In the chat group.

The reaction given by Deinsreib.

Yingmei has a guess

【Ying: So... you know my brother?】

【Deinsreib: Because of some serendipitous reasons……】

【Dainsreb: On my quest for revenge……】

【Dainthreb: I did travel with your blood relatives for a while.】

【Deinsreib: It’s just that our philosophies differed later.……】

【Deinsreib: This led to my parting ways with him……】

【Lin Yi: Got it】

【Hutao: What do you know?】

【Lin Xin: Dainsreib is a great Paimon】

【Paimon: Huh?】


【Star: Laughing to death!!!】

【Star: Big Paimon is too appropriate!!!】

【Ying: I admit I was a little bit laughed at……】

【Paimon: So I'm little Dainsreb?】

【Deinsreib; boring】

【Deinsreib: I also know the answers to your three questions.】

【Dainschreib: I should go to Mondstadt in the near future】

【Deinsreib: If fate……】

【Dainsreb: Let's meet in Mondstadt】

【Ying: Recently? ? ?】

【Ying: How recent is it? ? ?】

【Ying: Give me a specific time!!!】

【Deinsreib: Are you busy? ? ?】

【Ying: That must be very busy!!!】

【Deinsreib: I see you are in the group every day……】

【Deinsreib: Are you sure you're really busy? ? ?】

【Ying: That's what Paimeng said for me after he put my number on it.】

【Ying: After all, you know】

【Ying: Actually I have always been mute】

【Ying: And Paimon is my mouth of god】

【Paimon:? ? ?】


【Deinsreib: I retract my preamble……】

【Deinsreib: Actually you and him……】

【Deinsreib: Not at all.……】

【Deinsreib: In short, within the last month】

【Dainsreib: I will be there in Mondstadt】

【Ying: OK】

【Ying: If someone let someone’s pigeon go……】

【Lin Yi: No one has a mother】


【Ying: That's doesn't have to be like this.……】

【Ying: What I actually want to say is……】

【Ying: Whoever lets go of someone else’s pigeon will be invited to dinner next time】

【Gui Naifen: What if we keep flying pigeons?】

【Lin Yi: Then who doesn’t have parents?】

【Fluorescence: 717……】

【Ying: Let’s change the topic】

【Ying: I’m afraid that this topic will continue……】

【Deinsreib: No problem】

【Deinsreib: I really don’t have parents right now】

【Lin Yi:……】

【Lin Yi: I have to admit……】

【Lin Yi: Now your humor is better than mine】

【Deinsreib: But of course I won’t break the appointment】

【Ying: Me too!!!】

【Ying: I will never give anyone a chance to treat me to dinner!!!】

【Ying: You have no idea how much it costs to raise a Paimon!!!】

【Su Shang: I suddenly became afraid!!!】

【Su Shang: How about Lin Xin, please show mercy and help me?】

【Su Shang: I’m just a cloud cavalry soldier】

【Su Shang: There is no way Paimeng can live a good life with his wealth.】

【Su Shang: Please send Paimon back to Ying!!!】

【Ying: No, no, no!!!】

【Ying: The promised punishment of one week……】

【Ying: How can you give up!!!】

【Ying: Beware of the narrow-minded light curtain, your punishment will be doubled!!!】

【Su Shang: Oh!!!】

【Su Shang: It will be doubled!!!】

【Su Shang: Then I’d better grit my teeth and persevere!!!】

【Lin Yi: Wow!!!】

【Lin Yi: Such a cute Paimon……】

【Lin Yi: You actually still dislike it! ?!】

【Lin Yi: Isn’t Paimon delicious?!!】

【Paimon: Ahhh!!!】

【Paimon: Lin Yi!!!】

【Paimon: I'm really angry!!!】

【Su Shang: Don't be afraid, Paimon, I won't eat you!!!】

【Su Shang: Alright!!!】

【Su Shang: Under the leadership of this girl, all obstacles here have been perfectly cleared!!!】

【Su Shang: Danheng, Rakshasa】

【Su Shang: I will send you to a safe place right away!!!】

【Rakshasa: Thank you Miss Su Shang】

【Dan Heng: don’t have to worry about me.】

【Su Shang: How can that be done?!!】

【Su Shang: Group friends are friends】

【Su Shang: Friends should help each other!】

【Su Shang: Okay, it’s useless to say more.】

【Su Shang: Let’s go!!! 】

And this time.

The title of the next video.

Also refreshed

【Immortal Boat Tongjian: Five Dragons Migrating Far Away】

【Fu Xuan: Oh?】

【Fu Xuan: This time it’s a video about our Fairy Boat Alliance?】

【Jingyuan: Five dragons migrate far away……】

【Jingyuan: Could it be that he is referring to the Immortal Boat Vidyadhara (dbda) clan?】

【March 7: Why five dragons?】

【Fu Xuan: Probably referring to the five Dragon Lords?】

【Esta: Didn’t I remember there were six fairy boats?】

【Esta: Why are there only five Dragon Lords?】

【Bai Lu: There is no Dragon Lord in Xianzhou Xuling】

【Xier: Why?】

【Jing Yuan: Xianzhou Xuling is quite special】

【Fu Xuan: I remember talking to Yu Kong before】

【Fu Xuan: Until now……】

【Fu Xuan: We don’t know where Xianzhou Xuling is.】

【Lin Yi: The ship of your Fairy Boat Alliance……】

【Lin Yi: But you don’t know?】

【Lin Yi: Is Xuling Immortal Boat so mysterious?】

【Jingyuan: Every time Xianzhou Xuling contacted me, he would only say: everything is normal.】

【Jingyuan: As for what is normal and how to define it?……】

【Jing Yuan: I’m afraid only they themselves know】

【Navilette: The general of Xulingxianzhou, I remember his honorific title is Youwu】

【Villette: Don’t General Jingyuan and General Youwu have any contact with each other?】

【Jing Yuan: Apart from the Six Imperial Meetings, generally speaking, there is basically no daily contact.】

【Jing Yuan: In short, everything about Xianzhou Xuling is special in the Xianzhou Alliance.】

【March 7: Then it seems that this video will be a serious video about the five Dragon Lords.】

【Xingqiu: He actually played three serious videos one after another? ? ?】

【Kuki Shinobu: Is this still the light curtain we are familiar with?】

【Black Tower: Could it be that the mastermind behind the light curtain has changed?】

【Star: So strange!!!】

【Lin Yi: The seriousness of the light screen makes me feel sick!!!】

【Lin Su was banned for five minutes】

【Paimon: What a joy!!!】

【Funina: Hahaha!!!】

【Jing Yuan: It seems that someone who insults the light screen may be punished】

【Xing: Is it okay to curse in your heart?】

【March 7: Would you like to try it?】

【Star was banned for five minutes】

【March 7: Ah this……】

【Ying: Can’t you just curse in your heart? ? ?】

【Paimon: Come on, try it!!!】

【Ying: Do you think I’m stupid? ? ?】

【March 7: The case is solved】

【March 7: Maybe the Happy Star God Aha is not banned because he is a happy person】

【March 7: But he was banned because he insulted the light curtain】

【Black Tower: Superficial】

【Black Tower: Coming to this conclusion only shows that your understanding of the Happy Star God Aha is not deep enough.】

【Black Tower: Maybe he doesn’t care at all】

【Heita: And I also think:——】

【Heita: Ouch?】

【Black Tower: Can this light screen silence me?】

【Black Tower: This is so fun!!!】

【Screwgum: Correct】

【Screwgum: Logic: The behavior of the Happy Star God is confusing】

【Paimon: There are more unknown friends in the group!!! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Heita: Oh?】

【Heita: It’s actually you】

【Black Tower: You are here】

【Heita: Does that mean other people from the club are also there?】

【Screwgum: There's a good chance they're here too】

【Screwgum: Logic: If you don’t speak, your ID will not be displayed in the group.】

【Esta: It’s Mr. Screwgum!!!】

【Esta: It's an honor to meet you!!!】

【Screwgum: It’s also my pleasure, Miss Esther】

【Xiangling: Does this group member have a strong background?】

【Himeko: Of course it’s big】

【Himeko: In our universe, there is a club that gathers the strongest geniuses in the universe.】

【Heita: Jizi, please don’t say that stupid name.】

【Himeko: Okay……】

【Himeko: In short, all members of this club have received invitations from Bo Shizun, the star god of wisdom.】[]

【Ji Zi; Mr. Screwgum and Miss Black Tower are two of them】

【Walter Young: There are so many geniuses in the vast universe】

【Walter Young: But only the geniuses in the club can be called true geniuses.】

【Walter Young: Since the club was founded, there are only 84 members.】

【Black Tower: Of these 84 people, very few are alive】

【March 7: Are they all dying of old age?】

【Black Tower: No, except for a few cases where people die of old age……】

【Black Tower: Most of them were probably killed by Polka Kakamu.】

【Black Tower: A mysterious woman】

【Black Tower: Once destroyed his own portraits and sculptures across the universe】

【Black Tower: Although there is no news now……】

【Heita: But I feel like she’s peeking at the screen right now】

【March 7: I really don’t understand the world of geniuses……】

【Black Tower: No need to understand】

【Black Tower: We're all total weirdos】

【Heita: Even myself, I don’t deny that I am a weirdo】

【Black Tower: The only one who can be called a good person is Screwgum, right?】

【Screwgum: Thank you】

【Black Tower: In addition to studying the simulated universe and Star God, I am also interested in this light curtain.】

【Black Tower: What a pity……】

【Black Tower: Even this genius has made little progress for the time being.】

【Black Tower: This light curtain feels like a higher-dimensional existence】

【Black Tower: It is more advanced than the existence of Star God】

【Black Tower: But……】

【Heita: Take your time】

【Heita: I have plenty of time】

【Xingqiu: Is Miss Heita also a species of immortality?】

【Black Tower: I am human】

【Esta: Ms. Black Tower is a genuine human being】

【Esta: Ms. Black Tower solved the solitary wave algorithm problem and the Spark model conjecture when she was young.】

【Esta: Discovered the transformation method of Sigma baryons when she was young】

【Esta: Proposed the Black Tower sequence in middle age and published a paper on rejuvenation】

【Esta: Then in old age, Ms. Black Tower regained her youth.】

【Esta: Unraveling the mystery of the overflow phenomenon of imaginary numbers again during her second youth】

【Esta: Then capture the alien core and seal it】

【Esta: Ms. Black Tower has saved her hometown Azure Star from the crisis of destruction nineteen times so far, and paid homage to the Star God twice.】

【Esta: Don’t look at me as the director of the Black Tower Space Station……】

【Esta: Actually, the entire Black Tower Space Station is the property of Ms. Black Tower.】

【Esta: The employees of the space station are all here because of Ms. Black Tower.】

【Heita: Okay, okay, stop talking.】

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: No wonder he can make such exquisite and perfect dolls】

【Funina: Did you make the doll according to Black Tower yourself?】

【Heita: Otherwise?】

【Heita: This is based on how I looked when I was a kid……】

【Heita: Compared with me when I was a child, it’s almost 70% similar.】

【Lin Yi: She is so beautiful!!!】

【Star: She is so beautiful!!!】

【March 7: I released you two, right?】

【Lin Yi: You gave Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun a doll.……】

【Lin Yi: Give me one too】

【Star: I want it too!!!】

【Heita: Go, go, what do you think of my doll?】

【Lin Yi: Specialty of Black Tower Space Station】

【Black Tower:……】

【Black Tower: Lin Yi】

【Heita: Frankly speaking, I am very interested in you】

【Black Tower: Although your life structure appears to be the same as ours on the Azure Planet,】

【Black Tower: But inside, he doesn’t look like a human being at all】

【Black Tower: That is undoubtedly a higher level of life】

【Black Tower: If you would let me study you……】

【Heita: It’s okay to give you one.】

【Heita: And, maybe……】

【Black Tower: There is also a member of the club who is also very interested in you.】

【Lin Yi: No, I’m leaving.】

【Heita: Maybe this guy is also in the group】

【Heita: Based on what I know about you, you will definitely agree when you see her.】

【Lin Yi: Am I, Lin Yi, this kind of person? ? ?】

【March 7: Okay, okay, let’s watch the video】

【March 7; This is about dragons!!!】

【March 7: I remember in the previous video, Dan Heng was actually a dragon, right?】

【Dan Heng:……】

【Dan Heng:...I don’t know】

【Dan Heng: But I am from the Vidyadhara clan】

【Dan Heng: Theoretically speaking, I am indeed a dragon】

【Dan Heng: But I am the reincarnation】

【Dan Heng: So I don’t know what kind of person I was in my last life.】

【Blade: Humph!!!】

【Blade: Danheng……】

【Blade: You shouldn’t think……】

【Blade: After reincarnation, all your past can be wiped out, right?】

【Dan Heng:……】

【Blade: There are five people……】

【Blade: There is a price……】

【Lin Yi: Okay, okay】

【Lin Yi: There are five people and three prices. Blade, you are one of them!!!】



【Blade: Yeah……】

【Blade: I am one of them too……!!!】

【Blade: Aren’t they all given by Yin Yue? ? ?】

【March 7: So what happened to you in the past?】

【Hutao: I want to know too!!!】

【Funina: Could it be that some brothers turned against each other?】

【Lin Yi: What opera plot?】

【Lin Yi: Dan Heng and Ren must have fallen in love with the same girl in their previous lives!!!】


【Dan Heng:……】

【Kafka: Huh? ?】

【Silver Wolf: 666!!】

【Jing Yuan: Ah this? ? ? 】

The mirror flow lurking on the fairy boat Luofu.

When I saw this sentence, I originally wanted to raise a series of question marks.

But he held it back forcefully.

You can’t expose yourself in the group!!

I must hold back!!

My plan... hasn't started yet... can't be disturbed……

【Lin Yi: What is your reaction? ?】

【Jing Yuan: What kind of speculation are you making? ?】

【Kafka: Lin Qi, please stop irritating Ah Ren.】

【Kafka: Ah Ren’s demon body is almost unstoppable】

【Lin Yi: Stop pressing it. It’s hopeless. Just wait to die.】

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