in video. in the screen.

As Atreus rushed towards the fallen giant like a madman, he took out his mother's relic knife and pointed it at the giant's feet."——

Lin Yi stood behind Kratos and gently snapped his fingers.——

"Bang~" Atreus seemed to have fallen into some kind of madness, or into a state where he could not control his emotions. He stopped attacking the giant, and then dropped the knife in his hand to the ground. Atreus bent down and picked up his mother's knife with his face covered in blood, and looked at Kratos with some fear.

"I'm sorry...


I just……"

Kratos did not speak, but just walked forward and carefully checked Kratos's body.

When it was confirmed that Atreus was not injured,

Kratos looked into Atreus's eyes and said:

"You are not ready yet."

When Atreus heard this, he immediately asked angrily:


Why do you think I'm not ready?

I just helped you hit this mountain monster on the head!!!"

Well, this giant has a racial name.

It is indeed called a mountain monster.

However, Kratos shook his head and said word by word:

"You - not - yet - ready - ready——!!!"

"I'm ready!!!

I haven't been sick in a long time!!!

I can fight side by side with you!!!"

Atreus tightly held the bow Lin Xin gave him, and looked at Kratos tensely, trying his best to prove himself to Kratos.

But Kratos still said firmly:


Let's go home.

Don't talk about this anymore!!!"


Atreus wanted to say something more, but a big hand pressed on his head.

Lin Xin rubbed Atreus's hair and said:

"Your dad is doing this for your own good.

Let’s go home."

Then he bent down and whispered in Atreus's ear:

"I'll talk to your dad later, maybe he'll change his mind.

I'm your father's boss!!!

Back then, your father and I not only fought side by side to defeat the enemy, but also warmly entertained many goddesses together!!!"

"ah? ? ?"

Atreus's eyes widened.

His father entertained the goddess warmly???

He even knew the goddess???

No, no, no...

He entertained the goddess warmly???

I'm afraid Uncle Lin Xin was kidding me!!!

Just because of Kratos’ temper, shouldn’t he start a fight with the goddess directly???

That’s indeed a fight.……

"They didn't fight? ? ? Atreus asked curiously.

Lin Xin smiled, why was there no fight - the bed was about to be broken apart!!!

Then Lin Xin said mysteriously:

"Your father has a good relationship with the goddesses...

He soon became involved with the goddesses...

That night, the bed was creaking...


"Lin suspected!!!"

Kratos's ears are actually very sharp.

Even when he was walking in front, he heard what Lin Yi was saying to Atreus.

So he turned around, walked towards Lin Yi, and pushed Lin Yi away.——

"Lin suspected!!!

Stay away from my son!!!"

Lin Yi smiled and raised his hands slightly.——

"Yo yo yo~~~!!!" right!!!

It’s this incredibly mean expression!!!

Kratos couldn't wait to hit this face with two axes!!!

But he knew.

Hitting Lin Yi's face with an ax will only destroy the axe.

As for Lin Yi's face... there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!!!

Kratos didn’t even know how many times he sighed today.

"Let's go... go home."

Atreus' little eyes twisted, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He reluctantly walked behind Kratos.

Lin Xin stood in front of the body of the mountain monster for a few seconds, then waved his hand and A ball of blue flames covered the body, and instantly burned the body until no ashes were left.

Then the deer body was collected into the golden ripples, and followed the father and son away from here.

Along the way , both father and son were in a state of not talking much.

Atreus even said something directly when he saw Kratos going to check a place sealed by magic because there was no way to open the door.


"Still can't open this door?~~~"

""Ha" is so long!!!

Kratos is really good-tempered now.

Being choked by Atreus who was so angry and rebellious, he just said it with anger.——

"I said - shut up!!!"

It's so funny!!!

If this were the same as before, Mr. Kui would probably just slap him away!!!

I can only say that he is his own son after all, so he can't be angry, he can't be angry, he can't be angry!!!

So he looked at Lin Yi was laughing on the side, but

Kratos kicked him directly!!!

"fuck your mother……"

Lin Yi dodged and raised a middle finger to Kratos, which represented an international friendly gesture!!!

Atreus's eyes lit up as he learned, learned, learned!!!

When you see monsters in the future, do this gesture to them too!!!

The phrase"fuck you" is not bad either!!!

Gotta learn!!!

Fortunately, these petty thoughts are in Atreus's heart.

If Master Kui finds out,

Atreus will definitely be the unlucky one.


You ask why it is Atreus who is unlucky and not Lin Xin? ? ?

Laughing to death!!!

Mr. Kui can't do anything to Lin Yi!!!

People have their limits!!!

Lin Xin is no longer a human being!!!

Soon, after a group of people dealt with groups of enthusiastic undead warriors, violent wolves, and a frozen predator, the three finally rushed back home.

At this moment, the body of Kratos's wife , had been burned to ashes,

Kratos signaled Atreus to come into the house, took out a bag himself, squatted in front of the fire that was not completely extinguished, and put the ashes of his deceased wife into the bag bit by bit. While pretending, I said to Lin Yi, who was silent beside him:

"Her last wish was for me and Atreus to scatter her ashes on the highest mountain in the Nine Realms.……"

"Do I need to open any door? ? ?"

Lin Yi took out a pink door directly from his sleeves.

Kratos tied the seal of the bag tightly and said to Lin Yi:

"Send yourself in."

Then he got up and walked to his house.

Lin Xian raised his eyebrows and followed Kratos into the house.

Kratos ignored Lin Xin and walked towards Atreus, who was sitting on the bed and sulking..

Atreus touched the bow and two guns that Lin Xin gave him by the bedside, and said to himself while facing these weapons:

"That's not fair... he doesn't understand anything……"

Kratos looked at his son and said:

"You are out of control."

Atreus immediately defended:

"But that guy wants to kill us, wouldn't you also be angry when fighting?!!"

Kratos calmed down and said to Atreus:

"Anger can be a weapon, but you have to learn to control it and make good use of it!!!

Obviously you can't do it yet.

If it weren't for Lin Yi, how long would it have taken you to return to normal? ? ? if you lose……"

But Atreus said:

"I haven't been sick for a long time and

I'm much better now!!!"

"All right"?

Kratos knelt in front of Atreus and stretched out his hands.

"bring it on."

Atreus guessed:

"Do you want me to hit you?"

"Yes, give it a try."

Atreus swung his fist towards Kratos's open hand, but Kratos slapped it away.

"Ouch... what are you doing? ? ?"

Atreus covered his fists in pain, and

Kratos said:

"try again."

Then it's still the same.

As long as Atreus throws a punch, [] he will be slapped back by Kratos.

Atreus jumps up from the bed and says angrily:

"Why are you doing this to me? ? ?"

"Because you are too slow, come again!!!"

The result is obvious.

Atreus's incompetent rage is so worthless in the eyes of Kratos. Seeing Atreus staggering to the ground because he was avoided, Kratos grabbed him He was pulled up, looked into Acbe's eyes and said:

"Your anger... will make you lose control... the road ahead will be extremely difficult for you!!!"

Atreus didn't want to hear it, but Master Kui pulled him back again:

"Atreus... it's obvious you're not ready yet!!!"

At this moment, a scent of fragrance penetrated the noses of the father and son.

The two of them looked at the door of the house and saw that Lin Xin had placed half a roasted deer on the table at some point and was eating it with gusto.. Although the deer was roasted to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, it looked familiar, and Atreus's attention was immediately diverted:

"Hey... isn't this the deer I shot? ? ?"

Then he trotted to the table and was about to extend his hand, but was slapped away again by Kratos who came over.

Atreus clenched his small fist:

"What to do? ? ?"


Kratos pointed to the roof and could hear something flying by, and then there was a loud noise outside the house.

Atreus said in surprise:

"What is that sound? ? ?"

Lin Xin was about to speak.

Kratos motioned Lin Xin not to speak with his eyes, and then there was the sound of someone banging on the door.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"come out!!!

I know who you are……"

Atreus whispered:

"What's going you know him? ? ?"

Master Kui signaled Atreus to shut up, and the man's voice outside the door continued:

"More importantly...

I know your true identity!!!"

As soon as Kratos heard this, he immediately turned his head and whispered to Atreus:

"Children, hide underground……"

Then Kratos glanced at Lin Yi, who was still eating and eating as if nothing had happened, and changed his words:

"Lin Yi, protect Atreus and hide!!!"

Lin Yi raised his head

"you sure? ? ?"

"I am sure!!!"

Kratos lifted the carpet and opened the basement door.

"Come on in,

I'll take care of it!!!"


Lin Xin put away the venison, lifted Atreus with one hand, jumped into the basement, and then looked at Kratos:

"Don't worry,

I'll bring Atreus to Dua.~~~!!!"

"What? ? ?"

Kratos obviously didn't understand, but he still closed the basement door, re-layed the carpet, walked to the door, and opened the door - at this time, the video stopped abruptly.

Who was outside the door?

Answer What will happen next?

What will Lin Yi do?

What will Kratos and Atreus and his son do next?

I don’t know.

Because the video is over

【Su Shang: Huh? ? ?】

【March 7: No more? ? ?】

【Funina: Is this gone? ? ?】

【Ying: At least let us know who is outside the door!!!】

【Star: The person outside the door seems to know Kratos’s identity? ? ?】

【Hutao: Is it an enemy? ? ?】

【Arataki Yidou: Are you here to seek revenge? ? ?】

【Paimon: What does it mean to be a dua? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: You are still too young……】

【Lin Yi: Promise me……】

【Lin Yi: Don’t ask this kind of question in the future, okay? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: It’s true】

【Lin Yi: I want to work with Funina, Shen He, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, and Ruan Meideng.】

【Fu Xuan:? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: What do you mean? ? ?】

【Shen He: OK】

【Ruan Mei: Oh? ?】

【Funina: What do you mean?!!】

【Funina: This is such a handsome man!!!】

【Lin Yi: It means making friends】

【Funina: Do you think I will believe your lies?!!】

【Funina: Right】

【Funina: Lin Yi. Who is knocking on the door? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: I know】

【Lin Yi: But I just won’t tell you】

【Lin Yi: Hehe~】

【Funina: Damn it!!!】

【Fu Xuan: Do you want to give up on this? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: What are you talking about?】

【Lin Yi: I am here to raise your expectations!!!】

【Lin Yi: I want to know what happened next……】

【Lin Yi: Let’s hear the explanation next time!!!】

【Xing: Who knows when I will be able to watch the follow-up videos!!!】

【March 7: That’s it……】

【March 7: I remember half a month ago……】

【March 7: Didn’t you catch a short video explaining the movie? ? ?】

【March 7: Only half of the story!!!】

【March 7: The remaining half has not been obtained until now!!!】

【Hutao: I have an impression……】

【Bennett: I remember if it was called"Inception"》???】

【Kamisato Ayato: It seems that is indeed the name……】

【Qingque: Ah...I remember it too……】

【Qingque: It seems like it ends when the male protagonist forms a team?】

【Jing Yuan: Indeed】

【March 7: I don’t know when the next brush will be.……】

【Xing: Lin Yi, you’d better tell us.】

【Star: Who is knocking at the door?】

【Xing: Otherwise I might not be able to sleep well tonight】

【Lin Yi: You can't sleep well tonight? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Then I’ll be relieved!!!】

【Stars: 6!!!】

【Lin Yi: I’ll get it sooner or later.】

【Lin Yi: Don’t be anxious, everyone!!! 】


Although Lin Yi knew who was knocking at the door, he really didn't know what the plot was going to be like.

After all, who knows how the system will be programmed.

Not much was revealed in this video.

Anyway, Lin Yi saw that he had the king's treasure.

As for whether the contents of the King's Treasure are complete,

Lin Yi doesn't know.

After all, the empty King's Treasure is not expensive in the system mall.

Although Lin Yi feels that it is not worth the price, it is undeniable that

Birds eat crickets when this thing is opened!

Maybe you can consider collecting resonance points for a few days and buy one? After all, it is also great to constantly improve the mistakes you have made in the group. By now. The friends in the group had no doubts about Lin Yi's identity. After all, if Lin Yi should be banned, he would still be banned. Should you be pranked by a short video, you will still be pranked. It's just that the frequency is relatively low. But this is normal. After all, there are still a lot of people in the group who haven’t been pranked!.

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