Looking forward to the subsequent scenes.

In many planes, intense discussions were held on the original universe and the cosmic sea.

The power of the high-dimensional world is indeed beyond human imagination

"Logically speaking, the original universe is already very large, but the cosmic sea contains the original universe, such as egg white and yolk, water and sand. No one knows how big the cosmic sea is."

"Only the powerful Daluo Jinxian in our world can absorb chaos, otherwise there will be a risk of falling. If the universe is compared to the sea, the description of the universe sea is indeed vivid. It is huge and beyond human imagination."

"The primitive universe and the cosmic sea have surpassed lower civilizations, and have gradually entered higher levels. Civilizations and dimensions are divided in the Zhutianliu series"

"yes! If civilizations and dimensions are divided according to the classification, what kind of civilization and dimensions should the swallowing world be?"

The stars change the world.

Qin Yu is practicing a skill.

This skill is very astonishing. It has never been done before and will never come after.

It's just half of it and it's incomplete.

At this time, a choice comes up.

Facing this door Should he continue practicing or choose to practice other techniques?

After all, if this technique is not completed in the later stage, he will not be able to break through even if he completes the practice in the future.

Just when he was hesitant.

But he saw When you reach the sky.

"Planets, stars, universe?!"

Combined with his own skills, Qin Yu's eyes lit up.

"Maybe you can go on"

"Forge a path that has never been followed before or since."

"Only in this way can your trip to this world be worthwhile."

The great world of immortality.

The fairyland.

Fang Laomo is building up strength step by step.

At this moment, he is also watching the exposure of the high-dimensional world in the sky.

"The infinite flow of the heavens has passed"

"Is it now the turn of the high-dimensional world?"

"Tens of trillions of epochs. If one epoch is about ten thousand years, the birth and death of the original universe has really accumulated for too long."

"It's like forcing people to grow. If they don't get stronger, they will die!"

"Is there someone behind all this?"

At this moment, Fang Laomo was thinking deeply.

For this person who is always calculating along the way, he has to think like this.

After thinking about it, Fang Laomo stared at the sky with deep eyes.

"According to the explanation in the sky, the original universe was not only in danger of reincarnation"

"Even in the era of hundreds to tens of thousands of reincarnations, there will be a crisis of world beasts. Will the world beasts feed on the universe? ? ?"

"What kind of world is this world beast? It feeds on the universe. I am afraid it will not be inferior to the Chaos Demon God in the prehistoric era."

There is another point that Fang Laomo noticed.

The devoured primitive universe will always exist, unlike other universes.

It will turn into the origin of the primitive universe, become silent, and accumulate strength to wait for the next reincarnation.

In this way, the primitive universe The universe will always exist.

Because the origin is there.

This can't help but remind him of the world of heaven and earth.

The concept of the nature of Taishang.

Even if there is a strong man who wipes out everything about Chen Taishang, Chen Taishang cannot die. It will come back.

It is because of essential reasons.

Today, the original universe will never be destroyed because of essential reasons.

In the other heavens, there are many theories about the essence....

Information, power, law, path and fruit...., the rest will perish, but the essence about them will not.

For a time, Fang Laomo thought too much.

And with the sound of discussion.

The scene in the sky begins to change

【Level 8 Map: Origin Continent (Origin World):】

【There is not just one cosmic sea. Each cosmic sea represents a latitude. There are three thousand cosmic seas in the entire origin world, that is, three thousand dimensions.】

【The role of these three thousand cosmic seas is to transport outstanding talents to the origin continent. The powerful souls and the strongest experts in the cosmic sea will enter the origin continent through special channels and be reincarnated as native residents of the origin continent.】

【The Origin Continent is the end point of the Three Thousand Universe Sea and the core of the entire Origin World.】

【The Three Thousand Universe Sea and the Origin Continent together constitute the Origin World....】

【In the Origin Continent, there are many kingdoms. Only those who have reached the realm of God King are qualified to create a kingdom.】

【But because of the constant wars in the Origin Continent, even a country with a god king will be destroyed.】

【During this period, many treasures from the origin continent may also flow into the cosmic sea, and be obtained and utilized by the life forms nurtured by the original universe.】

【Therefore, most of the powerful weapons and treasures that appear in the cosmic sea are directly or indirectly derived from the continent of origin.】

【In the cosmic sea, only by breaking through to the True God of the Void can one pass through reincarnation, pass through a special passage, descend to the continent of origin, and continue to practice and develop....】


As the complete world view unfolds, it directly detonates the heavens.

Never would I have imagined that there are higher levels beyond the cosmic sea.

The origin continent and the origin world are the key points.

The purpose of the replacement of the cosmic sea is to provide talents to the origin world.

Xu Que:"I'm numb. I'm going up layer by layer, and there's no end! There's not just one cosmic sea. Each cosmic sea represents a latitude. There are three thousand cosmic seas in the entire origin world, that is, three thousand dimensions."

Hong Taoist Jun:"The world of Master Li has seven dimensions, but there is only a six-dimensional universe. Each cosmic sea in this world represents one dimension, a total of three thousand dimensions!!!"

Jade Emperor:"It is unimaginable that above the world, there is the universe. , and there is a cosmic sea above the universe. The cosmic sea has no end yet. The origin world contains three thousand dimensions, and the three thousand cosmic seas are the true origin."

Beixuan Immortal Lord:"Sure enough, Du Twenty-One Century, the most important thing is talent! The existence of the Cosmic Sea is to introduce talents! Can it be said that reincarnation is also the work of the powerful people in the origin world?"

Super Time World.

Master Li was a little surprised.

In terms of dimension one, their world is already determined.

Only by embracing the universe can He be omniscient and omnipotent, become a six-dimensional existence, and stand on the six-dimensional universe.

Now there is a three thousand dimension.

The ultimate realm of heaven and demons.

Lu Sheng was no longer calm.

Demons are rampant and people are suffering. The magic weapon and magic blade shroud the world.

A game modifier on his mobile phone accidentally became a superpower in Lu Sheng's mind.

It also became his only support in this dark and troubled world.

He also became stronger step by step

"There are also cosmic techniques in our world"

"Multiverse aggregation: A huge existence produced by the aggregation of countless universes. It has infinite lifespan and endless energy and matter. It can generate infinite spiritual power and control the time and space of the aggregated universe."

"Even in the realm, there are death star, river system level..."

"The world view of this world is extremely huge, but I don’t know what the power system is like."

"What level are these domain lords, universe controllers, etc.?"

Finally the scene changed again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Devouring the World Level Division:】

【There are fifteen realms in Devouring the World】

【Student level:】

【Quasi-Martial Artist:】

【Apprentice level 1~3, warrior level, Yuan Arcana level 1】

【Apprentice level 4~6, warrior level, Yuan Arcana level 2】

【Apprentice level 7~9, God of War level, Yuan Arcana level 3】

【God of war level, also called lord level】

【The level of God of War is divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced levels.】

【The punching force is 256t and the speed is 600m/s. The threat is larger than an army and can defeat a combination of thirty or forty high-level beast generals, sixty or seventy intermediate beast generals, and more than a hundred junior beast generals.】

【Warriors can sense mental scans. Their bodies are many times harder than diamond. Sniper bullets cannot break skin. They do not care if the 300-ton impact force spreads throughout the body. It is difficult to resist attacks with speeds of more than ten times the speed of sound. They cannot lift objects weighing more than 2,000 tons.】

【A warrior at the peak of the Advanced God of War has a fist strength of four to five million kilograms, a body that exerts two or three times the force, and a speed that is twice the speed of sound. Under normal circumstances, a warrior will be shocked to death by an impact of 800 tons, but with the Black God Suit, planetary level one can only be used once at most. Injury, planet level two can only be killed in one go. 】

After seeing this division.

Everyone understood.

The so-called Blue Star system is really not that good.[]

The God of War level is already very strong.

In fact, the council members who surpassed the God of War level were already the strongest in Blue Star.

Xiao Huohuo:"The power system in Blue Star is weak, but this is only limited to Blue Star! I'm afraid it will be very strong in the universe."

Great Love Immortal:"If we divide it according to the strength of the stars, what will happen next? It should be the universe chapter, planets, horizontal stars, universe.."

Meng Qi:"I just want to know, what is the highest level beyond the cosmic sea and reaching the origin world? How strong is a strong man of this level?"

【Planetary level:】

【The lifespan is limited to 1,000 years, and the strength is at least several times stronger than the ninth-level apprentice. Improve your life level, obtain the original law, and control the surrounding energy within a certain range】

【Gene energy ranges from 1,000 tons to 512,000 tons, physical strength ranges from 1,000 tons to 512,000 tons, flying speed ranges from 1,200 meters per second to over 10 kilometers per second, and telekinesis range ranges from 1 kilometer to 9 kilometers....】

【Stellar level:】

【Hengxing level, the lifespan limit is 1 era, which is 10081 years, and the strength is at least ten times stronger than the ninth level of planet level.】

【There is a miniature star system in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the big figures on the frontier planets are enough to dominate the indigenous planets.】

【It cannot survive in space for long periods of time, but it can fly short distances. The naked eye can see things hundreds of kilometers away, and can be killed by the powerful weapons of ordinary star fleets.】

【Universe level:】

【The lifespan limit is 10 epochs, about 100810 years, and the strength is at least dozens of times stronger than the ninth level of stellar level.】

【The first level is equivalent to more than forty ninth-level stars joining forces. There is a nebula in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the soul materializes to form a spiral galaxy with eight spiral arms.】

【The power of thought, the original force, the will, and the body naturally reach an extremely beautiful state of harmony. The fusion of power produces energy that can control the surrounding space.

【Generally, the unity of heaven and man, which surpasses Blue Star in terms of realm, has its own domain, which can combine genetic energy, physical strength, spiritual power, and consciousness to arouse the resonance of the universe. When desperate, it burns the soul and makes the soul , original energy, strength, and will are completely combined to communicate with the universe and explode with the strongest power.】

【Domain master level:】

【The lifespan limit is 100 epochs, about 1008100 years, and the realm reaches the ninth level of the domain.】

【At the same time, I gained some understanding of a certain basic original law and crossed the threshold.】

【The central black hole at the cosmic level swallows everything around it and collapses to form a singularity core in the shape of a gray sphere. The soul condenses into a crystal ball and is absorbed into the core, allowing the aura to completely converge, making it impossible for the outside world to detect its strength.】

【Unless the breath is actively released and the life core is not broken, there will be no death. At the same time, the life core will continue to condense and harden as its strength grows, and the chaos in the life core will gradually give birth to the world.】

【A single punch can cause a huge flood to submerge the entire blue star in the ocean, and a planet can be wiped out in a snap. The cell nuclei can be clearly seen visually. 】

It is really divided according to the star field.

Planet level, star level, universe level, domain lord level....

They suddenly thought of the Blue Star chapter.

It seems that in the Blue Star chapter, in addition to the God of War, we have already learned about the planetary level and the stellar level.

We all know that at the planetary level, we can only barely earn a living in the universe, and we can also have citizenship in the universe.

But he can only be a thug or a servant and the worst cannon fodder.

The planetary level can be said to be very strong on Blue Star, but beyond Blue Star it can only be a weakling.

Qin Shihuang:"I can see that at this level, there is still a hidden danger of longevity, and you cannot truly live forever. So what level can you live forever?" Taoist

Hongjun:"A strong man at the domain lord level , the lifespan limit is 100 epochs, about 1008100 years. In terms of longevity alone, this world is nothing to the immortals in our world. If we cultivate to the Daluo Jinxian in our world, we can be immortal."

Meng Qi:"It seems that the power system of this world is its attack method, the specific embodiment of longevity! What about higher levels?"


【Realm Lord Level: Lifespan limit is 1000 epochs, about ** years, have a deep understanding of a certain lower origin law, the peak is even recognized by the origin of the law, and also begins to have a preliminary understanding of the upper origin law】

【Under normal conditions, one is born in 1,000 galaxies, but under the teachings of immortality, one is born in 100 galaxies. Join any empire and you will get a galaxy territory】

【It has an inner world with a diameter of at least 10,000 kilometers, and can use cosmic crystals to promote the evolution of the world.】

【The soul crystal and the force crystal are merged into the original source bead. The force and the power of thought are integrated into the power of the world. It can form any substance and create the world according to imagination with the cosmic crystal as the foundation.】

【Let the consciousness enter the place of origin of the universe and gain the efficiency of comprehending the law hundreds of times faster than the domain master. It has the ability to release world projection given by the origin law of the universe. The dispersion range is the same as the size of the world inside the body.】

【In the beginning, you can explore all parts of the world inside your body with just one thought, but as the world gets bigger and the gravity becomes more amazing, the search range of your thoughts becomes smaller.】

【One attack can cause the surface of a living planet to fall into mass extinction. He can destroy the planet with a wave of his hand. He can kill the domain lord with a flip of his hand. The power of a casual strike exceeds that of a D-class rail gun and cuts through two or three kilometers of space.】

【Immortal: also known as the eternal strong, god】

【In this state, you can live forever. Infinite lifespan is immortality!】

【Completely understand a certain lower-level original law, begin to gradually understand the higher-level original law, and be divided into multiple levels according to the degree of understanding.】

【Almost all of them make a planet their own territory. Defeating the Immortal is easy, but killing the Immortal is very troublesome. Most of the time, the most you can do is seal the Immortal or put the Immortal into a deep sleep.】

【But actually killing the Immortal is dozens of times more difficult than defeating it. Unable to integrate consciousness with the origin of the universe, unable to create a world. 】

When they saw this, everyone felt comfortable.

Finally immortal.

A manifestation of the power of the world, longevity is a very important point.

If you can't even achieve immortality and eternity, how can you talk about high dimensions?

Then comes the manifestation of power.

This is the power system and the weight ratio.

Qin Yu:"It's only when we reach Immortal that we can see something interesting. Immortal: also known as the Eternal Powerful One and God. This is correct. Among the heavens and worlds, immortals, gods, Buddhas, demons, and dimensional powerhouses also have such titles.."

Taoist Hongjun:"There are also laws in this world, and we need to understand the laws. The laws are divided into lower and upper levels, corresponding to the strength of the immortal realm. But this realm is called the original law, and it does not know the laws of my realm. What's the difference?"

Gu Tianzun:"I'm eager to see what the system in this world is the strongest, and even what City Lord Luo did when he arrived in the universe?!" At this moment, everyone was a little curious.

If Devouring is high-dimensional, what level can the strongest one reach?

How small will the universe of City Lord Luo be?.

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