I just saw it in that video screen.

Hui Jian did not give up!

In her opinion.

This is not without effect.

But the power is too small!

Realize this.

Megumi immediately used his privilege as the captain of the victory team.

Connected to radio and TV stations.

For a moment.

The entire neon network was controlled by her.

Immediately afterwards.

Hui Jian's face lit up on the TV

"I am Megumi, the captain of the Victory Team of the Earth Peace United Organization."

"Citizens, please wake up quickly. In fact, those who call themselves angels are actually demons!"

"Ultraman Tiga has been risking his life to protect us...."

"This time, Diga is in danger, it’s up to us to give him strength"

"I implore everyone, give light to Dega, give light to Dega!!"

After saying that,

Jian Hui turned off the PDI communicator in her hand.

To be honest,

Jian Hui also felt that her approach was a bit unreliable!

After all, the citizens nowadays are all controlled by the Kirialoid people. Brainwashed.

Want to wake them up...Not easy! but...

This is the only help that humans can provide to Diga now.

Think of this.

Hui Jian sighed softly!!...

But at this moment.

Not far away, the headlights of a car suddenly turned on, shining straight on Ultraman Tiga.

Immediately afterwards, more cars came, and the light beams lit up like a long dragon. at the same time.

Countless citizens rushed out of their homes.

Carrying a small flashlight, Tiga appeared in the city center from all directions like a sea wave.

"Too exaggerated, too exaggerated!!"

Ye Rui, who was in the victory team's command room, was numb at this time.

"Voltage in area B...It is rising at an alarming rate!!"

Yerui took a breath and said.

On the other side, area B.

As Yerui's voice sounded.

At the scene, all the lights in the high-rise buildings near Diga suddenly turned on.


Diga Ot Man's body was covered in light.

Everyone was looking forward to Diga standing up again!


Under this light.

Diga, who originally fell to the ground and lost his life, revived again!

Although the energy indicator on his chest was still beating red.

But when everyone saw this scene, they realized that a turning point was coming!! really...

Under the hope of countless humans on the scene.

Diga stood up!!

Seeing something bad...

In mid-air, the Kirialodians in front of the Gate of Hell also descended to the ground again.

Neither party said a word.

The war started again!!

Maybe it has human support.

This time, Tiga, despite his poor condition and depleted energy...

But it still erupted with extremely terrifying power!!

Not only was he not at a disadvantage, but he suppressed the Kirialodians!

I saw Diga punch the Kirialodian with a heavy punch, followed by several roundhouse kicks, knocking him to the ground.

Under this series of offensives.

As powerful as the Kyriarodians, they finally reached their limit at this time.

He was hit hard by Diga and fell to the ground!

The breath is weak!!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Diga's attack did not stop.

I saw him lifting the Kirialodians up.

While sweeping a huge arc.

He slammed it towards the gate of hell in mid-air.


With a muffled sound, the door to hell, which had been opened almost half way, was unexpectedly closed again by the impact.

This wave of huge force was so shocking that one couldn't help but secretly gasp in surprise!

You know, even if it was previously The terrifying and powerful Kirialodian tried to open the door, but it took a lot of effort.

But now...

Diga actually closed the door easily again?

This is not over yet.

After doing all this.

Diga, who had already switched to the composite form, crossed his hands on his chest.

Then it slowly unfolds!!



A bright purple light followed the arm opening in parallel.

Fiery and violent!

Full of destructive power!!

Tsk!! next moment.

Tiga's special move, Zapelio's beam, shoots straight at the Kirialodians.

Boom boom boom!!

Hit by light.

The Kirialodians in the video screen suddenly ignited with fierce flames.

The fire is like a bottomless black hole.

In an instant, the Kirialodians were enveloped.

Even the gate of hell behind him.

And the black cloud with an area of ​​more than one thousand meters disappeared together.

See this scene.

The citizens of Area B suddenly burst into excitement.

Looking at Diga's figure, I was even more filled with gratitude and joy!

And Tiga was not stingy with his praise.

He just gave everyone present a thumbs up!

Because this time there are no human words...He Tiga will definitely be defeated!

Humans and Tiga...Completely inseparable existence!!......

The video picture comes to the end in this harmonious and touching scene.

【Check out the famous quotes from the Ultra World: Shoot me with the light of a flashlight!!】

【Source:"Ultraman Tiga!"》】

【Rating: Strong! Note: The strength has not yet been fully demonstrated, and the rating is tentatively determined....】

【Reason for evaluation: Warrior with human support...Is there any reason not to be strong?! 】


See the reasons for this evaluation.

Everyone in Ultra Universe was stunned.

Immediately, he was shocked!!

First generation:"Ultra warrior who can move with pure physical light...How rare!!"

Seven:" Indeed!!"

Seven:"It's really scary to be able to fight with light. You don't have to worry about energy at all!!"

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