Bao's daughter was first good with Mingxia, and later with milk.

She often went to the milk dormitory, and sometimes sat too late and slept with the milk.

Milk often asks her for help, and she says to Milk, "I'm your mom!

Po's daughter wrote a skit, then went to rehearsals, and then went to perform, not daring to let the boys of the hometown association know, saying: "Can't let them know, let them know that they are going to peek." "

Bao's daughter didn't like to perform sketches, she felt very tired and bored, and said to her mother: "It's like you received a notice in the middle of the night to go to the police." "


At this time, Bao's daughter had already gotten along with the green onion, and she didn't say that she would come back immediately after the holiday, and she wouldn't come back until the 14th.

Sister Bao's daughter told her to go to Guangcheng to play for a few days before returning home, and she didn't want to.

Bao's daughter said that Li Qin in the dormitory sighed: "Alas, if you have money or not, go home for the New Year." "


During the winter vacation, after Bao's daughter returned, Bao took her to play ball under the overpass.

When she came back, she passed by the door of Jiajia's house, and Bao's daughter sighed softly.

She broke up with that high school classmate, and that high school classmate asked Jiajia to help him find a job for Po's daughter.

Bao's daughter said that classmates Xiaoqing and Lin Hong planned not to come back after graduation.

Po thought that his sister's daughter didn't come to help his younger siblings, and he wondered if all the children were like this now.


Bao's second sister-in-law's daughter came to play with Bao's daughter.

Bao's daughter was always worried about the size of her two hands after playing, and Bao's second sister-in-law's daughter said, "Where is the difference between the two hands?!".

He also seems to be very good at saying beautiful things.

Bao's daughter told her classmate that she went to KFC to work as a temporary worker, wanted to take a leave of absence, and kept pestering their manager.

Bao's daughter ate too much and was propped up, and said to her mother, "Don't eat like this tomorrow night, please." "

Bao's wife always wanted to take her daughter to order something, and Bao's daughter said, "Don't!"


Before the Spring Festival, Bao's sister's family came back, and Bao's two sons were going to take their two sons to play ball.

Po deliberately called his sister's eldest son and did not call his sister's younger son.

Ah Bao called his sister's eldest son before saying, "Ask Ah Wu if you want to go with me." "

He shouted, "Wu, do you want to play?"

Bao's sister's youngest son said, "Okay!".

Po came to their house to pick them up, and before they came down, he called his sister's eldest son and asked, "Are you okay?"

He shouted, "Wu, okay?"

When they came down, Bao's sister's youngest son was playing with the computer just now and complained to Bao: "You didn't tell me when you wanted to play!".

On the way back, Sister Bao's eldest son talked about Sister Bao's younger son's study, saying, "It's good to go to any school with this score!"

Bao's younger son was very frustrated and said, "You think it's good to say this all day!".


Another afternoon, Bao's sister's eldest son came back from outside and saw that his younger brother was not studying, and said, "Ah Wu didn't study in the afternoon!".

Q: "What are you doing in the afternoon?!".

Bao's younger son, who went out with his mother to buy new clothes in the afternoon, deliberately said, "Go shopping." "


Before the Spring Festival, Ah Bao went to the car wash shop at the door to wash the car, and saw that Xiaoping also came to wash the car, so he didn't say hello to her.

In other words, when Po went to college, the younger sister of a friend of her sister and her sister was also admitted to this school and studied English. They sat in the front, they sat in the back, not knowing if it was a coincidence or if it was their intentional arrangement.

On the way, they smoked cigarette after cigarette, and the smoke billowed so thick that it choked them.

During the Spring Festival, Bao sent a text message to everyone to greet the New Year, and he was in touch with everyone again.


During the Spring Festival, Bao's mother gave Bao's daughter a red envelope of 1,000 yuan, and Bao's daughter said, "One month of living expenses for the next semester!".

Po's daughter has no confidence now, and jokes with her that the person on TV is prettier than her or something, she says, "Don't you always compare me to the people on TV?!".

Bao's daughter's winter vacation homework is to write "University", "The Mean", and "Tao Te Ching".

Po hasn't read these books yet, but after reading the introduction, he thinks that these books are teaching people to be poor.

Po encouraged her daughter to create, saying, "You do what you write, I do what I write." "

Po's daughter spoke Sharapova about Anadar, saying: "He is not my dish. "


The results of English level 4 were announced, and Bao's daughter's admission ticket was placed at school, and she didn't know the number, so she couldn't check it, and she was very happy to learn that Ou Xueqin was ten points off, and said, "It's good if she didn't pass! I'm not afraid if she doesn't pass!"

Po's wife told her daughter, "The last year was always outside. "

Po's daughter said, "I'm not afraid. "

When it comes to getting married, Bao's daughter said: "Mom, don't worry, if you want money, I won't get married." "


After Po sent her daughter back to school, she went home to sleep.

In the evening, when my daughter arrived at school, she didn't come to say whether she had passed English Level 4, and Po knew that she had not passed.

Bao's daughter brought a lot of food back and went to the dormitory and said to everyone, "Take it yourself!

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