A huge piece of glass replaces the original wall.

From the outside, everything inside is clear.

All kinds of condiments are arranged in an orderly manner, the kitchen utensils are clean and bright, and there is no grease star on the chopping board.

This is the first time they have seen such an open Chinese-style kitchen. Some customers originally thought that the kitchen might be dirty and messy, but who knew it would be so clean, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

"Boss Lu has decorated the kitchen in such a way these days that when we stand outside, we can see everything inside clearly!"

"Yes, I guess I spent a lot of money, I was really thoughtful!"

"Now, we can clearly see the preparation process of the food, which makes us feel more at ease!"

"I’m really looking forward to the delicious food at noon, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!"


After taking the ingredients in their hands one by one, the customers sat down in a hurry.

Lu Ming first collected the processing fee and quickly went to the kitchen.

There are really too many customers today, and many of them are ordering dishes. Some simple vegetarian dishes can be cooked in a while, while some meat dishes need to be processed slowly.

He first picked up a good piece of pork belly. It was of excellent quality and it looked like it had been carefully selected by the customer.

This customer wanted to eat braised pork. Lu Ming considered that the braised pork needed to be simmered for a long time, so he took care of it first.

Place it on the chopping board, raise and lower the knife, and with a few snaps, the washed pork belly will turn into mahjong-sized pieces of meat.

This is the most suitable size for braised pork. Even if it shrinks slightly after braised, it will not be too small and have no texture in the mouth. It will not be too big to taste.

Put the cut pieces of meat into the pot and stir-fry slowly. When both sides are golden and the fat inside begins to sizzle, pick up the meat, add ginger, garlic, and various spices and simmer slowly.

Wait until the aroma of the spices is fully stimulated, then stir-fry the braised pork a little. At this time, pour the soup that has been fried in advance, and the pork belly will turn into a bright maroon color, which looks very beautiful.

Finally, add boiling water to the pot, pour it into the casserole, and simmer slowly.

For such a full serving of braised pork, enough for two or three people, Lu Ming charged a processing fee of 120 yuan. Including the original price of the ingredients, it was less than 150 yuan, which can be said to be quite conscientious.

After finishing the braised pork, Lu Ming went on to make the next dish. A customer brought fat beef rolls and wanted to eat fat beef in sour soup.

This dish is a spicy dish that tastes sour and refreshing. To ensure sufficient spiciness, Lu Ming not only added chili sauce, but also various line peppers and wild peppers to fully stimulate the spiciness.

In addition, acidity must be ensured.

The right amount of vinegar can perfectly make the sour beef soup moderately hot and sour, making it taste more memorable.

While the fat beef in sour soup was cooking on the stove, the braised pork in the casserole on the side also slowly became delicious.

Customers were waiting outside. Customers near the glass window suddenly smelled a strong fragrance coming from the crack of the door and spraying into the air, causing their expressions to change immediately.

There is a faint and undetectable fragrance, full of the aroma of various spices, mixed together, and mixed with the aroma of meat, it has an indescribable smell.

As soon as I smelled it, my mouth watered, and the taste buds on my tongue began to protest.

Immediately afterwards, the fragrance gradually became stronger, and these customers who were so fragrant could not help but take a deep breath, and then took another deep breath, looking satisfied and speechless. at the same time.

Just as the fat beef in sour soup began to boil, the spicy aroma came out all of a sudden, making customers smell fragrant and exciting.

It’s so enjoyable!

The aroma was limited to a few customers near the kitchen, and they couldn't help but praise it.

"smell good!"

"It’s so fragrant, every time I eat the food cooked by Boss Lu, I feel like enjoying it!"

"Si Liu ~ I'm lucky I came today, otherwise I wouldn't have cried to death after missing out on such delicious food!"

A few people were chattering, with a look of fascination on their faces. They swallowed hard while looking at the food inside expectantly. From a distance.

Other customers looked at this scene and didn't know why.

Waiting for them to get closer. , and then I noticed a strange fragrance coming from it. No wonder these people had expressions of enjoyment on their faces.

"Good brother, can we change places? I would like to have a location close to the kitchen."

Hearing that they wanted to change seats, the customer waved his hand:"No, this is the best in the whole place. Look at us, not only can we watch Boss Lu's cooking up close, but we can also smell the aroma. It's so cool!"

Looking at this posture, the customers behind them all ran up one after another. Although the food has not been brought out yet, the smell is refreshing.

And the fragrance is endless, and the aroma of various dishes is constantly coming, lingering next to the table near the kitchen. The rich aroma made people drool.

Customers began to come slowly, and more and more people gathered around the window. In the end, it was a bit overwhelming, and everyone wanted to lie down on the glass.

In the kitchen, Lu Ming had just finished cooking a dish , seeing the customers lying outside the glass, I was immediately frightened.


Good guy!

Isn’t it just a meal? Look at how anxious these people are, the food is already ready.

Don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious! It’s coming out now Pot!

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