Shui Liancheng is an outstanding warrior of the alien mecha team. Since he was selected into the mecha team two years ago, he has begun to train hard to become a qualified mecha warrior. For Lord Illidan and for the New Order, I have finally waited for this day.

He drifted with the battleship for nearly two months, during which he was attacked by the human coalition several times, but he was never allowed to play.

Even when they reached this so-called port, and the brothers fell in droves, they were not dispatched. As the commander of the team, he really couldn't understand what Commander Tuoba Xiong was thinking. He could send them to kill all directions but he still didn't give the order.

Today, on this bridge, it was finally their turn.

Looking at the mechas dispatched from the opposite side, Shuiliancheng was gearing up to charge for the new order.

Following the commander's order, Shui Liancheng drove the mecha towards the opposite side. His mission was to knock down the opposing garrison, then seize the bridgehead and clear the way for the large forces behind.

The colleagues around him felt the same as him. The opportunity to make a contribution has arrived. For the sake of adults and order, go ahead!

Shuiliancheng's opponent was a silver-white mecha that was somewhat similar to his evil mecha. It looked very powerful, but he didn't have to worry. As long as there was life around him, his energy would be endless.

Shui Liancheng operated the mecha and waved the light blade, struggling to slash at the opponent in front of him, imagining him splitting into two, imagining crushing him.

After the two mecha teams came into contact, they immediately started fighting.

The mecha team at Nanmen Port is equipped with the strongest level eight magic core this time, which is full of energy. Xiao Rui feels that the mecha has endless power.

After facing off against the evil mecha, I couldn't see the opponent's face clearly, but I could feel his fanatical power, and the fight went into an intense state.

The opponent's movements were agile and powerful, as if he was about to be torn apart in minutes. Xiao Rui responded calmly, dodging while also launching an attack.

Shui Liancheng didn't expect that the mecha in front of him was not as fragile as he imagined. Several of his attacks were easily resolved by him, and he became even more fanatical.

After seeing a few missed hits, Shui Liancheng raised his sword, and the soul of the fallen warrior next to him was extracted. The energy was concentrated on his shoulder, and a beam of light cannon was shot out.

Xiao Rui easily dodged several attacks, and suddenly saw a light on the opponent's shoulder. He quickly jumped up and avoided a beam of light cannon fired by him.

He moved back in the air, and then rushed towards the opponent. He used the momentum to slash, and the opponent blocked with his weapon. The two sides struggled against each other, and the accumulated strength knocked them apart.

At this time, everyone else on the field was fighting in the same way, but due to the restrictions of the venue, the so-called tactics had no effect. It was all one-on-one based on strength.

The battle lasted for a long time, with both sides evenly matched and neither making substantial progress. Compared with Xiao Rui and others who were on the defensive side, as time went by, the morale of the alien mechas was obviously weakened.

The battle continued to be stalemate, and it was Hei Siyuan who was the first to achieve victory. The mecha she was fighting against finally showed its flaws under her indiscriminate bombardment, and was split in half by Hei Siyuan's knife. For the first time, it was pure Killed a mecha with strength.

Seeing that their defeat was revealed, Shuiliancheng sent out a signal to retreat. All the alien mechas immediately broke away from the battle circle and quickly fled back to the south bank.

Xiao Rui and others did not pursue. Their mission was to defend. As long as they repel the opponent, they would definitely be defeated.

After the alien mechas completely retreated, Xiao Rui began to strengthen the defense line and increase defensive measures.

Although they didn't suffer a big loss in this battle, it was probably to find out the strength of the coalition forces. The alien race will definitely not give up and will definitely reformulate their tactics after returning.

The next offensive may not be like this. What Xiao Rui and others will face will be their comprehensive counterattack.

After handing over the stationed adjutants, Xiao Rui and Hei Siyuan returned to the temporary war room to attend the meeting. They also needed to formulate better defense measures.

"You have all played against them personally. How do you feel about their strength?"Guo Yi asked first

"Guo Shuai, from what my subordinates have seen, the strength of ordinary mecha soldiers is basically the same as our second-level mecha masters, that is, the power of a hundred men. The best among them are probably above the first-level mecha masters."Xiao Rui replied based on his own feelings.

"Well, basically what Commander Xiao said, my defense line destroyed three mechas, and then they quickly retreated. Lu Youlin, the garrison commander of Xiyi Bridge, echoed.

"I'm afraid they only sent a reserve team in this fight to test our strength. Next time we will face an elite division."

"Yes, we don’t know the size of their mecha team, so we must be careful."

"Commander, the craftsmanship of the alien mechas is still lagging behind ours. They cannot be miniaturized at all, and there is a lot of movement in troop mobilization. As long as we send people to monitor their every move, we can take the initiative."Xiao Rui then added

"All techniques are vulnerable in the face of absolute strength. What I'm afraid of is whether we can resist if they really send out a full-scale mecha team."

"The South Bank is only such a big place and can't fit many people into it. Even if we can't hold it, it's nothing more than engaging in street fighting. We are familiar with the terrain here, and they won't be able to take advantage."Xiao Rui is a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers.

"Well, you young people are very brave. It seems that we are really old."

"Guo Shuai, back then you were able to defeat the alien mechas, and you can do the same today. My subordinates thought it was mainly to guard against their sneak attacks at night. We are not afraid of them at all in a head-on confrontation."

"Okay, Lu Youlin is listening."

"The subordinates are here!"

"Immediately promoted to commander-in-chief, front-line defenses were strengthened, special attention was paid to foreign sneak attacks at night,"

"Subordinates obey orders"

"Xiao Rui obeys the order"

"The subordinates are here!"

"You are now ordered to form an intelligence team to perform reconnaissance and sabotage missions behind enemy lines."

"Got the order"

"As for the manpower, it’s up to you to choose, about ten people will be enough."


"Unparalleled listening"

"At the end of the day, you take people to the sea to gather and organize the lost ships, and go to the West Sea to destroy their transportation and supply lines."

"The last general takes orders"

"Okay, colleagues, we are now facing a life-or-death plan. Once Nanmen Port is lost, the Nanman Battle will be in vain, so we must withstand the pressure and never fail."


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