After entering the Forest of Sorrow, the sight in front of you is shocking. Sure enough, the entire forest was enchanted, and they could squirm like the tentacles of an octopus, giving off an eerie and terrifying atmosphere.

Moreover, the forest was full of miasma, and the fog obscured all sight. Fortunately, these tentacle-like branches had no active consciousness, and a few people automatically separated a path after entering.

"I really don’t want to come to this place.……"Xiu Han muttered

"Shut up and be silent."Hei Siyuan rolled her eyes at him.

After walking along the actively separated woods for a quarter of an hour, the woods became sparse, but the fog did not reduce. Occasionally, there were also scary screams. It caused huge psychological pressure on people.

"what should we do?"Everyone looked at Hei Siyuan

"Stay calm, these are just deceptions. Gadore, do you have any spells to bless me?"

"I almost forgot, wait for me."Gadore replied, then she waved her staff and whispered a low spell.

"Pure Heart Mantra."As Gadoer's last spell fell, everyone seemed to be bathed in the morning sunshine. The previous haze was swept away, and their eyes became clear.

"See, I'd say it's a cover-up."Although the fog has not dissipated, everyone can tell the direction. A post road extends to the front.

"The information here is unclear, so we still need to avoid the main road and not alert others."

Having made up their mind, a few people decided to walk parallel to each other at a distance of twenty feet along the post road. Everything here was very strange. After walking for a full day, when the sky was completely dark, they finally saw a sentry post, not far from the sentry post. A town appeared in front of her. It was similar in style to Lime Village. Just by meeting him, Hei Siyuan had already judged that this was the stronghold of the alien race. As expected, the Cult of the Curse had already colluded with the alien race and secretly established a stronghold here, leading to today's invasion. The huge help.

Judging from the current scale, after decades of management, this place has become the largest fortress of the aliens in the Eternal Continent, and he established it under the noses of the indigenous people.

Although it was late, the fog It seemed to be gradually receding, and the field of vision became much brighter.

Hei Siyuan looked around and found a hill not far away, and the few people walked towards the hill cautiously.

Yes, this hilltop can have a panoramic view of the entire town. I don’t know if they are too confident or something, but there is no outpost in such an important place.

Although the light is not good, you can still have a panoramic view of the entire town. You can see where the forge, the warehouse, and the barracks are. It was clear as day.

Several people hid in a mountain col and discussed it.

"It seems more complicated than imagined!"Shandis spoke first.

"Yes, I originally thought it was just a supply transfer station, but I didn't expect that this was directly the base camp."Hei Siyuan answered.

"Well, if it was just a transfer station, we could just destroy it, but it might not be easy like this right now."

"Yes, once you take action, you have to eradicate the roots. If you let them react and take precautions, it will be even more difficult in the future."

"Twenty miles south of here is the Endless Sea. If the prediction is good, there must be a large port and terminal there."

"At least here in the Southern Barbarians, most of the troops coming in and out, transporting supplies, etc. probably go here."

"So what do we do?"Long Shun is short-sighted and only asks how to deal with it.

"We will conduct a detailed investigation and we must not expose it. We will report all the information and let Mr. Xiao Ji make a decision."Hei Siyuan has planned the tasks for this investigation.

"First, observe from the periphery and record the frequency and quantity of materials delivered. The second is to find out the distribution of material storage here, the combat strength of the garrison, and then the information about the port. But don’t enter the town unless absolutely necessary. This is their territory, and we don’t know foreign languages. It’s too easy to be exposed."

"Well, then we are divided into three groups, Batu and I are in the same group, we go south to investigate the port terminal; Shandis Xiuhan is responsible for investigating the supplies and defense strength; Long Bo Qing Ning and others leave records of the comings and goings here. and support us"

"Within three days, if we don’t come back, Long Shun must take them out and report the information here."

"I'll go with you and let Batu stay."Long Shun seemed dissatisfied with letting him stay behind.

"I'm just afraid of something unexpected happening. Your place is very important. If we can't come back, it means the power here is unimaginably strong, so we must let the information get out."Hei Siyuan solemnly said to Long Shun

"Well, be sure to pay attention to safety!"Long Shun nodded vigorously.

"Three days later, they will meet here at Zi Shi."Hei Siyuan said as she looked up at the blue moon in the mist.

After understanding their respective tasks, Hei Siyuan Batu got up and walked south, while Shandis and Xiu Han discussed how to obtain information about this town. Long Shun was also there Discussing how to complete the mission.

At this time, the fog had dissipated. Under the faint moonlight, Hei Siyuan and Batu also headed south along the post road.

About half way, they met a team. Specifically, It is an army.

Their expressions are dignified, their bodies are covered in heavy black armor, and the swords in their hands gleam with cold light. The front army is cavalry on horseback, the middle army is heavily armored warriors, and behind them are baggage and supplies.

"It seems to be expected, this is not only a supply depot, but also a gathering place for their invasion of the Southern Barbarians."The two people lying in the grass discussed in a low voice.

"Well, there are a lot of siege equipment, and they are also preparing for a big war."

"Can Stone City survive such an attack?"

"Therefore, we must send out the information here as soon as possible so that Lord Xiao Ji can make arrangements in advance."

After waiting for a full hour, the last team completely passed. The two of them did not stop and continued southward.

Until daybreak, the fog gradually began to rise, and the two finally approached their destination. The waves were far away. The sound of rolling and the sound of ship horns came from the fog.

Before they saw it, they heard its sound. The fog was very dense at this time. Following the direction of the sound, the two of them found a large port.

The port was full of warships and transport ships, and a large number of hard workers were transporting supplies. On the other side, heavily armed soldiers were disembarking and gathering.

"At this rate, the fall of the Southern Barbarians is inevitable!"Looking at the port in the distance, Batu said helplessly.

"There is no need to be so pessimistic. The Stone City portal has long been repaired, and Lord Xiao Ji has also seen through their intentions and is planning a battle with the Southern Barbarians.""As long as we report this information, they will have countermeasures."

"Look at those warships, they might land from other places, right?"

"They are well hidden, but at this time they are showing us what we are hiding. If we can figure out the opponent's strategic intentions and set up an ambush on the only way to pass, we will probably catch them off guard!"

Hei Siyuan took out the military map and pointed her fingers eastward along the endless coast until she saw a name - Nanmen Port.

Nanmen Port is located southeast of Stone City and is the main port for trade between the Eternal Continent and the Nanyang subcontinent. It is a neutral city. All empires have offices here. However, the defense force is weak. In addition to their own private soldiers, the regular garrison only has 700 or 800 people from the Ogre Emirate.

"I think this might be their target. If we capture Nanmen Port, we can bypass Stone City and directly attack Tianshu Holy Mountain. What a good plan!"

"This information is very important, Master Xiao Ji will definitely make arrangements!"

"Do you want to play something big and sneak into the port to take a look?"Batu doesn't think it's a big deal.

"That's exactly what I meant. Time is so tight, so if you have to, it's okay to set a fire to delay the attack!"

"Okay, let’s take a rest and wait until dark!"


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