The Kingdom of Light... is confused!

Everyone is confused!

They really didn't expect it.

It's amazing that a villain can get so many positive reviews.

No matter what world, this is basically impossible!

Before Brother Xin appeared, they didn't expect such a result!

They are quite curious now.

A villain who can get so many positive reviews.

What will it look like?

Will there be any big surprises? and.

According to common sense.

A person with such a personality should not become a villain.

Why does Light Screen position Brother Xin as a villain again?

All this requires them to take a good look at the video!


Armored Warrior Xingtian World……

"Light Screen says Brother Xin is a villain?"

"I feel like this kind of evaluation is something even many positive people cannot get!"

Li Haotian glanced at his friends around him with a blank expression. To be honest!

This news is indeed a bit surprising!

"really! You are like part of the main rider of Kamen Rider"

"It is destined to be impossible to obtain this kind of evaluation."

"Especially Kamen Rider Tokio's main rider!"

Wu Gang also nodded.

It can be said that the comments on the light screen aroused all their curiosity.

They must take a serious look this time!


Right now!

The picture on the light screen continues to play!

【Maybe many people will be stunned when they hear Brother Xin’s comments.】

【Are you talking about the villain or the protagonist?】

【However, this is the fact! 】

After Light Screen said this, people in other worlds became even more curious.

I am also extremely curious about all the energy of Brother Xin!

【It can be said that throughout the history of Kamen Rider, it is difficult to find such a villain in"Three Zero Zero"】

【wrong! Not only the history of Kamen Rider, but also Ultraman and Armor Warrior!】

【Villains with such a sense of justice do not exist!】

【Compared with most protagonists, the three views are more positive! 】

After seeing this sentence.

Everyone in the world nodded.

I quite agree with the light curtain!

As long as Brother Xin is indeed the person Guangmu said he was.

That is indeed no problem at all!

【The enemies in this game are created by scientists Barbarian Tenjuro and Kurim】

【A mechanical life form named Roidmude!】

【After being implanted with human evil thoughts, he killed his creator and defected!】

【Act in order to feel human emotions and evolve. 】

See the settings of the enemies in Kamen Rider Rider.

People in the Ultraman world sighed.

So you talk about making your own father.

It's not just in the Ultraman world.

Other worlds also exist!

【Subsequently, these mechanical life forms caused a series of criminal activities】

【Although the Roidmude family longs for humans,】

【And it imitates human behavior and evolves, but at the same time it is born with hatred for humans. 】

So if human kindness was added to the Roidmude family at that time.

This family is fully capable of becoming humans’ partners!

People from other worlds are not fools either. When they see this, they have countless things to say in their hearts.

Why do you think you need to add human evil thoughts? ah!

It turns out that the Roidmude family was created by the villain!

That’s okay!

Nothing the villain does is surprising!

After all, Brother Xin is from the Roidmude clan!

【And this is especially true for heart!】

【Because there was no progress in research, Barbarian Tenjuro's research gradually went in an evil direction.】

【Kurim parted ways with him because of this! 】

Everyone understood when they saw this!

It's like the defense team that created his own father.

If only I had studied it for a while.

Maybe we can add human kindness to Roidmude.

【Brother Xin's human form came from an entrepreneur who refused to invest in Barbarian Tenjuro.】

【From time to time, Barbarian Tenjuro vents his anger by beating, scolding, and humiliating the imitating Brother Xin! 】

When everyone saw this, they could only say that Barbarian Tenjuro was a waste!

Anyone who has courage.

They won't bully Brother Xin, who only has mimicry.


There must be something wrong with your research.

It is quite normal to be rejected for investment!

【This is also an important reason why Brother Xin led Roidmude to launch a rebellion!】

【And since the day the global freeze happened】

【The relationship between Roidmude and humans has reached a point of no return. 】

Everyone is quite curious now.

What on earth is a global freeze!

It's really what they imagined.

Is everyone frozen and unable to move?

【For Tomari Shinosuke, who is the protagonist,】

【Roidmude is an unstable factor that can cause large-scale major cases at any time.】

【But from Brother Xin’s perspective】

【Humans are shameless and domineering oppressors!】

【As the saying goes, his hero is my thief!】

【Once the opposition has been formed, it is difficult to change. 】

Everyone was quite emotional when they saw this.


Once an opposition is formed.

It is difficult to change this antagonistic situation through efforts.

It can even be said that it is basically unchangeable!

【Return to copy】

【Brother Xin’s debut was quite early】

【He stole a human's sports car carelessly】

【I want to meet my kindred spirits who have completed the new evolution.】

【There is no sense of being the mastermind behind the scenes like a typical villain.】

【The first impression is that it is atmospheric and sunny. 】

See Brother Xin’s appearance.

No one could think of this righteous man as an enemy.

Even when people grab things, they are so elegant

【The first sublimation of Kokoro's character image was his first confrontation with Shinnosuke Tomari!】

【In fact!】

【If you want to discuss Kokoro, Tomonosuke is the one you can’t avoid!】

【The relationship between the two of them is not that of a hero and a demon king.】

【One is slowly defeating monsters and leveling up, while the other is hiding in the Demon King's Castle and planning behind the scenes.】

【On the contrary, it is more like the relationship between rivals in hot-blooded comics. 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this!

After all, it can be said in terms of competitors.

Basically, it can only be that the three views are basically the same.

The kind of people who all have a common goal!

Light Screen uses competitors to evaluate the relationship between two people, which can already explain a lot of things!

【In the battles again and again, Brother Xin and Jinnosuke Tomari grew and evolved respectively!】

【When Shinnosuke faced Brother Xin's attack, he burst out with fearless courage】

【And the decisive moment of sacrificing one's life for righteousness】

【Brother Xin didn’t retreat in fear like a typical villain.】

【On the contrary, he showed a personality charm and awareness that was no less than that of Tomari Shinosuke!】

【In order to avenge his killed friends, he will not tolerate it even if he burns himself to death! 】

At this time in the light curtain.

Kamen Rider Chili's attack has entered Brother Xin's core.

When Brother Xin saw this, he was decisively prepared to blow himself up!

The only thing to play is to die together!

Everyone saw the difference in Brother Xin when they saw this.

There are not many villains who can face death directly!

Moreover, Brother Xin still wanted to avenge his friends. to be honest!

This kind of reason usually belongs to the protagonist! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【If it hadn't been for Che Silly's interruption】

【The result of this battle is very likely that the two of them will really die together!】

【It can be seen that Brother Xin regards all Roidmude as friends】

【Otherwise, I wouldn’t work so hard!】

【It's not just what ordinary villains say!】

【What's even more surprising is】

【After this battle, Brother Xin didn’t hold any grudges】

【Instead, I think Shinnosuke is a respectable opponent!】

【And generously admit its power! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this!

Completely stunned!

To know!

Villains generally will never admit that they are weak!

After being defeated, it is the mentality of trying to use conspiracy and tricks to get the protagonist!

But what about Brother Xin? [] totally not!

No resentment at all!

He even acknowledged Shinnosuke's strength.

And respect it!

This kind of mind is not something ordinary people can have!

【After that, Che Sha’s identity was gradually revealed】

【When you are in a state of uncertainty】

【Brother Xin not only still provides support and trust】

【In the end, I even gave Che Sha a push and respected Che Sha’s choice.】

【Even if that choice is to return to the human side and become a Kamen Rider! 】

When everyone saw Brother Xin handing the transformer to Che Sha.

Everyone was stunned!

He didn't expect Brother Xin's actions at all.

After all, in the villain's eyes.

As long as there are signs of rebound.

No matter whether you really want to jump back or not.

Let me kill you first!

Where is Brother Xin?

He completely respected Che Sha's choice and even returned the transformer to him.

As a friend, I gave him enough respect.

Even if they are enemies next time we meet, they will notDamn it! to be honest!

Sometimes even the protagonist can't do this kind of thing!

【It’s hard to imagine that this kind of heart and magnanimity would appear in a villain!】

【Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the jealous Brain, which symbolizes jealousy, absorbed too many negative emotions and became darkened, so Medic follows him wholeheartedly! 】

Everyone nodded to this!

Brother Xin is indeed too reliable!

The charisma of her personality is simply amazing!

Extremely broad-minded.......

There are few people who can match his magnanimity.

Such a person is indeed easy to attract people who are loyal to him!

But now there is a crucial point!

There is such a big-hearted person.

Why is it a villain?

【What I like most about Brother Xin is the plot before and after the super evolution.】

【When I learned that Medic used the lives of his companions as experiments】

【While trying to develop the golden sauce that would allow him to super evolve】

【This man who has always been confident and cheerful】

【Revealing anger, sadness and confusion!】

【Only one hundred and eight companions in the world died one after another】

【There is still fighting going on internally. 】

Everyone really feels sorry for Brother Xin when they see this.

His loyal partner, for him to become stronger, kills his own kind.

What a huge blow to the upright Brother Xin!

【In fact, Brother Xin is a hero, but in some aspects he is too idealistic.】

【I really can't understand the villain's thoughts】

【Roidmude was implanted with an evil heart.】

【The interior is indeed a mess. 】

Everyone nodded to this.

As a person who is upright to the extreme.

Brother Xin really can't understand the conspiracy of those villains!

【Although Brother Xin is the nominal leader】

【But in fact, each of his subordinates has his own plans.】

【Then he just watched his teammates giving away heads.】

【And Brother Xin’s character makes it easy for him to regard all of this as his own responsibility.】

【Finally fell into pain】

【But even so! He didn't lose his mind and broke the jar!】

【Instead, he resolutely decided to carve out the path to super evolution by himself! 】

Seeing this, Brother Xin’s personality charm has infected everyone!

Being able to decide to carve out a future for yourself without having a future.

It does take quite a bit of courage.

Generally, this is the courage that only the protagonist can have at critical moments!

But Brother Xin made this decision under more difficult circumstances than the protagonist in every aspect.

The mentality is simply not comparable to that of ordinary people!

【To some extent, Brother Xin is not suitable to be a leader】

【Regardless of his identity, I am quite a knight.】

【His bottom line is too clear and he is too emotional】

【Act aboveboard!】

【Although his force value is very high, he is not good at strategy and faces the increasingly powerful knights.】

【The only thing I can think of is to stand up for myself!】

【Stand in front of all your compatriots and protect them! 】

Everyone who saw this sighed unconsciously.


Why is Brother Xin not a Kamen Rider?

If it were a Kamen Rider.

He must be the backbone of the team!

In every way!

There is indeed no trace of a villain in him!

4.3 [Unfortunately, Brother Xin sometimes has to face backstabbing from his own people!】

【But even so, Brother Xin did not complain or give up!】

【Someone once said that Roidmude is the mirror of mankind.】

【In the middle stage of the dungeon, Roidmude in cases often reflects human malice.】

【But many times Brother Shin is like the mirror of Shinnosuke Tomari】

【There are so many similarities between the two of them!】

【Have your own pursuit, have the courage to fight, and have a firm belief!】

【You also have your own rules for doing things】

【So we became sympathetic to each other in battle after battle! 】

Everyone can understand the words of the light curtain.

With such a villain with extremely upright views, everyone can sympathize with him!

【Shinnosuke once felt the love of Roidmude】

【Rescued Medic!】

【Brother Xin faced Shinnosuke who had lost his belt.】

【He didn't take advantage of others' danger, but instead told him his ideals.】

【But precisely because of this, the conflict between the two of them is irreconcilable!】

【For Shinnosuke, Roidmude threatens the safety of citizens, and the damage caused by the global freeze is immeasurable!】

【As a policeman and a knight, he cannot compromise because of his emotions】

【This is his righteousness!】

【Brother Xin also has his own reasons for not being able to retreat.】

【Having been tortured by barbarians and even the bad nature of human beings, he understood that as mechanical life forms, they】

【It is absolutely impossible to coexist harmoniously with humans!】

【As one of the first Roidmude to awaken, he carries the trust of Brain Medic.】

【He wants to find a way out for his tribe and the only one hundred and eight companions left in the world.】

【That can only defeat human beings, which is also the righteousness! 】.

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