When Po saw Mr. Zhao again, he found that he was a bit like his sister's youngest son, and felt that he must have been a troublemaker when he was a child.

Mr. Zhao's sister's son, Fat Brother, came with Mr. Zhao, and he asked Bao how long he had been fighting, and Bao said, "Ten years." "

He was surprised and said, "You've been fighting for ten years?!".

Teenage children, as soon as they hear about ten years, feel that it can't be longer.

Mr. Zhao fought with Po again, and this time Mr. Zhao was always out of bounds. Coach Wang pretended not to see, but Mr. Zhao's sister's son kept shouting "aut", and Mr. Zhao lost faster.

Coach Wang also wanted to help Mr. Zhao, telling Mr. Zhao's sister's son not to shout, saying, "You call it interference, do you know!".

Mr. Zhao was also annoyed and said, "Don't shout!".

After Mr. Zhao lost, his sister's son said: "Ten years is still ten years, and it takes more than two years to win in ten years." "

Mr. Zhao was very faceless after losing, so he said that he was not in good spirits, he had just returned from the United States, and the jet lag had not completely reversed or something.

Mr. Zhao called the woman to fight Ah Bao again, hoping that she could beat him, confirming that it was not Ah Bao who fought well, but that he was really in bad spirits.

But he was soon defeated by Po.

That night, Ah Bao drank three bottles of mineral water, which was still the kind of big bottle, and he didn't go to the toilet once in the middle, all of them were sweating, and finally he was physically exhausted, and he almost couldn't straighten his waist, and he didn't know when he would be able to talk to Mr. Zhao about business.

Ah Bao worked in Lin for a month, and wanted to earn 2,000 yuan from Mr. Lin, but instead spent 2,000 yuan, and it took more than a month to slowly heal this spiritual wound.


Just after the Spring Festival, Coach Wang called Ah Bao to play in the bonded area again, saying, "Brother Jiabao, Mr. Zhao said that he would play tomorrow night, are you free?"

Bao didn't have to talk to Mr. Zhao about business before he went to work at Mr. Lin's company, and he didn't want to play again. Coach Wang said: "Mr. Zhao really wants to fight with you, and always says that he wants you to go with him." "

Po didn't go.

A few days later, Coach Wang called Bao again, and this time Bao went.

Mr. Zhao asked because Ah Bao didn't come last time, "Will you not fight much recently?"

Po said: "Yes, I haven't played much recently. "

He asked, "Why?"

Po said: "I've been busy lately. "

Mr. Zhao looked at him and said, "You seem to have gained a lot of weight?"

Po said, "It's still that weight." "

"My belly is a lot bigger," he said. "

After the two fought, Mr. Zhao praised Abao and said: "The landing point of your serve is very accurate and impactful." "

Po also praised him and said, "You are in good shape today. "

He smiled and said, "I've been watching the Australian Open for the past two days!".

Mr. Zhao talked about going to Chengdu not long ago to watch the National Youth Tennis Tournament, and said: "When I met Li Zongwei's daughter who also went to participate in the competition, she became very unsightly, her face was covered with pimples, and her hair was cut short, and she couldn't recognize it at all. "

Lee Chong Wei is the director of the Social Sports Center.

This time, Po didn't see the woman.


Later, Ah Bao went to the bonded area with Coach Wang to play again, and met another woman, who was a girl.

Mr. Zhao was very excited and introduced them to them: "My girlfriend!".

After Mr. Zhao had this girlfriend, his state was not as good as before, and he was beaten 6-0 by Bao, and he finally said: "There is no way to beat you now." "

When Mr. Zhao was playing, the phone rang, and his girlfriend asked, "Are you answering?"

Mr. Zhao answered the phone and said: "I won't do it, little brother, I definitely won't do it, you listen to me, I won't do it, I definitely won't do it, if I can do it, the first time you tell me softly, I will do it, okay, I'm talking to a friend at this time, okay......


Mr. Zhao's girlfriend, who was wearing a pair of shorts, cried out in a lost voice after being bitten by a mosquito: "Mosquito!".

Mr. Zhao also wanted to fight Bao again, saying, "We are scheduled for Thursday!"

Said many times.

Po still didn't go.



National Day is going to hold a competition again, and Coach Wang is going to participate because of Mr. Zhao, and La Abao will go with him.

Abaola Liansheng went to play doubles together, but Liansheng didn't like the game, and suddenly said that his back hurt and his hands hurt, so Bao had to go by himself.

Li Ju has already registered, he analyzed the situation for Bao, and said: "The senior group forest bureau can win the championship this time, and I can win Mr. Zhao." "

He was so happy that he learned the dialect and said, "There is hope!".

This morning, Po went to the competition, but was scheduled for the afternoon of the next day, and when he came home, he said to his daughter, "Otherwise, my condition in the morning has been adjusted to the best, fuck, Mr. Ma escaped!"

Ms. Ma is a physical education teacher at Xiamen Meng University.

The next afternoon, Ah Bao went to the competition, and the other party was not Mr. Ma but Fang Chu.

Fang Chu was predicted to be the champion this time, and Po lost to him.

Coach Wang pointed out Bao's shortcomings and said, "The pace is a little slower. "

After Fang Chu fought with Bao, he fought with the forest bureau, and the forest bureau also lost to him.

The forest bureau was waiting for the second game, and Ah Bao said to him: "If you want to win, come back tomorrow." "

He said, "Don't be afraid!"

Mr. Ma played with Li Ju, and was sentenced to abandon the game when he was late, but he still wanted to play with Li Ju, Li Ju didn't want to play, as long as he ranked, and said: "I don't have to fight with you! I don't have to fight with you! If I want to fight, let's have a friendship another day." "

He said, "Don't you dare to fight me? Don't you dare to fight me? Don't dare, count!"

Ah Bao played the second game, thinking that the other party was a newcomer, and kept attacking him, but he was very tenacious and couldn't fight to death, but he always made mistakes and was killed by him.

The other party saw that Po's score began to fall behind, and the more he played, the more courageous he became.

During the break, Po asked Coach Wang, "How do you have to play like this?"

Coach Wang said, "Stand a little ahead. "

Ah Bao began to win back a little bit in front of the station, but the score was too far behind, and he also lost.

Coach Wang and Mr. Zhao played doubles together, and Ah Bao thought they could win, saying, "Do you want them to?".

Coach Wang said, "No!".

Zhang Zhu and Zheng Xing beat them to 8 to 1 and 8 to 2 by Fang and they lost even more.

Ah Bao didn't see the woman come to cheer for Mr. Zhao.


Coach Wang told Mr. Zhao that last year, Bao took his daughter to participate in the youth tennis tournament, and the doubles entered the top four, and the college entrance examination could add 20 points.

Sister Ambiguous also has a daughter, and after Mr. Zhao told Sister Ambiguous, Sister Ambiguous also brought her daughter to play ball.

One day, Ah Bao went to play ball and saw Sister Ambiguous bring her daughter to play.

At this time, Sister Ambiguous was no longer an executive of Zhao's head office, but turned into an English teacher who returned to school.

Po greeted her and asked, "Did you come the first day?"

She said, "Yes, we're here for the first day!"

Teacher Gao asked her, "How long have you been fighting?"

"She hit a few times," she said. "

Teacher Gao asked, "What about you?"

She said, "Oh my no, I've been playing for two or three years. "

Sneaking a glance at Po.

Ah Bao only knew that she knew Coach Wang, but he didn't know that she knew Teacher Gao.

Later, Ah Bao heard Ah Yang say that she originally came to Coach Wang to fight, and then Coach Wang happened to have something to do and transferred it to Teacher Gao.


One day in the second year, Ah Bao took his sister's youngest son to play ball, and saw the ambiguous sister bringing her daughter to play.

Sister Ambiguous saw Sister Bao's youngest son wearing the same school uniform as her daughter, and asked, "You are also from the experimental middle school?"

Bao's sister's youngest son's academic performance is just average, naturally not from the experimental middle school, but from the private middle school where the experimental middle school participates in running the school, Bao said: "No, we are only in junior high school." "

I only heard the ambiguous sister whispering to her daughter: "It's so high in junior high school!".

Later, Po saw another mother and daughter come to play with them.

Later, the two daughters were busy with their studies and did not come back to play, leaving only two mothers.

Later, the other mother did not come, and only the ambiguous sister remained.

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