Thinking that she was sleeping with Lao Chen, she was so scared that she ran home.

He came home sweating profusely and she called him and asked, "I asked you to get my text back, why didn't you?!".

He said: "No, you didn't call me back to your text message, just two words: 'sleeping'. "

She asked, "Why don't you call me again?!".

He said, "I'm afraid you'll be inconvenient." "

She ordered, "You come now on a motorcycle, hurry!".

When he arrived at her house on a motorcycle, he saw that she was already dressed and ready to go out.

She said angrily: "I heard Lao Chen's sister-in-law say last night that he has someone else and is preparing to get married, I want you to accompany me to fight now, and then I will go upstairs to see." "

said: "Go and watch for a day to see if it's true, it's okay for half a day, his car is Shenlong Fukang." "

Ah Bao hesitated, she said: "You help me now, and I will help you when your wife goes to talk to others in the future." "

Ask: "What would you do if your wife went to talk to someone else?".

Po said, "I don't care. She asked, "She with hers, and you with you?"

instigated him to say: "You just can't let her find out, a 'no' word means everything, do you know?!".

They didn't go at all, and sat down to talk again.

She continued to break Lao Chen's news, saying: "Lao Chen came to my house for the first time, took two passports to show me, he is the kind of person who feels good about himself, and then they went to Thailand together." "

He said, "I won't let him in, and he kicked the door so hard that he broke my iron door." "

Po asked, "Did you wake up the neighbor?"

"They all came out to see," she said. "

He said, "He was very afraid of my child, and my child chased him, saying that if you come again, you will be a dog." "

She said: "He said, let you make such a fuss, my chest hurts so much, I have to live two years less." "

She said: "I didn't get a marriage certificate with him to observe him, when I got married, his mother gave me a necklace, and after a quarrel, she asked me to go back, originally this thing couldn't go back, she gave me a necklace and I also bought a dress for her." "

said: "His mother saw that I was good, and told the children that if they wanted to leave, they would leave, and it would be good to marry another one like the fourth child." "

He said: "If he goes to struggle, I promise to clean up the house, make three meals a day delicious and delicious, and raise him fat, my husband is the one I raised him fat, he used to be very thin." "

Po asked, "Did he dare to let you know when he went to play mahjong?"

"No," she said, "he let me know that I would agree instead." "

She said: "He always didn't dare to let me know when he called, he was sneaky, hid in the distance, and he turned off his phone when he was with me." "

Say: "He's stupid, just set the vibration, he won't text." "

"One time we went to pay the electricity bill together, and he locked me in the car and went in to pay it himself," he said. I waited a long time and saw that he did not come out, so I went in to see that he had a very heated conversation with a woman. I walked over and he explained that it was my classmate's wife and that I didn't say hello to her. After leaving, he said I was rude and didn't greet her. I was reprimanded, and I said that you are too enthusiastic, you can let people pay the electricity bill by themselves, how can you help her pay!".

She was a talker, and found that she was talking too much, and said, "How can I tell you this, why do people want to talk to you when they see you, and they are not at all defenseless?"

Say: "The people I have befriended, two extremes. "

She helped Po look at his palms again and said, "You made money once in your thirties, and there is a small pit here, and another pit is here, when you were in your forties." "

Say, "You still have a chance." "

He interrupted and asked, "Are you one hundred and twenty-six pounds?"

She finally told the truth and said, "What's more, not long ago, I weighed one hundred and thirty-six pounds, and I gained ten pounds, thinking that my shoes were ten pounds, and I weighed only one pound after weighing, and recently I lost one pound, one hundred and thirty-five pounds." "

She said: "It may be that I have eaten too much bread, made an Ou Xiangka, and often ate bread, and after the child eats one, he will not eat it again, so I have to eat the rest, and I can't always buy bread to eat in the future." "

She said, "You don't leak much money. "

He said, "You were probably in your forties, and you had to go out. "

Po said, "Okay, let's go together." "

She said, "Your hand lines are very mixed, and it would be nice if your fingers were a little longer, and a man's fingers should be a little longer." "

She asked, "What year did you start making money?".

Bao said: "I started to make money in 92 or 93, others can't make money, I can earn it, if it weren't for the change of the situation, I can continue to earn, I came out too late to make money." "

She didn't want to say any more about this, saying, "It's better to talk about making money and not anything else." "

Asked: "Are you afraid that your wife will know that we are doing business together?"

Ah Bao pretended to be very good at doing business, and said: "You need a lot of money to do business, and if you do 300,000, you have to have 500,000." "

At this time, her cat scratched his arm, and he suddenly remembered and said, "It scratched me in bed that day." "

She laughed and said proudly, "Of course, I don't know why there was an uninvited guest!".

She asked, "Did you bring a picture of your wife?"

He dug in his pocket for a long time, but he couldn't find it, and said, "Oh, I lost it?"

She thought he was putting on a show and said, "Bring it! I'll see!"

Touching his pocket, he asked, "What is this?".

Po took everything out and showed her, and she looked through his car license and asked, "You were born in five or five years?"

He said: "It's been five or nine years, and five or five years have become old men." "

She called Lao Chen an old man. She said, "I asked you to show it to me, because I want to know which one it is, you have bad eyes, and I can only help you see it on the road, what a fool!"

She asked, "Did your wife come back at noon?" "

She left him at home to eat, and he said, "Okay." "

Then he said, "It's better to go back." "

She wouldn't let him go, saying, "Just eat here!".

He asked, "Is it inconvenient?"

She said, "It's okay, what do you want to eat?".

He said, "Whatever you want, I'll eat whatever you want." "

Ask: "What does your child want to eat?"

She said: "Don't pay attention to him, let's just eat it ourselves, he hasn't gotten up yet, wait a while and ask the eighth brother to send him fried kueh to eat, he likes to eat the eighth brother's fried kueh." "

She called to order a meal, and Ah Bao heard it and said, "You let the eighth brother's fried kueh be delivered here? "

"No," she said, "he arrived on his motorcycle, very fast." "

After a while, the eighth brother came to send fried kueh, and he said, "I can't let him see me sitting here, let him think that he has sent it to the wrong place when he sees it." "

She asked, "You often call him to deliver food, too?"

She blocked the door and didn't let the eighth brother see it.

At this time, Po's wife called him, and he said that he did not go back to eat at noon and was with friends.

When Po was on the phone with his wife, Miss Yang hid, and when they were done, she came out again.

After eating fried kueh and drinking tea for a while, she took out a business card and flipped through it, and Po saw one of them and let out an "oh".

She said, "She's my cousin, do you know her?"

He said, "Yang Chunlan is your cousin, are you her cousin?"

They talked about her cousin for a while.

Ah Bao said: "Alain, that person, tell her not to do business, she will die." "

"She loses a friend every time she does business," she said. "

"She's going to earn it all," she said. "

He said: "She is very stingy, and invites people to dinner for more than 100 yuan each time. "

"She will fight with a sword," she said. "

She said, "Do you want to find time for us to go to her company together?"

He said: "Her husband is walking without a car now, and when he saw me not long ago, he didn't dare to greet me. "

Po said: "I saw her crying so much that her eyes were red. "

"She doesn't cry and wakes up with red eyes," she said. She plays outside and won't throw away her home. "

She said: "I used to live downstairs, there was a faucet at the door, and she used to drive a motorbike to wash it, and I said three yuan to drive it to someone to wash! "

He thought of Bank Xu and asked curiously, "How did you and Ah Xu meet?"

"I met friends when they got together," she said. "

I didn't say that I met at a party at a marriage agency.

She said: "He introduced himself to work in a bank, and I said that I had a few hundred yuan washed by the washing machine, but could I change it, and he said yes and told me to go the next day." The next day he was there on time, dressed in a white shirt and a black tie, dressed in a dashing manner. "

Say, "Changed to a row of straight versions!".

Po said: "Ah Xu's posture of playing basketball is very beautiful. "

"He's that kind of guy, looking for beautiful postures," she said. He toasted to my boy, saying that we were brothers, and that the two of them drank one can, and that he drank two cans himself. "

She said: "You are a deep person, and you do what you want to do silently, unlike others, who know everything before you do it." "

"I've watched three so far," he said. "

He blurted out and said, "Only three?"

"Plus four for the children and five for the cats at home," she said. "

At this time, Lao Chen called her again and asked her about her mother's birthday, and they were going to have a buffet at the International Hotel in the evening, and Lao Chen said that he had a student there who could get a discount.

Lao Chen asked her how to get there, and she said, "We drove the motorcycle to my mother's house and took a taxi together." "

She said: "You have to be careful that the tiger people around you don't get eaten by her, and you can't use her as a pillow." "

Lao Chen heard her saying something like this again, and hung up the phone.

Ah Bao asked, "Why don't you bring Lao Chen with you?"

"He didn't have a good relationship with my mother, who was angry when she found out we were arguing," she said. "

Finally Po was leaving, and she said, "I'm going to play on Saturday!".

He asked, "Are you going to play?!".

"I go to play tennis, my kids go to play basketball, and you call me when you get to the court," she said. "

Ah Bao originally wanted to find Miss Yang for another 20,000 words today, but it didn't work, she washed her brain all day, and she was very annoyed when she went out, plus she was scratched by her cat just now, and she was still hot at this time, and she planned not to go to her house again in the future.

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