Wang Xiao said: "When the new students entered the class, there was a meeting, and Dongsheng said that the women in the back should sit in the front. "

Dongsheng worked on the farm for a while before going to school, and he got used to calling women women, which was a joke for a while.

Liduan waited for a long time, and when he saw that everyone hadn't stood up yet, he called out the name of what. What is to give him face, the first one to stand up, and the others will also stand up.

The photographer asked the people in the first row to squat, but Wei Sheng didn't want to squat, so he retreated from the first row to the second row.

He was taboo to squat down because he had gone in once. The moment the photographer pressed the button, Luo Wenli shouted: "Eggplant".

After taking the picture, Dongsheng asked a few people to see Shaowu, he was from this city, and he had already become the deputy mayor, but he drank too much at a dinner party, and his cerebral blood vessels ruptured, and he has been lying at home since then.

Dongsheng said, "You girls also go to one." "

Liu Hui said, "I'll go!".

Liu Hui was born in a military family, and later married a soldier, and habitually came to a upright posture.

There were two Li Hui in their class, and the other was a man, who used to do business in Shenchuan, and once went home to visit relatives, and made an appointment with Weisheng and them to travel to Guilin the next day, but the next day they called him, and he said that he was on his way to HK, which disappointed them for many years.

He didn't come to the party either.


After taking a group photo, Dongsheng and Liu Tao went to invite some teachers to have dinner together in the evening, and they continued to stand in the playground.

At this time, Xiaobo suddenly said: "Liduan, report on the blackboard at four o'clock!"

A row of small blackboards not far away brought back his memories.

It can be said that this row of small blackboards is his birthplace, he often published blackboard newspapers there, with this experience, every time he fills in his resume in the specialty column for publication, and then he really entered a newspaper.

Looking at the gate of the old campus, someone joked, "I wonder if Lao Xie is still there?"

Lao Xie was a little old man in the porter back then, and they often ran out to watch movies at night, and when they came back, sometimes the door was locked, so they had to ask Lao Xie to open the door.

Often, Lao Xie was woken up by them as soon as he fell asleep, so he was very reluctant, if they shouted outside: "Lao Xie, Lao Xie!" he would never get up, but if he shouted: "Xie Ke, Xie Ke!" he would get up immediately.

It is said that in his early years he was a section chief somewhere, and later made a mistake and came here to see the gate. The man who first invented and called him "Sheko" was a genius.

The other place is the former library, which is now the school history museum. Looking at the building that retains the Soviet-style architectural style, some people insist that it is still the original building, while others say that it was rebuilt, and there are different opinions.

I don't know if anyone proposed to walk around the campus, the school road was first a dirt road, then a stone road, and now a concrete road.

Not long after Bao entered the school, the school's dirt road was changed to a stone road, Fang Guozheng didn't know where he heard about a stone slab and a four, joking that it was changed to a penny and a penny ticket, and the road was really paved with money.

Part of the original auditorium has been converted into a kiosk. At the back of the auditorium, there used to be a large bathroom, and Yu Fei wanted to go in to see if it was still there, so he walked back halfway through and exclaimed, "This used to be a place for singers!"

Cai Hong also wanted to be humorous, but she lacked a sense of humor, and what she said was still Yu Fei's words.

There used to be a toilet next to the bathroom, but now they seemed to smell the stench and see maggots in the manure tank.

Halfway up the hill in front of it, it was originally a boys' dormitory, a testament to their youth, but now it has been demolished and replaced by a pavilion in the tourist area.

Looking forward to that place, they felt a lot of emotion. Huang Xiaohua said: "When you have money, you will come back and rebuild." "

The old campus is too dilapidated and desolate, but because of its dilapidated and desolate, it is particularly quiet and interesting.

Wang Xiao sighed, "It's really nice to live here!".

Po thought that if any of them would become a hermit in the future, it would be him.

They continued to walk to an ancient pavilion, and Liu Tao said in a surprising voice, saying: "Dongsheng often talks to girls here alone at night. "

Dongsheng said: "I have never talked to girls alone here, and I have with boys. "

It was a sensitive topic, and everyone's breathing became quieter. In the past, it was a good place to see the scenery here, with a view of the entire river and the small city on the other side, but now it is blocked by a building, erasing many of their memories.

Huang Xiaohua said as if he was announcing important news: "I have done two unknown things here, the first is to memorize a thick dictionary here, and the second is to quietly come here every night before graduation after the lights go out and practice kung fu, standing until late." "

Speaking of kung fu, Xiaobo immediately came over to wrestle with him, and the two were entangled for a long time before deciding the winner.

Xiaobo and Huang Xiaohua are a pair of small enemies, watching Huang Xiaohua gradually walk away, Xiaobo broke his fierce news, and said: "Huang Xiaohua is like a madman, he reported to the Shenchuan Education Bureau back then, tied a bath towel, and said that I will go there wherever it is the hardest! Sure enough, he was assigned to the most remote place in Baoan County, and there is only one bus a day in Shenchuan City, or because the stationmaster of that station is from that place and takes special care. "

Huang Xiaohua has been sticking to that place, and finally with the expansion of Shenchuan, it has become an urban area, and every inch of land is valuable.

Huang Xiaohua walked in front, not knowing that Xiaobo was speaking ill of him in the back, and continued to immerse himself in the memories of the past.

Passing by the small building where the Han Ming family lived, he said: "When I went to Han Ming's house, I saw such a big room with a color TV. "

After Han Ming's father implemented the policy, he became the vice principal of this school.

Wei Jie was the deputy director of the law enforcement bureau in their place, and he didn't know what had happened recently, and he had been depressed, and he couldn't tell that he was the one who came to the stage to recite that famous poem aloud, and he died of cancer a few years later.

At this time, Liu Tao said loudly again: "Last night, Dongsheng and Xiaobo went to take a sauna. "

Ah Bao seemed to get up, it was obviously a dream of his own, how did it become a reality.

Wei Jie suddenly became excited and said, "I don't know, if I know, I will go too, what is there to be afraid of." "

Po even suspected that he was so aggressive because he went to the bath and was treated. Hanguang heard it and said, "What's this, it's not a trivial matter." "

Hanguang is still the same, talking a lot and doing little, a complete coward and hindsight.


The October sun was still very powerful, and it was so hot that they were sweating and their tongues were dry after walking around the old campus.

Ah Bao smoked in his throat, and said in the tone of Jianwen's diary back then: "It would be nice if everyone had a bottle of mineral water in their hands at this time!"

Huang Xiaohua was also very thirsty and asked, "Is there a tea room nearby?"

Gao Feng was like a guard, and he kept following him, saying, "Go, go to my house, I have good tea to entertain you!"

He owes Huang Xiaohua a big favor, it is estimated that he borrowed money from Huang Xiaohua to buy a house, and he has long wanted to invite Huang Xiaohua to his house as a guest, but Huang Xiaohua didn't want to go, and said: "Don't, don't go to the house, just find a tea room." "

Gao Feng said, "Okay, I'll take you there." "

A few small cars rushed out of the gate of the old campus and walked around the lively street for a while, coming to a stop in front of a tea room decorated with antique decorations.

They were ushered upstairs to a private room, where a dozen people sat around a large, equally antique table, waiting for tea.

A little girl came in to make tea for them, she was dressed in an ancient costume, she looked very classical, and she raised her orchid fingers when making tea, as if she had stepped down from a picture of a lady on the wall.

They all sighed that only in this ancient city can they see such a beauty, and they can't see it in other cities.

When the girl heard this, she laughed embarrassedly, and suddenly showed a mouth full of tetracycline teeth, and they were greatly disappointed.

Gao Feng just said: "The tea everywhere is not as good as my family!" and then hurriedly ran home to get the tea.

His home was nearby, and when he came, he drove the little girl away, and said, "All the tea made by everyone is not as good as mine!"

After drinking the first cup of tea, Wang Xiao, like Lu Yu, the tea saint of the Tang Dynasty, pondered for a long time and asked, "How much is this kind of tea a catty?"

Gao Feng is the director of the Military Transfer Office of the Municipal Personnel Bureau, and the tea at home is all sent by others, and he doesn't know how much it is, so he thought about it and said, "It's about five or six hundred yuan a catty." "

Ah Bao remembered that he was on duty during the Spring Festival of the State Investment Corporation and secretly drank Manager Deng's tea, and said: "The best tea I have ever drunk was more than ten years ago, one pound of one hundred and twenty yuan, and after drinking it, it is too good to describe, the same as not tea." "

Gao Feng said: "More than ten years ago, 120 yuan a pound of tea is equivalent to now - equivalent to more than 1,000 yuan now!".

When he drank the second cup, Po didn't feel as good as the first one, and asked, "Is this another one?".

Gao Feng said: "No, it's still like this." "

Po asked, "How did you get a little bitter?"

Gao Feng said, "No. Po had to say that he had just smoked a cigarette with a bitter taste in his mouth.

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