The moment Lin Yi opened the door, he was on the other side of the door, in the living room of Momang Palace.

Villette, Leosley, Clolinde, Shigwen, and Funina all moved in unison and turned to look at Lin Xin, who was walking out of the door carrying several cakes.

Villette stood up and narrowed his eyes slightly.

‘This person's clothing does not look like someone from Teyvat, nor does he look like someone from Xianzhou Luofu. It does look a bit like the style on the Starry Sky Train. '

Xigwen waved cutely towards Lin Xin

‘Hey, he looks young, he is a boy, and his body looks pretty good, he should be a healthy person, right? Don’t know what you like to eat? Leosley grinned at Lin Xin

‘Hey, this kid is quite tall, but a bit thin, but... he seems to be quite strong? Clolinde nodded to Lin Yi

‘A dangerous man, but with good intentions. '

Funina sat in her seat and looked motionless, but her eyes staring at the cake in Lin Qi's hand gave her away.

"Uh-huh~Welcome guests from far and wide to visit our Fontaine!"

Funina pointed to an empty chair:"Sit down quickly!"

Lin Yi closed the door and it disappeared immediately.

He walked towards the crowd with the cake in hand, with a very hearty smile on his face:

"It can be regarded as seeing the true appearance of the group of friends!"

Then he sat on the chair, took the cake out of the bag, and distributed it according to the number of people.

"Come, come, try cakes from another world! Then he looked at the Fontaine delicacies on the table and said with a smile:"Hey, I told you not to be so polite!""

Leosli joked:"I said, you have used up your once-in-a-lifetime flash, can you still go back to your world later?

Lin Xin waved his hand:"Hey, hey, hey, just to amuse the children in the group.""

Funina showed an awkward yet polite smile:"Ah hahaha~ I'll just say it~"

Villette on the side exposed Funina mercilessly:

"Ms. Funina was still saying just now that if you can't go back, we have to arrange a place for you."

"Ahem! Well, that was me kidding!"Funina was anxious, she was anxious!

She quickly changed the topic for herself and raised her wine glass:"Okay, everyone is here. Cheers to welcome Lin Yi!"

"cheers!", everyone raised their glasses.

Funina took a sip and couldn't wait to open the outer packaging of the cake sent by Lin Xin.

"Wow! nice! It smells great too! Not inferior to the small cakes I often eat!

Lin Qi smiled and said,"As long as you like it.""

Navilite didn't ask Lin Xin too much about the Yimen Sect. On the one hand, Lin Xin was a guest invited by Fengdan. On the other hand, with the blessing of the potion, Lin Xin's strength seemed to be very powerful. Navilite Wright was very cautious and did not mention it.

So he asked:"What plans does Mr. Lin Xin have for later?" If you want to visit Fontaine, we will arrange a professional tour guide for you, and Ms. Fonina and Ms. Clolind will also accompany you throughout the journey."

"Sorry, sorry I don't have much time today, the junction is still waiting for me to take the throne, maybe next time."

Lin Yi rejected Villette's kindness. Although it was great to have Funina and Clolind as company, he only had half an hour to drink the potion, so he might as well watch a few short videos here and then go back!

"Ascend to the throne?

Leosley raised his eyebrows:"What's the situation? Are you still a king?""

"No, our border area is now in chaos. Everyone is vying for the throne of King of Elden, and I am also participating. It is not that I am not humble, but that I am very close to this position now!"

That's really close.

The progress of the game has reached the door of Radagon. If it weren't for Lin Yi's handicap and difficulty in playing the soul, I'm afraid he would have reported the identity of the King of Elden today.

Everyone here Although they didn’t understand what the King of Elden was, they all respected him and sent their blessings.

"Wish you become the King of Elden soon!"

"I wish Mr. Lin Xin a successful start!"

"Remember to invite us then!

Lin Yi smiled and nodded:"It's easy to talk about, I'll definitely do it next time!""

Still inviting you?

The five of you back and forth are 10,000 resonance points!

I can only invite Funina at most!

After another drink and a piece of cake, Lin Yi said:"There is still some time, I will watch a few videos before leaving. , chat with everyone for a while."

Lin Yi put the mobile phone that was used to view short videos at home, and set it to turn on at a time to automatically refresh. Even if the mobile phone is not taken out, it will not be affected. If he takes it out, he will be suspected, and he is not stupid.

A group of people have called out their own Light curtain, around the table, watching short videos

【Mond has thousands of memes, and Wendy alone accounts for half of them!】


Funina tilted her head:"Who is he?""

Navilet said:"The bard from Mondstadt in the group."

Funina recalled Wendy's speech in the group:"Oh... him, is there anything special about him?"

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