Xiao Rui felt dizzy, and his body seemed to be stretched and torn into pieces, as if it had been kneaded together again after a century.

Xiao Rui closed his eyes. It was not until the sudden light appeared and the solid feeling of his feet touching the ground that he slowly opened his eyes.

But the sight in front of him shocked him. The sky was blood red and dim, the land was charred and cracked, and black smoke was slowly rising. The trees he could see had long withered, and there were a few crows standing on the bare trunks, making hoarse and hoarse cries. Voice.

This is a dead land, a wasteland

"This is really like hell, even more deadly than Fort Doom."Xiao Rui said softly

"Yes, this land is dead, devoid of any life."Xiao stood beside him unknowingly.

"Where is our goal now?"Xiao Rui looked at Xiao

"Even if it's a wasteland, it still has towns, right? Otherwise, where did those alien races come from?"Xiao looked at Xiao Rui with contempt.

"It seems that I am still too young and not as knowledgeable as you, the ancient dragon!"Xiao Rui said something to her silently, while Xiao Ze looked calm.

"How will we go back then?"

"Isn't it here? Why don't you just give the coordinates here and come directly when the time comes?"Xiao pointed at the rotating red portal behind her. It was slowly fading until it disappeared.

"It disappeared?"

"It just became invisible, otherwise, wouldn’t the aliens have entered the Eternal Continent through here long ago? It can only be activated in a special way, and whoever built it is a genius"

"Okay, otherwise I'd be stuck here"

"By the way, Xiao, I wonder if your thousand-mile sound transmission technique is still effective here?"

"Well, it's theoretically possible. It just consumes more magic power, but it doesn't seem to be easy to replenish energy here."

"Okay, then I’m relieved!"

"Are you thinking about your little girlfriend again?"Xiao tilted her head and looked at Xiao Rui.

"No, I was thinking about how to send the information I collected, otherwise I might miss the opportunity to fight when I get out!"

"This is no problem. As long as I return to the"Blue Flame", I can slowly restore energy."

"Shall we leave now?"Xiao Rui was asking Xiao's opinion.

"up to you!"

Xiao Rui is located in the southeast of the Exiled Land. Indeed, this land is almost dead. But the indigenous people here, the so-called aliens, have long changed the way they absorb energy, whether it is for Illidan. The power of faith is still purely drawn from the void. They have long since broken away from their dependence on"land".

Xiao Rui determined the direction he was going to move based on the blood-red golden crow in the sky. In this way, one person, one dragon and one beast The group slowly set off towards the northwest.

Before setting off, Xiao Rui changed into a black cloak and forced Xiao to change too. This kind of behavior of going deep behind enemy lines alone would be a narrow escape if discovered!

Xiao Rui As I walked, I recorded the terrain, mountains, plains and dry rivers. After walking for four days, I finally found a town!

It stood at the intersection of two rivers, but the river had dried up long ago, and the ruins extending from the river beach were messy. The ground is scattered on this alluvial plain, the same black, the same dead silence.

This is an abandoned empty city. Stepping through the broken bricks and tiles, Xiao Rui carefully observed the first alien town he encountered.

Two different things The wide stone road and the houses made of black rocks shook off a thick layer of dust. Through the two half-collapsed stone houses, Xiao Rui saw a volcano emitting black smoke not far away.

"It seems that this place was abandoned because of the volcanic eruption."Xiao Rui whispered to Xiao

"Maybe, but it seems that they are not made of copper or iron."Xiao replied.

While the two were talking softly, on the street corner ten feet away, three salivating, grinning dog-shaped creatures stared at the two.

"It's a demon hound!"Xiao Rui pulled out the"Blue Flame" and made a fighting stance.

The three demon hounds roared softly and ran towards the two of them in a"pin" shape.

Xiao Rui pulled forward and waited until the demon hounds jumped up high and were about to knock them down. When he was about to do it, he stabbed the leading one in the chest. Without any accident, the blue flame easily penetrated its body and fell heavily to the ground. Black blood came out of its mouth and it let out a miserable cry.

Before Xiao Rui had time to When he pulled out the sword blade, the other two bit him on both sides. Without any hesitation, Xiao Rui rolled forward to avoid the attacks from both sides, and the two demon hounds collided heavily.

Xiao Rui's body was agile. , while avoiding it, he turned around to attack, turning his stab into a slash. The two dog heads were cut off like tofu under the"blue flame"."Gululu" rolled far away, and the black blood spurted out corroded the ground"seconds" La la" black smoke rises

"Yes, even though it has only been a few months, these demon hounds are already a piece of cake for you, and your strength is improving very quickly!"Xiao looked at Xiao Rui who completed the kill in a few breaths and expressed heartfelt admiration.

"I feel embarrassed when you say that."Xiao Rui, who had been hit everywhere, received a rare affirmation, and his face turned slightly red.

Just as the two were joking, more demon hounds appeared on the street corner, a dense group, and they roared and rushed over.

"Let me go, no, why are there so many?"Xiao Rui cursed loudly and moved his hands without any hesitation."I'll lure them together, will you use the magic of the Fortress of Doom again?"

"The energy fluctuations caused by that kind of magic are too great. If you don't want to die an ugly death, just let me do it!"Xiao was very calm.

"Shall we escape then?"Just when Xiao Rui didn't know what to do, a large number of demon hounds had already arrived. The little flower on his shoulder jumped down lightly. After landing, he combed his hair with his paws, and then ran towards him. demon hound

"Xiaohua, come back, we have to run for our lives!"Xiao Rui quickly called Xiaohua, but it looked back and seemed to give him a reassuring look.

"Meow……"The petite little flower let out a cat meow, and then its head rapidly enlarged, opening its mouth to bite the leading demon hounds, and then quickly retracted and turned into a normal size.

At this moment, the flying demon hound stopped its attack, as if it was suppressed, and began to flee in all directions with a"whimpering" sound in its mouth.

Xiao Hua came back with a step of disowning her relatives, leaving Xiao Rui with a confused face. He picked up Xiao Hua and spoke incoherently."This... this... this is a treasure!"

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