"I bought it!"

"There are such terrifying monsters in the world! I must spread this news to the whole world!"

"This is a miracle from God! Miracles are happening in the churches of God in this country!"

"I must get the first-hand news!"

Reporters from newspapers from all over the world who were stationed in Tokyo were all excited and hiding in the shrine. They were terrified and took pictures of the rolling ghosts outside the shrine that were suppressed by the light of the gods.

"my Lord! If the devil really exists, then gods must exist, otherwise how can we explain this completely unscientific miracle!"

A pastor was holding a Bible and chanting something. He believed in gods and this was the first time he encountered a miracle in his life, even though it was a foreign god.

"Look! what is that! Actually flying in the sky! What a magical power!"

"And what’s going on with someone who has the same holy sword as the hero in mythology! Is that a gift from the gods?"

The scenes of the Demon Slayer Squad's 'God's Eye' holders killing ghosts and healing injured people were photographed by reporters from all over the world.

After these reporters inquired, the priest of the shrine raised his chin and proudly said," Narukami revealed some information about the"Eye of God", which caused these European barbarians to exclaim. The

Demon Slayer Pillars killed demons from eight directions in Tokyo and kept closing in on the locust settlement.

Although Tokyo had already It has become a veritable ghost town, but the number of ghosts is not as many as they imagined. Even if Onibatsuji Muzai creates ghosts, it is impossible to turn the people in a city into ghosts. Compared to the number of humans, the number of ghosts is actually small. Poor.

Those ghosts in the Twelve Ghost Moons are working hard to create low-level ghosts, and so far there are less than 10,000. The number of civilians killed and eaten by ghosts does not exceed the number of ghosts. The number of civilians killed and eaten by ghosts is large. Some of them are soldiers and patrols fighting ghosts.

"Insect's Breath, Centipede's Dance, Centipede Viper!"

The butterfly ninja moves forward at an extremely fast speed, forming a phantom like a centipede phantom while running. Every time a ghost passes by, it seems like a huge centipede will tear the ghost into pieces.

"At this speed, we can hit the locusts soon, sister."

"After all, we have the 'Eye of God', and the Fox Fairy has also arranged a large barrier to suppress ghosts. These ghosts in the boundary have completely lost their ability to move."

Butterfly Kanae was talking to her sister, while she was distracted and used the power of the 'God's Eye' to heal people who were hurt by ghosts.

Seeing that people who had their arms and legs bitten off by ghosts, and even had their stomachs broken, were being cured one by one. So that the original state can be restored.

The people who survived the disaster cried bitterly and regarded Butterfly Kanae as a god.

In Shintoism, everything is a god, and the earth gods worshiped everywhere are actually various monsters.

In the eight directions, each All the pillars were killing ghosts non-stop under the guidance of Xunren Qianzhihe.

Although each of them had killed more than 500 ghosts, they did not feel tired.

These ghosts were not at all under the barrier. For them, the power of resistance is just chopping melons and vegetables.

Not to mention the 'God's Eye holders', some have even arrived at the location where the locusts live.

"Apparently, I was the first to arrive."

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan stood on the stone bridge leading to the Locust Residence. The Eye of God on his waist glowed slightly, and the invisible sound waves spread out. He quickly knew everything around him. The reason why he arrived faster than everyone else The Locust Residence with the most ghosts is precisely because he knows all the conditions in the vast surrounding area without the need for eyes to see, and no ghost can escape. He did not spend time looking for ghosts.

At this time, the pavilions and houses of the Locust Residence were full of evil spirits. The ghosts are eating the corpses of human beings. Judging from the clothes of these people, they are all maids and servants who once worked in the homes of these locust nobles.

There are also a large number of ordinary women caught here by the ghosts, and the screams of women are endless.

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan himself was born into a noble family, but he is a ninja, but this does not prevent him from knowing the virtues of the nobles.

Even if he becomes a ghost, these virtues will not disappear because of his identity as a ghost.

People must eat. The most delicious children and women.

To him, this country has long been corrupted because of these nobles, but no one has a way to solve this problem.

Now that these nobles have turned into ghosts, he must kill them.

Let them go. Before that, let alone killing the royal family, even a local noble would be enough for him to drink a pot. After all, it would be considered as offending the entire country's ruling class.

"There are four upper string ghosts, and there are 17 lower string ghosts in total. This is an exaggerated number. If there were not so many upper string ghosts and lower strings before yesterday, I would not be able to compete with even one upper string ghost."

"Use this move for the first time and see if you can kill Dui Shaogui in one go!"

"The breath of sound, the shape of four, the sound is endless!"

The two large chain knives connected in the hand kept swinging, the Eye of God on the waist shone brightly, and two-meter-wide crescent moons moved towards the gate of the Locust House.

Rumble... the moat, the city wall, and the inscriptions on the city wall. The pavilion was instantly shattered by the purple crescent moon.

The ghosts in the pavilion were instantly blasted into pieces, and under the action of sound waves, the ghost body was completely unable to regenerate.

"Are these so-called ghost hunters? I have heard about the Uyashiki clan. If you dare to break into the locust residence and offend our Majesty the Locust, I will eat you!"

A Shangxian ghost who seemed to have a relatively high status rushed up with a group of ghosts.

Yuzhuan Tianyuan started his battle. Under the power of the Eye of God, he was more than ten times stronger than his previous self. Compared with five hundred years ago, Jiguoyuan is still stronger.

Five hundred years ago, Jiguoyuan was as good as chopping melons and vegetables, let alone the holder of the Eye of God.

During the battle of Yuzhuan Tianyuan, other pillars also participated. During the battle, there were even reporters from foreign newspapers who were not afraid of death, following behind the Demon Slayer Squad to take photos.


On a sailboat in Tokyo Bay.

Kamisato Ayato grabbed Tsuji Mukai, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture and could not move, and jumped off the sailboat. Kamisato Ayaka froze a thin layer of ice on the sea and the two of them quickly ran towards the harbor.

Kamisato Ayato said:"Fortunately, Mr. Palace Secretary asked us to wait here, otherwise we would have let him run away."

"However, Gong Si-sama should not have the power to predict the future. This should have been prompted by the god of Sky Island to Gong Si-sama."

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