【Let’s look at Dark Road Gil El again】

【After being defeated by Galaxy, I gave up thinking directly.】

【So I started sleeping on the moon】

【After being woken up by the Qibul Star, I felt quite angry when I got up!】

【After the Victrim Cannon was destroyed, it was directly raised by the Qibul Stars!】

【But then he discovered that the Qibul people had created a carrot for themselves.】

【If you don’t play, you won’t play!】

【Then he happily drove the carrot and fought with the Galaxy Victory who came to fight.】

【I have to say that Laolu’s strength is still quite online!】

【Directly beat the two Austrians into stone】

【The human body and Ultraman are separated】

【But, in the end, the underground people and the people on the ground united】

【The underground man gave his Victrim crystal to Xiaoguang and Xiang.】

【Materially giving them the power to transform into Ultraman again】

【certainly! The main protagonists of Ultraman Galaxy also return to make people believe in Ultraman】

【give people hope】

【Mana also sacrifices herself】

【Hacked into Victor Luigi's system】

【Before Xiaoguang and Xiang plan to transform】

【The remnants of the Qibul Stars came to look for trouble.】

【All humans present were wiped out! 】

Everyone could no longer hold their nerves when they saw this.

After all, there are many cosmic beings here who can grow to giant size!

As a result, you directly engage in body-to-body combat with humans?

The point is!

It is particularly capable of withstanding the defensive power of aircraft lasers.

It has no effect at all here!


It’s so outrageous!

【Later, with the support of materialism and idealism,】

【Xiaoguang and Xiang transformed at the same time and started three battles】

【After gaining strength, the two Ultramans used crazy output against Victor Lukiel.】

【The final result was to directly destroy the general Victor Lukiel! 】"140"

【The third battle was quite easy.】

【The stolen Victory Crystal also returned to the earth】

【So is this Dark Roadie El.】

【In the first copy, he was fighting for a philosophical proposition that was opposed to the Milky Way.】

【When I get here, I feel like I am addicted to new toys and can’t extricate myself after getting out of bed.】

【Maybe it’s a show off!】

【Finally, Mana also saved her data into the Victory Crystal.】

【So it can still be resurrected!】


The Kingdom of Light... looked at the picture in the light curtain.

All the Ultra Warriors were also a little speechless.

After all... just judging from the video of the light curtain.

No matter how you look at it, it’s outrageous!

Tell me!

Human beings have done so many things to create fathers for themselves!

It would be great if you just put the things belonging to the underground people there honestly!

The results of it?

Good guy!

I just want to create a father for myself!

I don’t know how many Ultraman worlds have proven this.

Powers that humans have no control over.

One hundred percent, he wants to make a father for his opponent!

What can you say?


I hope humans in other worlds can learn some lessons from the Galaxy S copy!

Never think about committing suicide yourself! besides!

The Qibul people are also quite outrageous.

Tell me about you!

Why bother?

Why do you have to create a father for yourself?

Can you control a guy like Dark Lukiel?

Not at all! Hey!


I don’t know what to say!


The world of armored warriors...

Xinnan and the others looked at the picture in the light curtain.

The expression is quite embarrassing!

I can only say that the operations of the Earth Defense Force in Galaxy S... are really possible in reality!

After all, I saw something good.

It's still a good thing that can provide energy.

I definitely want to let myself use it the first time.

Especially guys like Pretty Country.

That is one hundred percent that I want to snatch away!

Ultraman's world view is still a small book of a beautiful Chinese guy.

This operation is more reasonable!

The results after that are more reasonable!

There are countless cosmic beings in the Ultraman world who are more technologically advanced than humans.

What you made.

Of course people can laugh at it!

Therefore, it is better for people not to seek death!

And there is.

People who want their own world.

Don't seek death.

Who knows what incredible things were created.

Will there be people from space coming to snatch it?

It is better for technology to develop slowly step by step.

You must not eat to become fat in one go!


Kamen Rider Ultra Fox World... looked at Mana's operation in the light screen.

No one knew what to say.

Look at the Ultraman world!

There is no rebellion at all!

Even if someone jumps back, it's still from the villain's side.

As a result, looking at their Kamen Rider world... the two riders are like anti-water monsters.

It's so weird...

I feel uncomfortable all over if I don't rebel!

Although I don’t know why Jinghe fought with General Fu in the end... but that was considered betrayal! certainly!

Their worlds are also fundamentally different.

The world they live in.

Kamen Riders are all products of the Grand Prix of Desire.

After all, they cannot be considered a completely just party.

Only Jing He's grand ideal can be considered a righteous person's. other people's wishes.

More or less, they all have their own selfish motives.


The world of Extreme Fox really cannot be compared with the world of Ultraman!


【Sixth place - Karmila - Megalojie! 】

When everyone saw this, they were all stunned!

Good guy!

You are worthy of being your special general!

Even the boss has two?

Speaking of which, when I introduced Megalogee before, it seemed that this evil god had something to do with Carmilla...

This time I can take a closer look!

【The final boss goal of General Teligat is quite outrageous.】

【Carmila’s purpose is actually just to fall in love! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this!

Completely confused!

Good guy!

Other monsters and the final boss.

The purpose is either to destroy the world or to rule mankind.

As a result, it's time for you to become a special general.

The purpose of the final boss is just to fall in love? ah? ? ? ?

General Special is worthy of being General Special!

【Among all the bosses, Carmila seems to be only a little higher than Ula!】

【After all, because of the black hole in his body, Ula】

【I can't control my appetite, I just act on instinct】

【Be reasonable! Carmilla, if you want to fall in love, you have to be like Zog】

【Playing the role of an angel, at least the body is full of light, and the appearance and figure are good】

【It’s always more attractive!】

【Good for you! He directly turned into the evil god Megalogee with tentacles all over his body!】

【Outrageous! 】

Everyone who saw this place, especially the people in the world of Teliga, were all dumbfounded!

Good guy!

So Megalojie is Carmila?

Don’t you dark warriors know how to fall in love?

When people fall in love, they always put on beautiful makeup.

You, Carmilla, wish you were ugly! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【certainly! The final boss, the special general, was fought three times.】

【For General Special, this frequency of battles... is even a bit low! 】

Everyone nodded in response.


Special Generals can fight four times a day, so a three-round battle is nothing!

【The first two times were against the dark Teliga that Ignis transformed into.】

【The first time I was beaten was to save my name.】

【After rescuing people, they realized that the situation was not good, so Teliga and Dark Teliga ran away tactically.】

【The second time I fought Megaroge's second form, but the second form of Megaroge was not as oppressive as Ultraman Tiga's final boss, Conch Gartangee.】

【It’s just that the blood is thick and there are tentacles】

【No feeling of despair at all】

【The final boss of the new generation Diga is still not as good as Diga himself! 】

Everyone from the victory team saw this.

Finally, I really understand why Megalogje and Gatanje are so similar.

He even said why even Teliga and Tiga are the same[]

Is Teliga completely a new generation Tiga!

Can it be different?

【To be honest, the sense of crisis in the Eternal Core Rampage is stronger than that of Megalojeer.】

【Here in Teliga, the double Austrian battle and the assistance of two aircraft were not able to eliminate Megalogje.】

【In the final battle, Trigga directly transformed into his true form to fight.】

【Originally, the naval battle was a good opportunity to perfectly demonstrate the boss’ sense of oppression.】

【But Megalojie didn't show it, and it didn't even have the same feeling as in the finale of Tiga】

【Megaroge's simple tentacle attack】

【Any black mist like Gatanjie might be more oppressive than an attack like this.】

【certainly! Two more pirated figures got on the plane to be killed.】

【He was caught by members of the Elite Victory Team and given a blast!】

【There is simply no strong fighting power of the two dark Ultramans at the beginning.】

【Then Telliga sank to the bottom of the water】

【The children here can’t wait any longer and quickly turn into light】

【Then Teliga gained the power of light, plus the power of the eternal core transmitted by the Nastis.】

【Teliga quickly defeated Megalogee!】

【Be reasonable! To be honest, Megalojie is definitely a shame to the evil god!】

【Not at all as good as his senior Gatanjie】

【But it's not over yet. There is still a problem with the eternal core, so Jianwu can only be forced to log off.】

【Go to work overtime in the Eternal Core】

【It has to be said that General Special is definitely the Ultra warrior with the strongest fighting intensity and the longest overtime hours, no one else!】

【Other Ultraman just enjoy life with the human body after defeating the final boss.】

【Otherwise, just go back to your hometown】

【Only Jianwu, the true identity of this special general.........】

【Either I am working overtime or I am on my way to work overtime!】

【There is still a chance for other human beings to be confused.】

【If Jianwu is confused for even one second, the earth will explode! 】

See Light Screen’s evaluation of Jianwu.

Everyone could only feel sorry for Jianwu... miserable!

It’s so miserable!

How could there be such an unlucky Ultraman?

There is no down time at all.

What a new generation Tiga, it’s completely a new generation Nexus!

【In short, the final boss of General Special is the story of a crazy woman who went on a rampage in the city after falling out of love.】

【After being beaten by General Special for three rounds, he was directly defeated by Yang!】

【Although Megalojie still has some strength】

【But whether it is the pattern or the sense of oppression, let alone Gatanjeou】

【Not even the other bosses of the new generation can compare!】

【In the end, looking at the strength after the Eternal Core went berserk, General Special could still barely make it to sixth place!】


The Kingdom of Light... quiet! ——Quiet

, quiet! ——All the Ultra warriors didn’t know what to say.

What surprised them was not Megaloje's strength.

But the combat power of General Te! awful!

It’s so miserable!

Why is there such a miserable Ultraman!

Tell me!

Whether they are now, the Heisei period or the New Generation period.

Whenever Ultraman comes to Earth.

After defeating the final enemy, you can basically be at peace for a long time!

It’s totally possible to enjoy life.

After Kenwu defeated the final enemy.

No rest time!

The Eternal Core went berserk.

General Jeante starts working overtime again!

Not only that.

The special one is in the copy of Ultraman Decai.

Even though he is not his copy, General Special is still working overtime!

It’s not working overtime at all, it’s just on the way to working overtime!

Model worker!

General Te is indeed a model worker in Ultraman!

No one can compare with Ultraman Teliga's fighting frequency!

Just that fighting frequency is not something that ordinary human bodies can resist.

Even if there is AustriaWith the repair of Man's energy, Dute Meow will be infinitely injured!

In other words, Kengo is the true form of Ultraman Triga.

Otherwise, I don’t know how to withstand such a high-frequency battle.……


Ultraman Tiga World... what a guy!

Now the case is finally solved!

General Te is the descendant of Ultraman Tiga!

Not only is the world very similar.

And their Victory Team’s Victory Feiyan No. 1!

More importantly.

The people who formed the elite victory team were the members of their TPC!

Even the final scene of defeating the boss is the same as Tiga.


That's outrageous!

I don’t know if Tiga has ever appeared in the world of Teliga.

I think should not be!

After all, Dagu should not have the ability to travel through time and space.

Ultraman Dyna and Ultraman Gaia are able to travel through time and space.

One was sucked into the black hole, and the other was directly summoned by the earth!


But such a high-intensity battle.

Dagu is not the deity of Tiga.

I guess the battle will be difficult!

He even said that he would suffer a lot of 5.8 injuries.

It would have been nice not to have gone.

In response to this, Dagu said...

He passed by... and should be able to improve his strength and consciousness very quickly.

Very meow.

There is no time in General Te's world for you to be confused!

Maybe that’s a good thing too!


The world of Ultraman Teliga...

Hitram and Dagon looked at the light curtain.

He had become Carmilla's puppet, his eyes full of disbelief!

It is absolutely impossible for the two of them to only have that little fighting power.

Add the words of the light curtain.

So where did the two of them go?

Why doesn't it appear in the light curtain?

Why was Carmilla able to summon their two puppets?

Could it be that the two of them were directly absorbed by Carmilla?


We've known each other for 30 million years.

You sent us away just to fall in love?

Feeling Dagon and Hitram's eyes.

Carmilla also looked confused.

After all, the current Carmilla has not yet reached the crazy state in the later stage.

Even Dark Teliga did not appear.

Not to mention Hitram's rebellion.

Poor dark trio because of the light curtain.

It has become a state of disharmony between face and heart.

As for the elite victory team.

Looking at the picture in the light curtain, everyone's eyes were full of solemnity!

The content displayed by the light curtain is quite important!

Carmilla is destined to become their greatest enemy.

Even the eternal core will go berserk.

Kenwu will also be trapped in the eternal core.

These are things they cannot accept.

This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen to him!

So now is the most important thing.

The best way is to see if there is any way to solve Carmilla!

Without Carmilla, what happened next would definitely not have happened!.

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