"Reincarnation Daoist. "

"Poor Dao is here for the Eastern Ghost Emperor this time, the Eastern Ghost Emperor has a fate with my people's sect, and Poor Dao is willing to exchange three nine-turn golden pills, Shouyang red bronze and other treasures. "

The Taiqing sage spoke.

Take out a lot of treasures, spirit flowers, spirit fruits, and spirit objects......

It is an open secret that the reincarnation saints like spiritual objects that can nourish the physical body.

The Taiqing sage is begging someone to do something this time, and the treasure he took out is exactly what he likes.

It's all about lifting up the flesh.

And they are all top-notch spiritual objects, including various types.

And among this batch of treasures, there are two of the most conspicuous treasures!

One of them is the red copper mountain, which is thousands of feet high.

It is made of the essence of Shouyang copper, a specialty of Shouyang Mountain, and the fist-sized Shouyang red copper can be forged into a spiritual treasure.

The thousand-zhang high Shouyang red copper can forge at least tens of thousands of spiritual treasures, and its total value is no less than a high-grade innate spiritual treasure.

The second piece is the three pills placed in a superb wooden box.

Dan is golden, there seem to be nine orifices of the human body on it, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, overflowing with aura, and the medicinal fragrance is amazing.

It is the most famous elixir in the wilderness, the Nine Turns Golden Pill!

Although the Six Sages of the Heavenly Dao are all disciples of the Hongjun Sage.

But Zhun Ti is only a registered disciple, Nuwa belongs to the inner disciple, the real personal disciple, only Sanqing!

Therefore, the three Qingdao people inherited a craft of Hongjun sage.

The Taiqing saint inherits the Dan Dao, the Yuqing saint inherits the instrument Dao, and the Shangqing saint inherits the array Dao!

Sanqing heels are extraordinary, the understanding is amazing, after the sanctification, it is to carry forward the three crafts, and now there is a bit of the momentum of the ancestor of the three paths!

This nine-turn golden pill is the first furnace of elixir refined by the Taiqing sage after his enlightenment.

There are seven pills, each of which contains majestic mana and law power, and after taking it, it can make people reborn and go straight to the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

The effect is similar to that of the first ripe Huangzhongli.

Three Nine Turns Golden Pill means that three Da Luo Golden Immortals can be created.

Although the Da Luo Jin Immortal who has been promoted by the service pill has exhausted its potential, it will be difficult to be promoted in the future.

But Da Luo Jin Immortal is placed in an ordinary force, it is already a top ancestor level, and it is a rare combat power.


The value of these three Nine Turns Golden Pill is not inferior to that Thousand Feet Red Copper Mountain.

And even a little more!

Plus other innate spirit objects......

In order to exchange for the position of the Eastern Ghost Emperor, the total value of the spiritual objects taken out by the Taiqing saint was no less than a superb innate spiritual treasure.

"Reincarnation Daoist, the poor Dao is for the Southern Ghost Emperor... ~..."

After the Taiqing Sage, the Yuan Shi Sage and the Tongtian Sage spoke one after another.

They are eyeing the Central Ghost Emperor and the Southern Ghost Emperor quota.

The treasures taken out are no less than those of the Taiqing saints.

connected to Zhun Ti, and also took out many top-notch things that he got out of nowhere, wanting to exchange for the position of the Western Ghost Emperor.

See this battle.

Di Jiang and the other ancestral witches couldn't help but frown secretly.

Even if he didn't know much about the Netherworld, he knew how important the Five Directions Ghost Emperor was to the Authentic Netherworld.

That is the top fruit position in the entire Netherworld Reincarnation System, where luck, authority, and personality are second only to the Emperor Xudu.

Looking at the flood, it is slightly lower than the saints.

A turnip, a pit.


It turned out well.

The second uncle hasn't been sealed yet.

The Five Saints of the Heavenly Dao opened their mouths and wanted to walk four of them.

Really when the Netherworld Tunnel Xuanmen was founded?!

Of course, Di Jiang and the others were angry, but they didn't have a seizure in person.

The reincarnation saints who are the masters of the earth have not spoken, and as outsiders, they are not easy to say much.

It's just that when they heard the request of the Five Holy Mentions of the Heavenly Dao, the ancestors felt resentful.

Even the Pingxin Niangniang, after hearing the request of the saints, frowned slightly.


She didn't say anything.

Now that she has handed over the authority to the second uncle, she believes that the other party can handle it.


No matter what the second uncle's choice is, she is willing to share it with him!

"The Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions, this seat has already been elected......"

Lu Li looked at the Five Saints of Heavenly Dao with expectations on his face, without the slightest tact, and refused in person.

Netherworld reincarnation is the foundation of the earth, and it is maintained by its own earthly powerhouses, how can it allow the powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao faction to intervene?

Once the opening is released.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before the tunnels will be infiltrated into a sieve by the Heavenly Dao faction. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At that time, the interior is a mess, how can we unite humanity to fight against the Heavenly Dao?!

Hear this.

Even if he had expected the Five Saints of the Heavenly Dao in his heart, his face couldn't help but show a touch of disappointment.

Taiqing is okay, he came to exchange for the Eastern Ghost Emperor, and he was just hugging the grass and beating rabbits to try his luck.

If it happens, people will earn a ghost emperor position.

Even if it doesn't work, it doesn't lose anything.

Compare it to.

Yuan Shi and Tongtian Saints were a little dissatisfied.

felt that the reincarnation saints were too strong and domineering, and they didn't even give them the face of the three clears.

But when they thought of Lu Li's strength, the two of them suddenly became dumbfounded, and they could only sulk.

However, the two saints who were introduced to Zhun Ti still did not give up, and they were still speaking:

"'.Reincarnation Daoist, with my Western Sect disciples serving as Western Ghost Emperors, is beneficial to the evolution of authentic reincarnation...... Fellow Daoists think about it again!"

The reason why the two of them fought stubbornly, ignoring the dignity of the saint, was all because they perceived-

Authentic reincarnation is in line with their Western teachings!

If the disciples of the sect can occupy the position of a ghost emperor, it will be a great thing for the future development and spread of the Western religion!

"Even if this seat agrees, among the second-generation disciples of your Western Sect, who is qualified to serve as the Western Ghost Emperor?!"

Lu Li looked indifferently at the two saints who received Zhun Ti.

The two of them were instantly dumbfounded!

The Western Ghost Emperor is high and powerful, naturally not all cats and dogs can hold it, even if it is Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is not qualified, only Da Luo Golden Immortal can barely suppress the situation.

The second-generation disciples of the Western Sect, although they are all very lucky, they are not as good as those who are good, and they practice extremely fast.

But after all, it has not been long since he entered the Western Sect, and the cultivation time is still short, not to mention Da Luo Jin Xian, not even a half-step Da Luo.

If Lu Lizhen agrees to leave the Western Ghost Emperor to the Western Sect, it will also be a vacancy, and there is not even one who is qualified to take office!

Actually, it's not just Western teaching.

The same is true of the three religions.

The strongest disciple among the three sects has only now cultivated to the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Now they are running around to trade, but they are just greedy for authentic authority, and they can bring a steady stream of luck to their Dao system, and they just want to occupy the fruit position in advance.

"But ......"

Looking at the disappointed Zhun Ti and the Sanqing Sage, Lu Li suddenly changed his words:

"You Taoist friends have come from afar, and it is for the development of the tunnel, if this seat completely ignores it, it will also ignore the heart of your Taoist friends. "

"I have a proposal in this seat, what do you think?!".

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