The Kingdom of Light... is confused!

Everyone is confused!

I couldn't believe what I saw!

Good guy!

They still underestimated Xiang Yang a little before!

This guy has completely failed to utilize the power of the Emperor's Armor.

What's even more outrageous is.

The Emperor's Armor also has the ability to automatically protect its master!

Everything in the universe that can automatically protect the Lord is a proper treasure!

Whenever it appears, it will attract countless people to compete for it!

What's more, the Emperor's Armor is still so powerful!

He also didn’t know how powerful the Emperor’s Armor would be if it could use its own weapons.

Definitely no less than an ordinary monster!

The specific thing still depends on the emergence of someone who can perfectly use the Emperor's Armor.

Only in this way can we judge the specific combat power!


The world of armored warriors is... confused!

Xinnan was stunned!

Good guy!

He was even beaten violently by Xiangyang!

Therefore, Minci is the white moonlight in Xiangyang’s heart! wrong!

Can't say Bai Yueguang.

Maybe he is the best person to him!

That's why Xiangyang is willing to protectKindness.

Pretty good too!

Minci is a very nice person.

It can indeed give Xiangyang a good life!

That’s pretty good!

But now there are more important things to do!

"Meizhen! We must protect Xiangyang now!"

"Xiangyang must not be allowed to be used by the Black Emperor!"

"And Minci!"

Xinnan is very clear about the character of Hei Di and his gang.

They are not the only ones who can see the appearance of the light curtain.

Even Hei Di and the others can see it.

So now Minci and Xiang Yang are definitely their first targets!

After all, The power of the Emperor Man... is clear to everyone through the display of the light screen!

This is not something that ordinary people can defeat!

As the strongest armor, the Black Emperor is just a coward!

"really! The most important thing for us now is to protect Xiangyang and Minci!"

"Xinnan, why don't you bring Minci and Xiangyang here?"

Meizhen thought about it, and now it is the best choice to bring Xiangyang and Meizhen to the ERP01 Research Institute.

This way, even if the other party comes, they don't have to worry.

The automatic protection ability of the Emperor's Armor is enough to make them invincible here.!

The ERP Research Institute doesn’t have to worry about Black Emperor causing trouble!

The only thing they need to do is to keep an eye on Xiangyang!

"That’s it!"

Xinnan nodded.

We have found five armored warriors, so there is no need to worry about lack of manpower!

The four major shadow guardians are all out, and they can handle it!


Kamen Rider Emperor Rider World...

Xiao Ming is so envious when he looks at the Emperor Armor!

The incarnation of heaven and the spokesperson of the sun is basically equivalent to being invincible on earth.

With such ability, I can already compete with Ultraman.

There’s no need to worry that you won’t be able to beat this kind of thing!

I'm jealous!

It’s really enviable!

Only after he became a god could he have the ability to fight the Emperor Man...

Before, he thought that Shura Armor was already the strongest.

Facts have proved that there is no strongest, only stronger!


One day I will be able to fight against the Emperor's armor!

And my strength is not weak now, right?

All that is needed is to strive to become a god!


At this time, the picture of the light curtain changes again!

【Second place!】

【The body of a mortal is comparable to that of a god! 】


Everyone is confused!

When you see this title, you know how terrifying this person is!

The body of a mortal is comparable to that of a god!

This is not the same concept as becoming a god! mortal!

This is a mortal!

Can human beings really have such terrifying power?

Or is this person a cosmic being? no!

Now we have to see why this guy has such a title!

【He is the strongest human being in the Ultraman world! 】

Good guy!

It’s still the Ultraman world!

Seeing this, no one else knew what to say.

The most dangerous thing is the Ultraman world!

The strongest human being in the Ultraman world...

I don’t know what kind of abilities he has!

【He has defeated the Suna Ghost in the Ultraman Tiga world, the Love Ghost in Gauss and the demon Onijuro in Ultraman Gaia! 】

Good guy!

Defeat three monsters directly in three Ultraman worlds!

The human body has the ability to travel through time and space!

【In a small copy of Ultraman Tiga's Awakening of Ghosts and Gods, he said something: The reason why warriors are lonely is that they must fight continuously to maintain their victory!】

【You can't be restrained by any weakness, so you become extremely lonely!】

【After saying these words, he asked Dagu again:】

【Can you endure these troubles?】

【When I first heard this sentence, I just thought it was very cool, especially coming from a swordsman.】

【But only after careful reflection can we discover the truth. 】

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

I have to say that this sentence contains considerable philosophy!

And until now, his name has not been spoken by the light screen! at this time!

The picture and style of painting on the light screen suddenly changed!

【Say my name and I'll scare you!】

【He is the poster child for horror stories!】

【His appearance left the Broken Horn Demon speechless.】

【Let the memories of resentful spirits and ghost lovers remain fresh】

【Make the devil Onijuro panic!】

【Let Su Nagui hold a grudge!】

【Although each time it ends in the form of a seal, it does not affect his title as the strongest human being in the slightest.】

【Wild history may not be true, but he is wild enough!】

【The second master related to ancient times has fought three thousand lines in ancient and modern times.】

【Today, there is a dragon in the well field to extinguish the nest of ghosts and monsters!】

【Lao Liu, who was transformed into a living person, once said that if Ida Jinglong hadn’t sealed the】

【If you help me replace flowers and trees, I'm afraid Taijia won't be born!】

【The general who was pursuing confusion also said this, when I faced Musakami, if Ida Jingryu hadn't come to the rescue at the critical moment,】

【I'm afraid I won't be able to hug my beloved!】

【Later, Savage added, I watched Ida Iryu's live teaching in private, so I came up with the next knife-back breakthrough! 】

When everyone saw this series of comments, they were all dumbfounded!

So not only Ultraman Tiga, but Ultraman Goss and Ultraman Gaia received help from Ida Iryu.

Is there even Ultraman who has received help from Ida Iryu? fear!

This human being is so terrifying!

I don’t know the specific strength of those monsters!

Right now!

Information about the three ghosts and gods that were destroyed by Ida Jingryu appeared on the light screen.

【The two-faced ghost Suna ghost is a ghost with faces on the front and back of its head. The ghost can breathe out flames from the front face and blow out wind and smoke from the back face. It also has superb swordsmanship and has a head. can move freely even if the body is destroyed】

【In the end, he was defeated by Ida Kojuro, a swordsman who has been able to identify demons since he was a child and eliminate them everywhere. Iryu used a knife to seal the heart of the ghost, thereby sealing the soul, and then divided his body and sealed it in Mount Suna. Temples are built in the body and heart. 】

This series of experiences made everyone numb!

Good guy!

Directly dismembered by a monster dozens of meters tall?

Even the kind of ghost and god with half-immortal characteristics!

What about the others?

【The ghost-loving ghost—originally a prince and princess who fell in love in Japan during the Warring States Period. Due to the opposition between their countries, they were unable to marry as they wished, and their souls intertwined after they died in love.】

【In the 21st century, in order to build a dam, the Kono Village self-governing group exploded the sword stone regardless of the opposition of the villagers. As a result, the seal was lifted and the love ghost was resurrected and returned to the world.】

【Due to the spiritual power of the will-o'-the-wisp armor, all TEAMEYES' scientific weapons (such as missiles and lasers) cannot touch the ghost-loving entity at all.】

【But in the end, Koiki's spirit appeared and summoned a sword to kill him instantly! 】

Musashi was dumbfounded when he saw this. no!

Ida Iryu did indeed seal the Koiki... but he was not the one who defeated Temeow!

Light screen, you are causing trouble again!

【The devil Onijuro is a person who appeared on the earth 500 years ago. Whether he is an earthling or a cosmic person is not specified, but he has super powers, or the power of a curse. He can use telekinesis and even predict the future. The existence of the body summoned by destruction was predicted 500 years ago】

【He once wanted to use the power of the curse to build his own kingdom, but he chose to commit suicide after being discovered by Ida Iryu!】


The Kingdom of Light... (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I’m confused!

All Ultra warriors were stunned!

They had no idea that there were such terrifying humans!

This can indeed be said to be comparable to gods with a human body!

After all, even if human beings have developed technology to this day.

With countless powerful abilities, there is no way to destroy so many monsters like Ida Iryu!

Of course, we still have to exclude those black technology teams!

What's more, the era that Ida Iryu lived in... was especially an era of fighting with swords!

There is absolutely no comparison with now!


Simply outrageous!

Do such humans really exist? besides!

Taylor, did you really receive help from Ida Jingryu at that time? []

Why do we not want to believe it so much?

Wasn't your kid resurrected through Ultra Heart?

Light screen, you piece of shit started causing trouble again!

Damn it!

Tell me about you!

Why do we have to be so keen on making things happen?

Did we provoke you?

Poor Taylor!

Taylor didn't know what to say now.

Light Screen, did you forget to mention King Yama when you took inventory of monsters?

You already said at that time, what I am special about is... wait a minute!

I was indeed helped by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva...

You can't say...

Ida Jingryu is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!


You were waiting for me here!


The world of Armored Warrior Xingtian... is confused!

Everyone is confused!

Li Haotian has not yet recovered from the terror of the emperor's armor.

As a result, I saw a human being who could rival the gods!

To know!

Even for them, it is impossible to defeat these ghosts and monsters!

Ghost monsters, without corresponding restraint abilities, are basically impossible to defeat!

Even so.

You, Ida Iryu, have sealed three monsters?

If there were no humans, wouldn't these three guys be able to break the seal?


So... there is indeed nothing wrong with this most powerful title hidden among the crowd!

The two people who appear now are secretly pretending to be ordinary people.

As a result, they are all quite top-notch guys!

I don’t know who the next person is!


Kamen Rider Creation World...

Zhantu felt that his self-confidence had been hit.

Good guy!

I once thought that I was the most capable among scientists.

Among the most capable, I am the strongest scientist!

The result is a combination of the two.

Dute Meow is no match for the two strong men hidden in the crowd!

As the embodiment of heaven.

Having never fought before, no one knows who is stronger, Emperor Armor or E.

Ida Iryu is just a human being!

In this way, the three-headed ghosts and gods were sealed with the sword.

What more could you ask for?

I still underestimate people from other worlds!

I wonder if there will be any hidden boss behind 507!

【Third place!】

【Still can’t hide it? It seems that my uncle, Ultra, can only show my true strength!】

【Shibukawa Ichitetsu! 】

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

Ultra's uncle?

It seems that there was no such character in the Ultraman family tree before! what's the situation?

Can't hide it?

So, this boss has been hiding his strength?

Under the curious eyes of everyone.

The video starts playing.

I saw Otto's uncle lying among a pile of cardboard boxes.

His face was covered with the dust of the war.

Looks quite miserable.

The result was unexpected!

Ultra's uncle sneered!

He forced himself to stand up.

He looked forward with a weird smile on his face and pointed his gun in front of him! boom! ——With a gunshot!


Jayton was killed instantly with one shot!

But it's not over yet!

With Uncle Ultra's crazy smile, he pulled the trigger again!

Ultraman Gaia's final boss Zog was shot through the chest!

Then it completely exploded!

In the sky, Dark Zaki saw that his companions were easily killed instantly!

Release light directly from the universe.

Bet that Ultra's uncle has no bullets in his gun!

It's a pity...

Dark Zaki made the wrong bet!

Uncle Ultra shoots again!

The beam of light that instantly broke the Dark Zaki.

A shot was fired directly into the universe.

Directly smash Dark Zaki's timer!

Dark Zaki lost its energy and became garbage in the earth's orbit!

The GUYS team has just taken out its high-tech Specium amplifier.

Ultra's uncle fired with one shot.

After passing through the Specium Amplifier.

Uncle Ultra's bullets seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

Kill the Ampera star with one shot!

Gatanjie has completely killed Diga at this time!

People on Earth are in despair.

No one can stop Gatanjie!

But right now!

Uncle Ultra raised his gun again! boom! ——The originally small bullet caused irreparable damage to Gatanjie!

The darkness in the sky is completely driven away!

Just seeing this makes everyone a little nervous! no!

Light screen, are you really causing trouble?

Aren't these guys all destroyed by Ultraman?

What does it have to do with Ultra’s uncle? besides!

Can a human pistol kill so many bosses instantly?

It's simply impossible!

You must be causing trouble on purpose, right?

Why else is this gun not on the list?

A battle that allowed such a gun to be developed.

It's definitely the strongest team among Ultraman!.

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