Xiao Rui didn't dare to rest for a moment, and fled day and night for seven days, and finally came to a land of mountains. Although it was as desolate and silent as ever, the complex terrain and mountains of dead trees gave him some safety.

Entering the mountain, Xiao Rui's breath drove away the ferocious beasts around him, and Xiao Rui carefully searched for a cave.

He made some traps and other defensive measures at the entrance of the cave. Xiao Rui found a stone and sat down against it. He was so tired that he closed his eyes as soon as he sat down.

I don't know how long it took, but Xiao Rui suddenly woke up with a sudden shock. He stabbed out the blue flame in his hand like a reflex.

"Are you going to kill me?"Xiao quickly took a few steps back.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm really tired."Xiao Rui finally saw clearly, took back the sword in his hand, and apologized to Xiao in front of him.

"Are you okay? I'm really worried about something happening to you."Xiao Rui looked concerned.

"It's okay, it's just that the energy is exhausted and it can't maintain its form. Lanyan seems to have become stronger during this time, and my recovery speed inside has obviously become faster!"

"oh? Why didn't I feel it?"Xiao Rui looked at the sword blade in his hand and said

"What can you feel? He's just a middle-level warrior."


"But I may not have much fighting power in a short time. This time the consumption is too great and it will take a long time to recover."

"It's okay, I can protect you."Xiao Rui waved the weapon in his hand

"……"Xiao gave him a look.

"Then can you still use your Thousand-mile Sound Transmission Technique?"

"This is not difficult. I mainly consume spiritual energy, but there is also some magic power."

"Then can you help me pass the message to Siyuan?"

"If it's not an important matter, just leave it alone. There are dangers everywhere here."

"No, I want to pass on the information here so that the Black City Lord and others can be prepared."


Xiao Rui took out the bell from his bag and handed it to Xiao. As the spell sounded, a blue mist flashed on the surface of the bell.

"Tell her yourself."Xiao threw the bell back again.

"so smart?"Xiao Rui's words caused Xiao to roll his eyes again.

"Siyuan, I am safe in the wasteland. I have come to a place called Rimu City.…………"Xiao Rui slowly spoke out the information he had collected,"Uncle Hei and the others must be prepared. It is imperative that they invade this time!"

After saying the last sentence, Xiao Rui returned the bell. To Xiao, as Xiao's handprint fell, the blue mist on the bell disappeared.

"I hope City Lord Black and the others are fully prepared."Xiao Rui said to himself

"Do you think they are all as stupid as you? Your father has been traveling for more than ten years, how could he not know? They have taken more measures than you think!"Xiao couldn't help complaining again.


"Huh? There was a response?"When Xiao was about to return the bell to Xiao Rui, the bell suddenly shone.

"What's the meaning?"

"There was a response to what you just sent."

"oh? And this operation?"

"It's not just this kind of sound transmission technique. I think there are people over there who are proficient in this technique."

"So what did she say?"

"Wait and see."

After about ten breaths, the bell made a sound.

"Xiao Rui, is that you? I'm back in Newist now. The aliens have invaded. Are you okay?"

"……Sure enough, it was Siyuan's voice. She had returned to New East, and aliens had invaded."

"Do you still want to respond?"

"Well, you tell her I'm fine now. Ask Uncle Hei what else can I do here?"

In this way, the information was passed back and forth. After confirming the safety of Xiao Rui and others again, a request was made over there. He was asked to learn a spell.

"Ask me to learn the art of bow and arrow, and my ability to defend myself against enemies is okay, but I know nothing about this art."Xiao Rui said helplessly to Xiao

"Isn't this thing very simple?" Xiao asked back

"Of course it's not difficult for you to be a master of both magic and martial arts, and you are the pride of heaven, but how could I?"

"Come on, look at how embarrassed you are. Tell me, do you want me to take action?"

"The eldest sister is still very clever, she can guess my thoughts right away."

"Well, I don’t know what kind of spell it is.……"

"Then you can pass on another message and ask them to pass on the spells. I’m begging you, sister."


After communicating again, an obscure spell came over. For Xiao Rui, it was like a heavenly book. It's a pity that there is a genius like Xiao. She remembered all the spells just once.

According to Newist Following the city's instructions, Xiao held a crystal ball given by Xiao Rui, and a whisper sounded. Under the blessing of the spell, the crystal ball emitted a dazzling light. On the other side, in the New East Council Hall, Xiao Ji, Hei Handwan, Hei Siyuan and others were all there. They looked at an old elf in the middle who was reciting incantations simultaneously. This old man was Kelly Sun Chaser, the elder of the Watcher of Tianji Holy Mountain. She was currently using the illusion technique with Xiao.

The whole process lasted for almost a quarter of an hour. As Elder Kelly said the last spell, the magic powder in his hand turned into a mist, swirling through the council hall.

Everyone followed the mist to the empty outdoor area, and the magic powder mist was in the room. The air churned, and then turned into a beam of light and shot into the air.

The entire sky turned into a curtain, with the crystal ball as the center, and the wasteland with a radius of five hundred miles was projected into the sky through the crystal ball. The blood-red Golden Crow died. The land, chaotic order and hopelessness were thus displayed in the eyes of the world.

At this time, almost everyone in the entire Eternal Continent looked into the sky, and the despair deeply stimulated everyone's heart.

If you don't resist , our future is like this, if we don’t resist, our future will lose hope.

Seeing is believing, hearing is false. At this moment, those ostriches in the sand finally woke up. Only by resisting, only by fighting, can we There is a future.

From this moment on, the entire Eternal Continent truly became a rope.

On the front line of Gongjing, Qi Bo, the leader of the alien race, looked at the scene in the sky and dug his nails deeply into his palms.

"Yu Wuji!"

"The subordinates are here!"

"Someone has sneaked into the wasteland. Please inform the rear. I must find him out, kill him on the spot, and extract his soul to give to the Lord of the Void."

"Subordinates obey!"

"No, you take the Poison Heart Guard back in person, the sooner the better, it must be absolutely foolproof!"

"The subordinates will not disappoint the commander-in-chief."Yu Wuji took the order. Xiao Rui, who was far away in the wasteland, knew nothing at this time. The danger was coming.

This time, the real-time illusion technique changed the direction of the war. The ancient continent, which was scattered, united, and countless people came from all over the continent. The corners came together and began to jointly resist the invasion of the void, but our protagonist had no idea

"Xiao, how are you?"Xiao Rui asked with concern when he saw Xiao's face was pale.

"This spell almost drained my magic!"

"So how are you?"

"Recovery here is slow, it may take some days."

"As long as you are fine!"


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