The coast of the East China Sea.

The ancestral land of the Terrans.

This is the place where Nuwa created people in the past.

After Nuwa created a human being and became holy, she went to the inner chaos to open up a dojo and rarely set foot in the flood wilderness.

The human race created by it is based on this and multiplies.

Thousands of years down.

This coastal land is still verdant and full of inspiration.

The difference is.

The cold and quiet place in the past, now because of the continuous reproduction and expansion of the human race, has developed into a prosperous land with stone houses and tribes, spreading for millions of miles!


The ancestral land of the Terran ushered in an uninvited guest.

It was an old man with a cane, and he looked ordinary, no different from most of the old men of the human race.

But he is the head of the Three Qings, a famous powerful man in the wilderness, and a Taishang Taoist.

Wa Palace's hearing ended.

He felt something.

separated from the two brothers, followed the trace of induction in the dark, and came to the coast of the East China Sea, the ancestral land of the human race.

After 3,000 years, he was like a passer-by, a traveler, walking among the tribes of the human race, seeing "097" birth, old age, sickness and death, man and beast fighting, and natural selection.

Observe people and minds, and realize people and realize the Tao.

Every step is an understanding, and every step is a way of enlightenment.

With the addition of enlightenment, he finally understood why Nuwa was able to become holy by creating the human race, and also understood why this seemingly inconspicuous human race was born with the appearance of an innate Dao body.

In the end.

The perception deepened, and even leveraged the Hongmeng purple qi that had not been refined for a long time, making the charm of his body more and more amazing.


When I saw the humble statue of Nuwa standing in the core of the ancestral land of the human race, this feeling was finally superimposed to the extreme!

The Taishang Taoist smiled, sat cross-legged on a boulder, preached the word, passed on the Jindan Avenue of the human race, and guided the cultivation of the human race.

After 900 years of preaching, the Taishang Taoist finally contained thousands of years of travel and perception in one body, with a clear and empty mind and a complete and mysterious breath.

That moment.

The smile on his face grew wider.

Immediately afterwards, the old man got up, and there was still no mana fluctuation around his body, which was ordinary.

But between the steps, the figure has already stepped into the sky.

In the midst of the shock, admiration, and kneeling of countless human races.

Taiqing Taoist said loudly:

"The way of heaven is above, I am the Pangu Yuan God turned into a Taiqing Taoist person, and now I feel that the human race is difficult to seek the Tao, so I set up a religion to educate the human race......"

Between words.

A graphic spirit treasure flew out of the Taiqing Daoist's body.

The spiritual treasure exudes a strong Tai Chi and Liangyi Dao, the principle of the natural laws of heaven and earth, spread out under him, faintly turning into a golden bridge connecting heaven and earth!

Taiqing Taoist stood in the center of Jinqiao, and the whole person seemed to be one with heaven and earth!

“...... With the innate treasure Taiji diagram, suppress people's luck and teach luck, and look at the heavens to learn from it!"

The voice fell.

The sky thundered.

But it is the Heavenly Dao that has a sense, and it rains down immeasurable heavenly merits.

The majesty of that merit is only a step worse than when Nuwa created people.

The rich and amazing merits of the Heavenly Dao were divided into two, eighty percent fell into the body of the Taiqing Dao people, one percent fell into the Taiji Diagram, and one percent fell into the human beings who first practiced the Jindan Dao.

The Taiji diagram is impregnated with the merits of the Heavenly Dao, and although it has not completely transformed into a successful virtue treasure, it is also a great increase in power.

And those human races who had just cultivated the Jindan Dao for a short time, after receiving the enlightenment of the merits of the Heavenly Dao, their understanding increased greatly, as if they were hanging, and in less than a moment, they broke through the shackles of the mortal realm and promoted to the level of heavenly immortals and even true immortals.

Of course.

The biggest harvest is the Taiqing people!

Eighty percent of the heavenly merits enter the body, directly linking the remaining heaven-opening merits in the depths of Lao Tzu's original spirit.

The two merits work together to smelt the Hongmeng purple qi, and the way of Liangyi Taiji has no secret in front of it.

That moment.

The Taoism, mana, and even physical body of the Taiqing Dao people are all climbing day by day.

With a roar, he seemed to break some shackles and stepped into a new world!

From then on, the primordial gods entrust the way of heaven, do not add all calamities to the body, kill people without touching cause and effect, do not die or perish, and coexist with the way of heaven!

"Mixed Yuan, Cheng!"

The Taiqing Taoist smiled.

Purple qi came hundreds of millions of miles from the east, the sky was falling, the ground was surging golden lotus, countless living beings benefited from it, and countless mountains were dyed by the rhyme of saints and turned into immortal mountains.

True Dragons, True Phoenixes, Qilins and other rare beasts are surging one after another, celebrating this newly born Heavenly Dao Saint!

In terms of the vision of sanctification alone, the vision of sanctification of the Taiqing Taoist people is more majestic, magnificent, and powerful than when Nuwa was sanctified!

That moment!

Countless creatures bowed down in the direction of the ancestral land of the human race.

It is the top gods such as Emperor Jun Taiyi, Zhen Yuanzi, and the Queen Mother of the West, who also saluted the Taiqing sage with complicated faces. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They didn't expect that.

After Nuwa, another saint was born in heaven and earth!


Lu Li's expression was as usual.

He had long known that the Taiqing Daoists would be sanctified.

Even know.

There is more than one person who has been sanctified this time!!

"Congratulations to the eldest brother for his enlightenment, and from now on the immortal blessings will be enjoyed forever, and the catastrophe will not be destroyed!"

East Kunlun, the first Taoist people are also congratulatory and full of joy.

"Second brother and third brother, if you don't break it now, when will you stay?"

The three Qing Qi and luck are one, and at this moment, after the Taiqing Daoist people, such as Huang Zhong Dalu's Dao sound, Yuan Shi and Tongtian's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of enlightenment.

Followed by.

Both of them had a sense of perfection and immaculateness.

East Kunlun burst out one after another with two terrifying sage coercion:

"The way of heaven is above, I am the jade Qingdao person transformed by the Pangu Yuan God, and now I have established a religion, called expounding the way of heaven - explaining the way of heaven and educating all living beings...... Suppress the luck of the teachings with the innate treasure Pangu flag...... Look to the heavens!"[]

"The way of heaven is above, I am the Pangu Yuan God incarnated on the Qing Dao, and now establish a religion, called the Interception Sect - which means that all living beings intercept a ray of life, and suppress the interception of the sect with the four swords of the immortals...... Look to the heavens and learn from it!"

The voice fell........

The Heavenly Dao has a feeling, and it descends immeasurable heavenly merits.

Both of them used the merits of the Heavenly Dao to attract the remnants of the Yuan Shen's Heaven Opening Merit, so as to smelt the Hongmeng Purple Qi and drive the improvement of the Dao Xing's mana body.

Until the Yuan Shen entrusts the way of heaven and achieves mixed yuan!


Mount Meru.

The usher and the would-be guide looked at each other, and both saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

Immediately afterward, the two of them shook their bodies, and in the midst of a surge of mana, two huge Dharma statues were manifested.

A statue sits on top of the eleven-grade merit golden lotus.

The other sits under the majestic Bodhi tree!

The Dharma and the Dharma all emit immeasurable Buddha light, illuminating the three thousand worlds, and compassion spreads to all sentient beings.

There is also a magnificent and vast Zen sound, which comes from the mouth of the two Dharma statues:

"Heaven is above!"

"I am the lord of Mount Meru in the West to guide the Taoist (quasi-Taoist), and now I feel that all sentient beings are deeply trapped in sinful karma, and there is no way to seek teaching, so I established Buddhism, and since then I have extradited sentient beings into my Dharma Temple, and there are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, novices, and Jiedi, to solve the suffering of sentient beings, and to cause and effect all day and earth!"

“...... Today, with the eleventh grade of merit golden lotus, bless the pestle, and suppress the luck of Buddhism...... Look to the heavens and learn from it!"

The voice fell.

The way of heaven is also sensitive, and a lot of merit is dropped.

It's just that after all, the introduction of Zhun Ti is not as deep as the blessing of the Sanqing Dynasty, and there are remnants of the merits of opening the sky.

Coupled with the merits of the Heavenly Dao they obtained, they were originally inferior to the merits of the Sanqing Sect, and they could not refine all of the Hongmeng Purple Qi at all.


The two of them are also people with strong Taoist hearts, and they seem to have expected that there will be today.

Seeing that the merits of sanctification were insufficient, he directly made forty-eight great wishes to the Heavenly Dao:

"If I attain the supreme 3.9 Bodhi, I have attained enlightenment, and I live in the Buddha temple, I will have immeasurable and inconceivable merits, and there will be no hell. Hungry ghosts, beasts, flying and wriggling, all living beings. and the Flame Mora Realm, the ...... of the Three Evil Realms"

"When I was a Buddha, the world of the ten directions, all sentient beings, all gave birth to me, and they all had a purple and golden body......"

"When I became a Buddha, all sentient beings, who were born in my country, knew that their fate was immeasurable......

When the voice of the grand wish spread, the Heavenly Dao agreed to borrow merit and lead Zhun Ti to refine the Hongmeng purple qi as he wished, and the Dao Xing's mana and physical body skyrocketed, and the Yuan Shen pinned the Heavenly Dao.

When the voice of the grand wish completely falls, in the western Sumeru Mountain, two saints will suddenly exude the majesty of the saints!

At the same time, there is boundless creation and falling, benefiting the West, so that most of the Western Spiritual Essence has been restored, and it has been promoted a lot again, and even the spiritual essence of the Eastern Land is not far away.

The Western beings cheered.

But more living beings were immersed in the shock of the Five Saints.

Only a very small number of top gods sensed the hidden meaning behind the Five Saints, and looked at the Netherworld Mountain one by one with a solemn expression! .

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