Looking at this news that was reported locally in Mojiang City, Luo Lingyu also continued to analyze it carefully.

There is only one life, so Luo Lingyu likes to plan and act first no matter what he does.

According to news reports, there are many different types of cat monsters in this single-player copy of the Black Iron-level Cat Demon Forest.

Ordinary cat monsters have the ability to attack, bite, claw, etc., and due to the dark environment in the dense forest, these cat monsters like to make sneak attacks.

In addition to the attack capabilities of ordinary cat demons, the Flame Cat Demon also possesses special burning abilities. Those who are attacked will be burned at all times.

The cat demon is secretly cursed, and its attacks can put people into a poisoned state, and occasionally cause them to fall into some kind of negative buff.

Fluorescent cat demon, a special type of white cat demon, can emit weak fluorescence to treat other cat demons.

In addition to these four types, it is not yet known whether there are other cat demons. After all, people who entered and exited the dungeon before have not explored other areas.

"dark jungle environment...good atSneak attack cat monster...Cat demons with different abilities..."

Luo Lingyu looked at this information and felt a slight movement in his heart. He couldn't help but think of an online game with eight million warriors in his previous life. He felt that these so-called cat monsters really looked like some of the monsters in that online game.

However, Luo Lingyu thought about these things for a while with divergent thinking. Although he didn't know how these so-called dungeons, secret realms and other special areas were formed, these are not important. What is important is that he can become stronger.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about these things too much. When you become stronger in the future, you will naturally know the truth of these things."

Shaking his head, Luo Lingyu came to his senses, picked up the key on the table, stood up and left the sofa. He also roughly figured out the relevant dungeon situation, so he had to start taking action next.~~~With the sound of locking the door, Luo Lingyu left the house straightforwardly, took the elevator to the parking lot on the first floor, found his little e-mule and drove directly towards the Mojiang Bridge Park.

Luo Lingyu's own book of souls contains animals and plants. In addition, there are also a large number of various supplies, medicines and other things placed in it, so Luo Lingyu does not need to prepare anything temporarily. thing.

When paying attention to the dungeon, Luo Lingyu pays more attention to things like the environment, monster types and monster characteristics in the dungeon. With the Book of Souls, a treasure that contains a small world, there is no need to waste time preparing for many things..

Jiangting Yaju itself is located on the edge of the Mojiang River. Even the distance from the Mojiang Bridge is not very far, so Luo Lingyu soon rode his little electric donkey to the edge of the park next to the Mojiang Bridge.

The parking was locked. At this time, there was already a large amount of people coming and going near the park. After all, there was a dungeon inside. Even if many people did not dare to enter the dungeon, they would come over very curiously to take a look.

"Come on, come on, I heard that someone went in again. I really don’t know why those people are so bold."

"Yes, yes, the dangers of this copy have been reported in the news before. I didn’t expect that so many people would continue to enter it now."

"Brother, do you think you don’t want to give it a try?"

"That's not true, but I haven't changed jobs yet. I want to wait until I find a strong job change before trying it."

"You also heard the voice last night. There will be an invasion of the abyss in a year. By then, it will affect the whole world. How could I not take advantage of this year to become stronger?"

"Hahaha, what this elder said is right, I think the same way. Unfortunately, none of the professions recommended by the experts from the national organization are to my liking."

"I only have one life, I don’t want to die young"

"Yes, that's the truth."

Besides, Luo Lingyu listened to the conversations of several passers-by and chose to follow them with a slight movement in his heart.

Although the dungeon was in the park, he suddenly forgot to pay close attention to the specific location of the dungeon when he was watching the news. It happened that these passers-by were about to pass by, so Luo Lingyu followed them silently.

After a while, following the passers-by in front of him, he quickly walked into the park and found the location of the dungeon.

At this moment, a large number of people were gathered here. In the center of the crowd, a group of soldiers were stationed and maintaining order.

In the center, a translucent ripple was revealed. In front of this translucent ripple, Luo Lingyu happened to see a few people stepping in. Go in.

Looking up, Luo Lingyu found that there was a light curtain above the translucent ripples.

【Cat Monster Forest】

【Level]: Black Iron Level

【Type]: copy

【Number of people]: single person

【Introduction]: There are a large number of bloodthirsty cat demons living in the cat demon jungle. They like to kill and secretly attack. The dark and lush jungle is an excellent nest and hunting place for them....

Within the light screen, the general information of the copy was displayed. Luo Lingyu looked at the introduction of the copy, thought for a moment, and then walked towards the corrugated gate of the copy.

Seeing another person walking towards the corrugated door of the copy, the people around him couldn't help but look over.

"Wow, this handsome guy is so handsome! And he has a good figure~~"

"Hey, hey, this beauty, please don’t be a nymphomaniac here, okay? Although he is really handsome, please pay attention to the occasion"

"Does this handsome guy also want to enter the dungeon? Hope he can come out safely!"

"Yes, yes, I hope this handsome guy can come out safely. Those who dare to enter the dungeon are warriors. Without them, we would not know the details inside."

"Alas, after all, we are also a little afraid of death. After all, we don’t dare to enter the dungeon."

"Stop talking, look, he's in."

On this side, Luo Lingyu followed the long-separated road directly to the ripple gate of the copy.

Under the gaze of the stationed soldiers and onlookers, Luo Lingyu stepped into the ripple gate and disappeared in an instant.

Stepping into the corrugated gate, Luo Lingyu felt his eyes go dark, and then light up again, and the surrounding environment had changed.


Without the slightest hesitation, the moment he entered, a buzzing sound sounded. , the Book of Souls flew out and revolved around Luo Lingyu's constant flight.

At the same time, with the sound of turning pages, vicious ghosts emerged at extremely fast speeds.

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