Lu Li followed the line of cause and effect.

Keep moving forward.

Along the way, you can see tiger-shaped peaks thousands of feet high rising from the ground and scattered throughout the cave sky.

Lu Li stared at the tiger-shaped peaks, his eyes gleaming with golden light, as if he had noticed something, and his expression was a little strange.

Because in his eyes, it was not a mountain peak at all.

But a dormant tiger!

Even if they turn into mountains, you can still feel the powerful aura emanating from their origins, and many of them are no weaker than the golden-eyed old devil.

Obviously, they were all Taiyi Golden Immortal series existences during their lifetimes.

‘What am I? Entering the tiger's den? Lu

Li looked solemn.

The only thing to be thankful for is.

Those tigers seemed to have been seriously injured. At this moment, they turned into mountains and hibernated. They were also recovering from their injuries and would not wake up easily. even so.

Lu Li felt uncomfortable hanging around in front of a group of Taiyi Golden Immortals.

He is very fast.

It didn't take long.

We arrived at the core area of ​​Dongtian.

Then he stopped in front of a majestic and majestic temple that resembled a white tiger.

There were two towering peaks guarding both sides of the White Tiger Temple, which made Lu Li's eyelids jump wildly.

Because these two ten thousand-foot peaks gave him the feeling that they were thousands of times more dangerous than the golden-eyed old devil, as if he were facing two invincible beings...

There was no doubt about it.

These are two Daluo-level beings

‘Taiyi is a soldier and Daluo is a general, guarding the White Tiger Temple together.……’

Lu Li's expression became more solemn!

At this moment, the White Tiger Temple and the Gengjin Cave Heaven became mysterious and terrifying in his eyes.

Look back.

Lu Li looked at the White Tiger Temple between the two peaks.

I suddenly took a breath of cold air!

Not because of it.

Instead, the entire body of the White Tiger Temple was forged from innate Geng Gold crystals.

To know.

The innate Gengjin crystal is a top-notch metallic artifact.

Each piece contains the power of the original law of gold, and is an important channel for Daluo Jinxian to understand the original law of gold.

At the same time, it is also an excellent material for refining spiritual treasures.

Any piece of it can be used to refine an acquired spiritual treasure. If it falls into the hands of some forging masters, it is not impossible to forge a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure.

And the temple in front of us is more than ten thousand feet tall?

How many innate Gengjin crystals will be consumed? and!

This is just the outside of the hall.

Just to build a main hall, so many valuable innate Geng gold crystals were used. Wouldn't there be more precious treasures in the main hall?

All of a sudden.

Lu Li's heart skipped a beat.

He understood that the temple in front of him was the real place of opportunity for Gengjin Cave Heaven.

But the tiger-shaped peaks he saw along the way made him a little afraid of the White Tiger Temple in front of him.

The Gengjin Cave is not a cave without an owner.

The White Tiger Temple in front of us should have been built by the Lord of Cave Heaven.

But the other party clearly knew the existence of the lotus fragments, but did not contain them or refine them. Instead, they placed them there casually and allowed them to be taken by themselves.

This kind of behavior made Lu Li somewhat confused about the other party's thoughts.

Although it was just a lotus pod fragment, it was part of a top-grade spiritual treasure after all, and it was still much better than ordinary low-grade innate spiritual treasures.

There are only two reasons why the other party can ignore the temptation of such spiritual treasures.

Either the opponent is very strong and has no shortage of spiritual treasures.

Or... use it as bait to catch yourself.

If it's the former, that's fine.

But if it was the latter...

Lu Li looked solemn.

Decided to take another look.

If there is danger, turn around and leave.

Anyway, the lotus fragments have been obtained, and this trip can be regarded as a complete success.

But if there is no danger, you have to go in and take a look.

After all, this is a top-quality cave paradise that is even more powerful than Netherworld Mountain. God knows what top-quality treasures are inside.

Lu Li immediately turned his karma golden eyes to look.

The Golden Eye of Cause and Effect not only has the ability to break through illusions and observe cause and effect, but it can also observe good and bad luck.

If the place you see is dangerous, your left eye will beat wildly as a warning.


After watching this time, the left eye did not warn, but the right eye kept twitching.

"Good luck?"

Lu Li looked strange.


He decided to go into the palace to explore.

Of course, Lu Li was not blindly confident.

The triple divine light of reincarnation covered his whole body. He had a white jade diamond bracelet in his left hand and an earthen spirit bead in his right hand. There was a faint image of reincarnation emerging behind him... a self-merging lotus pod. After being promoted to the medium level of innate sacredness, the power of his natal magical power, the divine light of reincarnation, was also upgraded to the third level.

Now the three levels of divine light are coming out together, and the defense is so strong that it can even withstand some Daluo-level attacks.

This was also the reason why Lu Li dared to step into the White Tiger Temple.

‘With my current strength, even if I face Daluo Jinxian, I am sure to escape safely.……’

With this thought in mind, Lu Li stepped into the temple. unexpected.

The White Tiger Temple is magnificent on the outside, but the interior furnishings are extremely simple and plain.

In the huge temple, there is not even a single Geng-Gold sperm crystal, let alone the rarer and rarer Innate Geng-Gold Essence Mother.

Only on the ground in the center crouched a huge white tiger ninety thousand feet tall with a big"king" character on its forehead.

When Lu Li looked at the white tiger.

A peerless figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Wearing a platinum crown on his head, a royal robe of Geng gold, and wind-swept shoes on his feet, his evil aura reaches the sky and his power is unparalleled.

Just one glance gave Lu Li a terrifying feeling of being on the edge of life and death.

It seemed that what he was facing at this time was not Taiyi Golden Immortal or Daluo Golden Immortal, but a powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal who controlled all races and was unparalleled in killing!!

He forced his eyes away.

The figure in front of him disappeared, and the terrifying sense of oppression also disappeared.

Lu Li gasped for air.

Like a drowning person, after climbing out of the river valley, he greedily sucks in the fresh air. for a long time.

Lu Li recovered.

He looked over again.

This time, he directly activated the Karma Golden Eyes, and there was no longer that majestic and terrifying figure in front of him, only a 90,000-foot-tall white tiger skeleton.

Lu Li's heart trembled.

The tiger is dead and standing!

Even if he has been dead for many years, even if there is only a white skeleton left, his power is still as terrifying as before!

He is worthy of being the most powerful person in the world!

Lu Li had already made some guesses about the owner of the white tiger skeleton.

After all, with the title of Geng Jin, and the cultivation of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, he is also the leader of the clan, and controls a large number of Tai Yi and Da Luo under his command... Looking at the ancient times, there is only one who once dominated the western land during the period of the fierce beast's calamity. The Gengjin White Tiger Emperor who rules ten thousand tigers is here!

The White Tiger clan is an ancient royal clan and was once the ruler of the western land.

During the period of the Fierce Beast Tribulation, the west where the White Tiger Clan was located was bordering the Beast Emperor Shenni's base camp, and wars broke out between the two sides many times.

In the end, the Beast Emperor Shen Ni personally took action and killed the White Tiger Emperor. The White Tiger clan suffered heavy casualties and was almost wiped out.

But it was obvious that the White Tiger Emperor had already planned to hide in the North and preserve the ethnic group.



Lu Li's eyes narrowed.

He saw that the center of the white tiger's skeleton was emitting a rich golden light, forming a huge golden ball.

At first glance, it looked like the white tiger's skeleton was holding the golden ball.

At the same time,.The golden ball broke open, and as the golden light filled the air, a milky sound came from within.

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