Seeing that Xiao Ruoning's eyes were a little evasive, Fu Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing, and then said:

"Don't be nervous, sister. I have no ill intentions towards you. I know you have a crush on Zheng Hang."

"No, I don’t like Zheng Hang."

At this time, Xiao Ruoning was like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, and immediately retorted towards Fu Yuanyuan.

"I didn't say you like Zheng Hang."

Glancing at Xiao Ruoning with a playful look, Fu Yuanyuan continued:

"It's normal for you to like Zheng Hang, because Zheng Hang is really outstanding. I have never awakened my powers, so I can't help in combat, but you are different. You can support the Little Red Riding Hood Town by yourself, which is really amazing, so I hope that after I return to the Warcraft base, you can help me protect Zheng Hang"

"Are you serious? Aren't you afraid that I will snatch Zheng Hang away?"

"Not afraid, I have confidence in myself."

Fu 330 The aura that Yuanyuan exuded when she said this directly stunned Xiao Ruoning. At this moment, Xiao Ruoning began to admire Fu Yuanyuan in his heart and wanted to become a confident woman like Fu Yuanyuan.

After Fu Yuanyuan left, Xiao Ruoning was added to Zheng Hang’s bodyguards.

"I said you don’t need to supervise the construction of Little Red Riding Hood Town? After all, there are still many places that are not finished."

Facing Zheng Hang's inquiry, Xiao Ruoning smiled and said:

"It's okay, the human infantry under your command will not be lazy at all, and my presence or absence will not make any difference."

Although with the protection of Xiao Ruoning and Antonidas, Zheng Hang was still subject to several suicide attacks in the days that followed.

In the Little Red Riding Hood Town tavern, the place had been cleared at this time, and Sonny was waiting for Zheng Hang at the bar. People were making cocktails.

Zheng Hang, Xiao Ruoning, Uther and Antonidas were sitting at the table, looking at the map of Dragon City in front of them.

"Master, now we have searched all areas near Dragon City and finally locked on this place."

After Uther finished speaking, he drew a circle in the primeval forest on the edge of Dragon City with a pen.

"It seemed that Su Ming had the same idea as me. The situation in the primeval forest was complicated and there were a lot of trees as cover, so it was the most suitable place to hide."

Touching his chin, Zheng Hang said

"So what should we do next? Su Ming's actions are getting more and more crazy. Many people in Little Red Riding Hood Town have been affected by suicide attacks, and now they don't dare to go out."

For the future of Little Red Riding Hood Town, Xiao Ruoning can't wait to kill Su Ming now.

At this time, rumors are spreading in Little Red Riding Hood Town, and people's hearts are floating. Although Xiao Ruoning tries his best to maintain it, it is not a long-term solution after all.

Because Su Ming sent here to deal with Zheng After Hang's deadpool loses sight of Zheng Hang, he will go to crowded places and launch suicide attacks on ordinary people. The purpose is to destroy the peace of Little Red Riding Hood Town and let Zheng Hang come out to appease the civilians, so that he can have a chance. Assassination of Zheng Hang

"Let's do this, Uther and Antonidas, you two will lead a team into the primeval forest of Dragon City to determine where Su Ming and his gang are hiding. Xiao Ruoning and I will lead a large team to stand by in Little Red Riding Hood Town. Once you find Su Ming, Contact me as soon as possible, and I will lead a large force to support you."

After hearing the order from Zheng Hang, Uther and Antonidas immediately summoned 10,000 troops and then entered the virgin forest.

At the same time, in the secret base where Su Ming was located, Su Ming generals Si Lin, Mingjie and Kui Evil gathered together

"How many of us are there today?"

Facing Su Ming's inquiry, Si Lin stood up and said:

"Mr. Mayor, we still have 3,000 superpowers, 1,000 ordinary soldiers, and 2,000 survivors." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Why are there only so few people left? Su

Ming frowned and asked in a deep voice.


Si Lin, Ming Jie and others looked at each other without answering.

Since Su Ming started making living bombs, many survivors and soldiers have chosen to flee, but Si Lin and Kui E have turned a blind eye to this kind of thing. With one eye, Mingjie is the only one left and it’s hard to say anything.

"Forget it, let the ordinary soldiers bring tanks and anti-aircraft guns and disperse in the virgin forest, and start a guerrilla fight with the enemy troops entering the virgin forest."

"Three thousand psychics are on standby in the base"

"As for the remaining two thousand survivors, Mingjie, you and I will go together to make them all into deadpools to consume the number of Zheng Hang's troops."

After Su Ming issued the order, Mingjie immediately expressed his understanding, while Si Lin and Kui E felt a sense of fear.

Before the end of the world, Kui E was also a master who did not take human life seriously, but he had never issued such an order. An order comparable to a massacre. These ordinary people who chose to follow Su Ming were really unlucky for eight lifetimes. Instead of dying in the zombie crisis, they died in Su Ming's hands and were treated as consumables.

"Why, didn't you hear my order?"

Seeing that Si Lin and Kui E didn't respond, Su Ming suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"Okay mayor, let’s do it right now."

After Si Lin and Kui E finished speaking, they left with Mingjie.

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