As soon as the two of them landed, Xiao Rui found that an arrow had hit his left leg. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow. He hissed in pain.

"How are you?"Hei Siyuan asked

"Fortunately, I can hold it! Go quickly!"Xiao Rui replied.

With the support of Hei Siyuan, he slipped into the civilian alley under the cover of darkness. The soldiers of the Long Mansion followed them out, divided into several teams, and conducted a carpet search along the roads and alleys.

Xiao Rui and Xiao Rui were not walking fast in the alley, moving carefully against the wall, leaving a faint trail of blood along the corner.

The street was noisy, mixed with the neighing of war horses and the footsteps of soldiers.

From Long Mansion When we arrived at Tianlong Inn, we were separated by three streets. Just after crossing the second street, we found a group of soldiers. The two of them were hiding behind a stone mill. The two soldiers walked towards the place where the two were hiding. The two of them headed towards the darkness again. He leaned back and squeezed the hand holding the dagger tighter.

The two soldiers poked their heads inside, but didn't find them. They were about to turn around and leave, but as soon as they turned around, one of the soldiers looked back. , two people were found:"Here, the intruder is……"

Xiao Rui suddenly became angry and cut the soldier's throat with a knife. But the two of them were immediately exposed, and a large number of soldiers rushed towards them.

The two had to run again. There were many knights among the pursuers. The speed of the two was definitely not as fast as the horses, and the distance quickly closed. When they reached another corner, the two stopped for a moment.

"No, we can't escape if this continues, we have to find other ways"

"Go up to the roof and walk on the roof to make it harder to catch up."

"No, my left foot is injured and I can't walk on the roof."

"Then I'll go to the roof to lure the pursuers away, and you can find an opportunity to go back to the inn first."

"No, it's too dangerous"

"That's all."

After Hei Siyuan said that, she jumped onto the roof, made noise and ran away in the opposite direction.

Sure enough, the pursuing soldiers spotted Hei Siyuan and immediately chased her in the direction of her escape.

Xiao Rui looked at Hei Siyuan. In the direction of Yuan's escape, the soldiers coming this way gradually lost their hearing.

After observing in the darkness for a while, no more pursuers were found. Xiao Rui walked carefully towards Tianlong Inn.

When he came to the room of Tianlong Inn, After sending a previously agreed signal, Xiu Han immediately opened the window, and Xiao Rui flew into the room.

"You are hurt? Where is Siyuan? Xiu Han asked softly

"Yes, she was hit by an arrow in her left leg, and Siyuan used her hand to lure away the pursuers!"Xiao Rui replied

"Quick, take off your boots and I'll bandage your wound. Qing Ning hurriedly went to get the medicine box.

Xiu Han helped Xiao Rui take off his boots. Qing Ning immediately applied hemostatic medicine to him and then wrapped it with a bandage.

"Take off your night clothes quickly, those pursuers may come to check you out."Qing Ning continued.

Just as Xiao Rui took off his night clothes, the sound of soldiers' armor rang out in the hall of Tianlong Inn, and the pursuers came here to search.

The shopkeeper immediately greeted:"What do you do for me, military masters?"

"The intruders from the Dragon Mansion escaped here and disappeared from your place!"The commander leading the troops said sternly.

"We are all businessmen here to do business, how can there be any intruders!"The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"Come on, search for me"

"Master Jun, no, there are some guests we can’t afford to offend."The shopkeeper begged

"Huh, if you hide an intruder, at least you can take responsibility? Search!"The commander ignored the shopkeeper.

Immediately, the soldiers who came over opened the rooms one by one and began to search.

"Is it Commander Zhang? I am from the ancient city under Mr. Kang Ni. We met once at Long Mansion tonight."Xiu Han and others came out of the room and stood in the corridor on the second floor.

"Oh, it's Brother Gu. I'm here to search for intruders on orders from the capital. Excuse me." Commander Zhang clasped his fists, then led the two of them towards the second floor.

"There are no intruders here. Look, my young master is already asleep. Where are the intruders?"Xiu Han continued.

"oh? I'm afraid that there will be an intruder here and hurt the young master, so I came here to take a look."

"There are no intruders here, Commander Zhang can go back."Xiu Han made a gesture of invitation.

"Haha, I think we still need to search, lest an intruder hurts the young master."Commander Zhang stood up in front of Xiuhan.

"Commander Zhang, what do you mean? Does it mean that my young master will hide intruders secretly? Don't you know that Master Kangni just negotiated a deal with Long Capital today?"Xiu Han also took a step forward.

The two refused to give in to each other, and the atmosphere was tense.

Xiao Rui hid in the room, not daring to make a sound, leaning against the door and holding the dagger.

"Gucheng, who are they?"Hei Siyuan suddenly appeared out of nowhere, made a silencing gesture towards Xiao Rui, and quickly began to take off her night clothes.

"Oh, Mr. Kang Ni, it’s Commander Zhang of the Dragon Mansion who is searching for intruders."

"Then let him in and see if I have hidden intruders."Hei Siyuan continued to lower her voice.

"this? Sir, is it appropriate?"Xiu Han asked

"If there's anything inappropriate, Commander Zhang knows what's appropriate."

"Commander Zhang, please!"Xiu Han opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

Commander Zhang hesitated for a moment, then stepped into the room, looked around and saw Hei Siyuan and Xiao Rui lying on the bed.

"Sorry, Mr. Connie." Commander Zhang exited the room.

"Is there an intruder?"Hei Siyuan asked

"No! Sorry, I didn't see anything." Commander Zhang clasped his fists

"Do you know what you can and cannot say?"Xiu Han continued to ask

"Sorry, farewell."Commander Zhang waved his hand and left with the soldiers.

Xiu Han and others stood on the second floor and watched Commander Zhang leave with his men. After walking away, they returned to the room.

Hei Siyuan and Xiao Rui lay together. , Hei Siyuan exhaled like a orchid, and a light fragrance made Xiao Rui feel very comfortable.

"It smells so good!"Xiao Rui said

"roll!"Hei Siyuan turned over and got out of bed.

"Are they gone?"Hei Siyuan asked

"Gone, gone."Qing Ning gently closed the door.

"Fortunately you are back."Xiao Rui also got up from the bed.

"Haha, you didn’t see the commander’s expression just now. I guess he thought you were as good as Long Yang!"Xiu Han laughed

"nonsense."Hei Siyuan rolled her eyes at him.

"How did you escape?"Xiao Rui asked Hei Siyuan

"I led the pursuers to the direction of the city gate and then came back from the alley."

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful"

"It’s just that I didn’t bring my giant sword with me just now, and the dagger wouldn’t have been so embarrassing if I didn’t take advantage of it."

"How is your injury?"

"It's okay, Qing Ning bandaged me just now"

"How did you fail?"Xiu Han asked

"Long Ao's vigilance is very strict. I guess he often encounters such things."Hei Siyuan replied

"This time it was a warning, I guess it won’t be so easy to get away if I go again."Xiao Rui said while drinking water

"Yes, we didn’t get any evidence this time. It seems we can only start directly from the mine."

"Long Ao was on guard, and then waited to confirm our identity. Our time was very tight."Long Shun also sighed

"Tomorrow, Qing Ning will go out to inquire about the location of the Xie Iron Mine. Others should not go out. Xiao Rui also needs to recover from the injury on his leg."Hei Siyuan said

"Okay, let's wait until Qing Ning finds out the location of the mine before we make a decision."Xiao Rui said, and several others nodded. It was already dark outside. After a long night of work, they decided to take a good rest first and returned to their rooms.

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