The dragon disaster from the Wind Demon Dragon came to Mondstadt.

The towering houses were instantly torn apart by the storm, and the giant dragon from the sky exuded power that humans simply could not match.

The sounds of wailing and running for life also continued from everywhere, and the entire city of Mondstadt fell into chaos at this moment.

Except at this time, Kong, who was sitting on the deer hunter’s dining table,

"Paimon, give me my sword"

"Hey, traveler, what do you want to do? Are you planning to take action against that giant dragon?"

"Is this a dragon that you can defeat, Traveler?"

Paimon immediately became worried when he saw Kong planning to take action.

Next to him, Amber also looked at Kong with anxious eyes.

Dragon Calamity came to Mondstadt, and there happened to be such a person in the city. A restless person!

What should I do now?

Kong didn’t mean to refute what Paimon said, and nodded.

"Yes, my strength has been sealed and damaged a lot. This dragon's strength is not weak. It's a bit difficult for me to deal with it alone."

"But I have traveled to many worlds with my sister. In addition to some exercises, I also have some strange treasures in my hands."

"For example, this sword is called Frostmourne!"

"I snatched it from a demonized fool prince in a world."

With that said, Kong took the long sword that exuded a cold aura from Paimon's hand.

Then with a wave of his hand, an aura full of deathly silence also emanated from the long sword.

Amber Shang could only feel the coldness, but when Wendy next to her saw the sword in Kong's hand, she instantly felt like she was facing a formidable enemy!

"This, what kind of evil sword is this?"

"Is this... you will know if you try it"

"Come out, the dead soul that lives in the evil sword! Frost Bone Dragon."

Kong also smiled faintly and waved his long sword casually.

Then, a huge figure sprang out from the long sword and flew in the sky.

It was an extremely huge dragon, but the dragon's All that is left of the body is the skeleton.

The skull is emitting a dark light, like a soul-stirring candlelight in a dark night.

When the bone dragon appears, the endless icy air is also impressive. Appeared in the entire Mondstadt City.

At this moment, more than 80% of the people in Mondstadt City felt as if they had suddenly moved to the snowy mountains.

And Tvarin, who was still destroying Mondstadt City, naturally saw We arrived at this Frost Bone Dragon.

When Tevalin's dragon eyes looked at the Frost Bone Dragon, a bit of fear appeared in his originally crazy heart.

"This, what kind of monster is this!"

Amber, who was sitting with Sora having dinner, turned pale when he saw the bone dragon.

Just the look of the bone dragon was a bit too eye-catching!

Even the wind demon dragon Tevalin , now it’s just because of his crazy personality and a few more magic marks on his body, but the overall appearance still looks quite shocking.

But the appearance of the Frost Bone Dragon is really terrifying to the point of looking at it. It’s enough to keep you awake at night!

The cold air exuding from your whole body is enough to frighten an ordinary person to the point of incontinence if you let an ordinary person get close to him.

Sora was not surprised by this scene.

"This dragon is called the Frost Bone Dragon, and it is an undead creature."

"Of course I told you, but you don’t understand. This dragon is a monster from another world, but it was sealed in the sword of Frostmourne."


Paimon fainted on the spot after hearing this.

There is actually such a monster living in the long sword that he has been holding in his arms all the way.

If this monster suddenly wakes up, then with such a small body, there is simply not enough food for this bone dragon!

And Wendy was even more worried now.

Such a frost bone dragon looks extremely permeable. If Tevarin has his cooperation, it can naturally be suppressed.

But with Tevalin's current state of mind, something will definitely happen!

But now, Wendy could only grit her teeth and didn't want to say a word.

On one side is the defending nation, Mondstadt, on the other side is the most loyal brother, Tvarin.

He didn't want to give up over there, but now, he could only watch Sora doing mischief here.

"Frost Bone Dragon, kill it."

And Kong also gave the order to the Frost Bone Dragon, and the bone dragon rushed out immediately.

A stream of ice air also immediately sprayed on Tevarin's body.

The endless cold air hit Tevarin's body like an ice storm waterfall. On the body.

Even the Sky Dragon was injured on the spot by this blow.

The frost also covered the body of the Wind Demon Dragon, which completely aroused Tevarin's ferocity.

The two dragons began to fight fiercely in the sky. Up, the storm and the ice began to collide in the sky.

While performing elemental attacks, the Bone Dragon and Tvarin were constantly tearing each other's bodies apart.

This scene also brought countless people in Mondstadt to the point of death, as well as countless people in Mondstadt. The fools who were observing in secret were dumbfounded on the spot.

The lady who was hiding in secret and watching the melee of giant dragons in the sky was also dumbfounded on the spot.

"What is this!"

"Why does it look more evil than the pollution on Feng Molong!"

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