Just when a few people were preparing to leave, the ground shook rhythmically, a dull sound came from a distance, and the white snow on the ridges on both sides slowly slid down with the rhythm. Fortunately, the peak here is not high, otherwise it would have caused a huge avalanche.

When everyone was confused, countless huge white figures appeared on the peaks on both sides. Xiao Rui's expectation was good. These snow wind beasts had indeed circled around from other places and surrounded them. It was certain that they would not be able to follow the narrow path they had taken before leaving the mountain.

Countless snow wind beasts roared on the ridges, and the roars echoed throughout the valley. Now they are not taking action, but are waiting for their beast king to arrive.

After a while, the Snow Wind Beast calmed down and opened a passage. The giant beast with an even more exaggerated size came out. It looked at everyone with a look of contempt, wanting to see them frightened out of their wits.

Xiao Rui and others quickly adjusted their defensive posture and shot back at it with the same gaze. It seemed that he did not get the desired result. Snow Roar took the lead and rushed towards everyone with a roar. The other Snow Wind Beasts also followed suit and rushed down from the ridge with a roar.

"They move so fast, it looks like it's going to be another hard fight! Protect Gadoll and the members of the reindeer tribe."Xiao Rui said lightly.

In the blink of an eye, the Snow Wind Beast rushed into the crowd. Xiao Rui drew out the"Blue Flame" and rushed forward. The others had already prepared their weapons and were ready to fight. The close combat began.

This time Xiao Rui took the initiative to face Xuehou. After so many battles, he was no longer the fledgling on the battlefield. He had gained enough strength.

Xuehou took advantage of the momentum and slapped Xiao Rui, Xiao Rui stood firm, turned sideways, dodged the swift blow, and used his"Blue Flame" to attack Xuehou with his backhand.

""Lanyan" hit Xuehou's claws, and the two connected, and several sparks burst out. Missing the hit, Xuehou opened his bow left and right, and struck several palms in succession, but Xiao Rui easily dodged them. At the same time,"Lanyan"He also shaved off pieces of fur on its claws.

On the other side, Hei Siyuan and others also faced off against the Snow Wind Beast. The Snow Wind Beast's fur had amazing defense, and ordinary weapons could not cause much damage. At most, a few blood marks were drawn, but it also angered the Snowwind beasts, making their attacks more fierce. Iron

Tower and Batu protected Gadore and the members of the reindeer tribe, and occasionally one or two attacked here, both of them They were blocked by others.

The current battlefield is very fierce. Although the Snow Wind Beasts are numerous and powerful, they are too big and their targets are too small, so their attacks are basically easily dodged by Hei Siyuan and others. However, Hei Siyuan and others They didn't cause much damage to the Snow Wind Beast, after all, the defense was there. Therefore, a strange balance was actually maintained now.

On the other side, Xiao Rui and Xuehao were fighting fiercely, and their positions were opposite. Independence basically means fighting alone. The personnel here and the Snow Wind Beast are constrained by each other, and they can't spare their hands to help. Although Hei Siyuan can get out, she also wants to see how Xiao Rui has grown..

Xuehou took the initiative to attack, while Xiao Rui dodged and fought back. The thin figure formed a strong contrast with the white giant beast.

Xuehou made another sweeping move, and this time Xiao Rui reached out to grab it while avoiding it. The hair on its arms was removed, and it jumped onto Xuehou's back with the force of the sweep. Xiao Rui pierced its body with his sword, but the small"blue flame" was like two toothpicks, and it just couldn't penetrate. It reached half a foot. Xuehou was in pain and reached out to grab Xiao Rui while shaking. Before he could pull out the"Blue Flame", Xuehou grabbed the corner of his clothes and pulled it off his back.

Xiao Rui fell heavily to the ground, and it hurt so much that his internal organs seemed to shift. However, he rolled quickly and avoided the trample that followed!

"Damn it, if it steps on it, it will turn into a pile of meat!"Xiao Rui hit the snake on the stick again, and jumped on the back again. This time after he stood firm, he pulled out his double blades and put them back to his waist, then staggered towards Xuehao's head, holding it with both hands Horns. He roared loudly and used all his strength to twist Xuehou in one direction.

Xuehou seemed to feel that his body was a little out of control, and it was difficult to get rid of the little man on his body, and then he ran wildly. Xiao Rui twisted its horns with all his strength. He tried his best to control the direction with his head, but Xuehou's body lost balance and ran rampant. Xiao Rui's body also bumped randomly as he ran wildly. When he saw that Xiao Rui was about to be thrown off, he took a deep breath, exhausted all his strength, and fought desperately He twisted Xuehou's head. After running wildly for a while, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell heavily on the snow with Xiao Rui.

Xiao Rui didn't dare to be careless, so he still twisted it with all his strength. At this time, Xuehou was breathing heavily. , and at the same time uttered the words:"Okay, I admit defeat!"This sudden sentence frightened Xiao Rui, and he quickly jumped away. He drew out his double blades and looked at Xuehou warily.

"Don't be nervous, I was seriously injured and I can't do anything to you!"Xuehou said weakly.

It turned out that this Xuehou had reached the eighth level of magic beast and had already learned human language. Just as the battle on Xiao Rui's side came to an end, other Xuefeng beasts also stopped attacking and resisting. Jing Jing Looking here quietly.

This sudden scene made Hei Siyuan and others confused, and they slowly walked towards Xiao Rui.

"Why are you hurt? Why did you attack their reindeer? Xiao Rui asked doubtfully.

"We Snow Wind Beasts have always been peace-loving and have not disturbed each other with humans for thousands of years. About a year ago, in the heart of the snowy mountains, our traditional hunting grounds were occupied. The creatures cut down the few remaining cedars, dug up the mountains, built camps, and completely destroyed our hunting grounds. Half a year ago, I led my clan members to attack there, but they summoned unknown weapons and defeated us. And I was also hit by an unknown energy, eroding my body day and night. Now the situation is getting more and more serious. Otherwise, do you think you can defeat me?"

"In order for my tribe members to survive, I let them hunt reindeer."

"So that’s it. It seems like things are really more serious than imagined. They are really pervasive."

"what are they?"

"The aliens from the void came to destroy our continent."

"No wonder I've never seen that creature"


"Gadore, can you dispel these evil powers?"Xiao Rui turned around and said.

Jiaduoer responded and came to Xuehou.

"Can I see where your injury is?"Gadore said to Xuehou.

Xuehou turned his body with difficulty, and there was a deep wound on his chest, with dark green evil energy squirming inside.

Gadore looked at it:"You have been injured for too long, evil energy It has already entered the body, so I can only try it!"

Xuehou closed his eyes, and Gadore chanted an obscure spell. At the same time, he waved the totem in his hand, and soft healing power covered the wound. The evil energy slowly faded and turned into a stream of foul-smelling smoke.

The healing process lasted for a quarter of an hour, and Gadore stopped singing:"The Great Healing Technique is indeed powerful, and it has such an effect.""

"Have you started studying yet? Xiao Rui asked

"After I came out of the ruins, I gave the great healing technique to the high priest, but he gave it back to me, saying that I deserved it, and let me slowly understand it. I have practiced it several times during this time."

"You are such a genius!"Xiao Rui said appreciatively,"How about Xuehou's injury?"

Jadore glanced at Xuehou:"The evil energy invaded its body too deeply and damaged its origin. Although it has been eliminated, it will take at least half a year to recover."

"Thank you, human being! If there is any need in the future, Snow Wind Beast will fight for you."Xuehou felt that the unknown energy had disappeared, and the wounds were slowly recovering. It stood up slowly.

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