Xiao Rui whipped the horses under him vigorously, and after almost half an hour, he finally arrived at the foot of Rimu City.

"Open the door, open the door, the convoy is under attack."Xiao Rui shouted loudly in a foreign language.

The city gate slowly opened, and Xiao Rui continued to run to the forge. He started shouting as soon as he entered the factory.

Only halfway through, Commander Wei came out with a dozen Pluto guards.

"What's all the fuss about?" Commander Wei shouted loudly

"Sir, our transport convoy was attacked in the Deadwood Forest. The man was like a murderer. Fortunately, the old man managed to escape by resisting the villain with all his strength."The last time, Xiao Rui already knew the name of the leading driver, so he got off his horse and panted.

"Who is so bold and dares to attack my convoy? He is really looking for death! Commander Wei gritted his teeth and said,"Can you clearly see what he looks like?""

"The villain only seemed to be wearing black clothes and a cloak"

"It must be a human spy sneaking in, take me to see"

"Yes, my lord!"Xiao Rui pretended to be obedient and led Commander Kai and others towards the place where they were attacked.

Almost half an hour later, Xiao Rui led them to the dead wood forest where the accident occurred. At this time, crows were already pecking at the rickshaw pullers. Corpses.

Commander Wei dismounted and went to check. I saw that most of these coachmen had their necks wiped directly, and they died in different ways.

"You are so audacious, daring to kill my people on my territory."Commander Wei's eyes are about to burst.

"Pluto Guards, see if there are any pheromones left on them, and use the tracking technique."Commander Wei said to the several guards he brought with him.

"Yes, my lord."The leader of the Pluto Guard agreed, and then led his people to turn over the corpses on the ground. One, two. When he came to Lao Ya's body, the leader seemed to feel something.

He reached out to turn over Lao Ya's body. Because of that The Flowering Thunder had long been modified by Xiao Rui to trigger an explosion, so when the leader of the Pluto Guard opened the body, the Flowering Thunder was instantly detonated.

"boom! boom!"With several loud noises, the exploding flower thunder sprinkled the demon-slaying potion into the air. Several Pluto guards who were close were contaminated with the demon-slaying potion and let out miserable screams before being dissolved into a puddle of purple water. Those who were a little further away were A small part of it was also contaminated, and I tried my best to shake the contaminated area.

"Xiao Rui! Commander Wei was angered by the sudden explosion,"I must die in the most miserable way.""

When the smoke cleared, Commander Wei ordered the remaining Pluto guards to continue tracking. With the items he left behind, it would be easy to obtain pheromones.

"My lord, I have acquired pheromones."One of the members of the Pluto Guard came to Commander Wei with a trace of breath in his hand. Seeing that he was about to use the tracking technique, Xiao Rui stepped back slowly and gently held the"Blue Flame" with both hands.

After a few breaths, Commander Wei looked at Xiang Xiao Rui."Huh, so it's you?""

Xiao Rui turned over and jumped back, pulled out the"Blue Flame" and held it in his hand.

"Yes, that’s right, young master. Now you’re reminded of the taste of the demon-slaying potion again!"

"It turns out that you are not dead. It seems that your life has come to an end today. I am going to cut you alive."

"Haha, my life is long, sir. You have been fooled!"Xiao Rui was not merciful and tried his best to delay."Your forge has also been burned down by me at this time!"

"you wanna die!"Commander Wei looked in the direction of Higurashi City. Although it was too far away to see, the thick smoke rising over there still explained the problem.

"Pluto Guards, I want you to capture them alive! This commander will cut him into pieces with his own hands, use his oil to make candles, twist his soul into a wick and light it in front of Lord Void."

The Pluto Guards received the order, and the remaining few people quickly formed a siege around Xiao Rui. He knew in his heart that Commander Wei wanted to capture him alive, so he only had to hold them back to protect themselves, and wait for Xiao Rui to come back and the two of them would meet up.

Xiao Rui Rui took out a bottle of"explosion potion" and drank it. His strength and agility increased rapidly. He held the"Blue Flame" tightly and fought with the Pluto Guards.

Since there were not many Pluto Guards brought over by Commander Wei, they were defeated by the previous explosion. There were only a dozen of them at this time. They besieged Xiao Rui with a combined attack. Even with the blessing of"explosive potion", Xiao Rui was very far-fetched to deal with it. After all, the Pluto Guards were really elite.

But because of Commander Wei ordered them to throw rat weapons, so Xiao Rui was fine.

But human physical strength is limited. After a quarter of an hour of fighting, two Pluto guards fell, and Xiao Rui was covered in blood. With the"explosion" The effect of"Energy Potion" faded, and the decrease in speed and strength made him more dangerous.

With one sword to force an opponent back, Xiao Rui took out something from his bag, held it in his hand, and made a gesture of throwing it. Pluto Guard thought it was another The demon-slaying potion was so frightened that he quickly retreated.

In this gap, a gap was left on the left side. Xiao Rui took the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement and began to escape.

"He wants to escape, catch him, don't let him escape!"Commander Wei noticed it in advance and shouted loudly.

Unfortunately, Xiao Rui was determined to escape, but the Pluto guards were still half a beat too slow. After leaving the encirclement, he was very fast and ran away. In just a few breaths, he was several feet away. Pluto Wei followed behind.

"You idiot, get on your horse."Commander Wei was furious, and the Pluto Guards returned to look for the horses.

Xiao Rui kept walking, praying in his heart that Xiao would come back quickly. Sure enough, before he ran too far, the Pluto Guards had already caught up with him and surrounded him. Xiao Rui simply stopped and defended himself with double blades.

"Run, keep running!"Kui Commander led his horse forward.

"A year ago, I settled the revenge of the Dark Swamp. I originally wanted to come to you to settle the accounts when the army was approaching, but I didn't expect you to come to my door and come to trouble me first."Commander Wei got off his horse and pulled out his weapon from behind.

"Haha, I also hope you can remember the taste of the demon-slaying potion."Xiao Rui is unforgiving.

"Go together."Commander Wei stopped talking and took the lead in launching the attack. It was difficult for Xiao Rui to face the siege of Pluto Guards before, but now the addition of Commander Wei made it even more difficult for him to resist, and he lost the battle in just a few rounds.

It continued for another quarter of an hour, and Xiao Rui's physical strength had reached its limit. He almost numbly raised his knife to block and attacked with his backhand.

Finally, under the siege of the Pluto Guards, Xiao Rui could no longer hold on and was severely knocked away. fell heavily to the ground

"You kid only has this ability, tell me how you want to die?"Commander Wei put a knife on Xiao Rui's chest.

"Humph, now I only remember the way you ran away in despair, killing or beheading you as you like."Xiao Rui vomited blood.

"He still talks hard when he is about to die, Pluto Guard, peel off his skin, I want to watch his soul wail."Commander Wei put his sword back into its sheath.

"Wherever I am, he will die!"Dragon Flame - Rejuvenation.""I saw a woman in a light blue dress coming to her in an instant. As the spell fell, a cool and soft force bathed Xiao Rui's body, and the previous injuries recovered instantly.

"Leave this to me and you can make a quick decision."Xiao shouted to Xiao Rui on one side, and on the other side he fought with Commander Wei.

Xiao Rui understood the idea and blocked the way of the Pluto Guards. At this time, he no longer needed to delay time. He used his full combat power to fight with the few Several Pluto guards fought together.

Xiao Rui was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, showing a completely different fighting ability than before. After several long and fierce battles, the Pluto guards were at the end of their strength, and were soon defeated by Xiao Rui killed them all, and then joined Xiao's fighting circle.

This was the first time the two of them truly fought side by side, but the tacit understanding between the two was like old friends for many years, forcing Commander Wei to retreat steadily.

But one How can someone who is about to enter the holy level be defeated so easily? Although he was slightly panicked, he did not suffer any substantial damage.

"Dragon Flame - the power of purification."After suppressing Commander Wei with one move, Xiao recited a spell.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye came from Xiao's feet and hit Commander Wei in front of him. He was knocked several feet away by the power of purification. Green blood spewed out of his mouth. Xiao Rui and the others stepped forward to kill him.

"Hahaha...you still want to kill me in my territory? You are so naive, you know nothing about power!"Commander Wei didn't panic. His feet floated in the air, and streams of green light converged on him. After one flash, the evil green armor covered his whole body.

"Evil bat mecha!"

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