Hei Siyuan listened to Weiss's advice, put everything behind her, truly relaxed, and entered the so-called ethereal state.

After three days, Hei Siyuan felt that she was ready. She went to Master Weiss and told him that she was ready to gain the approval of the ancestors of Su'ar.

Master Weiss talked with her for a long time and thought that she was ready to hold the ceremony in the evening. He would prepare the things for the ceremony in the afternoon. The ceremony required burning incense, holy water and paintings, so after it was scheduled for evening, Master Weiss also became busy.

At dusk, a Su'er woman came over, helped Hei Siyuan bathe, and put her into a clan costume. After putting it on, Hei Siyuan looked calm and wild.

The place where the ceremony was held was in Washul. It was a small mountain with an empty interior. There were many spiral staircases inside. There seemed to be no end to how many floors there were. A cloud of mist obscured the view above. There are Suar statues everywhere on the walls. Although they are not exquisite, they are very vivid. There is a hole at the top of the mountain, and the moonlight shines down from the hole.

After arriving at Washur, there are lingering smoke and silver moonlight, which are mysterious and ancient, giving people a sense of tranquility.

There was a stone bed in the middle. Many flower petals had been decorated around the stone bed. Weiss let Hei Siyuan lie on it and put a garland on her head.

Weiss lit sandalwood around the stone bed. The faint fragrance was refreshing, and the lingering smoke filled the place with a dreamlike feeling. Wei held a bowl of holy water in his left hand and a magic wand in his right hand. He dipped the wand in the holy water and sprinkled it on Hei Siyuan's body, chanting a spell in Suar language.

He danced around Hei Siyuan, then put a brown paint into the holy water, dipped it in with his fingers, drew a rune on her forehead, and drew three white marks on both sides of her face.

When this was done, the Suar people who had already gathered around sat down and chanted the incantation along with Weiss.

Hei Siyuan felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and she slowly fell into a deep sleep. Then she felt that her body became lighter. She opened her eyes and saw herself lying quietly on the stone bed.

After stopping for a while, Hei Siyuan walked towards the spiral staircase to find the ancestors of the Suar people.

In this state, Hei Siyuan discovered that the interior of this low mountain was so spectacular. There were seven floors in total. Although each floor was not very high, it felt like she could never see the end.

When Hei Siyuan reached the second floor, she could hear a brisk female voice singing. From the singing, she could see that Su'al's ancestors were born on the peak of Washul. From falling to the ground to fighting with nature, scenes flashed before Hei Siyuan's eyes. Pass.

Then on the third floor, the sound turned into war drums. The Suar people were invaded by ogres. They took up their spears and fought to the death to protect their homeland, and finally won.

Then from the fourth to the sixth floor, sad singing echoed in the hall. As the evil green flames invaded their homeland, the Su'ar ancestors gained shamanic power, gained recognition from the elements, and used these powers to save and arm the Su'ar people. With awe of nature, the Su'ar people became more and more powerful, established the Su'ar empire, and dominated the entire southern continent.

But gradually they lost their awe, and were eventually abandoned by their ancestors and elements. The ancestors no longer guided them, and the elements no longer protected them. The empire was destroyed and everything was lost.

On the seventh floor, the singing became hopeful again. The Suar people were praying and regaining the guidance of their ancestors through constant reflection, and the elements also protected them again. At this point, the Suar people finally understood that the most awe-inspiring force is nature, and the most powerful is the wisdom of their ancestors. Therefore, the Su'ar people live in harmony with nature, showing the survival wisdom of the Su'ar people's ancestors.

These seven floors showed all the rise and fall of the Su'ar people to Hei Siyuan. She carefully paid attention to every corner, every picture, and integrated herself into it. It seemed that she was personally experiencing the rise and fall of the Su'ar people. generally.

She walked around a corner, and another staircase extending upward appeared in front of Hei Siyuan. Isn’t there only seven floors? Why is there a passage here?

Hei Siyuan paused at the top of the stairs, looked at the end of the stairs, and stepped up the stairs. Soon, she came to the eighth floor along the stairs. It was empty, and it was pitch black in front of her, with nothing there.

Hei Siyuan walked forward for a certain distance and found that she had reached the end. At this time, an ancient wooden door was in front of her. She paused, then gently pushed the wooden door open.

A burst of white light flashed, and Hei Siyuan found herself in mid-air.

In front of him was a spectacular city that looked like the imperial capital of the Zainas Empire. The busy people were working hard like ants, and the flags on the city gates were fluttering in the wind. Then the scene turned and turned into a wild city. Stone City, a city gate made of sharpened wood, a bloody dragon head hanging on a wooden stake in the square, a group of barbarians cheering around it; the scene suddenly changed again, a peaceful forest, everywhere There are towering trees with many exquisite wooden houses in which vigorous elves leap.

Just as Hei Siyuan was admiring all this, a huge fireball suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ground hard. The violent air waves overturned the surrounding houses and people. Then some monsters covered in fire crawled out of the huge pit, as well as the evil green mecha.

They destroyed houses, massacred people, burned forests, and destroyed everything in their sight. There were flames everywhere and wails everywhere.

Hei Siyuan was angry. She wanted to shout but couldn't make a sound. Tears fell in big drops. She looked at all this but could do nothing.

Slowly everything became blurry, everything slowly disappeared, and she could only hear her own sobs in the darkness.

Another white light came, which made Hei Siyuan unable to open her eyes. She blocked the white light with her arms and saw a black shadow facing her.

"Did you see it?"The black shadow said

"Who are you?"Hei Siyuan asked

"I am the ancestor of Suar"

"What are you showing me?

"apocalyptic wasteland"

"what is that?"

"The power of the void invades, evil energy destroys everything, the entire continent will fall into doom, and all the land will become wasteland"

"Will it show up?"

"If you don't stop it, the scene from 10,000 years ago will happen again!"

"Why show it to me?"

"Because you are the saviors"


"yes you guys"

"How did you know we were coming here?"

"A man came to me eight years ago and said you will come and you will be the saviors.

"Then Xiao Rui is still unconscious now

"Aren't you just here to let me wake him up?"

"Can you wake him up?"

"Twenty years ago, the power of the void had invaded. The man almost single-handedly stopped it, but the cowardly authorities actually made him a pawn in exchange for the so-called peace. What ignorant humans"

"Now that the power of the void has returned, Xiao Ji and your father are among the few sober people. They expected this day to come, so they have been taking action over the years."

"You are a new force, and we need you to draw the world's attention to Mecha Warriors, and to re-establish the Dragon Legion."

"Xiao Rui's father is the Dragon King?"


"So where is he now?"

"It's possible anywhere on the continent. He said he would unite the entire continent to fight against the void."

"So can we find him?"

"I have no idea"

"Aren't you a prophet?"

"I am a prophet but not omniscient"

"Will Xiao Rui wake up?"

"Will do"

"how can i trust you"

"Can't you believe me when he wakes up?"

"Okay, so what do we do next?"

"He will know and so will you"

"It's all in vain for you to say this."

"I will give you a rune. If you have any questions, you can summon me, but I may not appear."

"So what's the use?"

"always useful"


"Okay, I've said enough for today, you can go back"

"I still want to know……"

Before Hei Siyuan could finish speaking, everything disappeared. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Weiss looking at her

"you're awake? Have you gained the approval of the Suar ancestors? Weiss asked.

Hei Siyuan sat up slowly and shook her head. Looking at her left wrist, she saw a black mark with a circle on the outside and a triangle in the middle, but only half of it

"I have no idea."Hei Siyuan replied.

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