Po knew that she was going to call him and asked, "Do I need to go?"

She said, "You call me when you get to the school gate. "

Ah Bao had to get up and get dressed, and then hurried away, constantly scolding himself for being cheap along the way, and sent a ghost to find her yesterday afternoon, if not, maybe she would not come to find herself today, but to find the third child.

This is a private school, most of the parents of the students are very rich, once the school held a parent-teacher meeting, a parent of a student said to the teacher, "If you don't teach the students well, we will take the money to kill you!"

It took a long time for Miss Yang to come out of the school with the child, and she said to him: "Hit the wrong person, four adults beat him and a child, and the teacher said that the student's mother had lost her mind and brought someone into the school to beat someone." "

He said, "Now go to the hospital, the principal said that the child has an injury and will be cured first." "

They got to the hospital, and on the way her child said, "I didn't hit him yesterday, I just watched from the sidelines." Yesterday six or seven people beat him once, and after the beating, he beat him again, three times, and he was beaten badly. "

He said: "If he hadn't been seen by the people in the small shop at the school gate and told his mother that he wouldn't say it when he went back, he would have taken revenge." "

said: "His family is very rich, and he is given 40,000 or 50,000 yuan to spend every month. "

Po asked Miss Yang, "Was the child beaten badly?"

Her child said, "It's okay, I know it myself." "

"You can't just say it's okay all the time, you have to pretend to be heavy," she said. "

He said, "You can't come back obediently after being beaten!".

Her child said: "Let people know that they are beaten and lose face." "

Miss Yang asked Po, "Which hospital is better?"

Bao said: "Go to Huaqiao Hospital." "

Not long ago, her child broke his hand while learning to drive a motorcycle. Everywhere she went, she made trouble with the people there, saying, "Don't go to the Overseas Chinese Hospital." "

Bao said: "Don't go to Huaqiao Hospital, just go to the affiliated hospital or the central hospital. "

Her child said, "Go to the central hospital." "

Bao said: "When you go to the central hospital, you will go to the central hospital." "

Miss Yang said: "His principal said that Jinsha Hospital is better, and the orthopedic department there is the most famous in the city, where is Jinsha Hospital?".

Po had heard about it and said, "I know, then go to Jinsha Hospital." "

When I went to the entrance of Jinsha Hospital, the sign on it became "Jinyuan Hospital".

The original Jinsha District has now been changed to Jinyuan District, and the name of the hospital has also been changed, and they don't know if the hospital that the principal said is this one.

Po asked a motorcycle worker who was doing business in front of the hospital, "Is there a Sands Hospital?"

The motorcycle worker said, "Yes, but it's hard to find, you can't find it yourself, otherwise, I'll lead the way in front on a motorcycle, and I'll be there in a while." "

Bao was afraid that the motorcycle worker would ask for a sky-high price after the accident, so he asked, "How much?" and the motorcycle worker said, "Five yuan." "

Po began to learn to bargain and said, "Three pieces." "

He said, "Okay." "

When he reached the intersection of the road, the motorcyclist stopped and pointed to a building in the distance, saying, "Where you are, do you see that?"

"Jinsha Hospital" is written on the wall of the building, and if you have good eyesight, you can see it when you stand at the entrance of Jinyuan Hospital.

It's an urban village hospital, and it's very simple, and Po wonders if it's going to be a mistake.

A woman at the registration desk dispelled his doubts and said, "Dr. Li is the only one in the orthopedic department, who is very clever, and many people come here to show him." "

Dr. Li hunched over, but Miss Yang mistook it for a fairy wind and firmly said, "Don't look at him like that, he is very clever!"

Miss Yang instructed Dr. Li: "Prescribe more medicine, prescribe more expensive points, and there is no problem with money." "

After prescribing the medicine, she asked Dr. Li to prescribe more, but Dr. Li didn't know where to start, and said, "It's already very heavy, come back after eating." "

After paying more than 400 yuan at the toll office, she was satisfied and said, "The medicine is quite heavy." "

The hospital was very rudimentary and poorly managed, their car was stuck in and they couldn't get out, and the doorman said, "What can I do?!".

Fortunately, Po is very clever, and she can't help but be clever with Miss Yang, and she came out of the other way after breaking into the corridor.

Miss Yang didn't want to take the child home yet, so she said, "Go back to school and get your schoolbag and talk to the principal again." "

Po had no choice but to take them to school again.

Ah Bao said ingeniously: "If they are unreasonable, we will reason with him." "

But she was very unimpressed, and said, "No, if they are unreasonable, we will be even more unreasonable than them!"

Ah Bao was disheartened and said helplessly: "It's so difficult to be the principal of this school!".

"It's hard to be a parent, let alone a principal," she said. "

When she got out of the car, her child became more slower, and Po was taken aback and asked, "Can't you walk, can you?"

Her child said, "No." "

In the principal's office, Miss Yang was unforgiving, saying, "This matter must be dealt with seriously." "

The principal said, "I have already reported to the police and handed it over to the police, how can the school do anything about this?!".

"I received the news in the morning and almost fainted," she said. "

The principal said: "This sentiment of parents is understandable. "

"They think they have money, and others are richer than them!", she said

The principal couldn't help her, so he had to talk to her child and say, "Huahua, you have to cut your hair shorter, so that you look like a student?!


Then they went to the Political and Educational Office, and the director happened to be Miss Yang's former teacher, and he didn't have a good impression of her.

The director said to her child, "Let me ask you, the other party said that you stepped on him in sneakers yesterday, did you?"

Her child said, "I don't." "

The director said, "Let me ask you again, have you supported them in any way?".

Her child said, "No, I'm just watching." "

Now the director had something to say, and said: "Huahua, the school has a rule that says that if there is a situation that is not reported in time to be dealt with, do you know?"

Her child said, "Yes." "

The director said: "I know why I didn't come to report, if you had come to report yesterday, this kind of thing would not have happened today, don't you say?"

Miss Yang didn't want to listen any more and walked out.

Ah Bao and her child went to the classroom to get their schoolbags, and the head teacher was a woman, so she had to pretend to be very concerned and asked, "Is it heavy?"

Her child said, "Not heavy." "

The head teacher said, "I heard that his father still refuses to give up and is guarding outside with others, but be careful. "

They saw a middle-aged woman downstairs, and her child became nervous and said, "His mother!

Po said, "Ignore her!".

"She followed behind, talking on the phone as she went," her child said. "

Her child saw another director walking in front of her and shouted, "Director!", "Director!"

The director didn't want to meddle in things, pretended not to hear, walked quickly into the parking lot, and ran after entering the parking lot.

Her child said disappointedly, "He ignored me." "

Po said, "Go to the principal's office." He ran and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Po followed her to the principal's office, saw that there was no one inside, and then went to the political and educational office, where she saw her child.

When the director came out to take a look, a teacher pointed to the school gate and said, "That's there!".

Then he pointed to the back door of the school and said, "There are also two school gates blocked by them." "

The director said to them, "Don't go out yet, sit here for a while." "

At this time, Miss Yang came back, felt that the matter was very serious, wiped her tears with a tissue, and said, "Your father is busy. "

Po desperately wants to go to the "four-eyed cat", whose brother-in-law is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau.

Po said: "Think about it, think about it, see what can be done." "

She said to the child, "We're trying to figure it out for you." "

Miss Yang made a cup of antelope water, Ah Bao had not eaten breakfast yet, she was hungry and thirsty, she picked it up and drank it, and after drinking it, she realized that she was drinking it for her own children.

The head of the police station also came. The principal called the other party's father to come out to talk, but the other party's father just didn't come out.

One teacher thought it was funny and said, "His father doesn't know which car he's hiding in and won't come out." "

The director got angry and said, "Ignore him, if it's like this, he can do whatever he wants!"

Ah Bao said to Miss Yang: "The director wants to make a big deal and deliberately doesn't stop them, if they are beaten, it will be your child who will suffer at that time." "

They didn't dare to go out in the school, and when the director saw it, he said, "It's okay, you can go, it's okay." "

Then he said, "Find a time to take him to take a note." "

Miss Yang asked, "When?"

The director said, "Afternoon." "

She said, "Would you like to go now?"

The director said, "Now you can do it too." "

When they went to the police station to make a record, her child wrote in the back: "I have read the above three pages, and they are the same as what I said. "

On the way back, Miss Yang said, "I just made a phone call, and they said to go to the hospital and have their head checked, and they can do whatever they want." "

Ah Bao wanted to go home quickly, and said, "Check where you are injured, and don't check if you are not injured." "

He said: "Fortunately, this time they came to the school to beat people, and if they beat outside, they would have beaten them in vain, and if the parents did not participate in the beating, the students themselves called someone to beat them, and they were beaten in vain." "

When Bao returned home, he was afraid that his wife would ask, so he spoke up first and said, ", my friend's child broke his hand, let me take him to Dr. Xu." "

Bao's daughter broke her hand last year, and she was treated by Dr. Xu. Po's wife asked, "Where did you break it?!".

"At school," he said. She didn't ask any more.

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