Ah Bao returned to the room and saw that Liu Tao and Wang Xiao were already lying on the bed looking at the ceiling. He sat on the edge of a bed for a while, then suddenly came to his senses and asked, "Oh, I'm not from this room, am I?

Liu Tao is not from this room, he said: "I am not from this room, can't I lie here for a while!".

Liu Tao initiated this gathering, and his enthusiasm was no less than that of a recent "true love" action program on television, but the result was not only not appreciated, but was isolated by everyone and very disappointed.

After a while, Liu Tao was about to go back to his room, and Ah Bao asked, "Are you going to sleep alone?"

He said: "I snore when I sleep, don't wake people up. "

Don't forget to say, "Call me at night if there's anything." "

After Liu Tao left, Wang Xiao expressed deep concern about Bao's current situation and asked, "Jiabao, what are your plans in the future?"

Po said: "There should be no problem with life. "

He said: "It's okay to live a good life, and the children will have to study or something in the future." "

Bao said: "I used to buy a 'Yuyingcai' insurance for my child, and 100,000 yuan was enough for her to finish middle school. "

Wang Xiao said: "After finishing middle school, there is still university. "

Po said, "Don't pay attention to it so far!".

At this time, Wang Xiao was sleepy and said, "I used to go to bed at ten o'clock every night, and I got up at four or five o'clock the next morning and went to climb the mountain alone, every day." "

Ah Bao said: "You sleep yours, I'll read a book for a while and then sleep." "

At night, Po couldn't sleep, and felt that the pillows in the resort were not comfortable at all, the two were stacked too high, and the one was too low when one was removed, no wonder some people had to bring their own pillows when they went out.

When it was about to dawn, Ah Bao fell asleep, and in his dream, he saw that Liu Tao did not wait for his call, and quietly went to the sauna alone, where he saw Dongsheng and Xiaobo, and shouted: "Public Security Bureau!" Frightened the two of them for a long time and felt that they had not returned.

Yu Fei sang in the dance hall is fake drinking is true, drank all the red wine brought by Dongsheng, and then went to the service desk to pester a waitress, until the security guard came out to interfere, and then obediently walked away.

Gao Feng called two young ladies for Huang Xiaohua and himself, Huang Xiaohua was most afraid of itching, laughing so much that he was almost heard by Xiaoqi next door.

Xiao Qi's room also slept only him, and Luo Wenli quietly slipped into his room in the middle of the night, and then got into the quilt. At this time, it was already dawn, and Po woke up.


Everyone got up late the next day, and when Po walked out of the room, Xiao Qi also opened the door and walked out.

Xiaoqi was transferred to the "Friendship Center" as the director of a unit known as the "Immortal Society" a few years ago, and the center integrates eating, living and playing.

Originally, they had already said that this meeting would go to his center, but at this time, he was transferred back and no longer the director of the center, so he had to change to the resort.

Bao and Xiao Qi went to the restaurant for breakfast together, there are many health pools displayed at the door of the restaurant, raising different seafood, Xiao Qi is an insider to watch the doorway, and the layman looks at the excitement and stands there for a long time.

Po said: "I don't know if the restaurant here has been contracted. "

"It's contracting everywhere," he said. "

Po asked, "Your 'center' has also been contracted?"

He said: "No, it's still the people in the unit who are doing it." "

At breakfast, Houck said that his child was in college this year.

He was the first person in their class to get married, and when he was still studying, he fell in love with a nurse in his hometown, and secretly married before he graduated, thinking that he would not be assigned to other places after a fait accompli.

Talking about the college entrance examination, Xiaoqi asked, "Oh, now you can check the scores?"

said: "I only scored more than 30 points in history at that time, and I have always been very surprised, no matter how I take the exam, I will not get such a score, I must have been mistaken." "

Hou Ke had no sympathy at all, saying: "More than 2,000 people went to check the scores this year, and after verification, only eight people were mistaken, and most of them were not mistaken. "

Over there, Dongsheng was talking about how he slept until dawn last night, and said in a loud voice: "It's so good, it's really good, I haven't slept such a peaceful sleep for a long time." "

He was still talking about playing mahjong with his friends, talking about when he won how much money he won and how much money he won.

When they heard it, they thought he wasn't saying that his current money was won by playing mahjong.

At the other table, Li Hui and Xing Ling were also talking about their favorite things, and they only heard Xing Ling saying that he liked to listen to the songs of so-and-so singers.

After eating breakfast, Ah Bao saw through the glass window that the weather outside was very good and the scenery was also very good, and he wanted to go out for a walk, but Xiaoqi was not in such a good mood, and said that he wanted to go back to the room to watch TV.

Ah Bao is a rebirth, he didn't meet Xiao Liu in his previous life, but he met Xiao Liu in this life.

Ah Bao didn't follow Xiao Qi back to the room to watch TV, went outside alone, and saw Xiao Liu playing tennis with a woman on the tennis court.

Bao: They play in two groups, some in the morning and some in the afternoon or evening, which are called Group A and Group B.

Group A is not only an information release center, but also a rumor release center, saying that Xiao Liu is a duck in the hotel, it still seems to be true.

Xiao Liu invited Ah Bao to go up to fight for a while, and Ah Bao went up to fight for a while, attracting many onlookers from his classmates.

Bao's classmates can only play badminton and table tennis, and have never played tennis, and some have never even seen it.

After they were done, they were going back to the city for lunch, and Bao, because he was a local, drove the car in front to lead the way.

But when he got out of the resort, he went to two wrong places in a row, first in the wrong direction, drove the car to the beach, and had to drive back.

Then he forgot to turn a corner and drove the car directly into someone's power plant.

Po has been here a few times, but the terrain here is complicated, there are many forks, and there is no road sign, which is like following a maze.

But even so, Chen Qi was able to drive out of the car easily, which was really impressive.

Chen Qi is known as a ghost, and he is very good at tinkering with keys and machinery, and if he loses the key to the dormitory, he will come to him to open the door.

Once Xiao Qi borrowed a shotgun from someone, ready to play with birds, he dismantled it and reinstalled it, and none of the parts were wrongly loaded, which shows how clever he is, but it is a smart person like him who has not mixed well since he arrived in Shenchuan, which is also fate.

But then he built a small building in Shenzhen for rent, and when Po talked about it, he said: "Fortunately, I can't go to HK, if I go to HK, how can it be so good?!" He wanted to apply to HK very early.

Later, there were two roads that could be taken on the highway, one avenue and one small road, and Ah Bao copied a shortcut.

This time, Li Jie and Huang Xiaohua learned the lesson just now, and they didn't want to follow him, so they went to the highway from the avenue.

Ah Bao took a shortcut and got on the road before them, and saw Li Jie's car following behind from the rearview mirror of the car, while Huang Xiaohua's car didn't know where to go.

It turned out that after Huang Xiaohua got on the highway, he pretended to be smart and went in the opposite direction.

When they returned to the city, they waited for a long time in front of the restaurant, and finally saw that his car was late.

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