Pre-civilization era.

When Padofelis saw this scene, she couldn't help but cry.

The key is the last scene.

It's really touching.

Especially the scene where he squats in a small corner and feeds stray cats...

I don’t know how long ago that was.

The entire Mu Continent today.

It was devastated by the Herrscher and Honkai.

There are only three human base cities left.

Most of the people were missing.

Not to mention those stray cats.

And every scene that just happened.

They are all thirteen heroes chasing fire.

What it was like when Honkai first appeared or before Honkai appeared -.

Even Mebius, who has always been the most ruthless.

When he saw the scene between himself and his assistant Klein.

There is also a different light shining in the eyes


"Dedicated to the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire......"

"This light curtain is really capable of causing trouble."

Mebius said harshly.

Velvet:"I didn't expect that photos of me when I was a fraudster could be found."

"This light curtain is really powerful.

The corners of Sakura's lips raised slightly:"That's my dream too.""

There are some memories in Hua's eyes:"That kind of life......"

"Probably can't go back......"

The scene about Hua that just happened.

It was when Hua was at home.

A scene of practicing martial arts.

Because I grew up in a martial arts family.

So it can be said that Hua Ji has been practicing martial arts since he was a child.

But later on, because of the collapse......

All is gone.

Qianjie and Aponya are also recalling their previous lives.

Every hero......

They were all deeply moved by the last scene.

That is a life they may not be able to go back to in the future.

This era of civilization may even cease to exist in the end.

At this moment, Mei slowly said:"We will definitely be able to take a different path this time!"

"This time there is no need for future generations to witness it"

"I want to take you with me to witness......"

Mei looked at everyone in the Thirteen Heroes of Zhuhuo.

Eyes shining with determination

"Everyone, please believe me"

"Please also try your best to help me"

"No matter what, we have to cross the finish line this time"

"This time it’s not for human civilization, it’s not for the whole world"

"But for the dream and the future we long for in our own hearts......"

When I heard Mei say these words.

Everyone in the Thirteen Heroes.

My heart trembled.

You must know that Mei in the past put the life and death of human civilization first.

But this time Mei said such selfish words.

But this kind of selfishness is not real selfishness.

Alicia smiled and said:"Dr. Mei, it's very irresponsible to say this."

Mei smiled faintly:"Well, I understand."

"Don't be a little more responsible this time."

"I pushed myself too hard before and forgot to save myself. Saving you is also saving the world."

"I used to not be selfish, but I was also selfish"

"So now I want to be selfish for once"

"Everyone, is this okay?"

Mei doesn't know why her mentality suddenly changed.

She doesn't know when it started. Maybe it happened when she was watching these videos in the light screen. Or maybe she figured it out in a flash. In short, none of this matters now. What Mei wants now is not just to defeat Honkai and cross the End. She also wants to be with everyone here. Especially Kevin


Mei looked at Kevin:"Kevin, let's go to the cross-realm end together this time."

"I won't leave you alone again"

"You go to the next civilization era alone and execute the Stigmata plan alone."

"Still have to endure the power of the end"

"You must be very tired......"

Kevin looked calm on the surface, but only he knew how turbulent his heart was.

First time.

He heard such words from Mei.

Even this iceberg-like man couldn't help but be moved. of course.

He has never been so cold towards Mei.

Kevin raised the corners of his mouth and replied with a smile:"Okay......."

"I promise you."

Mebius:"Tsk, I've been talking about this issue since before."

"Let's put in the effort first."

"Crossing the end with you, it sounds a bit ordinary......."

Velvet:"Dr. Mebius, you are always so duplicitous."

Qianjie:"I don't care, as long as we have a fight."

Aponya:"The thread of fate is changing in another way.."

Padofelis said extremely happily:"As long as I can cross the end, I will go to bask in the sun every day."

"I also want to raise a litter of canned food"

"All raised in our base.

Sakura:"Can I not do it?""

Sakura is allergic to cat hair......

Just when all the heroes were laughing. on the light screen.

New titles began to appear.

When I saw this new title.

Alicia suddenly became excited:"Oh, Kevin"

"I've always wanted to ask you the answer to this question."

"I didn’t expect to be able to see it directly this time. Padofelis:"

Eh?" ? ?"

"Would Boss Kevin actually do such a thing?"

"I want to see it too!

Hua:"Isn't this just another prank?"

Su smiled and said,"Even if it's a prank, it's still very exciting.""


Mei glanced at Kevin and said with a smile:"Kevin, I'm a little interested too."

Mebius:"I thought this guy had lost the ability to express emotions."

Eden:"In my case In my impression, Kevin has always been a nice big boy......"

Except Kevin.

At this time, look at everyone on the light screen.

His eyes were full of expressions that he was about to see gossip.

But Kevin still had a cold look on his face.

Then he said calmly:"I think that's not me......."

Of course, explanations are useless.

What appeared in the end was a spoof.

Still the real Kevin.

You can only know everything after seeing it......

The waiting process.

That's the most exciting......

On the fairy boat.

Gui Naifen jumped up from her chair excitedly:"Great!"

"Finally defeated the abominable Herrscher of Corrosion"

"Family members, have you seen it?"

"The Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire is really cool!!!"

"And that last scene is so touching!"

"Alicia looks back and smiles so beautifully......"

"No, I'm going to fall."

Gui Naifen's expression was extremely exaggerated.

Of course, many spectators on the Xianzhou were also fans of the Thirteen Heroes.

It was really great.

But our Li Dazhen was focused on practicing martial arts in China. the scene above

"It seems that Hua's experiences as a child were similar to mine."

Su Chang remembered that she was always taken out of bed by her mother to practice martial arts before dawn.

Later, when she went to the academy, she fell asleep.

Only then did the gentlemen of the academy directly take a Li Big Pillow’s nickname.

I’m really helpless.

I didn’t expect that Hua had the same problem as me when he was young. At this time, Gui Naifen said mysteriously:"Sushang, do you think the marshal was also arrested since he was a child?" Got up to practice? Su

Shang's brain circuit was strange:"You mean the marshal also has the nickname Li Dazhen?""

Gui Naifen shook his head, and then looked mysteriously at the big pillow on Su Chang's chest.

Then he thought about Fu Hua's poor, almost flat Shenzhou tablet.

He suddenly shook his head:"I think……"

"The nickname Li Dazhen……"

"Only suitable for your elderly……"

Su Chang didn't understand, and asked with stupid eyes:"Why?"

Gui Naifen replied mysteriously:"The secret must not be leaked!" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Chang:" Xiao Guizi, just say it……"

Gui Naifen:"I really can't say it, Su Shang……"


On the Star Dome Train.

March 7th is the most exciting day.

After all, I could watch the Herrscher of Corrosion being defeated with my own eyes.

It can be considered proud and proud.

"Let this guy like you know how to cheat!"

"Now you know you were wrong!"

"Zhuhuo Thirteen Yingjie will take care of you in no time!"

"If you weren't such a naughty guy, who could you beat?"

On March 7, he remembered at this time:"By the way, Uncle Yang, the Herrscher of Corrosion from the pre-civilization era."

"Who was defeated in the end?

Walter pushed up his glasses:"It's Sakura, right?"……"

Ji Zi asked curiously:"Mr. Walter, you said before that the pre-civilization era was due to the invasion of the Herrscher of Corrosion."[]

"Launched three nuclear bombs and destroyed the last three base cities of mankind."

"So what did the Herrscher of Corrosion do besides this?"

Walter recalled the story of when Mei was brought out from the Paradise of the Past.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"It almost caused the entire Zhuhuo Thirteen Heroes to fall apart.……"

Hear this.

Several people's eyes widened.

Walter continued:"The Herrscher of Corrosion can be said to be the most special Herrscher faced in the pre-civilization era."

"When he first appeared"

"He was immediately arrested by Fire Chaser's scientific research team, and the target was Sakura's sister."

"But when she was arrested, there was nothing wrong with Sakura's sister other than her powerful Honkai reaction."

"So Fire Chaser decided to imprison Sakura's sister first."

"At that time, it was at the last moment of the showdown with Honkai Impact. A long time ago, in order to prevent the Fire Chasing Moth warriors from losing their fighting spirit,"

"So Aponya planted commandments on the warriors"

"Increase their confidence against Honkai.

Xing's eyes narrowed:"This kind of commandment can enhance confidence, yes.""

"But at some point, it will have an unforeseen counter-effect."

0 Asking for flowers 0 0

Walter nodded:"Yes, at that time people were under the pressure and fear of the destruction of human civilization."

"The soldiers guarding"

"They became afraid of Sakura's sister, and the existence of the commandments made them extremely determined to fight against Honkai."

Dan Heng immediately guessed the next story.

"Under the influence of fear and discipline"

"These soldiers killed Sakura's sister……"

March 7 was so frightened that she covered her mouth.

It seems that we can think of the scene of cannibalism.

"And the death of Sakura's sister is the key to unlocking the Herrscher of Corrosion"

"Herrscher of Corrosion begins to invade Fire Chaser's system"

"Later, Sakura came to the place where she was imprisoned. Although she defeated the Herrscher of Corrosion through hard work,"

"but in the end……"

"She also passed away……"

March 7:"So Sakura was the first to die among the Thirteen Heroes of Zhuhuo?"


Listening to Walter's answer, Xing continued to ask:"So Uncle Yang, why did you say that the Fire Chasing Moth fell apart?"

"The deaths of Sakura and her sister made Qianjie think that these were all caused by Aponia"

"So he wants to find Aponya to avenge Sakura and her sister"

"The other fusion warriors also had some gaps due to this battle.……"

March 7 asked nervously:"What happened next?"

Walter continued:"What happened next?"……"

"Alicia knows that if this continues, humanity will lose its last strength against Honkai."

"At that time, the top management of Fire Chaser began to doubt Alicia's identity and launched an investigation into her."

"Alicia took advantage of the situation and revealed that she was the Thirteenth Herrscher!"

"With his own sacrifice, the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire were reunited again"

"After that, it’s the story of Kevin leading the remaining warriors to confront the end.

Ji Zi:"So in the previous civilization era, was Alicia sacrificed like this?""

Walter:"Yeah, it's very ironic.right?"

"Finally, he died at the hands of the human being he loved."

"But in the end, she also used her power to let the Herrschers of the next civilization era bloom the flower of humanity."

"It is also because of her that this civilizational era can successfully cross the threshold in the end. Walter recalled someone:"Do you know what Kevin said?""

Everyone looked at Walter curiously.

Walter used Kevin's tone and said what Kevin once said.

"There will not be a second Alicia in this world……"

Yes, such a cute girl who loves everyone deeply. It's already a miracle that one... appears... on the light screen at this time. As if responding to Walter’s story. A new title appears

"Uncle Yang, look!"

"The new title on the light screen this time is Kevin."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here?

Walter looked at the light screen curiously.

The new title on the light screen was particularly conspicuous.

【Kevin's tears……】

Look at this title.

March 7 said in surprise:"Good guy, can Kevin still cry?"

Xing:"He is just a fusion warrior, and he has not completely turned into a Honkaimon."

"If you look like a normal person, why don't you cry?"

Just when everyone agreed with Xing's view,

Walter said:"I think Kevin won't cry, right?"

March 7:"Huh? Why?"

Walter replied:"Pafanti gave Kevin the power to control ice and snow, and also made Kevin's body surface temperature reach an extremely cold level."

"Normally, it would be impossible for Kevin to cry."

"After all, Kevin couldn't even tell whether his blood was flowing."

Walter has met Parfanti, the Honkai Beast.

To be honest,

Walter can't figure it out no matter how hard he thinks about it. Why did Kevin just fuse Parfanti's genes and be able to directly defeat the Law of Flame?.

Shouldn’t it be the Herrscher of Fire’s power that in turn restrains Kevin’s Ice and Snow?

The real situation is that the Herrscher of Fire is beaten by Kevin......

For this, Walter can only attribute this to the fact that Kevin himself is an extremely powerful guy.

That's why we can do this.

But none of this matters anymore.

Kevin will shed tears.

This is the strangest thing!

Walter also became curious.

After all, in the Quantum Sea, he was knocked over by Kevin's punch.

Still lingering in my mind.

So Walter can see Kevin embarrassed.

It can also relieve the unhappiness in your heart.

March 7 also noticed Walter’s mean expression.

"Uncle Yang……"

"Why do I feel like you are very happy?"

Xing Yi said to the point:"And there is also a bit of a cheap feeling."

Walter coughed twice and restrained his smile.


"I just suddenly remembered……"

"When the world is collapsing……"

"some happy things happened……"

March 7:"If you tell me any happy things, let's all have fun together."……"


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