Coming down from the second floor, Hei Siyuan saw Ge Hong lying on the rocking chair, smoking a pipe. Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he said:"Grandpa Ge, how long will this situation last for him? When will he wake up?"

"Black girl, grandpa didn’t lie to you either, and I don’t know either."Ge Hong put the dry tobacco bag aside and said

"His situation is very special. He has recovered from his injuries and his breathing is stable, but he has not woken up. He should be observed for a few more days! Ge Hong paused and continued.

"Grandpa Ge, do you still have a room here? I want to take care of him here!"

"Who is this kid? I see you two are very nervous, you don’t look like the usual black girls now!"

"He is my comrade-in-arms and the leader of our mercenary group! And he was injured like this just to save me!"

"Uh, okay! You don't have to worry too much, his life is saved now, it just depends on when he wakes up."

After Ge Hong finished speaking, he went to clean up the room. There were two rooms on the second floor. One of them was empty now. He tidied it up and let Hei Siyuan live here. In the next half month, Hei Siyuan was... Living here, Ge Hong cooked medicine every day, and Hei Siyuan fed it to Xiao Rui spoon by spoon. During this period, Black Shou Wan also came over twice, bringing clothes to Hei Siyuan and a lot of precious things. medicine.

Xiao Rui didn’t change much. His complexion was getting better and better every day, but there was no sign of waking up.

That afternoon, heavy snow fell in the sky, and Hei Siyuan stood on the second floor and watched. The heavy snow in the sky is enchanting

"Black girl, I have tried several ways to revive him, but none of them seem to work for him."Ge Hong came to the second floor and said to her

"Grandpa Ge, are you saying that Xiao Rui can't wake up?"Hei Siyuan had tears in her eyes.

"Anyway, the usual methods have been used, but they have no effect on him."

"Is there really no other way?"

"I've tried every method I can think of! Ge Hong sighed.

"oh!"Hei Siyuan's disappointment was beyond words. She turned around and looked at the heavy snow outside.

"Black girl, there is actually one more method that I haven’t tried yet."Ge Hong looked at Hei Siyuan and sighed.

"any solution?"

"In the extreme south of the wilderness, there is a nation called Suar. They are a type of barbarians and believe in shamanism. Their shaman knows a kind of psychic technique and is proficient in medical skills. If he can get their approval, he should be able to awaken Xiao Rui"

"However, they are particularly repulsive to outsiders, especially humans. It is not easy to gain their approval. Basically, only one person in a million can pass their test." Ge Hong said eloquently

"As long as I can make Xiao Rui wake up, I can pass any test!"Hei Siyuan said firmly

"Black girl, you have to think clearly, the road to the South Barbarians is not easy, and you may not be able to succeed. Ge Hong said worriedly.

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will give it a try."

"Well, when I was young, I went to the southern barbarian land once, and took an adventure with the son of the patriarch of Su'ar. We were close friends in life and death. This was the token he gave me back then. Ge Hong said and took out a necklace of wolf teeth and handed it to Hei Siyuan.

"This can only be used as a stepping stone and will not allow you to get help directly. In the end, you still need to pass their test."

"Thank you, Grandpa Ge."Hei Siyuan took the necklace and bowed to Ge Hong.

"Don't force anything, black girl, you are just too strong!" Ge Hong warned

"I know, Grandpa Ge"

"So when are you going to leave?"

"I'll leave tomorrow. If I go one day earlier, Xiao Rui will wake up one day earlier."

After making the decision, Hei Siyuan went back to New East. In addition to buying some daily necessities, she also prepared some self-defense items. She followed Xiao Rui's example and bought palm thunder, iron caltrops, etc. After buying these ,

I went to Master Merlin's"Seventh Magic" shop. The demon-slaying potion last time was really easy to use. It was really crushing against alien monsters. I asked Merlin how many more bottles he wanted. He gave them again. Hei Siyuan has some new gadgets, including a few transformation potions. Just a little bit can turn the target into a docile little sheep, but this can only be effective for simple-minded people.

From"The Seventh Magic" After coming out of the shop, they went directly back to the city lord's palace. Long Ao and others have been caught and will be sent back to the imperial capital for trial. The alien mecha base was eradicated, but Commander Wei escaped and took away some of them. Pluto Guard

"Do you really want to go to the southern barbarian land?"Blackhand Wan asked with a frown.

"Yes, not only for Xiao Rui, but also for you. If something happens to Xiao Rui, how will you explain it to Uncle Xiao?"Hei Siyuan replied

"Xiao Rui's current situation has something to do with me. Are you going to go alone?"

"Well, Xiuhan and the three of them are training in the mecha regiment first. I don’t want them to take risks with me this time."

"Well, I hope you can come back alive"

"I will definitely do it. Dad, please accept your daughter’s respect."Hei Siyuan knelt down.

"It doesn't matter, my Blackhand Wan's daughter is not like this"

"Um."Hei Siyuan wiped away her tears.

"Then go ahead and be careful along the way."Heishou Wan turned his back.

Driving a carriage, Hei Siyuan returned to Yaoshenshan Bamboo House, and with the help of Ge Hong, he moved Xiao Rui to the carriage. After bidding farewell to Ge Hong, Hei Siyuan drove the carriage towards Traveling all the way along the wild lands in the south.

It is more than three thousand miles from the province of Neust to the extreme south of the Suar tribe. On the way there are countless barbarian tribes, they are primitive and violent. For bringing a patient It was a huge challenge for Hei Siyuan, so she tried to avoid their paths to avoid causing trouble.

However, it was impossible to completely avoid such a long distance. When she entered the wilderness, On the tenth day, she encountered a big trouble.

Hei Siyuan encountered a river. Since she was driving a carriage, it was not possible to cross the river, so she could only look for a bridge along the path and found one next to a village. Wooden bridge. However, due to disrepair, the wooden bridge has been broken into two sections.

Hei Siyuan took out the map and looked at it, and learned that a barbarian tribe lived in this village - the Bayao tribe.

The Bayao tribe is a fishing and hunting nation. , belong to the sea nomads, and the river in front of them is everything they have. They make a living by fishing and hunting, the river bank here is their home, and the wooden bridge is next to the village.

Hei Siyuan looked at it from a distance, Thinking about how to get through here.

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