Saint Freya

Although it is clear that the first answer is the correct answer, the second one is the wrong answer made up by Kafka.


It was obviously made up, but it made Fu Hua feel inexplicably familiar?

How come it seems.

Have you ever experienced the same thing?!

Suddenly, I felt inexplicably offended. especially.

After hearing the words"apprentice killed master", that familiar feeling became even stronger!

A bad feeling. sudden appearance.......

Record of the Immortal Boat and the Broken Sword, right?!

In the video -

Xing has already gotten a rough outline from Kafka's words.

So next.

Just get more information!


(She put me on the star train)

(Everything about her is shrouded in mystery, I want to know more about her......)

"Who were you before?"

Xing continued to ask.


Kafka gave two answers.

"Me in the past.....Used to be a [Demon Hunter]】"

"I grew up on a planet polluted by the star core: Tianyi 5 [New Babylon]. The humans who grew up there did not know what fear was. This concept did not exist at all."

"I was on a mission when Elio found me......"

"As for the conditions he offered, I was very interested."

Kafka's answer two:

"Me in the past......I was once a [Pure Knight]】"

"We worship the pure and beautiful star god Idrila and swear to protect her beauty with the sword in our hands."

"However, one day He suddenly disappeared and no one knew his whereabouts"

"After losing my faith, I was recruited by Elio and joined the [Star Core Hunters]."

Regarding these two answers,

Xingdu was confused and couldn't determine which one was the correct answer.

It was really too vague.


It can only be said in another way.

"Why did you join Star Core Hunters?"

Kafka’s answer:

"Because I have a future I want."23" Elio can see possibilities, and as long as I follow his instructions, he promises to tell me what it takes to move toward that future."

Kafka's answer two:

"Because I want to change myself"

"I don’t have this mechanism of [fear]"

"There is a void in my mind and heart, even though I don't realize it"

"So I can’t do this kind of change myself."

"And Elio can help me, as long as I follow his instructions."

On the train

, Walter was obviously thoughtful at the moment.

"Her identity?"

There are two questions and four answers, but there is a certain correlation.

In the second question, the two answers, although different, have one thing in common.

That is the reason why Kafka joined The Star Core Hunter didn't have nowhere to go, but she wanted something from Elio, or in other words, she wanted to get something.

So she joined the Star Core Hunter.

"In this case, the first answer to the first question should be correct."

Walter pushed up his glasses. He already had a rough answer in his mind. Kafka is a demon hunter without [fear], and Elio made a condition to her. As for what the condition is.


I am afraid.

It still revolves around the issue of no fear

"In fact, the two answers to the second question are similar, but one is a vague generalization and the other is more precise."

At this point, the audience already has a rough guess about Kafka's origin. A demon hunter from [New Babylon] who has no fear. Because he wanted something , he joined the Star Core Hunters. This It makes people think of Blade. It seems that the reason why he joined the Star Core Hunter, like Kafka, was Elio's promise. So that he can atone for his sins. Free! The Star Core Hunter heard Kafka's words in the video Finally. Silver Wolf couldn't help but snorted disdainfully.

"He actually said that he was a [pure and beautiful] knight? It really is.....What a random lie!"

Who are the Pure Beauty Knights?

A group of people......

Some weird guys.

To be precise, they are a group of somewhat persistent missionaries.

He has absolute faith in the Pure Beauty Star God, and he will preach [Pure Beauty] to everyone he meets, and hopes that the other person will believe in the Pure Beauty Star God. certainly.....

They're a pretty good bunch of people.

In this mixed universe, there is indeed a lawful camp. only.

Their behavior makes people like Yinlang really dislike them.

Even a little annoying. in video.

After hearing Kafka's many answers, Xing couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

And Kafka’s voice. suddenly sounded

"This is your last question, give me a surprise."

Kafka crossed his arms and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Hearing this,

Xing hesitated.

(I don’t know whether Kafka told the truth or a lie in the previous question, but one thing is certain: facing this question, she had no choice but to answer according to the rules.)

(Do you want to boldly try a new problem?)

(Kafka wants me to surprise her, so try asking this question......) after some thinking. star.

Asked a surprising question

"Is fate determined?"


It was still an answer without any hesitation.

But this time,

Xing didn't hesitate and asked the next question again.

"1+1 2?"


Kafka answered without any hesitation.

At the same time, she also realized Xing's little thoughts.

She looked a little surprised.

"very smart"

"However, is it worth sacrificing a question to prove whether the previous answer is true or false?"

Xing shook his head hesitantly.

"I can't say....."

Not only Kafka, the audience outside the video realized that the star was playing a trick at this moment

"It seems"

"Still very smart."

Otto couldn't help but raise an interested smile.

He used a question to test the authenticity of the previous answer. It

's a very good little trick.

It's just that.....


The answer Xing came up with is of little value.

Because this does not get any useful information, only one plus one equals two and fate is not destined

"Destiny, indeed....." at this point.

The audience already knows this.

Destiny is by no means destined, it can be changed!

Captain and Ferryman.....

That’s the best example!

Thousands of reincarnation reflections allowed two people to change their established destiny in impossible situations, and finally created miracles and hopes that were simply impossible.


"Why didn’t Xing choose to ask the question in this way from the beginning?"

Youlandel is a little puzzled.

She sacrifices one answer to test the authenticity of the previous answer.

In this way, at least, you don't have to guess the authenticity of the two answers, and you can get one of the correct answers.

"Could it be....."

"Did she just think of this method?"

In the video

, at this point, Xing's question session has ended.

According to the rules of the game, it is now Kafka's turn to ask Xing a question

"My first question: What do you think of me?"

Kafka looked at Xing with interest.

After hearing this,

Xing was a little hesitant.

(Huh? I.....What do I think of Kafka??)

(How to answer this question? If I tell the truth, I have to lie next time and vice versa. But I can also cheat.....Is it really possible? )

Xing struggled in his heart for a moment.

Still chose to lie.....

(Try lying here. Next time, you have to tell the truth.......)

"I hate you."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xing gave the answer without hesitation....."

Upon hearing this answer, Kafka looked at the star meaningfully.

"Look.....That's it"

"this is very simple"

"You hide your thoughts really well. Kafka smiled slightly

"Second question: Do you still want to see me again?"

Kafka's lips curved into a sly smile.

(Will we see you again?.....What kind of question is this? She knows the answer very well.)

(......I think so. )

Xing respected the rules of the game.

Answer given

"I want to see Kafka again."

When hearing this reply[]

A smile appeared on Kafka's face.

And video.

At this moment, it has stopped abruptly!

After everyone on the train looked at each other in disbelief, they all turned their attention to Xing.

These words.

That’s a lot of information!

The first answer is lying, the second answer is correct

"That means....."

"Star, do you like Kafka?"

March 7 covered her mouth and looked at Xing in surprise.

After all,

Kafka has never been a good person in the hearts of everyone, especially in the hearts of everyone on the train crew, and was even somewhat hostile to him.

Because of Star Core The reputation of hunters is well known to everyone in the universe.

Although many things are deliberately slanderous and slanderous.

But even so, people have never had a good impression of them.

Especially Kafka, a bad woman!

"March, you are wrong......If hating is wrong, then it can only prove that Xing does not hate Kafka, but does not like him."


Jizi looked at Xing with interest.

Judging from the video.

This is what happened on the fairy boat.

It seems.....

On the fairy boat, something happened between Xing and Kafka, so that Xing seemed to have changed his mind about this woman. but.

Speaking of which.

In this question, Kafka seems to have also used some small tricks.

Star Core Hunter

Silver Wolf is not a simple person like Xing. She can see at a glance that the method Kafka used on this issue in the video is the same as Xing.

The second answer is the correctness of the first answer.

Kafka knew very well whether Xing still wanted to see him or not.

I want to...... so.

The answer to the first question is wrong.

"You got the answer you wanted, not only does she not hate you, but she wants to see you again."

Hearing Silver Wolf's words,

Kafka raised a smile. He was sincerely happy.

It was obvious that in this game, victory belonged to Kafka.

Xing did not see through Kafka's heart. But Xing's heart was penetrated by Kafka at a glance.

This is.....

Is there a connection between mother and son?!

And at the same time.

It also gave the audience a deeper understanding of Kafka and Star and their relationship. but.....

Speaking of which.

Will one day Kafka also look at Xing and smile tenderly.

And then no more words?

【Operation?! Is there only one day left in issue 357?! 】

Video of Kafka and Star.

It's over for now.

The new title soon caught the attention of the audience. saint freya——

"Why does this title reveal a deep sense of despair?"

Kiana feels the same way.

Because she has experienced it.

This kind of despair when there is only one day left on vacation, but Jizi's homework has not been touched. It is very fatal.

After all, one day is difficult. Complete the remaining homework.

Watching the anger coming from Himeko and Theresa but unable to do anything about it.

That feeling of powerlessness.

No less than.....

The end is coming!

"Only idiot Kiana would worry about such a thing."

Bronya doesn't care about this kind of thing at all.

She can't finish writing.

There is also the reinstalled bunny.

The bunny is not worried about the holiday homework at all.

"So, will the protagonist of this video be Kiana?"

At this moment, Theresa couldn't help but think of Kiana's experience on the moon. She has become the Herrscher of the End and the God of Earth, but she still has to be forced by the doctors to go to class and do homework every day.

It's really miserable!

But!...... anyway.

As a finalist, even if she hasn't finished her homework.

It won't matter, right?

Finally, I complained, there is no way there is corporal punishment or anything like that, right?

Corporal punishment for the final ruler?!

This can be regarded as one of the bolder actions of Collapse World.

Unless Mei Yi gets started. after all.

She is the woman who has grabbed the ear of the Herrscher of Finality!

The video soon started playing.

The first thing that catches your eye.

It was Kiana, Bronya and Mei who were playing games in the room until they got carried away.

"This way, this way!"

"Come on, Kiana!"

"Why are you still dozing off?"

But Kiana, who had been playing all night, could hardly keep her eyes open.

She was breathing heavily.

"Huh? I almost died, I’m sorry!"

However, just when the three-person game was getting intense.

The next second, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Jizi looked at the people in the room sternly.

"Kiana, are you playing games again?"

"Would you like to do some homework?"

"Look at the time for yourselves!"

Ji Zi pointed at the calendar. It is already February 6th and there is only one day left before the start of school.

Seeing this scene,

Bronya's eyes were shocked.


"It turned out that after so long, I thought I only played for a few days."

Meiyi on the side also looked frightened.

There was only one day left

, but she still had half of her homework left.

But the one who was most frightened was Kiana.


In her homework so far, she has only written one name..

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