Unknown things are delicious, and mysterious things are full of temptation. It attracts you step by step to discover its secrets, and tempts you step by step to uncover its veil.

At this time, the unknown abyss is attracting Xiao Rui to explore it and explore the secrets behind the dark depths.

As the cave continued to go deeper, the crystal on the top of the cave gradually disappeared, and the light became darker and darker. Before the light completely disappeared, Xiao Rui finally took out the fire break and fired it with a"chi" sound.

With this little firelight, Xiao Rui slowly groped deeper.

People are most likely to lose their perception of time in the dark. Xiao Rui walked forward in the darkness for an unknown amount of time. He didn't stop until he felt the pain in his legs was unbearable.

Xiao Rui raised the fire seal, which startled the bats on the rock wall and flew up. The place is now very empty, wider than the outside of the cave, and the ground is very flat, as if it has been treated by someone. It looks like a storage hall.

Xiao Rui took the fire certificate and searched around the hall, but didn't find anything. Walked to the left side of the hall and found the passage at the other end

"You can probably get out from here. I'm afraid this cave goes through the entire mountainside!"Xiao Rui said to himself

"Huh? What is this?"Xiao Rui found a bulging spherical object at the entrance of the passage.

He reached out and touched it. It looked like a button. He held it hard and twisted it."昘昘" Several beams of light shot out from the top of the hall, illuminating the entire The hall was bright. This moment of light shocked Xiao Rui, and he was briefly blinded.

""Boom!" Dozens of iron arrows were shot at Xiao Rui. He rolled and avoided these dozens of iron arrows."Boom!" Two more dark green fireballs spurted out from the wall, shooting at Xiao Rui at extremely fast speeds. When it hit, he did another backflip to avoid the fatal blow. The two fireballs made two large craters on the ground, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur. Xiao Rui leaned against the wall, breaking into a cold sweat. He looked around nervously. Finally, there was no further movement.

Then, accompanied by a"rumbling" sound, four platforms protruded from the surrounding walls of the hall.

Xiao Rui took a closer look and saw something covered with black cloth on the table. It was at least ten feet tall, and he could vaguely see the shape of a person.

He walked over carefully, circled the table a few times, tested it a few times, and then gently took off the cloth covering it, revealing a black mecha.

This mecha has a translucent black cover on its head, through which the operating devices inside can be seen. There are two evil energy cannons hanging on each of the left and right arms, full of fatal dangers. Carrying a huge black sword on his back, his two steel legs were full of power. It was this giant steel beast that revealed a faint chilling aura!

Xiao Rui pulled off several more black cloths, revealing the same black mecha.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is really good stuff! Who could hide such a sharp weapon here? And there were four of them all at once."

"These four mechas combined can handle half an army!"

"Huh? This looks so familiar, right? Um……"Xiao Rui tilted his head and said to himself

"Kiliro! That black mecha from that battle three years ago?"

Xiao Rui quickly looked around the mecha again.

"That’s right, it is indeed!"

Xiao Rui was excited at this time. The danger he had just encountered had been forgotten! Because here he seemed to have found information related to his father. He jumped up and climbed onto the mecha. Sure enough, On the right shoulder of the black mecha, a bat symbol was found! Although it was different from his"dragon head" symbol, it was the opponent of the"dragon head" mecha. It also contained very important information.

He reached out and dug it out After looking for a while, I found that it was a female sculpture and I couldn't take it away. I tore off a piece of cloth from my clothes, bit my finger, smeared the blood on the bat logo, and successfully imprinted the logo. Rui carefully folded the cloth with rubbings and put it into his pocket, patted it gently. He took out the magic core of the MOA Beast King before, found the energy tank of the black mecha, and pressed it in. As expected, there was no response. These same mechas also had restrictions.

Taking out the magic core, Xiao Rui wandered around for a while and found nothing else. Then he walked to the button at the corner and held it. After twisting back, the stage slowly retracted amid a"rumbling" sound, and then the lights went out. Except for the iron arrowheads and two cannon pits on the ground, it seemed that nothing had happened just now. Xiao

Xiao Rui made another sign, chose the exit on the left side of the hall, and continued in the previous direction. Due to the lack of reference in the dark, he was very numb to the passage of time, so when Xiao Rui walked to the stone door He didn't know exactly how long it had been.

This was a thick stone door that blocked Xiao Rui's way. There was only this small path leading to the exit, but when it got here it was sealed. He groped around on the door. No mechanism was found, and Huo Zhezi seemed to be unable to hold on at this time, and the flames dimmed little by little.

After groping around on the stone door for a while, Huo Zhezi was completely extinguished, and his eyes fell into darkness.

Now Xiao Rui There are only two options, one is to return the same way, and the other is to open the stone door. Returning the original way will definitely be a very difficult task without lighting, but with Xiao Rui as a warrior who surpasses ordinary people's perception, it is still possible to succeed. However, he didn't know how far he had walked, and the roads in the cave were winding and forked. If he took the wrong path, he would definitely be dead. The second option was to open the stone door. With lighting, Xiao Rui I haven't found the mechanism after searching for a long time, so it's not an easy task now. I either have enough patience and luck, or I can violently dismantle it. In short, I can open this door before my physical strength and willpower are exhausted. Successful, otherwise it would be a dead end.

Xiao Rui thought about it and gave up the first option. It was not that he was afraid of taking the wrong path and losing himself, but that he was too tired now!

After he made a decision in his heart , and began to explore carefully around the stone gate.

When he was hungry, he ate solid food, and when he was sleepy, he took a rest. As long as he had the strength, Xiao Rui was groping carefully, not missing an inch of the surrounding area. When he covered the area of ​​several feet around the stone gate, After groping the inner wall twice, my mentality finally began to collapse!

"I wasn't poisoned by the Scorpion, I wasn't thrown to death by the Moa Beast, and now I'm trapped here! It’s so frustrating!"Xiao Rui punched the stone door several times.

"Die, die. just my father……"

"Goodbye, this beautiful world, goodbye father!"

Xiao Rui punched a few more times and leaned his head on the stone door. His fist was broken, and blood flowed down the stone door. The black stone door reacted at this time, and Xiao Rui quickly stepped back. I saw The stone gate began to absorb the blood flowing out of Xiao Rui, and from the position of the blood, evil green and shimmering magic lines stretched out, extending until they formed a huge six-pointed star array.

"With a"click" sound, the stone door opened. There is no end to it. It turns out that the way to open the stone door is blood. This is also a forbidden spell. There is no skill and cannot be violently dismantled. It only requires blood! Pay! With blood, you can be reborn!

As the stone door slowly opened, the sunlight from outside shone in. Xiao Rui quickly turned his back and covered his eyes. After a while, Xiao Rui turned around and opened his eyes.

Finally, he finally came out, and Xiao Rui walked out. A waterfall fell from above, fell on the stone platform in front of the cave entrance, and formed a second waterfall directly falling into the Meishui River. It was really beautiful and spectacular.

A gust of wind brought The falling waterfall blew into beads and dripped on Xiao Rui's face. It felt so comfortable! He did not avoid it and allowed them to wash over his face.

"Stay alive! I'm alive!"

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