This is the second time he has come up with the pit. The first time was after being brainwashed by Miss Yang at her house for a whole day and being scratched by a cat, and I planned not to go to her house again in the future.

Miss Yang was afraid that his cute little golden turtle had run away, so the next morning, she woke up and called him.

At this time, Ah Bao was driving his brother-in-law's father back, he came to see his father, and his father asked him to drive him back.

She asked, "Did Ah Xu say where he was going to do it on National Day?"

"No, I went to play yesterday and didn't hear what they said," he said. "

She said: "Ah Xu went to Ah Hui last night and gave her fruit or something. "

He said, "Ah Xu went to find Ah Hui, that's good." "

She said, "But Ah Hui didn't buy his account and took the things to the porter. "

She also said worriedly: "Let's go and touch it together, I wonder if Ah Hui will tell Ah Xu?"

He said: "Ah Xu talked about a hundred things but didn't work out, and he was angry with us, and when he saw me, he always yawned, which is really annoying!".

Ask: "Where are you going these days?"

She mistakenly thought that he was going to take her somewhere, and said, "Oh, you can't help it in this situation." "

found that this was not the meaning, and said: "Yes, they invited us to Dongshan Island on the third day, but we don't want it." "

Ah Xian and Ah Hui are both from Dongshan Island. He told her to find a place to play by herself in the next few days, and she said okay.


Ah Bao thought that her affair with Miss Yang was over, but a day or two later, she called him again, as if her house was on fire and asking for help, and said, "Come out! What time is it, come out!"

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and he had just returned from his father's house, and he was anxious and exhausted. She told him to go to a cabaret to find her, and at the same time called the fat man too.

He didn't want to go, and said, "I haven't taken a shower yet." "

She said, "You come out after you take a shower." "

He went out without taking a bath, and he was afraid that after taking a bath, he would not want to go even more. On the way, he called the fat man, but he didn't expect that he was not willing to be lonely on the National Day, and was in the dance hall and asked them to come to him.

After Ah Bao helped Miss Yang move in and couldn't come to the rescue, he called her and told her that he wanted her to cancel the plan, but she still asked him to pick her up immediately.

He hurried there, and in a moment saw her come out of it alone, blushing like a red lantern at a festival.

It turned out that she came to the dance hall to talk about business with people again, and after getting in the car, she said angrily: "Two rednecks are wearing flower clothes and taking a bottle of six-pound foreign wine, Ah Hui only knows money and is looking for death." "

"She knows an old man, and the old man calls another person, two of them, two of us." "

He also said: "I don't know how to drink, so I just drank a little wine and became what I am now, so that they would not find out and sneak out." "

At this moment, he felt very sorry for Lao Chen, and said: "Like you are now, of course Lao Chen will be angry when he sees it." "

She asked him to drive the car to the cabaret where the fat man went to find him, and she had a pair of cat's eyes that she could recognize the fat man at a glance in the dim light of the ballroom.

"He's leaving with a woman." "Don't forget to show him that he suffers from congenital night blindness and can't see.

The fat man has always wanted to have a confidant, saying that he is better than his wife, and he can live a few more years or something, and now he finally has it.

She wanted to know how this woman looked, if she was prettier than herself, she wouldn't let him go, and if she wasn't as beautiful as herself, she would let him go, deliberately waiting for them at the door.

After breaking up with the fat man and his confidante, he asked her where else she was going, and she didn't answer.

She was worried and sullen, and said: "The child called his father, and from the first to the third, his father said that he was very busy, and he came to the customer, and the child always said that he was bored. "

She said that Ah Hui's shop was once shut down, and said: "I went to dinner with others, and then they opened a room and waited for her, but she didn't go, and people came to her to settle accounts, and she finally asked someone to intercede." "

They spun around a few nearby streets, and at last he didn't want to turn any more and took her to supper.

He asked her if she wanted shrimp porridge or crab porridge. Shrimp porridge is cheaper, crab porridge is more expensive, she said crab porridge. He said that crab porridge is crab porridge, and called a casserole of crab porridge. She thought the crab porridge was so delicious that she ate a few bowls in a row, as if she hadn't eaten at night.

When it was over, Po asked, "Where else are you going?" and she said, "Go home and sleep!".

Her motorcycle stopped in front of the nightclub just now, and he asked, "Shall I pick you up tomorrow to drive the motorcycle?"

She asked, "What time is it?"

He said, "It's past eight o'clock." "

She said, "No, I'm going to sleep until 10 o'clock." "

He said, "Then tomorrow the relatives in the countryside will come to see our father, and I will come back to pick you up after I send them back." "

She said, "Okay." "

He took her to the door, and when she got out of the car, she asked, "Do you want to go up for tea?"

He wanted to go home and sleep, saying, "It's too late." "

She said, "Don't go back tonight!".

She says this every time, and it has become a mantra for her.


A day or two later, in the evening, Miss Xiang called Po again, still asking for help as if her house was on fire, and asked him to look for her in a clothing store.

At this time, he was at his father's house, and his sister had not yet returned to Dr. Zhang's house to transfer medicine to his father, and he had to wait until she came back to see how the situation was going. When his sister returned, he went.

The clothing store owner's wife had just given birth, and she wanted to bring him in to buy pollen milk powder in exchange for him buying a pair of trousers.

Although he had a lot of pants at home, he still bought them from him in order to fulfill her.

When they went to her house for tea, she asked, "Are you still going to play?"

He said: "No, there is no physical strength and no energy. "

She told him about her father's illness back then, saying, "The night before my father died, my second child and I went to the park to attend a bonfire and dance. "

said: "When my father was sick, my mother showed him a video of Taiwanese beauties. "

At this time, Ah Ying called her, and she was very happy, even more happy than Robinson who had been drifting in the sea for many days and finally saw a desert island, and after answering the phone, she said: "That Jiangxi monkey is coming! She only came after the National Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

A Ying is a native of Jiangxi.

After Ah Ying came, she didn't call him again, and she called him again two or three days later, but this time she didn't come to ask him out, she said indignantly: "After Ah Ying came, I called the fat man and asked him if he wanted to see her, and the fat man didn't call me until today, saying that he didn't have time." "

She said: "If you don't want to see me, you don't have to call anymore, if you're bored, call me Miss Yang." "

"I hate it now when I hear his voice," he said. "

He asked, "Have you been somewhere these days?"

She said: "Yes, I went to CTS to eat buffet hot pot last night, and after eating, Ah Ying said to play, I better go home and sleep!".

She asked him again about his father, and then said, "Your sister lives upstairs from him, so you can go and stay with him often." "

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