above the sky

Chapter 28

"By the way, Ye Cheng, can you show me this weapon of yours?"The director suddenly looked at the long sword emitting orange light behind Ye Cheng.

"Of course, this is the latest weapon developed in the base. It can use spar as the core to drive the weapon and be more effective against giant monsters."Ye Cheng pulled out the long sword from behind, and saw the orange light was restrained, and the sword peak was exposed with cold light.

Director Zhao carefully took Ye Cheng's long sword, and several staff members wearing white long coats came behind him, staring at Holding this sword, he suddenly became very curious and began to study it.

A staff member wearing a white long coat took off his mask. He was a sweet-looking and slightly fat woman. She also looked young, with soft curly hair like a waterfall. The woman looked at the sword, looked at it carefully, and gave a thumbs up.

"This is really a talent. He actually knows how to use energy extraction technology to shrink the extraction matrix on this small weapon. Can you test it for us?"

Ye Cheng nodded quickly and agreed.

"Look, I forgot to introduce you to you. This is Qian Zhen, an expert from our weapons research and development team. She is one of our top talents."Director Qian quickly introduced

"Yes, her name is Qian Zhen."A Qiang was staring at Qian Zhen intently, as if he could squeeze out the honey from his eyes. Several people looked at Zhao Qiang and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"What's going on? You're staring at this little girl like this! You are so excited!"Ye Cheng looked at Zhao Qiang with some embarrassment.

"Don't you think this girl is like a fairy descending to earth?"

Qian Zhen heard this exaggerated description, glared at Zhao Qiang, then turned around, picked up the weapon and struck a stone next to it.


A clear sound sounded, and the sword blade was inserted into the stone for more than ten centimeters.

"After being driven by the crystal, the sharpness of the weapon has been significantly improved, mainly because after the energy of the crystal is extracted, high-speed particles are ejected from the hilt, allowing ordinary people to use a cutting pressure of about 300MPa. The sword body is composed of unknown extracts, which ensures that the sword body is extremely strong and powerful! Qian Zhen said into the microphone on her collar while testing.

"Oh, I remember, Lin Wei said it was the spinal fluid of a giant centipede"

"Giant centipede?"

"Yes, it was an orange-eyed centipede we killed in a surprise attack. Its spine was very strong."

Qian Zhen suddenly woke up and exclaimed, seeming to have made greater progress in her research, and then returned the sword to Ye Cheng.

"Director, this is really a leap-forward technology that has helped us solve a major technical problem. Based on our existing resources, such weapons can be mass-produced within half a month."Qian Zhen nodded confidently.

The director nodded happily,"Okay, Zhen, I will send additional personnel to support you. I look forward to your good news."

"Ye Cheng, you really helped us a lot when you first came here. On behalf of our base, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

Ye Cheng smiled and said nothing. Suddenly he remembered something and turned around to ask Director Zhao

"Director, I really have something to trouble you with. Can you help me find someone?"

"Find someone? That's simple. Is it at our base?"Director Zhao agreed happily.

"I'm not sure either. I'm looking for someone named Zhou Xiaoxuan. She lives in Xiangsheyuan Community, Wutong District, Linhai City. I lost contact with her during the disaster ten years ago. Now I'm not sure if she is here, so I came here to find her. try to find."Ye Cheng described seriously.

"Xiaoxuan? Is this the girl you have been secretly in love with for a long time? Did you catch it later?"Aqiang suddenly burst out of curiosity.

"We've been talking for almost a year!"Ye Cheng chuckled.

"Okay, I will arrange for someone to check it right now. We happen to have a system here. As long as you are from Wutong District, Linhai City, I can help you find the information in a moment."

With that said, Director Zhao arranged for his men to go to the next door room to check information.

"By the way, Ye Cheng, what are your plans next? Are you staying at our base?"

"Director, my parents disappeared many years ago and were captured by an organization called Xuanming Sect. I heard that Jinmen is one of their dens. I am about to go there."

"Jinmen?"Director Zhao suddenly spat out these two words from his mouth with some seriousness.

"Yes, I came to Linhai City yesterday and found clues in a den of the Xuanming Sect. By the way, I came here because I listened to them quietly."

"What? Have we already been exposed?"Director Zhao looked shocked.

"It seems that people's hearts are unpredictable, and we need to be more cautious in the apocalypse. But since you are Mr. Zhang's apprentice, I can tell you a secret."

Looking at Director Zhao's sudden mysterious expression, he took a deep breath.

"In fact, it is not a secret. There is one of our military bases in Jinmen. After the disaster, a larger shelter was built inside to protect civilians. I will give you the address. Maybe there will be someone to take care of you when you get there."As he said that, he wrote an address on a small piece of paper and handed it to Ye Cheng.

Listening to this, Ye Cheng immediately understood Director Zhao's change and quickly nodded and accepted the note.

After about 5 minutes, a worker The personnel came to Director Zhao, strangely whispered a few words into Director Zhao's ear, and then left. Looking at the Director's expression, it was indescribably strange. The Director's brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

"Ye Cheng, we just looked it up and found out that there is no file for the Xiaoxuan you mentioned in our base."

Ye Cheng let out a disappointed sound.

"However, I have another question to tell you. In the location you provided, there is no one named Zhou Xiaoxuan in this community, and there is no Zhou Xiaoxuan in the household registration of that house."

Ye Cheng had a vague premonition, but couldn't explain the reason.

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