The situation that Xiao Rui hoped for appeared among the top leaders of the Ogre Emirate. The performance of several people came into Gemgao's sight, but what he didn't know was that there were also other people taking action.

In a remote stone house in the royal city, several people were gathered together to discuss something. The leader was the so-called"cold one" Feng Yu

"This annual event will be a killing feast. If we get rid of Gorm'gol and Grommash, the Emirate is ours."

"Gaia is really stupid. He thinks he can become chief after getting rid of Grom'gol and Grommash? Haha, we will get rid of it together when the time comes. We will clear all obstacles."

"Yes, what I want is to control the entire emirate, and these big guys are good cannon fodder!"

"Gaia has revealed to me the itinerary of Gormugao and others for the annual event. You should make arrangements then!"

"Yes, my lord. After taking control of the emirate, it is just around the corner to take over the entire southern barbarian land!"

"We have been lurking in Fort Doom for two years. Although the situation is good, due to space limitations,If we can expand the scale, we will become the largest evil energy base in the southern barbarian land from now on."

"Congratulations, sir, you will be the first general under Lord Void to take over the entire kingdom, and you will definitely be reused!"

"You need to be careful about this matter, and nothing can go wrong, so you must not alert the snake in advance, Tang Qian!"

"The subordinates are here!"

"I order you to go back to Castle Doom and rehearse the assassination operation to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

"Subordinates obey!"


"The end will be here!"

"To prevent things from changing, you must also do a good job in response and follow-up arrangements."


"Okay, you all go back to your respective posts. It will be soon. We will see the result in a month."


Tang Qian accepted the order and left with a broken heart. Fengyu punched the stone table and said to himself:"Huh, do you think it's all over if you leave me in this southern barbarian land? I will impress them!"

It's not that enemies don't get together. The two groups of people gathered in this originally simple and straightforward Southern Barbarian King's City for their own purposes. It's just that one wants to destroy and the other wants to save. Justice and evil will start the first round of confrontation here!

However, it is obvious that At present, Xiao Rui and Feng Yu don't know each other's existence. Where will they collide?

"How about it? Have you found out about Fengyu? Xiao Rui asked, looking at Batu panting.

"Well, we have some clues. He is indeed not simple. He appeared in Boulder City in July. There was no news about him before. I also inquired about the surrounding tribes. He seemed to appear here suddenly."

"Moreover, he only plays games and no one knows his whereabouts."

"Fengyu? This surname is relatively rare!"Xiao Rui said unintentionally

"Xiao Rui, do you still remember the alien leader who chased us in the Dark Swamp last time?"

"What's wrong?"

"It seems his last name is Feng"

"You mean Fengyu is a void infiltrator?"

"Most likely, why are we so prominent now?"

"Attract the attention of the ogre's top brass! Him too?"

"I suspect that it is not just as simple as attracting their attention. It is very possible that he has other purposes!"

"You are so smart, but no matter what his purpose is, we must stop him!"

"I have a bad inference."Hei Siyuan paused.

"What inference?"

"It is very possible that he has infiltrated the high-level ogres!"

"This is a very serious question. Could it be that he is planning some conspiracy on the annual event?"

"The possibility is very high. Gemu Gao may be in danger. Fengyu wants to assassinate him, disrupt the emirate, and then control the largest force in the Southern Barbarians."

"Then we go to the palace to warn Gemgor?"Batu asked

"We can't even enter the palace gate if we go like this, how can we give a warning?"

"So we can only make preparations on the day of the finals. We must not let Gemu Gao get into trouble. Not only must we prevent his assassination, but we must also find out the senior officials he infiltrated."

"This also gives us one more bargaining chip to convince Geumgau!"

"Okay, if nothing unexpected happens, we can also enter the annual competition. We will make plans after getting the competition order."

"If they are not the best, if they are really people of the void, let us fight with them here first!"


The annual gladiatorial competition is the annual super gladiatorial competition of the Ogre Emirate, attracting people from all over the mainland to participate. It makes this primitive Boulder City unprecedentedly lively, and the overt and covert gambling also drives the economy of Boulder City..

The original gladiatorial games were very closed, and were only competitions within the emirate. It is the reforms of Gromgol and Grommash that have made the gladiatorial games more and more likely to become a feast for the entire continent. The human kingdom or other races will come. Many people participate, and the scale of the event is getting bigger year by year.

There is less than a month left before the annual competition, and Boulder City is already bustling. You can meet various races from the mainland everywhere. The most humane thing about this event is that , players who have not received a quota for the competition before can compete for the remaining thirty-two reserved seats in the last month. Xiao Rui and the other three naturally obtained three positions. Similarly,

Xiao Rui's performance against Feng Yu The investigation has not stopped, and more and more clues point to him as a foreigner. After getting the final competition list, several people formulated a plan. The annual competition is held in the huge Colosseum in the middle, except for ordinary spectators The competition stage. The position with the best view has a special stand for the royal family, and next to it is the VIP seat for receiving foreign guests.

The competition is based on a sixty-four-digit system, and the winner will be determined by two-by-two elimination. Up to this point, it is a very valuable competition. The atmosphere will be pushed to a climax round by round.

Gromgor and Grommash will appear in the stands on the day of the finals. If there are no surprises, Grommash may also come off the field to play an exhibition match. Fengyu will definitely At this time, what Xiao Rui and others have to do is to protect Gromgor and Grommash.

At this time, the strength of the ogre's guards will be dispersed, so it is a good opportunity to assassinate. Especially Gromgor off the field. Marsh, so the pressure on Xiao Rui and others is unprecedentedly high.

If the Ogre Emirate is in chaos, then the alliance will definitely not be discussed for a while, and the purpose of the Void Power will be achieved. Take the opportunity to use this chaos Fishing in troubled waters.

Everything is calm on the surface, but a huge wave is about to set off under the calm surface. The two forces have not yet come into contact. Once they meet, it will be the first official collision between the two sides, and success or failure will be related. The layout of the two sides in Nanman.

In this way, an annual gladiatorial match between ogres caused the two to meet unexpectedly.

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