There was silence.

Ning Guang took a deep breath,

"As one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, these are what I should do"

"Keqing and I have said so much for everyone, not to take credit or anything."

"We are just stating a fact and telling everyone that we have not betrayed Liyue"

"Not to mention Qunyu Pavilion was sold"

"We are Liyue people, I am proud and proud to be born in Liyue"

"I'm sorry for the loss of Qun Yu Pavilion"

"After we stopped the Fools from robbing the Golden House, the Jade Pavilion disappeared."

"We don't know who snatched it, but we are already carefully investigating"587""

"So please be patient and don’t listen to slander."

"Is there anything else you would like to ask?"

He glanced around, but no one answered.

"Well, in that case, let’s stop here."

"Everyone, please leave in an orderly manner."

Ningguang ended the press conference, and then left the auditorium with Keqing.

Below, people in the audience gradually started discussing after Ningguang and Keqing left.

They looked at each other, and many people lowered their heads in shame.

Soon, the crowd left one after another, and the auditorium became empty.

In the corner, a man in black robes had his eyes twitching.

He was a little surprised.

Under the brim of the hat that covered most of his face, there was a strand of golden hair.

That's Sora.

He also wants to hear this press conference

"Not bad, this Qing is a talented person"

"If you want to deal with this group of people who stand on the moral high ground,"

"You can only stand higher than them."

But immediately, Sora shook his head again.

"It's a pity that you are facing a group of heartless people."

"They don't care about morality"

"However, what methods will those behind the scenes use?"

"I'm curious."

Kong thought in his heart.

But soon, Kong's idea came true.

The realization came so quickly, even Kong was a little surprised.

Not long after everyone left, an explosive news quickly appeared on major universities in Liyue. Newspaper headlines!

After Kong got the news, he was secretly stunned.

Even he couldn't help but praise those people behind the scenes.

Just half an hour ago.

In Liyue City, a wealthy residential area.

The home of a businessman selling cloth..The maid at home had just prepared dinner, and she went to knock on the door of the wealthy businessman.

"Master, let’s go out for dinner!"

But the maid waited for a long time, but did not get a response from the master. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She knocked on the door for a long time, but there was still no response.

So, after asking the madam for permission, she knocked on the door The door of the master's room.

But the scene that greeted her made her horrified.

Her master fell in a pool of blood, with a horrific wound on his neck.

The maid was frightened and cried, and hurriedly ran to report to Qianyanjun.When

Qianyanjun rushed to the scene, they found suspicious clues.

A dagger was left at the scene, and the style of that dagger was exactly the dagger held by one of the Seven Stars of Liyue - Ningguang's confidant.The dagger belonged to the Qianyan Army guard and could only be mobilized by Ningguang!

The Qianyan Army quickly suppressed the news.

But in less than half an hour after the accident, the news spread like wildfire.

It spread everywhere. Streets and alleys!

After the Qianyan Army coach learned about this, he was also angry and gloomy.

This is an obvious frame-up!

They suppressed this news, but it can still be leaked? []

You know, Qianyan Army's Zhongdu is absolutely loyal to Liyue and it is impossible to secretly leak it.........

Then there may be only one, someone deliberately made such a scene.

The purpose is to frame Ningguang!

Sadly, Ningguang had just concluded a self-defense meeting and thought that the voices of the people had completely disappeared.

But one wave of ups and downs comes after another, how should she deal with this scene?

Immediately, the commander of Qianyan Army ordered:

"Send more manpower immediately and triple the number of guards at Liyue Qixing's residence!"

"Be sure not to let anyone suspicious in!"

"In addition, use all intelligence agencies to find out who released the information!"

"Notify the official media and refute the rumors immediately!"

The face of the Qianyan Army instructor was as gloomy as water, and he issued orders one after another quickly.

Even he set off. He wanted to go and check in person to see who was causing trouble in Liyue!

"In addition, have you found out the reason why the civilians near the ruins went crazy last time?"

The instructor asked again.

When the abyss ruins were opened a few days ago, the nearby civilians and adventurers went crazy without any warning and attacked those around them crazily.

A centurion reported on May 7:

"Coach, we checked the traces of those crazy people and found no clues."

"However, they all seemed to have drank some kind of wine."

Hearing this, the instructor stood up and asked:

"What wine?"

The centurion said quickly:

"It is something called tea wine. It is said that it can make people please the gods to improve their eyesight, and drinking it can relax the spirit."

"This is wine imported from Inazuma half a month ago"

"It is very popular with the public and is now sold in almost every pub"

"Many people have drank"

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