
Nash Gordo Jr's bounce power is really no joke, Snow Palace and Zhen are obviously a head taller than Nash Gordo Jr, but Nash Gordo

Jr's jump is directly leveled with Kazuma Yukimiya.

With such a jump height and time in the air, Nash GoldoJr is worthy of the captain of Jabberwock, and he is worthy of one of the hopes of the future of basketball.

The basketball was touched by both fingers at the same time, and then spun into the air towards the left.

Seeing this, Kazuma Snow Palace and Nash Golddo Jr hurriedly got down from mid-air, and then at the same time opened their slender legs and chased towards the basketball.

The moment the basketball hit the ground, it bounced high, and Xue Gong Kazuma was faster, taking the lead in the basketball, and then without any hesitation, while constantly slapping his hands, he rushed towards the basketball hoop of Nashgordo Jr in the distance.

His speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he bypassed Nash GoldoJr and came to his basketball hoop, and without any hesitation, Yuki Kazuma jumped up and down to slam the dunk.

However, just when the basketball was about to go out of Yumiya and Zhen's hands, Nash Gordo Jr didn't know when, he had already jumped behind Yumiya and Zhen, and slapped his hand directly on the palm of Yumiya and Zhen's hand.


This goal didn't go in!

Kazuma Snow Palace is capped!

"What's wrong?"

"What if you take the lead in basketball?"

Nash Gordo Jr and Snow Palace and Zhen both landed, the basketball kept beating on the field, Nash Gordo Jr looked at the basketball that was constantly beating and had not stopped, he smiled at Snow Palace and Zhen with both hands on his hips:

"You can't score a goal, under my defense........."

"But I have to admit that your guy's physical fitness is really strong..........."

Snow Palace and Zhen's physical fitness is the only one he has seen since Nash Gordo Jr came to the capital of Sakura Country.

With such physical fitness, let alone here, it is to go to Eagle Sauce, Snow Palace and Zhen have a place.


Smiling, Kazuma Yukiya didn't care, looking at the basketball that was very close, Kazuma Yukiya grabbed it with his slender arms, and then slapped the basketball while saying to Nash Gordo Jr:

"Hit you in the face right away!"

"You can't do it!"

Nash Gordo Jr listened to Yukimiya Kazuma's words and immediately replied, but the moment his sentence fell, Yukiya Kazuma disappeared in front of everyone's eyes with a strange pace that was difficult to catch.

By the time 590 appeared again, Kazuma Yukimiya had already appeared above Jr's basketball hoop in Nashgordo, and he Kazuma Yukiya was holding a basketball in his hand and was about to dunk.


Looking at the place where Snow Palace and Shin were, Nash Gordo Jr also frowned, this position, even if he jumps now, it is difficult to intercept and defend at all...

This guy really has two brushes.........

But it's just right, and I can ..........


The corners of his mouth outlined the arc, the loss of this goal, he Nash Gordo Jr didn't care at all, didn't care at all, it only made him more and more excited.

The stronger Kazuma Yukiya in front of him is, the more excited he becomes, if he can be here, in front of so many people, to defeat a powerful basketball player like Kazuma Yukiya like this, then these people in Sakura Country.

Is the existence of a god in the basketball world about to be shattered?

It's something he loves to do........

"Funny ......"

Nash Gordo Jr looked at Kazuma Yukimiya who landed in mid-air, and he said to Kazuma Yukimiya: "Yes, you are a qualified opponent, and you can make me a little more serious for the time being, and then let you have the honor to see the basketball skills that exist from the top basketball world!"

As the basketball landed, the words of Nash Gordo Jr just rang in the ears of Xue Gong and Zhen, and they saw that Nash Gordo Jr disappeared directly in place, and then disappeared with the basketball that had just landed.

Seeing this, Xue Gong and Zhen's eyes hurriedly kept looking around, and soon he found the trace of Nashgordo's Jr, it turned out that this guy had already dribbled towards his inner line with a basketball.

Such a speed is worthy of Nash Gordo Jr.

"What is the champion of the national competition of the Sakura Country, in the eyes of my Nash Gordo Jr, all basketball skills are nothing, only I am truly strong!"

Nash Goldo, who came to the Snow Palace and Zhen's heart with the basketball, secretly said in his heart, jumped directly on the spot, and was about to put the basketball into the frame, but at this time, Snow Palace and Zhen had already appeared behind him.

This distance.......

If Kazuma Yukiya jumps normally, he can completely stop Nashgordo Jr from blocking, but obviously Nashgordo Jr will not plan to give Yukimiya Kazuma this chance.

So Nash Golddo Jr turned around with the ball directly and walked towards Kazuma Yumiya.

"It's going to pull back and then you're looking for a chance to score?"

Looking at Nash Gordo Jr, who was running towards him, this idea instantly rose in Yukimiya Kazuma's heart, but soon this idea was abandoned by Yukiya Kazuma.

What are you kidding, that guy is Nash Gordo Jr, how could he give up such an opportunity?

He must be thinking of other ways to score goals in his heart, and he is absolutely giving up the inside advantage at the moment............

Looking at the pace of Nash Gordo Jr getting closer and closer, Kazuma Yukimiya still didn't think about what this guy was going to do, but when this guy came to Kazuma Yukiya and suddenly turned around to throw the ball, Kazuma Yukiya reacted directly.

This guy is starting to have the Eye of the Demon King!

He wanted to use himself, and when he snatched the ball, his center of gravity shifted to the pivot foot and immediately dribbled in the opposite direction, so that he was shaken to the back, and directly used the high-speed speed to carry out a direct slam dunk!

This is AnkleBreaker, a trick that can be easily done by Nash Gordo Jr through the Eye of the Demon King.

This technique is commonly used by him Nash Gordo Jr, and of course only he can use it, after all, not everyone has the Eye of the Demon King and the Eye of the Emperor.

"Fortunately, I already knew his moves in my previous life, otherwise if this move continues, I will definitely be embarrassed........."

Kazuma Yukiya smiled inwardly, he looked at Nash Gordo Jr and said in his heart:

"Since you want to use this trick against me, then I'll use your trick against you in turn............"

As soon as he thought of this, Kazuma Yukiya followed the rhythm of Nash Gordo Jr and chased in the direction he gave, and sure enough, as soon as the pace under his feet was unsteady, he was about to fall to the ground.

A smile appeared on Jr's face when he saw this, this move is usually invincible, so this success was completely expected by him, and then Kazuma Yukiya was waiting to fall out of the embarrassment, he was going to score...........

With the basketball, Nashgordo Jr reversed again and was about to run under the basketball hoop on the inside, but just as he was about to arrive, through the Eye of the Demon King, Nashgordo Jr foresaw Kazuma Yumiya's next move.

He actually, relying directly on the reaction of his body, reacted directly and wanted to stop his basketball!


Bang!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Without any hesitation, relying on his Demon King's Eye, Nash Gordo Jr directly changed his position again, and Xue Gong and Zhen were defeated.

"It's worthy of the Demon King's Eye, did you foresee my next move?"

Seeing that his actions failed, Xue Gong and Zhen were not surprised, all of this Xue Gong and Zhen had already prepared in their hearts.

After all, the man in front of him, Nash Gordo, Jr, has the eye of the demon king and can meet some future situations, so it is normal for his actions to fall short.

The next game is not easy to play, Nash Gordo Jr didn't take it too seriously before, and then he Nash Gordo Jr also opened the Demon King's Eye after seeing Snow Palace and Zhen have a certain ability, so the situation is already a disadvantage for Snow Palace and Zhen.

"I really didn't expect that in any situation, you can rely on your body's reaction to directly reverse and deceive me, just by virtue of this, and the physical fitness you just showed, Kazuma Yukimiya (CHFC), you are a very good basketball player. "

"Not to mention in this weak cherry blossom country, even in our Eagle Sauce Country, your basketball skills are also okay, and you already have the conditions to enter the NBA.............."

Nash Gordo Jr slapped the basketball and said to Kazuma Yukimiya: "Of course, if that's it, you're still a lot worse than me, I admit that your basketball skills are not so weak and vulnerable, but compared to me, that's the end of it." "

"The goal you were able to score in before was just when I was relaxed, and I wanted to see your strength to deliberately let you score, so, it's still the same sentence, that's the end of it, Xue Gong and the real .........."

Now he Nash Gordo Jr is going to be serious, he doesn't believe that Snow Palace and Zhen can score goals under the eyes of his Demon King, under the eyes of the Demon King, any action of Snow Palace and Zhen will be met by him, and he Nash Gordo Jr will not have any flaws.

On the contrary, Kazuma Snow Palace will have countless flaws, unless ...... Unless his movements can be done and perfect, of course, this kind of thing is simply not possible.

His snow palace and real basketball skills, in his Nash Gordo Jr's opinion, have not reached this point at all, and those who can reach this point are athletes who have entered the senior first-team team of the NBA.

Even now, if he doesn't open the Demon King's Eye, it is impossible to say that it is impossible to guarantee that he is 100% flawless...

"Snow Palace-kun, who is this fighting against.........

Momoi May, who finished eating at the ramen shop, took the jacket that Yukimiya Kazuma had taken off and came to the location of street basketball, and when she saw Yukimiya and Zhen really fighting against people, she still thought that this must be a game that was unilaterally manipulated by Yukimiya and Ma.

But when she Momoi May turned her head and looked at the score on the field, the pupils of her eyes shrank significantly.

Momoi came here after eating ramen in May, and the match between Nash Gordo Jr and Kazuma Yukimiya has been going on for more than ten minutes, and in these ten minutes, the two have been constantly defending and attacking, and the score has actually come at this moment.

Kazuma Snow Palace actually pulled down five points!

Who exactly is the person at the scene?

He was able to surpass the gap between Snow Palace and Zhen by five points in a ten-minute game..........

Yumiya Kazuma is really strong, Momoi May has seen it, even if some people in the miracle generation fight against Yukiya Kazuma, it is necessary to show 100% in the state to be able to lose not too ugly.

But now, in this small street basketball game, someone can temporarily lead the Snow Palace and the real five points in a state of 1v1........

How terrible it is!

"This kid can actually play with me like this, biting the score so tightly with me?"

Nash Goldor Jr, who kept chasing basketball with Kazuma Snow Palace in the court, was also shocked, this basketball game has been played for more than ten minutes, he really didn't expect that Kazuma Yukiya and his score could bite so hard.

It stands to reason that to be honest, now, at this moment, it is not an exaggeration for him to pull Xue Gong and Zhen into 50:2, but I didn't expect that after he opened the Demon King's Eye, Xue Gong and Zhen could still rely on his skills and physical fitness, as well as the so-called brain, to suppress himself from time to time........

Basketball in Sakura Country is not weak....... No, it's the Snow Palace in the Sakura Kunizumi Shinkan and the real is not weak!

"Hoo ......"

Constantly adjusting his breathing, Nash Goldor Jr was covered in sweat.

It's not just him Nash Gordo Jr, it's Snow Palace and Zhen who are sweating profusely at the moment, constantly panting.

Jr Nash Goldo's was no easy task, and it was the best basketball he had ever played in so many days.

"Now the score is just one three-pointer and one goal, as long as I can score a three-pointer, plus a normal goal, the score will be leveled for the time being, but in front of Nash GoldoJr, who opened the eye of the devil, shoots a three-point shot........."

It's really difficult.

Although Kazuma Yukiya successfully invested a three-point shot in the first few times, it was just a trick, and now Nash Gordo, who opened the eye of the demon king, estimated that it was and covered the whole court, and any of his actions would be seen through by him.

Therefore, Yukiya Kazuma can only spin one more ordinary ball, and there are more flaws in the three-point game, and he Yukiya Kazuma can't do the same as Midorima Shintaro, a super high parabolic three-point shot.

So it was an extremely risky way of playing to give him Nashgordo Jr.

The best way to play now is that he Kazuma Yuki takes the ball to his interior, and after scoring a goal, he snatches the basketball with Nashgordo Jr for the first time, and brings Nashgordo Jr into his rhythm at all times.............

At this moment, on the court of the basketball game, as long as the rhythm is slightly recovered by Nash Gordo Jr, then Snow Palace and Zhen will face more terrifying.

"Hoo ......."

"Kazuma Yukimiya, your basketball is really good...... I didn't expect you to be able to stalemate with me until now, do you want to fight with me to see who lies down first?"

Nash Gordo Jr wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Kazuma Yukimiya.

Although he was sweating and panting, it didn't mean that he couldn't fight, and his Nash Gordo Jr's physical strength was also very good.

At least not much worse than Kazuma Snow Palace...........


"It's hard to meet a player like you, I won't let you lie here today, so how can you say the past?"

Kazuma Yukiya wiped his sweat and said, "This competition will be a long time, so be prepared to play without eating, I don't think you should be hungry, right? I just ate a super large portion of ramen.............."

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