
Freya Kiana nodded thoughtfully.

It is indeed true.

Since the Xingqiong video has been played, it seems that not once has a particularly sharp knife been issued, only one that can be called a knife.

Maybe it's the video of Jingliu and Jingyuan fighting. but!

That knife was not heavy.

Could it be that....

Is Starfield really a space comedy that doesn’t even shoot a knife?

If so.

Isn't it a bit disappointing to have the prefix"Hengkai" in front of your name?

"So, does the real knife start from the memory of March 7th?"

"Who is March?"

In this regard,

Kiana and others are very curious.

Regarding the identity of March 7th, this is the biggest question on the train.

After all, even Xing's life experience can be traced back to the Star Core Hunter, but about On March 7, there is only an ice cube salvaged from the universe.

Use amnesia to issue a knife....

How will it be issued specifically?

Can't help but make people curious

"But then again....What does Dan Heng mean by this sentence?"

Xing Ming is a girl.

Why do you say that?

The last time we met, she was a boy?

I always feel that.

This sentence is breaking the wall!


What does it mean specifically?

Could it be that -


Don’t think that if you change your gender, I won’t recognize you!

In the video, the conversation between the two continues.

March 7:"As the protagonist of the story, the pioneer plays not the conductor on the train, but the....."

Speaking of which.

March 7 paused.

Dan Heng on the side answered the question very well.

"It's for boilers."

Yuyue Qi glanced at Dan Heng and quickly corrected himself.

"He's a passenger!"

"And the weapon is also very special, it is a baseball bat."

I don't know why.

The protagonists all seem to have a special love for the baseball bat as a weapon. They just swing it from Qianyu Academy to the Star Dome Train.

What kind of weird inheritance is this?

Is the baseball bat so useful?

March 7:" In the video, you can see that the Trail Blazers changed their weapons into big swords and looked very handsome. Dan

Heng:"And can he continue the legend of the great fire sword master in the plot?" Stay tuned."

March 7:"Not only the protagonist, there are also many familiar faces on the train, such as Ji Zi, who everyone is looking forward to.....sister?"

When she said this,

March 7th seemed a little surprised.


Why is this title so uncomfortable? The corners of

St. Freya

's mouth could not help but start to rise.


Of course it is not easy to pronounce.

How can you call Himeko Ajie?

It should be——

"Aunt Jizi, how smooth does it sound?"

This title is not only smooth. It is also kind.

The only problem is that it is a bit harsh for Himeko.

After hearing this sentence,

Himeko couldn't help but glance at Theresa and seemed a little reluctant.

After all, there is that girl.

Are you willing to be called aunt?

Theresa is no exception.

What’s more, Jizi?

In the video

, after Jizi’s introduction, Walter’s figure appeared on the screen behind the two.

March 7:"From the studio next door Come here Mr. Walter."

Dan Heng:"It is said that the Destiny Anti-Entropy World Snake from Honkai TV came here only because he was squeezed out."

Because of a certain monster that collapsed later, my career as a fitness instructor was ruined.

I had no choice but to go to the starry world.

I just don't know if I will go back to my old career.

I will continue to do sit-ups. But......

As a senior, it’s normal to have a sit-up storyline, right?

And at the same time.

The screen behind them began to switch continuously with the conversation between the two.

March 7:"Silly sweet lady Bronya."

Dan Heng:"Guess what kind of work your mother gave you this time?" on the screen behind her.

A giant starry duck appeared holding a sharp sword.

Pictures with enemies.

March 7:"Natasha the raven who lives in a slum but is still a kind-hearted healer."

Dan Heng smiled evilly at this moment

"Guess how long her clinic can survive in this world?" A photo of Miss Raven and the clinic.

March 7:"Xie'er has changed from a weak character to a heroic figure."

Dan Heng:"But if my NB is broken, put your hands on your hips first."

Xie'er debuts for the first time.

Hmm......Put your hands on your hips first!

March 7:"There is also the classic little girl with white hair and red eyes, Clara."

Dan Heng:"By the way, that giant robot will only show up when it uses its ultimate move and attacks."

At this point.

March 7 couldn't help but shook her head.

Open your mouth to complain——

"Is it a bit psychopathic to set up such a little girl as a human shield to withstand harm?"

Saint Freya


After seeing the scene in the video, Kiana and others were stunned for a moment in surprise.

They never expected that there would be so many familiar faces in the star world ? That one and Graciu were not wearing the same clothes. Let’s not mention the little girl Clara in the shoes for now. Who are those two? Bronya? Seele?! Or Big Ducky and Big Seele? Are there Seele and Bronya in the starry world?


"Although it's a bit surprising,'s still acceptable."

Theresa calmed down for a moment.

Ji Zi has already appeared on the train, and there is also a Rakshasa on the fairy boat, so....The appearance of Bronya and Xi'er was within the acceptable range. but.

What comes as a surprise.

The gap between Xi'er and Bronya is too big, right?

It's a big duck! but....

It’s silly!

As for the Xie'er of Star Vault, she is completely different from the Xie'er that Bronya knew. Not only has she grown up a lot, but her personality seems to be more like the unhappy one in the Quantum Sea. but it seems....

She seems to be more powerful and arrogant than Hei Xier

"OK OK!"

"Play like this?"

Kiana couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

You two couples are welded together, right?

Even in the starry world, they are still not separated?!

It's just that....

It seems that Xi'er is the main attack this time?

Bronya has a weak character.

Xier has a strong personality?

Offensive and defensive changes!

Ducks and ducks can go, and so can Xier!

So, if you say so——

"Is it possible for Mei and I to appear in this world?"

Kiana is looking forward to this very much.

And her guess is not impossible.

After all,

Yaya and Xi'er can continue having sex, why can't she and Mei Yi?

On the train, regarding March 7th's remarks in the video just now, Val Te strongly disagrees.

The reason why he came to this world is entirely because of that sentence——

【"Fighting for all the good in the world"] will pass through the Star Gate and reach the Star Vault.

Why are Otto and Kevin excluded?

That kind of show.

Even if he is asked to be on, he will not be on it.


"speaking of"

"Uncle Yang was the leader of Anti-Entropy before, right?"

March 7 looked at Walter strangely.

Honkai TV station.

The leaders of the two major forces in the Honkai World and the Destiny World Snake attended as hosts, but Walter, the leader of Anti-Entropy, did not show up.

This is true. Isn't it exclusion?

If you look at it this way.

Could it be that - when they were talking in the Void Manzo,

Kevin and Otto had already begun to isolate Walter?! When the World Snake saw that he also appeared in the Star World, , the raven suddenly stopped.

"And me?"

After all,

I am not the protagonist. I have not appeared in the video so far, which is enough to show that my role is much less than that of Kiana and the others.


I can still go to the Star Vault World to make a cameo? (Read Baoshuan Novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!) Raven was a little surprised by this

"In that world, was I a slum doctor?"

Actually, from this point of view, the raven of Star Vault is quite similar to the raven of Honkai Impact.

After all, the reason why raven works hard in World Snake is to save some money to open an orphanage and take in those who suffer. Suffering children.

And Raven in the Star World is treating the suffering people in the slums.

The central idea is right!


What worries her more is Dan Heng’s sentence ["Guess what she is in this world How long can the clinic survive?"】

What does it mean?

"How long can the clinic survive?"

Do not know why[]

After hearing this sentence, Raven had a bad premonition.

Is it an illusion?

In the studio.

The two people's complaints continued.

Dan Heng:"Not only that, the crazy copywriter also wrote a different set of dialogues for all the trash cans."

March 7:"There must be a reason behind so many psychopaths appearing in the same company, and then I think it can The guy who digs through a dozen trash cans in the game to find dialogue is not a fuel-efficient person."

Judging from this sentence.

March seven.

Definitely never tried looking in the trash can.

That's definitely not a trash can.


A treasure chest that you don't know what"treasure" is hidden in it.

At the moment of opening.

Curiosity and desire to explore.

Can be extremely satisfying.

And after introducing these familiar faces one after another.

The topic between the two finally returned to the plot.

"As followers of Akivelli, our goal is to take the star train to explore and open up the unknown universe. The goal of this exploration is the asteroid Yaliluo VI."


The two summarized the train crew's experience in Beloberg What happened.

The world affected by the cold wave.

The upper zone squeezed the lower zone in exchange for the prosperity and stability of the city.

The two had a long-standing grudge.

The train crew followed the"earth fire" of the lower zone to seek a better future.

And what followed.———

March 7:"The final boss Cocolia is carrying a giant robot."

Dan Heng:"Mr. Swaro is weak in comparison!"

March 7:"Whose dream is not to drive a giant robot?"

Dan Heng:"Obviously most people's dream is not to be chased by giant robots."

Next moment!

The scene of the decisive battle between Star Sister and Cocolia appeared on the screen.

Master of fire weapons!

March 7:".I will launch a NB attack!"

Dan Heng:"Then launch a NB attack!"

The screen behind him showed a picture of the Blazers holding a flame gun and launching a NB attack.

Saint Freya:

When seeing Xing using weapons, Theresa couldn't help but think of Siegfried

"Also fire element..."

"It's still a bit similar to the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment."

Theresa carefully looked at the weapons in the picture.

One is a fire-type sword.

The other is a fire-type flame spear.

In addition to not being the same weapon, the biggest difference between the two may be - the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment:"Dedicated Sacrifice an arm and launch a NB attack!"

Flame Spear:" Launch a NB attack, and then launch a NB attack."

Such a comparison.

Let's judge!

Star God is still stronger!


This is of course Siegfried's angle of using Skyfire.

If Kevin used it. is a different result.

After all, the cold physique brought by Kevin's fusion beast Parfanti is very suitable for a weapon called"Skyfire Autonomous Judgment".

Belloberg's story ends here.

And in the picture - the two people's broadcast continues.

The topic also shifted to other characters.

Dan Heng:"Old lady with two guns"——!"

Kafka uses dual guns.

Continuously destroy the surrounding enemies.

March 7:"Bronya suddenly shrunk."

Silver Wolf blowing bubble gum.

Star Core Hunter——

"Old man with two guns...What?"

If Kafka guessed correctly, what Dan Heng meant was the old woman with double guns, right?

She did use double guns sometimes.

But what do you think?....

She has nothing to do with Lao, right?

"Talking about old age"

"On the subtitles, is she a super beauty?"

Kafka shook his head helplessly.

This is it.

Desire for survival?

"Shrunken Bronya?" Silver Wolf disagrees with this. Although she does look a bit like Bronya, how can she be said to be a shrunken Bronya?

It's not like she won't grow up?


That day she will look like Honkai Impact Like Bronya in"Me De Zhao", she suddenly became [big]

Dan Heng:"Otto opened and took his coffin board with him."

Rakshasa shows abundant power.

March 7:"Let my sister tell you something heartfelt. Kafka pressed the star core into the pioneer's body.

Dan Heng:"Strongly request the hotel's wake-up service to remove unnecessary cardiopulmonary resuscitation.""

March 7:"Okay, that's all the content of this issue of Stardome News. Now let's read a letter from the audience."

Dan Heng took out a letter.

The name on it was clearly Walter.

The content was——

【"Hello host——"】

【"First of all, let me state that I have not been squeezed out by the TV station next door. I wish Star Dome TV a smooth broadcast of the first episode. If possible, it is best to defeat the Honkai TV station next door."

【"Then I declare again that I am not excluded by the TV station next door."】

【"It was my mission to cross the star gate and come here. Even though I am the only one from the crew next door on the whole set so far, I have not been excluded."】

And in the corner of the letter - there is an advertisement

【"Learn about sit-ups?"]

Walter's letter was very serious and filled three pages.

Dan Heng was also very professional.

He read it carefully.


March 7th interrupted it with an impatient look.


"Skip the three pages of nonsense"

"Thank you Mr. Walter for your letter despite your busy schedule, and I wish you the best in your sit-up fitness career."

"So that’s all the content of this issue of Stardome News"

"I am the host March 7th!"

Yuyueqiu faced the camera with a sweet smile.

Danheng remained expressionless as always.

"I am the host Dan Hengqi"

"Thank you for watching! (In unison)"

With the appearance of a very hot-blooded and handsome train video clip, this issue of Qionggui TV ends here.

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