Ah Bao was glad that he did not say at the wedding: "Ah Bing grew up in our parents, her growth and little achievements, we are very happy, we will not have an opinion on you, even if there is an opinion, it is against your parents, now you have achieved success in your studies and started a family, we don't want to drag you down, you can fly with confidence, I wish you good luck ......


In other words, when Sister Bao's daughter was a child, she only scored 99 points in an exam, and the difference was only 100 points.

In the past, she scored 100 points in every exam, but this time she made a small mistake and was deducted 1 point by the teacher and scored 99 points.

But it was missing this 1 point, and it fell to more than 40 in the class at once.

There are 60 students in the class, and there are more than 40 people who score 100 points in the test, which is a veritable top class.

When she returned home, Po's sister was furious and was about to beat her.

She hadn't experienced anything like this before, at a young age, she felt too terrible, so she ran away, but she didn't expect her mother to refuse to give up and chase her out.

She felt that her mother must be crazy, so she had to keep running, but her mother didn't even want her old life, and chased desperately until she was caught.

This is what happened when Bao's sister daughter first entered elementary school, and it has remained in her memory like a nightmare ever since.

In the future, she didn't dare to slack off in every exam, and scored 100 points in every exam, so she went all the way.

Po's sister isn't a crazy woman or a psychopath, but she just wants her daughter to go to college too much.


When the national college entrance examination was resumed that year, Bao's sister had already gone to work in the factory, and took leave to review at home day and night for more than two months, but failed to pass the exam.

She plans to fight again the next year and go to a nearby middle school with a neighbor to study, but at this time, Bao's sister's husband comes after her.

Before Sister Bao's husband came to chase her, someone was already chasing her, but at that time she still wanted to go to college, and now it's Sister Bao's husband, who comes every night, and on Sundays, in order to show that she is very knowledgeable, she always argues with her about some issues that have nothing to do with the learning content at this time, which affects her revision, and finally she gives up the exam.

The neighbor who used to go with her to a nearby middle school to review, she looked average, and no one came to chase her, but she was admitted to a prestigious medical university, and after graduation, she married a classmate in the class, who often published papers in academic journals at home and abroad, and was hired by the Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences, and she went abroad with her.

At that time, it was a very glorious thing to go abroad, and Bao's sister was very envious and regretted that she didn't go to college.

However, she finally fulfilled her college dream, and a few years later, the unit had a place to study at Shanghai University, and she went.


Bao's sister went to college, and her daughter was just over a year old, so she was placed at her parents' house and asked the family to help her take it.

At that time, Ah Bao was still relatively young, and often took her out to play, to Haibin Road, to Zhongshan Park ......

One day after dinner, Po took her to the seaside road on her bicycle, and she sat in front of the bicycle, suddenly raised her head and said, "Uncle, uncle, I like to play very much!"

At that time, she had just learned to speak, and Po was almost laughed to death by her, and she wanted to come back and tell everyone about it immediately.

When she reached the age of kindergarten, Bao's father asked someone to help her enter the welfare kindergarten, the best kindergarten in the city, which happened to be near their house, and after school in the afternoon, sometimes Bao's mother would pick her up, and sometimes Bao's grandmother would pick her up.


Bao's sister came back from two years of college and paid great attention to the training of her daughter, and a neighbor was a teacher at the experimental primary school, which is the best school in the city, and she happened to be not far from home, so she asked her to help her enter this school.

Two or three years later, they moved, and it was too far away, so they had to move to a nearby school with average teaching standards.

Sister Bao's daughter has been very envious of the life of foreign aristocrats in the movie since she was a child, once after moving, she once took a cloth puppy to walk downstairs, and once the family went out to play, she wore sunglasses and held her eldest brother, and when she was tired, she asked her father to help her get it.

At that time, only the very rich people used Big Brother, and her father was afraid that he would be seen and mistakenly think that he was pretending to be forced and wanted to throw her away.

Later, Po fell in love, and once his girlfriend went out to have breakfast with her classmates and took her with her.

She saw a plate of glutinous rice chicken that no one had eaten for a long time, and said, "You don't want it, you don't want it, I want it!"

Eat it in large gulps.

Sister Bao's daughter transferred to this school, the teaching quality is very average, but later there were two students with good grades, one is Sister Bao's daughter, and the other is a boy, one grade lower than Sister Bao's daughter.

Sister Bao's daughter has good grades, mainly because of hard work, but this boy is a prodigy, and he entered the junior class of the University of Science and Technology before graduating from elementary school.

Sister Bao's daughter usually has good grades, but her grades in the middle school entrance exam are not satisfactory, and she ranks sixth in the school.

The school has two places in one middle school, three overseas Chinese middle schools and five third middle schools, and she wants to enter the overseas Chinese middle school, and it just so happens that the wife of a friend's friend of Bao's sister is the director of this primary school, so she was transferred to another school.

In junior high school, Bao's sister's daughter's homeroom teacher was teaching English, and the teaching level was very high, and he sometimes held study classes outside and asked her to participate, and before she knew it, English became her best subject.


After graduating from junior high school, Bao's sister's daughter wanted to enter Jinshan Middle School, a well-known and famous lieutenant colonel.

Comrade Liu is a neighbor of Bao's father, and his nephew became the vice principal of Jinzhong this year.

One morning, Ah Bao's father called Ah Bao and said: "Last night, Comrade Liu's nephew called Comrade Liu and asked Ah Bing's name and admission ticket number, and also asked if he had filled in their school volunteers, and said that if there was a possibility of filling in, he would wait until after 11 o'clock, and then call Comrade Liu, saying that he had already called someone to get Ah Bing's file, and if he got it, he would call at noon tomorrow." "

Bao's father also said: "Ah Bing was very happy after hearing it last night, today I went to Jinshan barbecue with my classmates, do you want to go, say that if you are not admitted, it will be very shameless, after hearing Comrade Liu say this, I know that there must be, so I went, and said that I will go to Jinzhong by the way." "

Then, Ah Bao's sister also called Ah Bao, and did not say anything about Comrade Liu and his nephew, but said: "Bao, Ah Bing has been hit, and the Metropolis Daily has published it, and 544 points will enter the score line of Jinzhong, and Ah Bing will score 549 points." "

also said: "Ah Bing has a big life, let her catch up every time." "

At this time, the phone at her home rang, and she said, "The phone rang, and someone came to report something, so that's it." "


On this night, Bao's family was going out to dinner, and they took her sister's daughter with them, as they used to take with them when they went out to eat.

Sister Bao's daughter was admitted to Jinzhong and was going to eat again, she was very happy, and she kept talking along the way, she said: "There are six people in our class, six classes in the school, and there are almost more than 30 people who will be admitted to Jinzhong by then." This time, our school ranked first in the city, some people did not report Jinzhong, and Jinzhong did not accept it after being admitted, and stayed in the original school, and no one reported in No. 1 Middle School. "

said: "One of our classes usually doesn't have such good grades, this time I didn't expect to get a lot of points, more than 560, showing off everywhere, her mother knew that she would definitely be admitted, and kept calling my mother, pulling us to travel together, which line is how much is the cost of which line, I know it clearly, I like to say that her daughter usually doesn't study much, always watching TV, I haven't called for the past two days, she must know that I was also admitted, very jealous." "

said: "My second uncle went to ask the director of education in a district, he used to drive for him, and said that it might take more than 590 points to be admitted, why is it so bad, it's funny." My aunt I hated her the most, she said that she wanted me to say, don't have so many things, just go to Qiaozhong to study, I'm afraid that I will become an alumnus with her, she used to study in Jinzhong. My dad's classmate is the vice principal, and there is no news so far, so I haven't said it, but it's hard to say, he is also very enthusiastic, and he always said it after being asked by my dad. "

said: "Comrade Liu next door I am very grateful to him this time, he is very positive, always ask me, he is not an old man who is backward in his thinking or what, what he said is very right, he said that you can't lose to others in reading, but you are not afraid of losing, it is very reasonable." "

said: "Aunt Xiaoling's daughter has very poor grades, and she will definitely not be able to pass the exam this time, and she is always scolded by her mother at home." She was beautiful and tall, and she wore the same clothes as the fashionable women outside. "

"My mom prepared a lot of materials for me, and I had to study at home for the whole holiday, and she said not to be in last place after school," she said. The students in Jinzhong have very good grades, especially those from the countryside, who study very hard, study all day long, get up very early in the morning, and start hearing the alarm clock ring at three o'clock. "

After Sister Bao's daughter was admitted to Jinzhong, many people admired her very much.

Ah Bao's wife said: "Ah Bing made tens of thousands of yuan this time. "

Others can't pass the exam, and if they want to get in, they have to pay a sponsorship fee of 30,000 yuan.

A neighbor saw her and said, "Bing, that's amazing, I'll keep reading it." "

If you can be admitted to Jinzhong, you will definitely be admitted to university.

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