The Kingdom of Light... all the Ultra warriors don't know what to say!

You can tell me how difficult it is for Shi Wang... it's indeed quite high!

Like Mr. E, he can only stand in the corner.

But are you saying that King of Time is really a copy that cannot be played?

Not really!

King Shi's own strength is still passable!

But it’s so cute!

All the Kamen Riders in the world of Kamen Rider Tokio are crazy!

Tell me!

Each and every idea that comes up is so outrageous!

All kinds of jump reactions!

The point is that you don’t have to say anything if your reflex reaction can have some effect.

But if you jump back, it will have no effect at all!

On the contrary, it weakens the combat power here!

No one is reliable!

You said that, how could you defeat the opponent?

Tokiwa Shogo didn't point it out directly or said he wouldn't play anymore. You should really thank Tokiwa Shogo!

In comparison, this guy's problem of not saving people and showing off his confusion should be said to be the smallest!


I really don’t know what to say!

Our Ultraman world is better!

I don’t know why except for an Ultra Warrior from the original beginning.

Beyond getting a little outrageous.

When others are fighting, or when they go to other worlds to help.

That is quite reliable!

You Kamen Riders still need to learn more from us! do you know?


The World of Armored Warriors...

I don’t know why, but after watching so many short videos, Xinnan really felt it.

It’s not like the people in the second armored warrior team can’t accept it!

These guys have a slightly bad character.

Then there is the fact that I don’t know what teamwork is.

There is nothing wrong with it in other respects! real!

Now look at those people in the Kamen Rider world.

It’s not just that people don’t know how to work as a team.

The special thing is to directly join the enemy's camp! ah!

Zhang Jian, who succeeded me as Flame Dragon Man, also joined the supernatural beast? it's okay no problem!

At least I only have one Zhang Jian!

Other than being annoying, the others are okay in every way!

It’s much better than Kamen Rider’s!

Dongshan and Mizhen finally understand now.

Sometimes I feel like my teammates are not good enough.

Then let’s compare it with Kamen Rider Tokio first!

This way you will find out.

In fact, your teammates have bad mouths.

It’s really not bad!

People won't do all kinds of tricks to disgust you.

I won’t say that I will directly jump to the counterattack and then the combat effectiveness here will be much less!


There is no contrast and no harm, and it is displayed vividly on the light screen!

Sympathize with you!

Tokiwa Shogo!

I hope you can be freed from this hell soon!


Kamen Rider Tokio World...

Tokiwa Shogo saw the comments about his copy on the light screen and it made him want to cry!

Can you tell me what all this is about?

What on earth have I done?

Why did such an outrageous thing happen?

Um? ? ? ?

Very meow!

Why are they all trying to trick me?

Obviously there are many Kamen Riders around me.

There is no reliable one!

Tokiwa Shougo could clearly see what was said on the light curtain!

All the Kamen Riders around him have no effect!

Yue Du even jumped back.

Can you tell me why you want to jump back?

Forget about the light curtain!

Even I don’t see the point of your jump!

Do you think you can defeat the alien emperors by yourself?

It's simply impossible!


Right now!

The picture on the light screen gradually became dim.

Everyone laughed when they saw this!

You Kamen Riders have really been put on the pillar of shame this time!

Only a few Kamen Riders escaped the clutches!

Tell me!

The reason why each one of them is on the list is because of the incompetence of their teammates.

Either it's a reflex or it just has no effect!

Make your copy more difficult.

I have to say that the Armored Warriors are better than your copies!

The second team of armored warriors can more or less defeat those elite monsters!

Your second rider... is simply beyond description!

How many are normal?

I just don’t know what to play in the next video of the light curtain.

Let’s play more dark history!

What we like to read the most is the story about black history!

Right now!

A line of titles appeared in front of everyone!

【Don’t forget about them when you’re feeling stupid! 】

After seeing this title, everyone was stunned.

Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth! good!

It’s so good!

It’s still dark history!

What they like most is dark history!

I wonder how many people are lucky enough to be on the list this time?

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for me!

Many people think that they have no dark history.

This kind of black history type inventory cannot have anything to do with me!

That's right!

It is impossible to have anything to do with them!

As for people who have been exposed to videos because of their black history before.

Naturally more relaxed.

Light curtain!

It's impossible for you to repeat the whipping of our dark history, right?

Absolutely not.

We believe in you.

At least you can't go too far in life!

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, the first video started playing!

【Leo: Wuhu! Scared me! Xiaomeng, this stupid kid, dares to catch my flying kick? 】

When they saw this title, everyone thought of Ultraman Mebius kicking Leo from top to bottom!

I really can’t hold it in any longer!

To know!

The most powerful thing about flying kicks must be from top to bottom!

Gravity acceleration helps!

In addition, Leo flying kicks the light screen as introduced before, it is the strongest physical attack in the Kingdom of Light!

In the end, Mebius, you actually pitted your disadvantage against your advantage, your weakness against your strength!

No wonder you are on this stupid list!

At this point the video starts playing!

Leo and Mebius stood opposite each other on Kuroshio Island.

Get into a fighting stance!

After the two people faced off for a long time!

Leo takes the initiative!

A heavy cross kick hit Xiaomeng's waist!

However, Xiaomeng has experienced a lot of battles at this time.

No longer a newbie at the beginning!

Blocked Leo's attack directly in the air!

It's a pity that Leo's power surpasses Xiaomeng by a lot!

He directly kicked Xiaomeng and started to retreat.

After the two fought for a long time, Xiao Meng never had an advantage!

He was completely lifted up and beaten by Leo's rhythm!

After all, this battle is the key to whether Xiaomeng can stay on earth!

Of course Xiaomeng is not willing to give up!

Leo also wants to let Xiao Meng know where his current abilities are!

Directly used Leo Flying Kick!

I saw Leo's body rising from the ground!

Rushed to a thousand meters in the air.

He made a flying kick and kicked in the direction of Xiao Meng!

Everyone could see that Leo was flying at this moment.

Xiaomeng has a chance to escape!

But what no one expected was!

Mebius didn't dodge, but instead kicked in the opposite direction!

I plan to let Leo see his strength!

Seeing this scene, everyone could clearly see a trace of confusion on Leo's face.

Then start to pull back!

But even so! boom! ——An earth-shattering explosion exploded in the sky!

The shock wave generated by the huge explosion caused the trees on Kuroshio Island to fall in the direction of the shock wave.

Xiao Meng fell heavily to the ground, unable to move.

After Leo landed on the ground, he looked at Xiao Meng as if he was looking at a fool!

Why on earth do you dare to take my attack?

Does your kid not want to die?


The Kingdom of Light... is confused! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiaomeng is completely confused! no!

Light screen, why do you have to beat the corpse repeatedly!

Did I provoke you?

Um? ? ? ?

Do you want to see how many times this scene has appeared?

Do you keep showing up? Do I owe you money?

Damn that guy!

I also know that my decision at that time was stupid.

But why don't you talk about the prerequisites for this?

Obviously because if I lose.

I'm about to be forced to leave the earth!

This is something I cannot accept!

Everyone on earth is my friend!

They are all my partners[]

If I leave.

What should they do!

At that time, I thought that if I avoided brother Leo's attack, I would lose the trial!

This will allow you to attack from a disadvantaged position!

Not at all because I want to!


But Mebius knew that no matter how he explained, it would be useless!

Before, the light curtain was just a brushstroke.

The special thing is that now all the battles are directly displayed!

It was obvious that he had been at a disadvantage from the front.

The results of it?

Facing the flying kick skills, he did not dodge or dodge, but instead used his inferior position and inferior strength.

Go and compete with Leo's superior skills.

If brother Leo hadn't gathered some strength at that time, he would have been dead!


It’s hard to resist!

It’s really hard to bear!

Taylor didn't know what to say when he saw this.

Does it mean that you are brave than Menbius?

Or are you saying that you have no brain at all?

There are many ways to prove yourself.

In the end, you kid just used the stupidest method!


How did I teach Mebius back then?

Why did you teach this guy to be like this?


It’s so uncomfortable!

Mebius, you better not say that I am your master when you go out in the future!


Armored Warrior Nava World...

General Duanmu snorted after seeing everything. hehe!

Ultraman can only rely on his physical fitness and size!

Look at Ultraman Mebius.

You don't have any brains when you fight!

Why can't I dodge the opponent's attack when I clearly know that I can't defeat him? yes!

I am indeed very confident in myself!

But faced with an absolutely invincible attack.

Even if General Duanmu is showing off, he will not attack forcefully!

I can only say that the world is really unfair!

How can a guy with no fighting brains be so powerful!

But it’s okay!

I can definitely become more powerful than Ultraman!

There is Emperor armor and there is Shura armor.

Then there must be a more powerful armor!

Just work hard to improve yourself.

Maybe there will be better armor to look for myself!

Shura Armor is an example! fine!

Ma Lingling looked at General Duanmu's expression and already guessed what he was thinking.

But it’s okay!

Let General Duanmu work hard!

The stronger General Duanmu becomes, the safer their world will be!


Kamen Rider Ultra Fox World...

Looking at Ultraman Mebius's operation, General Uki didn't know how to evaluate it.

It can only be said that Mebius is a passionate young man!

This is how passionate young people fight!

Maybe Jinghe and Ultraman Mebius will have a lot in common!

Anyway, when I face that kind of attack, I will never say anything head-on!

Sometimes the sky is brighter when you take a step back!

There is no need to fight for a momentary advantage, okay?

But this is also the premise that they don't know why Mebius made such a move!

If he knew... maybe General Fu still doesn't understand!


Right now!

The picture on the light screen changes again!

【Fight to the death! Flame Dragon Man VS Emperor Man! 】

After seeing this title, Xinnan was stunned!


I am enjoying myself eating melon!

Why did it hit me directly? besides!

Light screen, you are so cute, I just said it before!

I took action against the Emperor Man because Xiang Yang was controlled by the Black Emperor!

What do you mean by releasing this video now that you are so cute?

Am I stupid?

People in other worlds were also stunned!

After all, there was only one scene before!

There is no way to tell what the battle between Flame Dragon Man and Emperor Man looks like. it's good now!

Finally, I can see the complete battle process!

In the video at this time, Xinnan was riding a motorcycle, and the satellite in the sky shot down the power of the Hokage Stone.

Directly let Xinnan transform into the Yanlongxia! soon!

Xinnan came to the Emperor Xia who Xiang Yang had transformed into!

"`~Stop! who are you.!"

At this time, Emperor Xia slowly turned around when he heard Yan Long Xia's voice.

Looking at Yanlongxia with disdain!

But Xinnan doesn’t care about that!

"I don't care who you are! I can't even let you do anything harmful to God!"

After Xinnan finished speaking, he shook off his hand and (Nuo Hao) immediately put on a fighting posture!

Everyone was stunned for a moment!



Didn't you notice that the opponent's armor style is different from yours? Is it completely different?

Obviously, the opponent's strength far exceeds your imagination!

How can you be so confident that you can stop the opponent!


No wonder your kid can be in this video!

If you don't say this Nothing can be said about this video!

At this time, Emperor Xia was not used to Xinnan, and he condensed light energy in his hands.

Then he made the Tai Chi Bagua gesture.

In an instant!

A golden light shot out!

Fortunately, Xinnan’s combat experience It's quite rich.

When Emperor Xia uses his skills, he rolls and dodges!

Otherwise, Xin Nan will completely lose his fighting ability!

However, what Yan Longxia didn't expect is that

Emperor Xia's skills are Continuous!

The second attack came again!

Xinnan rolled and dodged!

He also knew that he could never continue to be beaten here!

He jumped up, followed by inertia, and punched the Emperor Man hard. Chest!

Unfortunately... it has no effect!

Emperor Xia's defense power is not comparable to that of Yan Longxia!

After being attacked by Yan Longxia, Emperor Xia also became serious. What happens next in Yan Longxia During the attack, he didn't even touch the Emperor's Man!

The Emperor's armor was much faster than the Flame Dragon Armor!

Instead, the Emperor's Man seized the opportunity and hit him with a knee in the stomach.

The huge power made Yan Dragon Man even almost lost his ability to fight!

Emperor Man seized this opportunity and threw Yan Dragon Man away. He hit the wall hard!

Xin Nan looked confused.

Not Zhu!

Why is this guy's power so terrifying? ?

Isn’t it a bit outrageous!

As for the people who watched the video...

I can only say that the difference in strength between the two people is really huge!

They are not on the same level at all!.

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