At this time, the picture in the light curtain changes again!

【NO.8 Shama star people!】

【As for the abilities of Xia Ma people, sum it up in one sentence!】

【That is, if there is light, it is invincible!】

【The Sunny Team only needs to bring the Shama Stars, and then ban Gatanjie and Houyi on the opposite side.】

【If you can't get rid of your sun, the other side will have no choice but to surrender! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw the description here on the light curtain!

What the hell?

Isn't this thing exclusive to you Ultraman?

Why would it be used by a person named Xia Maxing now?

What's going on with your Ultraman? besides!

What is this thing called Team Sunny?

Could it be that it is a monster that can only use its full power during the day?

【ah! By the way, why do you say this guy is invincible during the day?……】

【Because this guy's various abilities basically consume no energy when there is light.】

【Even skills can be greatly enhanced】

【But if there is no sunshine……】

【You can't move as you wish, and you can't create phantoms!】


Kingdom of Light...

After seeing the Shama Stars, the expression on Max's face was quite unpleasant!

You want to say how strong the Xia Ma people are among all the monsters they have faced... tell the truth!

Max felt like he could only shoot in the middle.

But I can’t stand this guy’s disgust!

A phantom that can be released at will during the day.

Perfectly disrupting the rhythm of your attacks.

But if that’s all, that’s okay!

It’s just a little more troublesome to fight!

But during the day, even the phantom of this guy is so capable of releasing his skills!

This is outrageous!

You have no idea where the next attack will come from.

It is even said that it is possible to face a lot of luminous lines!

What's more... this guy's flirty words and moves when fighting are so special!

You can't help but slap this guy!

I really want to whip him!

Generally speaking, if a person has a bad mentality, he will hear the words of Shama people.

See this guy in action.

One hundred percent will lose your mind.

Then rush directly to attack the phantom.

Finally for free!

The new generation can guess how disgusting this guy is by looking at Max's ugly expression!

Just part of the battle process shown on the light screen... the way this guy is twisting and turning is quite worthy of a beating!


Armored Warrior Xingtian World...

I'm stupid!

Everyone in Li Haotian is stupid! no!

Is there such a monster?

Aren’t all the previous monsters dark?

Good guy!

After arriving at your Shama planet.

It has changed directly!

Become a monster of light!

But what you do really has nothing to do with light!

Who kind of good person would have a fighting style like yours?

Very meow.

Talk about every door.

The main thing is ridicule and ridicule, and the most special thing is ridicule!

Then there’s the action.

Who will fight like you?

He started dancing directly on the spot!


That's outrageous!

Li Haotian didn't know how to evaluate Xia Ma Xingren.

But listen to the meaning of the light curtain.

The number of monsters that can only fight during the day seems to be quite a few!

There’s even a Sunny Day team!

So Team Sunny is the same as the Three Beast-type Heroes.

He is a representative of a type of monster!

I wonder what the other monsters from Team Sunny will look like.

After all, he is a guy who can be single-handedly selected into a monster system.

No matter how you say it, he is not a weak guy!


Kamen Rider Ultra Fox World... after seeing the ability of Planet Shama.

General Fu finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Isn’t it just turning the world into darkness?

This Desire Grand Prix can still be completed! finally!

Finally, I have a monster that I can defeat!

In Grand Prix of Desire, make a wish for the world to become dark.

Xia Ma Xing was immediately destroyed!

That has no fighting power at all!

It can be solved easily!

More sunny weather monsters!

It's relatively easy to solve such a monster!

Even dark monsters!

He still doesn't believe it.

As someone who has been playing the Grand Prix of Desire for two thousand years in his own world.

Can you still lose at the right time and place?

Totally impossible!

No more worries!

As long as it's not other than those space-time monsters and numerical monsters.

No need to worry at all!


Right now!

The picture in the light curtain begins to change

【NO.9 Dark Baltans!】

【The Dark Baltans are definitely one of the most powerful among the Crayfish Planets!】

【Possessing black technology that transcends the Kingdom of Light】

【And this is not bragging!】

【The Dark Baltans are the strongest Baltans in history】

【It directly utilizes the level of science and technology to the extreme and ranks on the bug list! 】

When everyone saw this, they were all stunned!

To know!

In the Ultraman world.

In addition to various cosmonauts and Ultraman.

Basically, there are no technological creations.

It is even said that even the technological creations of cosmic beings are used for auxiliary purposes.

Basically it doesn't play much role in combat!

Even if you use technology to fight.

They are all making robots or biological weapons.

But no matter how you look at it, the Dark Baltans all fight on their own!

It even has black technology that surpasses the Kingdom of Light!

The mere creation of Hikari, a Class-A war criminal in the universe, is already quite outrageous.

Are there any aliens in the universe who can possess technology that is more terrifying than the Kingdom of Light?

【The strength of the Dark Baltans is far greater than that of Max!】

【It’s almost the gap between heaven and earth!】

【To deal with Max, just crush him! 】

At this time, Dark Baltan became extremely huge in the light curtain.

Even Max, who is fifty or sixty meters tall, looks like a child in front of the Dark Baltans!

【Even for the second time, the miniature Baltans filled Max's energy】

【Still unlimited energy!】

【Max still can't see the possibility of victory in front of the Dark Baltans! 】

At this time in the light curtain.

Max finally became the same size as the Dark Baltan.

The result is a clone that someone else created.

Directly covering the sky.

The amount is terrifying!

【So when it comes to the number of bug monsters in the dungeon, Max can definitely stand out from the crowd!】


The Kingdom of Light... is stupid!

The new generation were completely dumbfounded when they saw this!

Good guy!

Infinite energy! really!

Ultra warriors may have semi-infinite energy in the Kingdom of Light.

But Max-senpai is on earth!

The energy can only be used for three minutes!

As a result, someone has turned senior Max into an infinite energy source.

The combat power is completely different.

In this way, there is no possibility of defeating the Dark Baltans.

How terrifying is this guy? besides!

Light Screen, you said that the Dark Baltans relied solely on their technological strength to ascend to the throne of bug monsters. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Can you tell me what kind of technologies are these?

You don’t say at all how you let us guess the technology of the Dark Baltans!

Black technology, black technology!

As the name suggests, it is a technology that is not easily broken through!

You haven’t even heard of such technology!

How do we know if you don’t tell us!

By the way... doesn't Senior Max know what black technology the other party used?

Regarding this, Max said... he didn't want to say it for the time being...

Hikari's eyes were full of fire when he looked at the Dark Baltan.

He knew that the Dark Baltans finally reconciled with humans and Max!

Now they are companions!

It's a pity that we don't know where they ended up rebuilding their homes.

If only I knew[]

Now I have someone with whom I can discuss technology!

Even the light curtain said it!

Technology mastered by the Dark Baltans.

But it goes beyond the Kingdom of Light!

Then you might be able to make a brand new transformer!

Then it will be even more useful!

Not even limited to use as weapons and transformers


The armored warrior Nava World...

General Duanmu looked at the Dark Baltans with a fiery look!

If only such a scientist could help him improve Shura Armor!

Maybe you can add more abilities to Shura Armor! pity!

It's a pity that the Dark Baltans are cosmic beings after all.

We are destined to be enemies with humans...

I don’t know how Ultraman Max defeated the Dark Baltans in the end. in the human worldview.

Being crushed by technology is basically equivalent to being enslaved by humans!

Science and technology are primary productive forces!

Even in a world like Ultraman's world, which doesn't pay much attention to science and technology... technology will naturally have an advantage!

Look at the abilities temporarily displayed by the Dark Baltans.

The clone becomes super huge!

These estimates are all achieved using technology!

Otherwise, the light curtain would not have said that the Dark Baltans used technology to reach the ranks of bug monsters!

If General Duanmu knew, the Dark Baltans would finally reconcile with humans.

It will be very exciting!

In this way, your Shura Armor might really be able to be strengthened successfully!

After all, the Armored Warrior is half a technological product!

Although most of the sources of power are still the blessing of idealistic power like Ultraman……


Kamen Rider 01 World...

Some people stared blankly at the picture in the light screen.

Ever since I became Kamen Rider 01,

I really don’t care much about technology!

After all, part of Kamen Rider's power also relies on the power of idealism.

The price of idealism is that... it may lead to a scene of arrogance, and even saying that you don't believe that technology can help you fight!

But it’s different now!

Dark Baltan has shown everyone another path.

When technology crushes its opponents.

The blessing of spiritual power may not be that useful anymore!

Why! really!

Any civilization that can survive in the universe.

There is no simple one!

I don’t know what the final outcome of the battle between Dark Baltan and Ultraman Max will be...

I guess only plot killing can defeat such a terrifying enemy!


Right now!

The picture in the light curtain gradually became dim... but the surprise left to everyone did not calm down for a long time.

To know!

Not all the supermodel monsters in Ultraman Max's world are on display!

Even the light curtain said it!

Because Ultraman Max fights too many monsters.

So I can’t say it all at once.

I just took out some of the more representative ones.

It seems that none of the monsters that are purely numerical supermodels have appeared!

So what will other numerical monsters look like?

He is probably the kind of guy who can destroy the world as easily as eating and drinking! fear!

The world of Ultraman Max is so terrifying!

The artifacts of the universe are also far beyond their imagination.

There are many categories of simple monsters.

Alien beasts, cosmic monsters, cosmic beings, phantom beasts and ordinary monsters!

These things are for people in a world without Ultraman.

It's like a fantasy.

No one said.

They couldn't imagine that there was such a terrifying guy!

I don’t know what the next video of the light curtain will be.

Is it the Sunny Team that we talked about when we were taking stock of the Shama Stars?

They are still the three beast-shaped heroes mentioned by Jin Long before.

I really want to know what is there!

Right now!

A line of subtitles appears on the screen

【Kamen Rider Two Riders TV series contribution ranking, who is indispensable? Who is purely negative? 】

When everyone saw this.

They were all stunned for a moment, then put on a wicked smile.

Good guy!

This time the video is another one that determines whether or not it will be nailed to the pillar of shame!

I wonder who is lucky enough to be on the list?

Especially the Kamen Riders of Kamen Rider World.

I don’t even want to appear in this video!

If you want to say that the effect is relatively large, then don’t say it! fine!

But what’s really special is if you appear in videos that have no effect or negative effects.

It will immediately become notorious!

Never have yourself!

People in the Kamen Rider world are filled with nervousness.

This video officially starts (hao Zhao’s)!

【In the world of Kamen Rider, although the second rider usually exists as a foil to the main rider,】

【But there are always some ruthless people who can perform highlight operations that can change the plot!】

【This also results in the upper and lower limits of the two riders being very different!】

【Up to Ryuuga, I pulled the final boss to death together, and down to Rintaro, I couldn't find this person the entire time!】

【This time is the torture moment for the two Kamen Riders!】

【See who is the most effective person in your dungeon and who is the master of mixed division. 】

When everyone saw this, they all went numb!

Good guy!

Is the gap between the two Kamen Riders so big? ah? ? ? ?

The first one can even pull Mr. E into the black hole and die together!

The one at the back... is directly invisible? ah? ? ? ?

Is this outrageous? to be honest!

They really didn't feel that the gap between Kamen Riders was so big!

But think about it, the world I live in is where E always lives!

If the second cavalry is not good... that copy will be impossible to fight!

Think again about what was said in the previous light curtain.

Especially the Kamen Riders in Kamen Rider King's World... it seems that they are indeed unreliable!

Shenyin is also quite normal!


It can only be said that the Kamen Rider world is also a quite outrageous world!

It’s on par with Ultraman World!

I just don’t know if the second rider this time can see someone who has the same operation as Long Ga!

After all, they dragged Mr. E to death together!

It's different from other worlds.

In Kamen Rider Soki, Kiryu Sento looks at Ryuuga next to him.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

So... in the end, it was Long Ga who sacrificed himself to defeat Mr. E? no!

Such a thing must not happen!

War Rabbit will never let his companions die!

There has to be a better way!

There must be a way for everyone to live well!.

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