He said, "Walk over with an umbrella. "

"Come by tricycle so you don't get your shoes wet," she said. "

When Bao arrived at Miss Yang's house, she asked, "How much does the tricycle cost?"

He said, "Give him five dollars, and I didn't ask him." "

She said dissatisfiedly: "Oh, get in the car, go, pay back the money and leave, isn't that so?"

He asked, "Wouldn't it be boring to meet someone who can't bargain in business?"

Bao remembered an article called "Bargaining " that he had read in Reader's Digest before, about a European merchant who opened a shop selling Persian carpets, and no one came in to buy it for many days, and he was extremely bored, and finally a person came in, and the merchant suddenly came to the spirit and deliberately raised the price very high, who knew that this person was a big guy, he didn't talk about the price at all, and he had to leave after buying, which made him disappointed, he kept this person and taught him how to constantly bargain with himself, and the more he lowered the price, the happier he was.


Zhou Huang finally came back from Beijing and called Bao.

In the evening they met at the tea house.

Ah Bao didn't expect that Zhou Huang would now become a capable person, doing any business, in addition to other businesses, he is also making health care products.

They originally wanted to come and pull him in, but it turned out that he was pulling them in.

Zhou Huang said to Bao: "If you want to do it, it's better to come to me, if you can't sell it, you can return it to me, and sometimes I can approve the slip for you." "

Zhou Huang also told Bao: "You are not suitable for this kind of business, and you have to do this kind of business with those who don't pick up the next meal to do it, and you can make a fortune." "

The result was not negotiated, and on the way back, the fat man called Ah Bao again and said, "I, Lian Sheng and Ah Xu, please go and wash your feet." "

Ah Bao knew that it was fake that they asked him to wash his feet, and it was true to talk to him about the bank, so he angrily said to Miss Yang: "The three of them want to talk to me." "

Miss Yang said dissatisfiedly: "If you want to talk, five people will talk together!".


Ah Bao and Zhou Huang did not negotiate a business, so they were disappointed and did not call Miss Yang for a few days.

On this day she called him and asked, "Why didn't you call me these two days?".

He deliberately said, "Forget." "

She didn't expect him to say such a thing, so she was stunned and said, "What are you thinking, forgot?!".

Said: "She doesn't have to go to work today, the cat looks at the mouse is not." "

Afraid of being heard by his wife, he said, "I'll call you later." "

Then hung up the phone.

He went out and sang as he went downstairs: "One road, endless ...... of fallen leaves".

After singing for a long time, he realized that he was singing, but fortunately he was not met by a neighbor, and when he met him, he would ask his wife, "Is your husband mentally problematic lately?"

When he got downstairs, he called Miss Yang, and she asked, "Is it that the rat is out of the hole?

He said, "Yes, let you say it, how to say it?".

She thought he was going to pick her up and asked, "What about my child?"

He said, "How about I go to see my father first and call you in the evening?"

She said, "Okay." "

In the evening, Po was going to get a haircut after eating at his father's house, and wanted to take her with him, so he called her, but he didn't expect that she was already in the hair salon.

He said, "Oh, you're going to wash your hair, I'm going to cut it, I wanted to take you with me." "

She told him to go to her hair salon.

He hadn't been to another salon for a long time, and he used to go where he had opened a new salon. The master who cut his hair was a young man, as if he was performing, and he opened his eyes again.

After coming out of the hair salon, they went to her house for tea, and after drinking the tea, they went out for supper.

They went to eat duck porridge, and every time she ate, she felt like she was about to enter a fierce battle, and before the food was served, she was already grabbing chopsticks in one hand and a spoon in the other, and she was ready for battle.

She said with great interest: "We will come to eat often in the future." "

He wanted to see her joke again, and said, "If you come to eat often, you will gain weight faster." "

She disagreed, saying, "Do you get fat once a week?".

She told him a secret, saying, "You won't feel hungry when you wake up the next day without a supper, but you will feel hungry when you wake up the next day after a supper." "

At this time, he thought of Xia Han again, he had done business with him before, so he took too much advantage, and he had been looking for an opportunity to make him compensate himself, and this time he was called to buy pollen.

He told her, "I have a goal again!"

She rejoiced. He joked: "He sleeps all morning, and when he just wakes up and is still dazed, I call him again and catch him off guard." "

She asked, "Does he have any money?"

"He has money," he said. "


Po didn't call Xia Han when he just woke up and was still dazed, as he said, but waited until the afternoon to call him. He was playing mahjong at the time, and Po didn't know when he started playing mahjong.

He asked Po what he was doing now, Po said he was making pollen, he asked where the company was, Po told him, he said find time to see, Po made an appointment with him the next afternoon.

On this afternoon, Ah Bao and Miss Yang arrived at the company together, but before they entered the company, they saw Xia Han from a distance and were talking happily with their female manager, thinking that they had known each other for a long time.

Miss Yang launched a fierce attack on him, but he was scared away, and only one copy of the information was obtained.

Po was disappointed again, and she comforted him and said, "That's right, now it's sowing seeds and laying pipes." "

Ah Bao was so disappointed and said: "If it were me, people would call me to come to the company, and I would buy a little bit and not ruin the excitement of others." "

She said: "You are more cheerful, the 'four-eyed cat' doesn't know if he still has money." "

She immediately gave Xia Han such a nickname.


That night he went to look for her, and she didn't know why, and she was sullen again.

She asked him about his father's recent condition, and then told him about his illness and death, saying: "My husband came to see my father in the hospital and cried, he hadn't seen my father for a year, and now he has become like this. His eyes were already very unfocused, and it was very unnatural to call his father, and by this time we had been separated for a year. "

"He didn't go to see my father very often, only once in a long time, and I lied to my father that he was going to go out," he said. He went to the queue, and I said that I would give my father a ride at the end, but he didn't hold the urn, and I carried the urn myself. "

said: "I am the most filial among the four sisters, and my father said that I will be rewarded." It really didn't take long for me to spot it. He said he was sexually hungry and I said I wasn't dead. I said that I would divorce in this case, and I proposed these two words. And just like that, four hours dissolved a ten-year marriage. "

"I'm now used to living alone, I'm very free, I can sleep when I want, I can get up when I want, no one says sleep, what are you doing?!".

In the end, she said: "It was scary to think that a few hours of sitting and chatting had passed, and nothing had been done." "

She took out another document and asked him to take it to the "four-eyed cat".


It was another sunny day, and she called him, as if to report some great news, and said, "Wake up early today, and send the children to school, and then go to the market near your house to buy groceries, and then go to the court to see who is playing." "

Po joked, "Gasoline is expensive now!".

She called him and asked, "Is there any news after the 'four-eyed cat' information is taken?"

He got annoyed and said, "If he doesn't want to buy it, forget it, don't force him, he doesn't want to buy it, let's find someone else." "

When she saw that he was not very kind, she was not happy, and said, "Okay, well, don't, don't." "

After a while, she said: "It's not reluctant, you have to be skilled in doing business." "

He pretended to be more skillful than her, saying, "You can't be in a hurry to do business......


She was waiting for him to finish, and he said, "I'm too anxious to get pimples on my face." "

She was amused by him, shaking her head like a rattle, and said, "No, my face is smooth." "

Her face is well maintained and indeed smooth.

She also said: "My husband came the day before yesterday, and my child failed three homework and was called by the teacher to go to school to talk. He thought I would be very honest, how do you know that I am not polite, saying that you are harming him, buy him a mobile phone, and lose it in the box in a few days, if he fails the exam, don't buy a mobile phone for him. "

She wanted to have a car, and he said, "You can't ask your husband for it, because he will look down on him, let alone not." "

She said: "If I don't ask him, I don't ask him, how can I ask him, how can I be so shameless." "

said: "I originally wanted to take the child away, but since then I have disappeared, making him sad for the rest of my life, and causing me to be what I am now." "

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