Ancestor MouthThe blood is like a flood from the gate, spraying out for free.

Just started.

Ancestor Jin Chan also wanted to forcibly suppress the abnormality in his body and used all his strength to refine the phantom of his body.

But the opponent's counterattack was too fierce and fierce, causing the Golden Toad Ancestor to be seriously injured before he could suppress it.

"dong dong——"

The sound of the drums becomes denser and louder, gradually rising until it reaches a critical point


The ancestor of Jin Chan screamed in fear, as if he had a premonition of something.

"tear apart——"

At the same time, the belly of the Golden Toad Ancestor was like a rag being torn open by a strong hand.

All of a sudden. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Blood splattered and people screamed in pain!

A huge crack tens of thousands of feet long appeared in the belly of the ancestor Jin Chan!

It spread from the chin to the navel, almost tearing his entire body in half.


When the phantom of Dharma Body took Xiao An Yuanhuang out of the huge crack, the injuries in the Golden Toad Ancestor's body exploded at the same time. The powerful Ancestor could no longer suppress it. He spurted out a large mouthful of blood and fell to the ground..

His face, which had been extremely calm before, was now filled with death!! His physical body was torn apart, which was just a minor injury to him.

The key is! His natal magical power was broken!

He suffered serious backlash!

In addition, the physical injuries , the two phases were superimposed, and the Golden Toad Ancestor was directly hit hard.

It was even more serious than the backlash when he devoured the Hunyuan Golden Immortal in the middle stage! He had no choice but to abandon his physical body and his soul escaped. If you want to escape!

As long as you escape back to the clan and use the innate secret method, you may be able to recover.

As for the phantom of Samsara Dao Lord...

I love so and so!

The Golden Toad Clan is not participating!

The mentality of the Golden Toad Ancestor has been shattered.

Since practicing, , this was the first time for him to be forced to tear apart the world inside his belly in such a arrogant and domineering manner, and to break free! [] He was directly hit by a psychological shadow.

Besides, the four ancestors just used all their methods, but they were still unable to do anything. Destroying the phantom of a Dharma body shows the terrifying strength of Samsara Dao Lord.

Now, the dragon ancestor has been beaten to death, leaving only his soul, and the same is true for himself. His combat power is greatly damaged, and there is no way he can be his opponent.

Instead of staying , , waiting to be killed one by one, it is better to escape as soon as possible. However

, the ancestor of Jin Chan had a good idea.

But the moment he set off


Gray clouds overhead.

But with the phantom of the dharma body, the ghostly white bone flag appeared out of thin air and directly absorbed the Jin Chan Ancestor Yuan Shen, and even his physical body.

Because of the blessing of the phantom of the Dharma Body, the Golden Toad Ancestor was suppressed instantly after being included in the flag, and there was no movement in the blink of an eye!

Finish these.

Only then did the phantom of Dharmakaya raise his eyes.

Looking at the ancestors Chi Jing and Mo Zhang who are constantly retreating, as well as the dragon ancestor Yuanshen who has fled hundreds of millions of miles away and still looks frightened.

"I have experienced all your attacks."

"Next, it's your turn!!"

His voice was still echoing in the same place, but the expressions of Ancestor Red Eyes and Ancestor Mozhang changed drastically............

The next moment.

The two of them turned around and ran away!

At the same time, all kinds of life-saving magical powers that have been practiced in the past, such as incarnations and doubles, secret escape techniques, etc., are all released for free.

For a moment, looking around, there were fake bodies of the two ancestors running for their lives everywhere.

The two people's true identities were mixed in, and while escaping, they cursed in their hearts:

Damn it! He is not Daluo Perfection at all!

Not even an ordinary powerful one!

Rather, it is a top power in the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

Only the phantom of the dharma body condensed by such great power can have such terrifying power!

Damn Ancestor Jiaolong, why are you dragging us along when you are just looking for death?

At that moment, the two of them couldn't wait to cut the instigator, the Jiaolong Ancestor, into pieces with a thousand knives, crushing his bones and scattering ashes!!

But the prerequisite for doing this is that you must escape alive!!

Looking at the three ancestors who turned around and ran away, the dharma body phantom's expression remained indifferent.

Just raise your hand and use a magical power

"Flowers bloom instantly!"

Lu Li obtained this magical power from the Daluo Demon, and after millions of years of reincarnation in the sea of ​​​​blood, he has perfected it.

Now, as soon as it is used, petals bloom, turning into white fairy flowers. The crystals dance one after another and fill the sky


The ancestor of Mozhang, who was running away quickly, looked at the petals that suddenly appeared in front of him with an instinctive vigilance.

Without thinking, he wanted to go around the petals.

But at this moment!

The petals suddenly bloomed and manifested. When the Dharmakaya appeared as a phantom, he was slapped by his hand.

"how come!!"

The Patriarch of the Magic Chapter was shocked.

He didn't expect that even though he had used so many fake bodies, his true body would be found out so quickly.

What made him even more horrified was the phantom of the Dharma Body manifested by the petals. , the strength is not weakened at all, just as terrifying as the original!

Damn it!

What kind of magical power is this?!

The ancestor of the magic chapter reacted very quickly, and instantly sacrificed all the spiritual treasures for defense.

At the same time, he coiled his tentacles around his body, forming layers of The human shield was used to offset the attack of the dharma body phantom!

However, he still underestimated the strength of the dharma body phantom.

When the palm containing the power of dozens of laws was taken, the ancestor of the magic chapter finally I felt the mood of the Dragon Ancestor at that time.

It was so terrifying!!

Its huge body was like an inflated balloon. It was instantly deformed by the pressure of the giant palm, and then exploded, spewing out a large amount of blood and ink!

As soon as the soul escaped, it was suppressed by the Netherworld White Bone Flag. Together with its remaining spiritual treasures and corpses, it was also put into the white bone flag.

After doing this, the phantom of the Dharma Body transformed by the petals dispersed with the wind.

The breath of the magic seal disappeared...

Deep in the sea, an inconspicuous sea snake showed an extremely complicated look in its eyes at this moment.

There were only two reasons why the breath disappeared.

Either it was killed, or it was suppressed in a certain spiritual treasure..

And no matter which one it is, it is not a good thing for it!

Immediately, the sea snake tightened its aura more and more, closed its orifices, making itself look no different from ordinary snake monsters.

It cautiously moved toward Rush to the sea ahead, as if you can escape as long as you enter the 3.0 sea area.


A loud roar came from a certain area behind him again, frightening the sea snake's heart.

Immediately afterwards.

Its face was extremely ugly.

Because... the aura of Chi Jing has also disappeared!! this means.

The three helpers he invited - Ancestor Jin Chan, Ancestor Magic Chapter, and even Ancestor Chi Jing - have all been wiped out!

You are the only one left!!

The sea snake turned pale.

From the moment the opponent punched his own body, the sea snake, or to be precise the Dragon Ancestor, had anticipated this scene.

But it still didn't expect that the dharma body phantom would be so strong and that the three ancestors would die so quickly!

Damn it!

At this moment, Ancestor Jiaolong's intestines turned green with regret.

If I could do it all over again, I would not dare to provoke Netherworld Mountain even if I killed it, let alone have the idea of ​​getting involved in the Hall of Merit.

But let’s talk about this now.

It's obviously late!

But fortunately, with the magic chapter and the three people delaying the reincarnation for me, I have escaped now...

Looking at the huge abyss in front of me, the sea snake's eyes showed a trace of happiness for surviving the disaster.

But this trace of happiness turned into shock and deep panic as a petal fell from the sea ahead!!

"Got you!"

The familiar indifferent voice, like the whisper of the god of death, suddenly sounded in his ears. Before the ancestor of the dragon dragon could react, the next moment, he was grabbed by a giant hand. After a while, the world was spinning, the ancestor of the dragon dragon found himself back. Inside the Four Evils Killing Heaven Formation.

At this moment, its soul is firmly held in the hands by the phantom of the Dharma Body.

"Fellow Taoist, please spare my life, I am a poor Taoist.……"

Ancestor Jiaolong wanted to ask for mercy without even thinking about it.

However, Lu Li's phantom of the dharma body was firmly grasped, and dozens of top law powers were swallowed up in his palm, and the soul of the ancestor Jiaolong was instantly chopped into pieces!

Ancestor Jiaolong has fallen!

All the strong men who saw this scene lost their voices and were extremely shocked!.

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