In the Ziwei sky, at the door of Doumu Yuanjun, under an ancient tree that covered most of the Ziwei sky, the

Golden Spirit Mother stopped the black chess in her hand.

Opposite the chessboard, Zhongtian Ziwei Emperor knew that there was a visitor, and he was about to get up and leave. , the next moment,

I saw a moon-white figure floating in the breeze with the ubiquitous breeze.

The young Taoist wore a moon-white Taoist robe, and his bearing was close to that of a Taoist.

He was standing not far in front, and the rules of the ancient starry sky seemed to be changed because of him.

Emperor Ziwei had no time to leave, so he could only bow slightly and salute:

"Pindao met the Justice Emperor."

Bai Zhao nodded.

Although he and Emperor Ziwei are at the same level in Heaven, in terms of strength, Emperor Ziwei is more than one head lower than him.

At the same time, the Golden Spirit Virgin Mother on the side also slowed down. Slowly stood up, the hem of her purple skirt touched the floor, and there was a bit of joy in the magnificent eyes of the engraving stars:

"But Pindao said that today, the stars in the ancient starry sky were a little brighter."

"It turns out that Taoist friends are coming."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit did not address Bai Zhao respectfully, as that would seem too unfamiliar.

Although the friendship between her and Bai Zhao is not deep, it is not shallow either.

There is no need to alienate the relationship.

She knows Bai Zhao's temperament and will never Therefore, he blamed her.

Sure enough, in front of him, Bai Zhao said with a smile:

"Fellow Taoist is really polite."

The two of them were polite to each other.

After the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit made a move in vain, countless stars shone and gathered into a dazzling Milky Way. Finally, she was enveloped by the magic power and entered behind Bai Zhao, turning into a starry jade stool.

Bai Zhao sat down. , looked at the Golden Spirit Mother and said:

"I came to Ziweixing this time because I had something to discuss with my Taoist friends."

The Holy Mother of Jin Ling was not surprised.

Bai Zhao's character has always been like this, and he would not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

She smiled politely and said:

"Fellow Taoist, please speak."

Last time, Ran Deng was taught a lesson, which made her Taoist heart clear for a long time, and her Taoist practice is also increasing day by day.

I don't know what happened this time?

After hearing this, Boyikao, the great emperor of Ziwei, stood up. He was about to leave, but he heard Bai Zhao say:

"Fellow Taoist, please sit down first. This matter also needs to be discussed with fellow Taoist." Although

Taikoo Xingchen all obeys the orders of Doumu Yuanjun, this is the Zhoutian Xingchen Emperor after all. There are some things that even Doumu Yuanjun knows about him.

Since Emperor Ziwei and everyone are here,

It saved him one more trip.

Now it was Emperor Ziwei's turn to be surprised.

This judicial emperor had never had any contact with him, but now he had something to do and needed to find him?

Curious, he sat down immediately and prepared Listen carefully to what Bai Zhao said, why?

Bai Zhao didn't hesitate too much.

With a wave of his hand, the golden Kaitian Magic Ruler flew out from his sleeves, flew to the Ziwei star, and turned into an infinite length. With Ziwei star as the origin, on A circle was drawn near it hundreds of millions of miles away, and with this circle, the space was divided and the heavenly secrets of Ziwei Star were obscured.

After everything was completed,

Bai Zhao just said:

"I want to build an ascension platform in the prehistoric world that connects the prehistoric world with all the heavens and worlds."

"Let the weak creatures in all the worlds, through their own efforts, have the opportunity to transform from ants into real dragons, enter the wilderness, and gain a glimpse of the great road."

"At the same time, based on the countless living beings, there will always be people with amazing talents who may achieve greatness or reach higher levels. This move will also usher in unprecedented changes in the prehistoric era.……"

Bai Zhao said all his thoughts.

Emperor Ziwei's originally smiling face gradually turned serious.

According to what Bai Zhao said, once this matter is completed, the contribution will be made for generations to come, and it may promote the prehistoric world to take a further step, and he can gain The immeasurable merits can bring endless luck to the body.

Not to mention that they are originally primitive creatures and planning for the primitive world, which is their due meaning.

The benefits that can be obtained in the future are enough to make him tempted. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Holy Mother of Jin Ling thought that she was looking for nothing because she wanted to deal with some powerful person.

However, she didn’t expect that she actually wanted to discuss such a big matter.

After hearing this, she looked confused. With emotion, he looked at Bai Zhao and sighed:

"Dear fellow Taoist, we are indeed not as good as you......"

She is Zhongtian Brahma Qi Dou Mu Yuanjun. She usually has nothing to do. In her free time, she plays chess and drinks tea.

Since becoming a god, she has no intention of planning many things anymore. She is slacking off in her position. No wonder she recruits in vain. She was originally a junior, but now her cultivation has left her behind.

Just from today's incident, it can be seen that her pattern is far inferior to that of a free move.

Bai Zhao chuckled:[]

"When you don’t deserve praise from fellow Taoists, you are just doing it for your own sake."

Jin Ling shook his head:

"Discuss the deeds but not the heart."

No matter what the starting point of Bai Zhao was, the people who benefited in the end were the prehistoric world and the countless sentient beings in the sky.

This alone made her admire her.

Emperor Ziwei also praised, and then asked curiously:

"I don’t know, friend, how can we cooperate with you?"

"Are you going to build a teleportation array similar to a ground network? Unite all heavens and worlds?"

Baizhao shook his head when he heard this.

There are all the worlds in the world, from the bubble world to the great world. The number of 3.5 is infinite and the number is increasing rapidly.

If we really want to establish a teleportation array in each world that is connected to the prehistoric world, as an ascension Sendai is not a small project.

Even if he wants to do it as a half-step Hunyuan, it is not an easy task.

Therefore, he thought of a compromise.

Bai Zhao pointed at Ziweixing Outside, in the ancient starry sky, the stars in the sky are constantly twinkling.

"Fellow Taoist, let’s see."

The ancient stars illuminate all the heavens and the world.

Every world, no matter how big or small, has its projection.

He doesn't have to bother to build any teleportation array at all.

As long as the projection of the ancient stars is relayed, he can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.


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