After Bao's sister-in-law's husband entered the door, he shouted, "Jiabao! Jiabao is still sleeping?!".

Po got up and asked, "Why are you so early today?"

He said: "I send two children very early every day, send the older one to study at seven o'clock, and send the younger one to kindergarten at eight o'clock after I come back. "

Po's wife laughed out loud when she saw their big family, and said, "Come together!".

Bao's sister-in-law's husband said: "I originally wanted to take them to the park to go rowing in the sun, but I didn't expect the weather to be good, so I didn't go." "

Bao's wife said: "There are few families with so many children now, but they can be regarded as a big family. "

Bao's sister-in-law's husband said, "Four people lined up in a line, and I told people that I raised four!".

Bao's sister-in-law scolded and said, "Fuck your mom, nonsense!".

Bao's sister-in-law's husband asked Bao, "Why don't you have one more?"

The boss thought that only he had money, and others had no money, and said: "Then it depends on whether there is money, if there is no money, the burden is quite heavy." "

"We're going to buy a piano for them to practice," he said. "

They had just bought a new house, and Bao's sister-in-law said, "Our house is too small to put it. "

Bao's sister-in-law continued: "Jiabao, it's good to buy a house near here!".

Bao's sister-in-law was very happy and said, "The night before yesterday, he made a few thousand yuan in a short time. His manager's car collided with a truck, and he was asked to deal with it, and he paid 6,000 yuan, and when he went back, he told me about it, and I was laughed to death. "

Bao's sister-in-law's husband was afraid that she would not speak well, so he talked about it himself, saying, "I was drinking with others that night, and the manager called me.

The boss of the transfer station saw that I was coming fiercely, driving a car with an armed police license, and said, "Say something slowly, say something slowly."

"I said slowly, how much do you have to lose, if you go to the traffic police to deal with it, it doesn't matter if my car doesn't drive for half a month, your car will lose a lot of money if you don't drive it for a day.

"He certainly can't stand such a toss, so he said four thousand. I said eight thousand, and he said six thousand. He took out the money and counted it, and I said hurry up, get the money, get the money, and I'm going back to drinking!

"He brought only five thousand pieces, and I counted them, and there was still a thousand less, so I told him to borrow them from the people behind him. He really made up another 1,000 yuan with someone, and I said okay, okay, let's go, and the money is collected!

"As soon as I was about to walk away, the traffic police's car arrived, saw me with the money and was leaving, stopped me, and said hey, hey, what's wrong!

The boss of the transit station pulled him aside to talk. I said it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, go away, go away, and then I said to the manager, go, get in my car.

"The manager didn't know how much they had lost, and when he asked how much, I said you don't care, I'll be responsible for repairing the car tomorrow and returning it to you." "

Then Bao's sister-in-law said excitedly that her husband had found a job as a bicycle caretaker for Bao's brother-in-law.

"There were two people, but now he is the only one left." The other one is the brother-in-law of the police station chief, and both of them are brothers-in-law. "

Bao's sister-in-law's husband said: "The two of them quarreled on the first day, competing to be the boss and say the first word. The man went back to complain, saying that he had called someone who was not in charge, and then he never came back. "

said: "When the time comes, Ah Ming can earn thousands of yuan a month, and he can be regarded as a boss!"


Bao's sister-in-law's husband asked Bao's brother-in-law to take care of the bicycle, and it was better to go to work than to go out for a walk, and he couldn't take a rickshaw every time, so Bao's brother-in-law came to ask Bao's wife for money to buy a motorcycle.

Po's wife once used the money to buy him one, but this time he didn't give it to him, so he called his mother to intercede for him.

Bao's wife's mother called Bao's wife, and Bao's wife said, "If he has money, he will buy it, and the eldest brother-in-law said that he can earn thousands of yuan a month." "

He also said: "I used to buy him a car with money, but then he sold it when he ran out of money, and now he wants to buy another one, and he will buy it if he has the money himself." "

On this day, Bao's wife's mother called Bao's wife again and said, "Ah Ming didn't come back to sleep last night, not long ago. "

It turned out that he had negotiated with his family not long ago to let his girlfriend live at home, but because the family was not married, they did not agree, so he sometimes did not come home at night.

Before the Spring Festival, Bao's brother-in-law called Bao's wife again and asked her for money, saying that he wanted to turn over red envelopes and give them away.

Bao's wife asked, "It's only a few hundred yuan a month, but not more than a thousand?"

Bao's sister-in-law's husband said that he could earn a few thousand yuan, but the result was only more than 1,000, but Bao's brother-in-law said no, he said: "Of course, there are four or five hundred yuan left to buy tea or something." "

Bao's brother-in-law made a mess of the accounts, and people didn't let him do it after the Spring Festival.


Later, Bao's wife found someone to help, and finally found a very good job for Bao's brother-in-law, which is also an import and export company, which is better than the last company.

Bao's wife was very happy and said to Bao: "After Ah Ming went to that company, he didn't see that kind of world, he drank tea casually, paid 1,300 yuan a month, and the manager bought him a mobile phone, and paid for the phone by himself." "

Po said, "Don't sell it again when you don't have money to spend." "

It can be said that this period of time is the happiest period for Bao's brother-in-law, except for one time, that is, Bao's wife helped him find someone to make a driver's license, and he drove the company's car out before he learned to drive, but he blew the airbag and spent 19,000 yuan to repair the car, and he had no money, so he came to Bao's wife to ask for money.

Soon Bao's brother-in-law was doing private work with some people in the company, and one day he brought the company's supervisor to Bao's wife for help.

Ah Bao pretended to be asleep in the room and heard the supervisor say, "We sometimes do it ourselves outside, otherwise how can we live with that little salary." "

Soon Ah Bao's brother-in-law came to ask Ah Bao's wife for money.

This time, Bao's wife was angry, and she only heard her say loudly: "What's the matter, who are you invited?!"

Bao's brother-in-law felt very aggrieved and said, "You don't know those people in the company, you always ask me to invite them." "

He also said that he wanted to buy something for his girlfriend at Christmas, and Bao's wife said very angrily: "How can that woman be a wife if she is so good at spending money, let me tell you?!


After they made the call, Ah Bao said: "He has a lot of ghosts, he is deceiving people all day long, and people are thin like that!".


Soon Bao's brother-in-law is getting married, and he reports the entire budget to Bao's wife.

Ah Bao's wife called the boss and said, "He said that the whole set of furniture is more than 30,000 yuan, and I hung up the phone! "

"Actually, the economy outside is very bad at this time, and things are very cheap. He said, "He doesn't know what to do outside all day long, and his whole body is thin like that." "


All the money for Bao's brother-in-law's marriage was paid for by Bao's wife and Bao's sister-in-law, so he didn't dare to invite Bao's and Bao's sister-in-law's husband to attend their wedding, and waited until the old man's birthday before calling them to go.

Bao's wife's mother was so happy that Bao's brother-in-law was married, and when she saw Bao's coming, she quickly hid in the kitchen.

Bao's brother-in-law took his wife to the hospital and didn't come back, everyone went to his newlywed room to visit, but Bao didn't want to go in.

After Bao's wife came out, she said: "The small TV inside is very clear, like a three-dimensional one. "

Bao's daughter said: "Dad, my uncle's room is full of photos, and I don't dare to look at my uncle and Yanyan like that." "

Bao's sister-in-law's husband asked, "There's also an air conditioner inside, isn't it?"

Bao's sister-in-law said, "No. "

A few children went in to play, but Aunt Bao's aunt and the girl they raised didn't dare to go in. Bao's sister-in-law said, "She is most afraid of Ah Ming. "

Po's brother-in-law and his wife came back, and he laughed at his wife and said, "The doctor told her that she couldn't eat indiscriminately, and she asked the doctor if ice cream was okay, and the doctor said that you were not afraid of." "

Although the money spent on the decoration of the house and the marriage of Bao's brother-in-law was paid by Bao's wife and boss, Bao's brother-in-law did not pay a penny, but he still regarded this home as his own.

When he saw that Ah Bao hadn't changed his shoes, he said, "Brother Jiabao, I'll bring you the shoes." "

Seeing Bao's sister-in-law's husband stepping on the sofa to check why the air conditioner was not air-conditioning, he said, "Brother Jin Rong, I'll move a chair for you, or don't step on the sofa." "


house was decorated by Bao's sister-in-law's husband, and Bao's brother-in-law disliked that the decoration was not good enough, and saw his son playing with the airplane, and said: "I can't take it off when I fly to the hanging board, it's empty inside, hehe." "


This day is the old man's birthday, Bao's brother-in-law took out the cake to cut, and Bao's sister-in-law's husband saw it and said, "Wow, eat cake?!".

Po also said, "This cake is big enough!".

Po's wife said: "Young people like to be fashionable. "

Bao's second sister-in-law had no money and didn't contribute money to the family, so she went to her mother's room to pretend to sleep.

Bao's sister-in-law shouted: "Second child, come and eat, hurry!".

Bao's wife said: "I slept like a pig, and I didn't know that I was nailed by mosquitoes." "

Bao's sister-in-law ate a big piece and laughed at herself: "The character is not good, and the health is good." "

Her husband said, "Well, look at her size." "

Ah Bao's sister-in-law scolded him, he said: "Speaking foul words again, the child learned badly from her, and the son's words just now were learned from her, you ask Jiabao." "

Bao's sister-in-law scolded him again.

Bao's sister-in-law's husband said: "Again, she herself said that there are two cans of yarn, and she ranks second." "

Their sixth uncle from the countryside brought his daughter. The old man said: "The sixth uncle's daughter is studying in a business school in Fuzhou, and she is six or seven meters tall. "

Bao's wife said, "How can she have one meter six or seven, absolutely not!".

The old man deliberately took out a ruler and said, "Measure it yourself." "

Bao's wife pushed it away, and said with a cold face: "There are a lot of things there, how to measure them?!".

The sixth uncle smiled and said, "The room is too small. "

The old man said, "Uncle's room is very large. "

Po's wife's mother sighed in the kitchen.

Bao's brother-in-law smoked his own cigarette as before, saying, "I'm used to this." "

Asked: "How is Brother Jiabao's stock speculation?"

Po didn't want to talk to him, and said, "I'm not trading stocks." "

Then he asked Bao's sister-in-law's husband and said, "Brother Jin Rong is still doing it in the company now?"

Bao's sister-in-law's husband said, "No, it's closed." "

Bao's brother-in-law talked endlessly, saying: "Our company manager's fellow is working as a treasurer, playing mahjong with us at night, and if he loses money, he goes to the safe to withdraw it, and at night the company was poked into a big hole, and he took the opportunity to take out the account book and scatter it all over the room." "

Bao's brother-in-law also said: "Sometimes when the weather is too hot, I go swimming. "

Po didn't believe he could swim and asked, "Is it okay to play in the water at the sports park?"

He said, "No, to the sea." "

Po said, "You know how to swim?!".

"Yes," he said, "sometimes you have to swim a little farther and take a ball. "

The old man asked, "What kind of wine?"

Ah Bao said: "Just take out the bottle of Wuliangye we bought downstairs just now and drink it." "

He was reluctant to drink it and said, "No, no." "

He took out the wine he had steeped and said, "Very good, give it a try." "

Ah Ming didn't like to drink the old man's wine, so he took his cup away.

Bao's sister-in-law's husband asked, "Ah Ming hasn't been drinking now?"

He pretended to say, "I won't drink during the day, I can't drink during the day." "

After eating, Uncle Sixth was leaving, and said, "Ah Ming, you and Shaoyi each drove a motorcycle to take us to the ferry to take a boat." "

Bao's sister-in-law said, "No, Ah Ming has a car, just let him take you there." "

Bao's brother-in-law said, "I have a car. "

Po asked her sister-in-law's husband, "Did he buy a car?"

Bao's sister-in-law's husband said, "I don't know. "

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