vast northland


"Finally ran out!"

Looking at the battlefield where the three tribes were thrown to nowhere, Lu Li let out a sigh of relief.

The appearance of the Chaos Divine Thunder will definitely attract the attention of many top powers.

Maybe some more curious powers will come to investigate..

If they discovered his trace... the consequences were unpredictable!

Fortunately, he escaped in time. With the Xingzi Dao Talisman, the great magical power that was close to Dacheng, driving the mist and rising clouds, and killing Wu Yuyi...

Lu Li was at full speed, He was faster than the great bird, and in a moment, he left the battlefield of the three tribes far behind him.

But Lu Li did not dare to stop.

He continued to move forward until he saw the vast North Sea, and then his speed slowed down slightly.

But once Thinking of what happened just now, he couldn't help but feel a little scared

‘This time, I was indeed the one responsible.’

‘I relied on the Chaos Bead to cover up the secret, and the Chaos Divine Thunder was targeting the white bones, which had nothing to do with me. I thought that no matter what, it would not be able to hit me.……’

‘But I underestimated the power of the Chaos Divine Thunder... When one thunder falls, everything will be destroyed! The aftermath is enough to kill many Daluo-level beings……’

‘If Chaos Pearl hadn't taken action at the critical moment and took away the Chaos Divine Thunder, I would have been hacked to death just like the bones, huh? Suddenly

, Lu Li looked strange.

In the reincarnation diagram, on a piece of sinful soil outside the sinful realm, there were a white skeleton scattered.

It's the thousand-foot-long white bones.

Lu Li took it away before escaping from the battlefield of the three clans.

After all, it was something related to him, and it almost killed him. How could he let it go so easily?


Such a strange thing that can attract the chaos god's thunder is also of some research value.

No matter how bad it is, you can still get a lot of practice qualifications by being thrown into the realm of sin for reincarnation.

What Lu Li didn't expect was that after being affected by the residual power of the Chaos God's thunder, the bones were not dead yet.

Even though its skeleton has grown from the original thousand feet to three feet now, and the white bones are full of cracks, and its breath is extremely weak, it is indeed not dead yet.

‘Good guy! Lu

Li couldn't help but was speechless.

He has integrated the remnants of many Chaos Demon Gods, but he is fully aware of the terror of the Chaos God Thunder. Even those seriously injured Chaos Demon Gods can only die in front of him.

Although the Chaos Bead took away the Chaos Divine Thunder, even a trace of its power was enough to kill most of the Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

The bones in front of me are actually still alive?!

Although its current state is no different from death, it is indeed still alive!

‘What would happen if a monster survives the thunder of Chaos God? '

Since he saved the other party, Lu Li naturally wanted to maximize the value.

What's more, he also wanted to see what changes the surviving bones would bring to the prehistoric times.

‘In this case, I will save you again. Lu

Li's eyes flickered, and he used his magical power on the bones - to bring him back to life!

This is an extremely terrifying magical power, which evolved from the avenue of life and death. Its greatest ability, just like its name, can resurrect living beings from death.

If you practice to perfection, you can even pull out the remaining souls from the long river of time, and use this as an opportunity to resurrect those with great supernatural powers.

Of course, this move involves the fundamentals of ancient times and can easily cause backlash.

It would be okay to resurrect some weaker creatures.

If he resurrects top powers such as Shen Ni, Ancestral Dragon, and Zu Qilin, he will arouse the wrath of Heaven. He is afraid that before they can be resurrected, he will be hit by a Chaos Divine Thunder.

But for Lu Li right now, he doesn't need to worry about this yet.

Because of his resurrection, he has just reached a small level of cultivation and is not yet able to resurrect those top powers, but he is still somewhat sure of resurrecting the creatures under Taiyi.


The rich blue divine light enveloped the white bones, and the power of the faint law of life was injected into his body.

The aura of White Bones is obviously much stronger than before, but it is obviously not enough to wake up.

Lu Li was not surprised either.

This white bone seems to have the strength of the Golden Immortal level, but in terms of specialness, it is not far behind some powerful ones, so naturally it is not that easy to resurrect.

‘Since one time doesn't work, then do it twice, three times... Anyway, after the resurrection is completed, it is rarely used, so I use the bones to practice and brush up my proficiency.……’ for the rest of the time.

While Lu Li was on his way, he used his great magical power to revive the bones. After several months and countless resurrections, the bones finally showed signs of recovery.

The vitality in the body is vigorous and strong, the white bones are as crystal clear as jade, and there is a faint astonishing electric arc swimming on them.

Lu Li knew it was time to open the champagne.

White Bones has passed the critical period and is recovering quickly, preparing to transform.

He didn't bother, just looked at the gray-white thunder power in the Sin Domain.

That was the traces of Chaos Divine Thunder that he peeled off from the bones when he resurrected them many times.

‘It should be reincarnation……’

With this thought in his mind, the Sin Realm rumbled, and the Law of Reincarnation enveloped the Chaos Divine Thunder.

It's been a while

【You have reincarnated a trace of Chaos Divine Thunder and obtained: Chaos Law Fragments, Tribulation Thunder Law Fragments】

【Fragments of the Law of Chaos: Collect 100 million fragments to understand the Law of Chaos】

【Fragments of the Thunder Tribulation Law: Collect one million law fragments to understand the Thunder Tribulation Law.】

"Can be reincarnated!!"

Lu Li looked ecstatic.

This attempt not only allowed him to know the upper limit of reincarnation in the realm of reincarnation.

More importantly, he obtained fragments of the Law of Chaos and the Law of Tribulation.

Especially the Law of Chaos, which is the secret of the Great Dao after the creation of the sky. One of the five supreme laws of the past.

The so-called five supreme laws are the five laws of creation, immeasurability, destiny, chaos, and destruction.

They are born with the heaven and the earth, and they also perish with the heaven and the earth. They are an important cornerstone of the prehistoric world!

Therefore, It cannot be mastered!

But now, after the reincarnation of the Chaos Divine Thunder, Lu Li sees a glimmer of hope to master the Law of Chaos!

Although it takes 100 million law fragments to understand the Law of Chaos, which is 10,000 times more than ordinary laws.

But if he can master the Law of Chaos...

It is equivalent to being above all innate saints and possessing the terrifying power to suppress the power of other laws.

This temptation is too great for Lu Li to refuse.

As for where to find the Chaos Divine Thunder to send him to reincarnation...

Lu Li looked at the Chaos Bead..You know, the Chaos Bead had absorbed all the Chaos God Thunder that hit the bones before.

If he could send them all into reincarnation, it would be enough for him to understand the laws of Chaos.

Immediately, Lu Li wanted to take out the Chaos God Thunder from the Chaos Bead..

But what makes him depressed is that he can’t take it out at all.

‘I haven't refined the Chaos Bead yet, so I can't control it as I wish... If I want to refine it, I need to be in the realm of Daluo Jinxian……’

Lu Li secretly clicked his tongue.

The Chaos Treasure is indeed extraordinary. Even refining it requires cultivation. To start, you must reach the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. have to.

Just have to wait.

Fortunately, the Chaos Divine Thunder cannot escape even if it is placed inside the Chaos Bead.

After he is promoted to Daluo Jinxian and refines the Chaos Pearl, he will slowly reincarnate as the Chaos Divine Thunder.

After suppressing these thoughts.

Lu Li then raised his head and looked forward.

At this moment, he was located on the vast North Sea.

Compared with the East China Sea, which is full of spiritual treasures and countless caves and blessed places, the North Sea is more like a bitter and cold land, with the sky and the earth vast and endless snowflakes falling.

Lu Li came to Beihai not to travel, but to follow the purple lotus fragments.

‘The purple lotus fragment is not far away! Looking at the direction indicated by the Karma Golden Immortal on his body, a smile appeared on Lu Li's face. at this time!

An overwhelming and terrifying force suddenly descended.

Lu Li didn't even resist at all, he just felt like the world was spinning.


Lu Li was horrified to find that he was no longer above the North Sea, but in an extremely strange, dark, and depressing world, standing on an endless black sea! at the same time.

Above his head, an ancient voice came, like thunder from the sky, exploding in this world and even in Lu Li's ears:


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